Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1377 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1305

C1377 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1305

Inside the cruise ship's bar, Ye Nianmo was standing inside the bar with blue and yellow lights shining on his cocktail utensils. The surroundings were very quiet, with Ye Bo standing not far away.    


Seeing Ding Yiyi, Ye Bo led her to the bar. The moment she sat down, she handed over a blue cocktail.    


"I have something to ask you." Ding Yiyi looked into his eyes.    


Ye Nianmo seemed to be in a good mood. He wiped his finger that had been touched by the wine and said, "Hmm?"    


Ding Yiyi took a deep breath. "Where were you just now?"    


"Here." Ye Nianmo answered concisely. A hint of doubt appeared in his eyes as he looked at her, "What's wrong?"    


She breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to open the door for him when she saw one of the men walk in, looking a bit embarrassed.    


"Get out!" Ye Nianmo suddenly ordered the man at the door in annoyance. The man quickly left.    


Ding Yiyi stared at the man's figure while thinking about something else. Ye Nianmo didn't even need her to do what he wanted to do. He had so many people under his command.    


Ye Nianmo felt that she was in a bad mood and wanted to reach out his hand to comfort her, but Ding Yiyi raised her hand to comfort him.    


As Ye Nianmo recalled the melodious voice in the air, both of them were stunned. Ye Nianmo was the first to recover from his shock.    


He walked up to Ding Yiyi and looked down at her. His slender fingers gently grasped her cheeks as he spoke with a voice that seemed to contain a layer of mist. "Tell me, what happened?"    


She was so enchanted by his focused expression and his gentle words that she almost said what she was thinking.    


Someone was passing just outside the bar, and the sound of her voice was like raindrops falling into a river, rippling on the surface. She came back to herself, her eyes clear.    


Ye Nianmo looked a little disappointed. He pulled her up and sat on the seat that she was sitting on and then pressed her down on his lap, "Speak properly."    


"Do you hate Ao Xue?" Ding Yiyi said after a moment of silence.    


Ye Nianmo answered without hesitation, "No," he paused before continuing, "I am not interested in wasting my emotions on people I don't care about."    


"Did you want to take her away from me?" Ding Yiyi continued to ask.    


Ye Nianmo nodded again, "Yes."    


"I know." Ding Yiyi smiled at him, but her smile was cut short before it reached her eyes.    


The corner of her mouth was pressed down by Ye Nianmo's thumb, "If you don't want to laugh, then don't force yourself."    


"Young Master, the bureau chief is here." Ye Bo walked to his side and said.    


Ding Yiyi took the opportunity to say, "I'll take Ao Xue back and wait for you."    


Looking at her figure that ran away in a panic, Ye Nianmo's expression turned darker and darker.    


Ao Xue fell asleep while changing her clothes. The assistant was always by her side, so she didn't want her to run around. Ding Yiyi just gave her a room and prepared to go back to Ye Nianmo.    


"How's it going?" Ye Nianmo's voice sounded.    


Ding Yiyi looked through the door. It was the man who had run away in a panic. She walked closer to him.    


"I failed, but I will find another opportunity." When the man's voice rang out, there was a long silence.    


Ding Yiyi could no longer bear to listen any longer. She ran off in a fluster. When she returned to her room, she hastily patted Ao Xue to wake her up.    


Ao Xue hadn't slept at all this time, so she naturally took in Ding Yiyi's panicked expression. She knew that this was her own time to perform.    


"No, don't come over here! Please!" Her eyes were closed, but her expression was one of horror.    


Ding Yiyi rushed forward and pressed her flailing arms down as she called out softly, "Little Snow, wake up?"    


The person with closed eyes finally opened them, but they were already brimming with tears. She looked at Ding Yiyi. "Someone tried to harm me, was it because I wasn't obedient?" She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, clutching her hair with both hands.    


Ding Yiyi felt both guilty and upset by her actions. She rushed forward to grab her hand, disregarding everything else. "Don't be afraid, I won't let anyone hurt you."    


She took Ao Xue home and soothed her to sleep, but she kept her eyes open until the door was gently opened.    


Ye Nianmo walked to her bedside, bent over to give her a kiss and tucked her in before quietly going to the bathroom.    


She opened her eyes and looked numbly at the wall in the darkness. She had clearly felt his kiss for many days and nights. He thought she was asleep, but who knew how many times she had held on just to wait for that kiss.    


Not long after, the bathroom door opened and Ye Nianmo walked out with the faint smell of shower gel. The bed slightly caved in and the sound of books being flipped could be heard.    


Ding Yiyi had her back to him, and she knew that he must be frowning as he concentrated on his book. Her left index finger was pressed against the corner of the book, and she knew his habits like the back of her hand.    


Not long later, the sounds of wood colliding with books resounded on the table. Soon after, she felt something tighten around her waist as she was pulled into a warm embrace.    


Her neck rubbed against it, and then her breathing grew longer. She kept her eyes closed, her mind as clear as if she didn't know what sleep was.    


Occasionally, the stiffness of her body would force her to move her arms or legs. At this moment, Ye Nianmo, who had already fallen asleep, would habitually pat her back as if she was subconsciously comforting him.    


She cried, her tears soaking the nightgown on his chest, until the tears evaporated, leaving only sadness.    


The next day, the sun lazily shone through the sea-blue curtains into the room. The pure white blanket was divided into two different colors.    


She hadn't slept the entire night. There was a faint sense of exhaustion under her eyes. Listening to the rhythmic ringing of the alarm clock, she slowly recited in her heart, "1, 2, 3, 4 …"    


When he said "5", the man beside him moved, then deliberately suppressed the sound of the door opening and the sound of the water.    


Not long later, the door opened. She could feel his figure stopping in front of her. She could feel the might from his voice gently brush past her ears, making the man's words, 'Good morning', sound so memorable.    


He left with a clean and decisive air, leaving a faint fragrance in the air.    


Ding Yiyi stood up. The moment she put on her clothes, Ao Xue rushed in with a doll in her arms. Her eyes were filled with fear. "He's still alive, I want to hide!"    


"Don't be afraid!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly comforted her, and the servant ran in. After a few words, she was finally persuaded to leave.    


Ding Yiyi powerlessly clung to the table. She felt like she was going crazy between Ye Nianmo and Ao Xue. She sat there for a long time like a statue.    


After several hours had passed, she suddenly stood up. She first walked around the room, her hands occasionally sticking into her pockets before pulling them out.    


She pulled out her cell phone and, for the first time, ordered the driver, "Get me a law firm."    


When she was sitting in the law office, it was already close to the afternoon. The gentle assistant poured her a cup of water, then kindly closed the door for her.    


"You want to ask for a divorce?" A middle-aged man's eyes swept over Ding Yiyi like an eagle. "Do you know how much wealth you have?" If I can, I'd like to have an assessment of your assets first. "    


"My husband is Ye Nianmo." Ding Yiyi said lightly.    


The middle-aged man's expression suddenly became solemn. "You mean the Ye Group Group …"    


Seeing Ding Yiyi nod, the man stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Ding. I'll take the liberty of leaving. Please wait a moment."    


After the middle-aged man left, another man in his fifties walked in.    


"Hello, my surname is Chen. I'm a gold medal lawyer in this law firm. I've been working divorce cases all year round, so I'm sure I can help you."    


He sat down confidently. "Next we need to make an assessment of your assets and those of your husband. It would be better for us if we had an affair."    


"I want to ask for a divorce, but what I'm going to do is do a fair job. I'm willing to give up all my property." Ding Yiyi looked at him and said one word at a time.    


The lawyer's expression changed, he didn't understand, "Why is that, Miss Ding? If it's the other party's fault, then we can fight for it. After all, you have to consider your future."    


He was eager to convince Ding Yiyi, but he was disappointed to find that there was no desire for property in her eyes.    


"Miss Ding, please forgive my bluntness, but why did you divorce your husband?"    


Ding Yiyi stood up and said, "There's no reason for that. Those who need my cooperation, please tell me what the procedures are."    


When Ding Yiyi came out of the law firm, she held a white piece of paper in her hand.    


She had already signed it. As long as Ye Nianmo also signed it, then everything would come to an end.    


The chauffeur had been waiting outside the house. When he saw her come out, he immediately went up to her and greeted her with an umbrella. "Madam, are you going home now?"    


"You can leave first, I want to take a look around a bit more." After she finished speaking, Ding Yiyi picked a random path and started walking aimlessly.    


This was a high-end beauty business district. Some well-dressed women came out from all sorts of high-end floors or from luxurious cars.    


There was the sharp sound of a horn behind her. She numbly turned around, and the car brushed past her.    


She was brought down and fell to the ground. When the car stopped a few steps away, the sound of high heels could be heard. "Are you okay?"    


Ding Yiyi shuddered when she heard his voice. She slowly raised her head and looked at him. The word "mother" lingered in her mouth for a long time, but she could not utter a word.    


"It's you." Si Si was surprised to see her, then looked down at the white piece of paper under her high heels.    


Ding Yiyi wanted to snatch it, but she was too late. Si Si picked up the paper first.    


"You want to divorce Ye Nianmo?" Si Si looked at her with a strange expression.    


"Do you know about Ao Xue's illness?" Ding Yiyi avoided her question and asked as she gently caressed the wound on her arm.    


Si Si sneered. "The reason why your sister got sick is because your sister stole her lover," she sneered. "The happiness of others will be repaid sooner or later."    


"Why do you hate me so much?" Ding Yiyi couldn't help but ask.    


Si Si didn't even think about it. "Because you always remind me of a woman I would hate my whole life."    


"For this reason?" Ding Yiyi took a step back. "Do you think this is fair to me?"    


Tears streamed down her face, and her lips quivered violently. Her eyes were filled with grief.    


Si Si looked at her in silence for a moment. "I won't be a good mother. If you have a next life, remember not to look for someone like me. You'll be unlucky in this life."    


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