Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1407 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1335

C1407 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1335

  "What are you doing here?"    

  The driver's eyes were full of panic. He kept looking in one direction, and she followed his gaze, and then all her emotions froze.    

  On the other side stood shareholders Wang, Li, and three servants from Ye Family. All the people she had used stood in a row.    

  Si Si knew there was a train. She quickly put on her hat and hurried towards the dim light, wanting to escape.    

  There was a gunshot in the sky, followed by a heart-wrenching howl from a woman.    

  Ye Bo pushed Ye Nianmo out from the wheelchair. He glanced at Ao Xue with pity in his eyes.    

  "Nianmo," Ao Xue heard her mother's growl, but all she could see was Ye Nianmo.    

  She looked at him waving, then Ye Bo pushed him towards Si Si. His abdomen was still wrapped in thick gauze, and the wound on his abdomen which had split open when he shot just now was already faintly permeated with blood.    

  Ye Nianmo reached out to take off the hat on Si Si's head. She struggled to avoid it. With a move, more blood gushed out from the bloody hole on her shoulder.    

  She almost passed out, so she could only grit her teeth and try her best to hold it in. In the end, she couldn't hold it in anymore, tears and snot streaming down her face.    

  Ye Bo went up and mercilessly took off the woman's hat in front of him. Then, he saw the woman's exquisite makeup painted on the bottom of the hat.    

  Si Si looked at Ye Nianmo with madness in her eyes. "A man of Ye Family is indeed cunning. My two daughters were played around by you."    

  "Aunty, shouldn't you have died in that great fire a few decades ago?" Ye Nianmo said softly, "My mother often mentions you."    

  "Pfft!" Si Si lay flat on her stomach. "Your mother is the dirtiest woman in the world. She stole my love. She made life worse for me than death."    

  Ye Nianmo took back his outstretched hand and took a clean handkerchief from Ye Bo to wipe his fingers, "Take her back, this is a surprise gift from me to my mom and dad."    

  "Tell me, how did you know about me!" Si Si refused to give up and continued to move forward. At this moment, the ground was covered in a pool of frightening blood.    

  "It's me." Hai Zhuoxuan walked out from under a tree, "When you were young, you asked me to help you escape. You said that you would avenge me, but now, I'm very dissatisfied with your progress and practices."    

  He turned his gaze towards Ye Nianmo. They had directed this show for too long and hurt too many people. Only by doing this could they force this old fox out.    

  "Auntie Song, thank you for giving me a reason to take revenge, but I don't want it anymore." Hai Zhuoxuan thought of Ye Chuqing with a gentle look in his eyes.    

  Si Si laughed heartily. "You! Dad was killed by someone and you ended up marrying the daughter of your enemy. What about not taking revenge? Your father might be so angry that he'll jump up and break off all relations with you."    

  "You'll have plenty of time to ask Uncle Hai for his opinion in the future." Ye Nianmo waved his hand impatiently. Si Si was dragged away.    

  Her scream made Ao Xue's body shudder. She couldn't think anymore. When Ye Nianmo's gaze fell on her, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Since when did I start doing these things?"    

  "Let's start with that servant," Ye Nianmo stood up. Ye Bo rushed to help him, waving his hand to signal for the servant to step down.    

  Step by step, he walked towards Ao Xue. The bloodstains on the bandage on his abdomen grew bigger and bigger, but he didn't care.    

  "I didn't actually arrange for that servant to go. She really was just a normal servant, but everything you did to her made me doubt you."    

  Ao Xue smirked. "You didn't drink those either?"    

  "No, actually I drank at the beginning, and then I fell asleep for real." Ye Nianmo answered slowly, "I gave you a chance before, did I ask you if you were happy?"    

  At that time, she had no way to retreat any longer. She helped him finish what he wanted to say, "In order to capture my mom, you pretended to be nice to me, so you could play tricks with Ding Yiyi. In fact, I'm the only one there, right?"    

  "No, you guessed wrong, I didn't say anything to her," Ye Nianmo's eyes flashed with a trace of heartache, "She's not in my plan, if possible, I hope she can stay in Shanghai until I finish dealing with everything here."    

  Ao Xue kept backing off. She understood, she understood everything. The reason Ye Nianmo chased Ding Yiyi away so many times was just to protect her. Yet, she foolishly thought Ding Yiyi had forgiven her.    

  "Go back to where you belong." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    

  Ao Xue slowly backed away. Behind her was the pond, "Ye Nianmo, you're so cruel. You used my feelings to give me hope, and then beat it up yourself!"    

  "No, none of this is enough." Ye Nianmo's gaze suddenly became very cold. He turned around and pointed at the three servants who were shaking like sieves, "You guys followed the wrong master. How many times did you bully her? How many times would I take from you?"    

  "Master." The three servants wanted to defend themselves, but nothing came out of their mouths. They knew that they had made a big deal out of this matter.    

  "Ye Nianmo!" Ao Xue suddenly shouted, "I want you to remember, I met you when I was four years old, I fell in love with you when I was six, and we went to junior high and university together! I was used by my mother for you! I've done a lot of wrong for you! This is what you owe me. Now, I want you to remember that you still owe me your life! "    

  She screamed at him, then jumped back. There was a loud sound from the pond, and the water quickly carried her to the bottom of the lake. After a series of bubbles rose from the surface of the water, there was no more movement.    

  Ye Nianmo retracted his extended hand, and in the next second, his expression became calm, "This pond is the living water, save her."    

  The two bodyguards nodded, they immediately took off their clothes and jumped into the pond to fish.    

  "Young master, your wound." Ye Bo pushed the wheelchair over worriedly. At that moment, the phone rang.    

  He took a glance and said, "It's from Miss Chuqing."    

  Ye Nianmo picked up, and Ye Chuqing's anxious voice sounded from the phone, "Bro, where did you go? Is sister-in-law with you? She ran away when I wasn't looking. I don't know where she is. "    

  The phone fell to the floor as Ye Chuqing's voice continued to ring, "Brother, are you still listening? "Where are you?"    

  Ye Family    

  Ding Yiyi sat in the unfamiliar living room, watching the huge optimization hanging above the TV, a pair of little French daisies painted by a French painter, yellow daisies gleaming in the light.    

  Looking to the side, there were a few shelves that had different colors embedded in them. On the shelves, there were green, fleshy plants. She slowly looked around at the decorations in the room. The ignition in her hands was being held tighter and tighter.    

  "There are no more memories here." "On the oath of marriage, you said that you would stay with me regardless of life or death. Now is the time for me and you to fulfill our promise."    

  She held up the lighter and her finger slid across the air. The yellow firelight faintly appeared in the air, illuminating the tears on her face, "I'm sorry, Nianmo, I did not protect my Ye Group well enough, and made it disappear without a trace. I did not protect our home well enough.    

  After a long time, her emotions finally stabilized. "I won't let anyone destroy our home. As for my apologies to you, I'll go first, and wait for you below."    

  The blue flames lit up once again and fell from the sky onto the floor. The vodka stained heavy curtains were the first to catch fire. The flames licked at the curtains crazily, lighting up the room.    

  The fire from the curtains spread to the oil paintings on the walls, and the burning oil paintings fell on the wool carpet and soon set the blanket leaves on fire.    

  Ding Yiyi was no longer able to sit still. The thick smoke was corroding her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Her eyes were burning from the smoke, and her nose was extremely uncomfortable.    

  As she lay on the couch, feeling her consciousness leaving her body, she saw, in a trance, the figure of a tall, familiar figure slam open the door.    

  "Nianmo? Are you okay? " After she said that last sentence, she could no longer hold on and fainted.    

  Within the firelight, a figure carried her and ran frantically towards the door.    

  In the darkness of the night, smoke billowed from the entire small house. Neighbors on both sides of the house ran out and called security and police.    

  The security guard arrived just in time to see three or four black Mercedes-Benz cars speeding towards them. The man alighted from the car.    

  Ye Nianmo's eyes were only left with a strong fire in them, a person seemed to have squeezed in beside him, it was the neighbor's mistress, "Your wife seems to be in there, I saw her go in with my own eyes, I've always been in the yard and I've never seen her come out!"    

  As she spoke, the man beside her was about to rush into the fire. He looked so terrifying that she took a few steps back in fright.    

  Ye Bo stopped Ye Nianmo, "Young Master, send the fire department over."    

  "Out of the way!" Ye Nianmo's expression was horrifying. His entire face was twisted and his eyes were bloodshot. In the next second, his fist had already mercilessly landed on Ye Bo's nose bridge.    

  Wu Tie let out a groan as blood immediately flowed out of his nose. He stood in front of Ye Nianmo and said, "Young Master, please protect yourself."    

  "I told you to get out of the way!" Ye Nianmo roared and extended his fist once again. Ye Bo had to fight with him on the spot.    

  The two of them fought evenly, and the firefighter on the other side shouted, "The fire is too big for us to get in. We can only use high-pressure water cannon to extinguish the fire outside."    

  Ye Nianmo gradually gained the upper hand. He punched Ye Bo until he was forced to retreat again and again, wanting to rush into the fire.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan arrived in time. He and Ye Bo combined forces to stop Ye Nianmo. He seized the opportunity to punch Ye Nianmo's wound. The wound cracked open and blood dyed the bandage red within seconds.    

  Ye Nianmo retreated with a grunt. The extreme pain made his thoughts confused. His eyes were blurry to the point that he could not see clearly. He struggled to walk towards the fire.    

  "Yiyi, don't be afraid, I'll save you." He struggled forward a few steps and fell to one knee from exhaustion.    

  The beam made a loud sound as it fell, and his head, which had always been bowed, was so low that no one could see his expression. He had one hand on the floor.    

  A tear fell onto the floor and was quickly evaporated by the heat of the floor as if it had never been there.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan walked in front of him and looked at him with a complicated expression. He raised his hand and hit the back of Hai Zhuoxuan's neck. Behind him, the fire had completely engulfed the house.

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