Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1400 Wealthy Marriage 1328

C1400 Wealthy Marriage 1328

Xiao Wushuang did not say anything. Instead, he started the car and drove her further and further away from that sad place.    


At 7: 30 in the evening, when Ding Yiyi was about to leave, she found a gift box on the ground when she opened the door.    


She opened it and inside was a dress. On top of the dress was a card that said, "To the most hot-tempered warrior."    


After changing clothes, she walked around in front of the mirror and looked at her unpainted face.    


Looking at her haggard reflection in the mirror, she sat back in her chair and took out her lipstick and eyebrow pencil to draw in detail until the person in the mirror showed off a touch of delicacy.    


At St. Roland's Restaurant, Ao Xue raised her glass and said, "This time I handled it so well, Nianmo, can I have a reward?"    


"What do you want?" Ye Nianmo touched his wine glass with hers and asked lightly.    


Ao Xue expressed her inner desire. "Can you give me a harbor?"    


"Do you need it?" Ye Nian asked back.    


She nodded, but didn't press him further. She knew that only by dealing with her mother first would she be able to find happiness.    


Another pair of men came in from the other side of the restaurant. The sound of light high heels hitting the ground was crisp.    


Ao Xue was looking at Ye Nianmo, but realized that he was looking at her from behind. She turned around with a subtle expression.    


Ding Yiyi walked slowly in the direction of Ye Nianmo, holding Xiao Wen's hand. She saw him when she entered the door.    


Her entire body was stiff, and even her teeth were slightly trembling. It was a type of helplessness and happiness that she thought she would never see ever again, but would only have when she accidentally encountered it.    


Suddenly, a hand covered the back of her hand. She turned around to look at Xiao Wen. Seeing the consolation and encouragement in his eyes, she smiled and nodded.    


She got closer and closer to Ye Nianmo. She pretended that she didn't care and walked stiffly towards Ye Nianmo.    


Suddenly, he felt the person beside him tense up. The arm that he was holding slightly moved, as if there was something inside his clothes.    


Just as she passed by Ye Nianmo, the man suddenly grabbed her arm and said in a cold voice, "You still know you're a married woman?"    


Ding Yiyi shuddered. "Are you scolding me?"    


"Look at how you are now!" Ye Nianmo's eyes were spitting fire, "Destroying our sect!"    


Ao Xu had been looking on proudly from the side, observing what Xiao Wen was trying to do.    


"You know I'm not." Ding Yiyi's lips were trembling as she looked at Ye Nianmo with tears in her eyes. She was extremely distressed in her heart. If he was scolded just because she came out to eat with someone, what about him?    


Suddenly, Xiao Wu walked up to Ding Yiyi and was about to pull his hand out of his pocket, but he was suddenly grabbed. She turned around and looked at Ding Yiyi, who had her head bowed down, with a complicated expression.    


"Shall we go somewhere else?" Ding Yiyi whispered with a hoarse voice.    


Xiao Qian looked at Ye Nianmo with dissatisfaction and did not take out the hand he had in his pocket.    


"Let's go somewhere else to eat." Ding Yiyi's voice sounded like she was about to cry.    


Xiao Wen looked at her with a responsible expression. In the end, he dispiritedly took his hand and changed it to holding it, "Let's go."    


Ye Nianmo sat back down in his seat. He looked at Ding Yiyi, who kept her head down through the window, and clenched her hands into fists under the table.    


In the car, Ding Yiyi did not speak and neither did Xiao Wen. He escorted her back to the hotel and left without speaking to her for the first time.    


As soon as he entered the hotel room, he threw a punch at the wall. The wall produced a dull sound, followed by another, then two, then three, until the wall was stained with blood.    


He sat on the ground, dispirited, and took out a Swiss Army knife from his pocket. He held the Swiss Army knife as he watched. Suddenly, he crazily gestured in the air until he was completely exhausted.    


"Sister, I'm sorry. I had the chance to kill him to avenge you, but I was too impulsive. It was my fault!" He leaned against the wall, painfully confessing.    


The phone suddenly rang. He neither answered nor paid any attention to it, but the voice was constantly ringing like a charm to blow one's life away. He picked it up irritably and said in a bad tone, "Who is it!"    


The person on the other end of the line seemed to be shocked, and his voice also sounded a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, I disturbed your rest."    


Upon hearing her cautious voice, Xiao Wen suddenly felt pain in his heart. His voice also softened, "Is something the matter?"    


"Originally, I was going to treat you to a meal, but later on, I forcefully pulled you away. However, no matter what, I must really thank you." Ding Yiyi tried her best to explain over the phone, but in the end she could only say, "Thank you."    


Xiao Qian leaned against the wall and suddenly said, "Do you remember what I said to you before? If you pay attention to it." He paused, then said, "The next sentence is, you will know that I love you."    


As if about to say something, he continued, "Maybe one day I will find out that I love you, but I know it's too late."    


On the other end of the line, Ding Yiyi looked at the phone that had hung up, her face at a loss.    


She thought of the stalwart man who had said that to her, falling asleep so she could meet him in a dream.    


Ding Yiyi decided to leave Dongjiang City. She checked out the hotel room early in the morning, left a message for Ye Chuqing, then headed to the airport.    


"Due to weather reasons, some flights to the airport have been delayed or have been prepared for landing elsewhere. We hope that Air China passengers departing from Dongjiang Airport after 9: 00 am will pay close attention to the flight information and adjust their flight schedule in time." A cold voice rang out.    


Ding Yiyi looked at her watch and waited patiently by the side. The closed-circuit television at the airport was broadcasting a promotional story about the city. The international shopping center at Ye Group was even more iconic.    


She looked at the familiar building in the video and her thoughts uncontrollably drifted to the person she cared about.    


In the huge Ye Group office, Ao Xue still had a spot, but no one dared to say anything. After all, this woman in front of them had actually solved this problem by herself, and Ye Nianmo didn't seem to care about it at all.    


After the product manager finished talking, he looked at Ye Nianmo eagerly waiting for his comment. Ye Nianmo crossed his hands and was about to speak when he suddenly frowned and supported himself up from the table. Then, he fell down and sat down.    


"Director Ye/Young Master/Nianmo", a different voice sounded and the scene turned chaotic.    


At the hospital, Fu Fengyi, supported by Ye Chuqing, hurried over, wiping her tears as she called out, "My grandson."    


Ye Bo was standing outside the ward. Fu Fengyi couldn't care less about her luggage. She asked, "How is Nianmo? What did the doctor say?"    


"I didn't manage to determine the condition of the coma, but it will awaken in a moment. It seems to be a matter of the heart." Seeing that the old man was about to faint from grief, he simply said a few simple sentences and then cut to the chase.    


Seeing that Ding Yiyi wasn't here, Ye Chuqing immediately knew that she didn't know about this. She took out her phone and found that it was already off.    


She checked the flight information again and was surprised to find that the flight had been delayed and that it was still in time to get there.    


He hurriedly left the hospital and bumped into Hai Zhuoxuan, who was about to rush to the hospital.    


He stopped her, "What's wrong? Is something wrong with Nianmo?"    


"I'll go look for sister-in-law. She definitely doesn't know that something happened to big brother yet." Ye Chuqing hurried out, worried that if she went too late, she would lose sight of Ding Yiyi.    


Hai Zhuoxuan followed her and turned around, "I drive faster."    


As the car sped along the road, Ye Chuqing burst into tears as she thought about it. "My sister-in-law is too pitiful. Big brother doesn't know what's going on either."    


"He must have a plan." Hai Zhuoxuan said.    


She looked at him with tears in her eyes, "So in your eyes, you can just plan things out like that. Only we women can be stupid enough to take feelings seriously?"    


"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you every single night. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have let go of my hatred for you in Ye Family. If I didn't love you, maybe I would have become a complete bad guy."    


He paused, then suddenly smiled, his eyes gentle. "So, thank you for letting me love you."    


Ye Chuqing's face suddenly turned red. She turned her head away from the window and muttered, "What are you talking about?"    


After starting the car, Hai Zhuoxuan casually asked: "Think about it, when will you marry me?"    


Her eyes widened. "No."    


"Right." Hai Zhuoxuan didn't care. He thought that since the child already had it and was ready to cook the cooked rice, it would be fine if he didn't agree to come next time.    


When they arrived at the airport, they heard the sound of Ding Yiyi's flight boarding. They entered the lobby and rushed to the boarding gate. Sure enough, they saw Ding Yiyi.    


"Sister-in-law!" Ye Chuqing shouted loudly. Unfortunately, her voice was too soft to be heard by Ding Yiyi. In the blink of an eye, the other party had already left.    


Ye Chuqing was so anxious that tears were about to fall from her eyes. She was about to rush in and find Ding Yiyi, but was stopped by the staff member.    


"Hello, the family of the young lady who just entered is in danger, could I trouble you to add them?" Hai Zhuoxuan lied calmly.    


The staff hesitated for a moment, then after discussing with the people around him, he nodded to them and left.    


Not long later, Ding Yiyi dragged her luggage and ran out, tears flowing before she could finish her sentence. "Who is it that's sick? How can it be so serious?" Grandma? "    


"Nianmo." After Hai Zhuoxuan said this, he felt that something was wrong and wanted to add on, "However, there is no danger to my life."    


Ding Yiyi dropped her suitcase and ran out before she finished her sentence. Coincidentally, a tour group also entered the airport lobby at that moment, and her figure immediately disappeared.    


Hai Zhuoxuan immediately called her, but the phone was still busy. After hanging up, he immediately went out with Ye Chuqing to chase her.    


Ding Yiyi called Ye Bo. The other side thought that she already knew the situation, so he didn't explain in detail and only told her the hospital's address. However, she thought that Ye Nianmo was in a very serious condition.    


The driver glanced at her, "Girl, your boyfriend broke his leg. I was going to say son, but my daughter-in-law wasn't up to it and gave birth to a daughter. You can't raise her in secret in the future."    


Ding Yiyi was upset, but she still gave him a smile. When they arrived at the hospital, it was 176 yuan. The driver touched his round belly, "My daughter is lucky. 170 is fine."    


She gave him 180 yuan and hurriedly got off the car to run towards the hospital. It was very easy to tell which ward was Ye Nianmo's because the entire corridor was filled with flowers and visitors. There were too many things that had to be placed in the corridor.    


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