Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1413 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1341

C1413 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1341

Feeling that the plank beneath her seemed to be shaking, she looked out the window and saw the ocean. She realized that she was already on the boat.    


The wooden door was pushed open and a middle-aged man walked in. Having been in the sea all year round to make him dark and strong, he had thick eyebrows and big eyes.    


"Thank you for saving me. Have you seen my friend yet? Did the plane fall near here? Is the rescue team here yet? "    


Ding Yiyi asked a few questions in one go, only to find that the other was still looking at her with drool dripping from her mouth. She was confused. "May I ask who you are?"    


The middle-aged man walked to her side, suddenly tilting his head and rubbing her shoulder. "Wifey!"    


"What?" Ding Yiyi could not help but smile bitterly.    


The man stretched out his rough arms to hug her. The strong fishy smell coming from his body made her nauseous.    


Ding Yiyi screamed as she tried to get away from him, but just then the door was pushed open and an old woman with a spoon appeared in the doorway.    


The old woman looked like she was searching for something. Her face was full of wrinkles. She walked over aggressively and tapped the middle-aged man's butt with the spoon in her hand. "You lazy thing, why aren't you collecting your net?"    


"Mom, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law!" The middle-aged man looked at her with a wronged expression.    


The old woman's expression was somewhat gentle. "Your wife won't be able to escape. Hurry up and get some food, otherwise your wife will starve to death."    


Only then did the man nod happily and run out the door. The woman turned around to look at the woman in front of her, her gaze sweeping over her.    


"That was my son just now. You can call her Stupid Bear, but I'm his mother. Call me Aunt Xiong." The old woman nodded in satisfaction.    


Ding Yiyi felt a little uncomfortable, but couldn't say what wasn't right, so she said, "Hello, my name is Ding Yiyi. I would like to ask how is the plane and how many lives are left. Are we all here?" I have a friend called Xiao Shu. I'm looking for him. "    


Unexpectedly, the woman's face changed, "Everyone's dead, no one came here."    


Ding Yiyi was shocked and then sad. She didn't even know where Xiao Wu went after she fainted and her tears flowed down hopelessly as she asked anxiously, "Where is he? Can you show me? Maybe I can find my friend. "    


Aunt Xiong was obviously a little impatient. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "There's no need to look around. The rescue team has already left. You can stay here in peace."    


After she finished speaking, she ignored Ding Yiyi and turned around to leave. When she closed the door, she used quite a bit of strength and knocked over a red basin in the room.    


Ding Yiyi didn't know why Aunt Xiong was so angry. The pain in her hands became more and more intense, and she fell asleep in a daze.    


After an unknown amount of time, she could vaguely feel someone touching her face, then her neck, and a fishy smell entered her nose. She abruptly opened her eyes.    


"What are you doing!" she demanded.    


He took a few steps back and punched on the wooden table in the room. Ding Yiyi looked at the cracked wooden table in shock as she observed the man in front of her.    


"Stupid Bear?" "Did I just scare you?"    


Stupid Bear turned around and ignored her, but he would occasionally turn his head to look at Ding Yiyi's reaction.    


Ding Yiyi was sure that the man in front of her was retarded. She slowed down her voice and said, "I was scared just now, so I was a little fierce. But what were you doing just now?"    


"My mom said to get me a wife, so you're my wife." Stupid Bear looked at her seriously.    


Ding Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You're already old enough to be my father, how can you be my husband? Stop messing around."    


She only wanted to reason with him, but he suddenly opened the door and ran out. After a while, Aunt Xiong arrived.    


"You mocked him as retarded?" Her small eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, making people uncomfortable.    


Ding Yiyi quickly said, "Aunt Xiong, maybe I didn't express it clearly, I definitely didn't mean it that way. I mean, I'm already married. Then, Stupid Bear might have misunderstood something."    


Aunt Xiong did not say anything else. She nodded and came over with a bowl of fish soup. "Eat, you must be starving."    


After she thanked him, she took the bowl. It was not washed very cleanly, and there was still a circle of grease on it. Furthermore, the fish soup rice was actually placed directly into the fish soup.    


Aunt Xiong's eyes kept staring at her, as if she wouldn't leave until she didn't eat her.    


Ding Yiyi picked up the spoon with her right hand and took a bite. Other than the taste being a little strange, it tasted pretty good. She smiled and thanked him. "It's very delicious. Thank you, Aunt Xiong."    


Aunt Xiong nodded. "Sleep well. I'll come and change your medicine tomorrow."    


At night, Ding Yiyi lay on her bed. The wooden floor beneath her was very hard, and the smell of the inside of the cabin wasn't good either. Thus, from time to time, the sea breeze blew out from outside the window.    


She thought of Xiao Shu putting on a life jacket for her on the plane, but he wasn't wearing anything, and he was thinking about her all the way to the last second.    


Tears flowed down her nose and into her mouth. She dared not make a sound, so she could only bite the blanket and cry. In a daze, she fell asleep.    


She woke early the next morning, feeling no pain in her arm, and walked out of the cabin to stare out at the endless sea.    


"Wife!" Ben Xiong's excited voice rang out from behind him.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and said, "I'm not calling her daughter-in-law. I'm called Ding Yiyi."    


"Wife!" Stupid Bear shouted once again with determination. He looked like he was unhappy again.    


Ding Yiyi knew that there was no reason for her to talk to him, so she asked, "Oh yeah, I want to borrow your cellphones so that my family can pick me up, and also find my friends."    


"Phone." Stupid Bear tilted his head as if he was digesting her words.    


"We don't have a cell phone here because there's no signal." Aunt Xiong's voice sounded again, she grabbed Stupid Bear's ear, "You're going to burn your breakfast, do you know that? Stupid Bear!"    


Stupid Bear didn't mind. He covered his ears and ran to the back of the cabin. Ding Yiyi and Aunt Xiong were the only ones left on the deck.    


"We don't have a mobile phone here, so fishermen don't need to use this. We'll have a phone when we get back to the village." Aunt Xiong explained again.    


Ding Yiyi had always felt that this Aunt Xiong was very wary of her. She didn't know what to say. "Then I'll have to trouble you in the next few days, Aunt Xiong."    


"It's no trouble." Aunt Xiong finally broke into a smile, revealing her jagged teeth. She handed over the bowl that she had been holding in her hand. "Eat breakfast."    


"Didn't Stupid Bear go to see breakfast just now?" Ding Yiyi looked at the fish soup in her hand with a puzzled expression.    


Aunt Xiong said, "We fishermen are used to eating rough food. You city people aren't used to it. Also, your hands need nourishment so I'll make you more fish soup these days."    


Ding Yiyi felt her heart warm up as she hurriedly took it from him. "Thank you, Aunt Xiong. I'll have the same dish as everyone else in the future."    


She took another sip. It was the same weird smell she'd had yesterday, like potatoes, but a little chestnut.    


After breakfast, she looked at the endless sea. In her heart, besides the guilt towards Xiao Wen, there was also Ye Nianmo.    


What's wrong with him? Did he really think that the person on the sickbed was him? If so, he must be very sad now.    


Feeling extremely uncomfortable, she moved her arm, but unexpectedly, her arm, which should have been in pain, did not feel anything. She sighed deeply and murmured, "I hope that I can return quickly."    


After a few days    


Ding Yiyi woke up early in the morning and immediately felt dizzy when she landed. Before she could even stand up straight, she was viciously thrown to the ground.    


The door was smashed open and Stupid Bear was holding a bowl of soup. Seeing that she fell on the ground, he hurriedly went to help her up, "My wife, what happened to you?"    


She shook her head. "It's nothing. I just don't feel well. Maybe I'm not used to being on the boat."    


Stupid Bear helped her up onto the bed. After resting for a while, she finally felt much better.    


"You have to bring me food every day. Actually, I can get it myself." Ding Yiyi felt slightly embarrassed.    


Stupid Bear didn't really care, "It's okay, I like to run anyway, but my mom always doesn't let me have this fish soup. Yesterday, I had a sip and she hit me."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You should drink this bowl on my table. I won't tell him."    


Stupid Bear shook his head and refused, "No, my mom said that if I don't drink, she'll buy me something to eat when we get off the boat."    


Upon hearing that she could disembark, Ding Yiyi's eyes lit up. "Can we disembark now?"    


Stupid Bear nodded seriously, "We will be going back to the village in a week."    


Ding Yiyi was no longer in the mood to listen to what he was saying. Her mind was filled with joy. She could finally go home. Once she reached the fishing village, she would leave and call Ye Nianmo.    


After dinner, she sat on the bed. There was almost no entertainment on the fishing boat, so long as it was dark, they would all go back to their respective cabins.    


She stretched out her right hand and hit her left arm, but there was no pain. Only when she tried to use her left hand to exert her strength did she realize that she could not move her left arm.    


The cabin shook and she was startled. Seeing the moonlight outside the window was very beautiful, she also felt like watching it for a while.    


In order not to wake up Aunt Xiong and Stupid Bear, she carefully opened the door. The scenery on the cabin was just right, so she took a deep breath.    


The sounds of chopping fish could still be heard. She wondered if it was Aunt Xiong as she walked towards the kitchen.    


Under the dim light, Aunt Xiong squatted on the ground with her back facing Ding Yiyi. She used the knife in her hand to nimbly handle the fins of the fish, then grabbed a fish with one hand and crushed its internal organs onto the fish's body.    


Ding Yiyi smelled something familiar and realized that this was how she got her fish soup. Just as she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly heard heavy footsteps.    


She knew Stupid Bear was here, so she didn't want to get into a fight with him. She turned around and went back to the cabin. When she got back to her room, she found that the pen she brought with her was gone.    


Under the dim light, the large and small figures crouched down. The incandescent light drew their silhouettes towards the door.    


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