Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1374 Wealthy Marriage 1302

C1374 Wealthy Marriage 1302

  "The appointed time should be observed." Ye Nianmo frowned without raising his head.    

  Ye Bo translated. The man at the door mumbled to himself for a while, then hung up the phone, "Mr Ye, we haven't thought this through properly. We are willing to relax under the original terms."    

  Relaxation means profitability, which is extremely attractive to a businessman.    

  Ye Nianmo stood up and straightened his sleeves. He glanced at the phone on the table and then left without looking back.    

  The moment he closed the door, the screen on his phone lit up.    

  Ding Yiyi's hand that was holding the phone kept trembling. The busy tone coming from the phone made her mind go blank until a familiar yet cold voice came through. "The user you dialed is temporarily unable to connect."    

  Desperate, she was about to call Police Department C when she heard Ao Xue's shrill scream.    

  The sound was as if someone was stepping on a cat's tail. She didn't care that much as she climbed out of the dryer and ran outside.    

  The man dragged Ao Xue's feet down the stairs. Ao Xue waved her hands in a flurry. Every time she hit the stairs with her back, she let out a sharp scream.    

  "Let her go!" Trembling, Ding Yiyi picked up the vase on the railing, but suddenly dropped her hand after the man placed his axe on Ao Xue's stomach.    

  "Don't hurt her, I have money, a lot of money." Ding Yiyi stared at the man's arm, "I have a lot of money, do you know the international shopping mall? "It was opened by my husband. We will give you as much money as you want!"    

  The man listened to her in silence. After a while, he impatiently said, "All you rich people know is money! Do you have the money to make my son come back? That quack doctor treated my son to death and nothing happened. I was just avenging my son's life, what's wrong with that! "    

  He waved his arm in excitement. The sharp knife danced across Ao Xue's lower abdomen. She didn't dare to move, and could only silently shed tears.    

  "Calm down first. We're both going to die anyway. Tell me, how about I find a reporter for you and tell them so they can give your son justice!"    

  She spoke without thinking twice in order to distract the man, but the man's eyes flashed, "Right, you're right. If you go find me a reporter, if you don't tell me, I'll kill you and then commit suicide!"    

  Ding Yiyi quickly nodded. She took out her cell phone and called Ye Chuqing, "Journalist Ye, right, I'm Yiyi. I want you to come to my house. There's news here."    

  After hanging up, she quickly raised her hands. "Calm down, they'll be here soon."    

  Ye Family? Ye Chuqing looked at her phone in confusion as she muttered, "Sister-in-law, did you call the wrong number?"    

  "Did something happen?" Hai Zhuoxuan, who was about to leave, realized that he forgot to bring the Car key and could only return.    

  Ye Chuqing shook her head. "Sister-in-law seems to have made the wrong call. She called me, called Reporter Ye, and even asked me to come to her house to interview her."    

  Hai Zhuoxuan listened seriously, "Let's make another call and ask."    

  Ye Chuqing did as she was told, but when she realized that the other party was not answering her, both of their hearts were a little worried.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan immediately made a decision, "I'll go take a look."    

  "I'll go with you!" Ye Chuqing hurriedly told the servants beside her to take care of Hai Ziyu, then followed behind Hai Zhuoxuan and rushed to Ding Yiyi's home.    

  They did not know how many red lights they had passed, but the original distance of more than an hour had been reduced to half an hour. The front door of Ding Yiyi's house was quiet and the door was shut tight.    

  "Look." Ye Chuqing pointed at the glass shards on the floor, her expression full of worry.    

  "Wait for me here. Call the police if you have any questions." Hai Zhuoxuan said as he held her shoulders.    

  Ye Chuqing was about to say that she would go with him, but she was intimidated by his serious expression. She could only look at him blankly. The previous feeling of wholeheartedly trusting him suddenly appeared.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan pressed down on her shoulder heavily, "Be good and call the police if you feel that something is not right."    

  He rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened. Ding Yiyi appeared half way behind the door.    

  "Hello, is there any news interview today?" Ye Chu vaguely heard Hai Zhuoxuan's voice.    

  "We need the help of the news media!" Ding Yiyi shouted as she slammed the door shut.    

  Ye Chuqing, who had been hiding in the corner, promptly called the police. After she finished her short report with the police, she hastily called Ye Nianmo.    

  There was no answer, so she had to send him a message instead.    

  In the hotel room at the bottom of the sea, the door was gently pushed open, and two sexy ladies with grace and grace walked in.    

  Not long later, a voice came from the door, "Help me book a plane ticket back to China as soon as possible."    

  Ye Nianmo pushed open the door and walked into the room. His mind was full of Ding Yiyi. This time, due to the cold war, he didn't have the time to tell her that he was here on a business trip. He actually used such a boring trick.    

  He hurriedly entered his room to rest. However, he was slightly stunned when he passed by the sofa.    

  The two seductive women on the sofa displayed all sorts of postures. Their towering breasts and perky hips seemed to be seducing something.    

  The foreign woman stood up and wrapped herself around Ye Nianmo's chest like a water snake.    

  Except for the initial slight pause, Ye Nianmo quickly calmed down. He pushed away the two women who were almost hanging on his body, turned around and went to the table to press the internal line.    

  "JACK, what's going on? I need to explain." he asked gravely.    

  A low laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Director Ye, this is the way our boss apologizes to you. Those are the two most popular models in our country."    

  After hanging up, a foreign woman sat down on the table. Her long legs were wrapped in black stockings. She saw that Ye Nianmo was staring at her butt and his expression was even more charming.    

  "Get up." Ye Nianmo said.    

  She got up and gently caressed the waist of the man in front of her. The man in a suit picked up the phone on the table, while his expression changed drastically after reading the information inside.    

  He pushed the woman away and dialed the number. "What's the situation now?"    

  Zhuoxuan has been pretending to be a reporter inside, and the son of the man inside was diagnosed and killed by the doctor in the hospital. Zhuoxuan had been pretending to be a journalist, and the son of a man in the hospital was diagnosed and treated to death by the doctor in the hospital.    

  Ye Chuqing spoke a lot in one breath, and one could faintly hear the noise coming from the receiver.    

  Ye Nianmo frowned, "Now give me that doctor's name and all the information you can get."    

  The two foreign women only knew that the handsome man in front of them had been talking on the phone all this time, yet he had turned a blind eye to them.    

  "One minute." Ye Nianmo swept a cold glance at the two of them and then sat down on the chair. His slender fingers seemed to knock on the table.    

  The two women looked at each other until the cold voice said, "45 seconds."    

  "Let's go." One of the women nodded to the other woman, and the two hurriedly put on their coats and walked out the door.    


  "I want to expose these unscrupulous doctors. My child is just having a fever, I didn't expect that after the infusion he would have a headache and vomit, and these doctors even said that they were fine!" My son is only five years old, and he's gone. I just want to make that doctor pay with his life! " The man angrily raised the axe in his hand.    

  "Calm down first. Now that the reporters are here, they will definitely help you." Hai Zhuoxuan took a step forward. Seeing how excited the other party was, he quickly took another step back.    

  "Let Ao Xue go, I'll stay." Ding Yiyi had been in a tight spot for a long time, and her body was dehydrated, so she just kept repeating the same words.    

  The man waved the axe in his hand and thought for a while before slowly nodding, "Alright, I'll let her go. This is my sincerity. I want you to find the last doctor."    

  He slapped Ao Xue's back with the cross section of his axe. "You, go over there!"    

  Ao Xue trembled as she stood up from the ground. The group of people looked at her anxiously, but she actually calmed down.    

  If that man hurt Ding Yiyi at this moment, then it had nothing to do with her, a mentally ill person.    

  She was halfway to her destination when she suddenly screamed and squatted on the ground. She turned her head and said to Ding Yiyi with tears in her eyes, "Sister, didn't you say that you would go with me?"    

  "You lied to me! The man's eyes turned red. The veins on his arm that was holding the axe had disappeared. He raised the axe, and the scene was filled with cries of shock.    

  Ding Yiyi closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come. "Wait!" she shouted from the door.    

  Ye Chuqing ran in with the phone. "Calm down!" The doctor is here! "    

  "You lied to me! He's been hiding for a long time, how could he possibly arrive in such a short time! " The man had lost his mind. He raised the axe in his hand and was about to cut Ding Yiyi's back.    

  "If your knife falls, your wife and the child in her womb will be destroyed." A calm voice suddenly came from the phone.    

  That voice was like the command given by a general on a battlefield, causing everyone to pay close attention.    

  The man stopped abruptly. "Who are you! What did you just say!? "    

  Ye Chuqing wanted to step forward, but was immediately pulled back by Hai Zhuoxuan into his arms. He angrily said, "What are you doing here!"    

  "Doctor! Quick, let him in! " Ye Chuqing yelled anxiously towards the door.    

  A middle-aged man was dragged in by two strong men. When he saw the man, he helplessly shouted, "It's my fault. I'll give you guys money as compensation!"    

  "I don't want your money, I want you dead!" The man brandished the axe in his hand, his eyes brimming with intense hatred.    

  "His son and your son are classmates. Your son was bullied at school, and it was his son who helped." The voice on the other end of the phone was still faint, devoid of any emotion, as if it was talking about business.    

  After hearing about his son, the man began to calm down. His expression was not as excited as before, but instead filled with tears. "He's a good kid. He even said that he was going to run for class monitor next semester. But he just left like that."    

  "If you kill someone, you won't receive a single cent of the compensation. Your second child and your wife will be in an even more difficult situation. Don't you want to help them?"    

  As Ding Yiyi heard Ye Nianmo's voice, the initial fear in her heart faded. She didn't know where he was and why he didn't appear now. However, she felt a lot more at ease.    

  "What should I do?" The man mumbled to himself as if deep in thought.

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