Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C411 Favorite Marriage 343

C411 Favorite Marriage 343

"I don't have to buy it. If you give me a reason for you to buy this house, I can give it to you." The elegant man said slowly.    


"I want to buy this house for my adoptive parents to spend the rest of their lives in peace. My foster mother especially likes flowers, and I noticed that looking out from the master bedroom's balcony just happens to include the entire garden in my eyes." Xia Yihan said softly.    


The elegant gentleman said softly: "Madame Ye's filial piety is very touching, I give up."    


Did he know her?    


Xia Yihan was stunned. The gentleman had already stood up and extended his hand towards her. With a gentle tone, he said, "I hope that I have the honour to meet Madame Ye. My surname is Fan."    


"It's my honor to meet you. My surname is Xia, Xia Yihan." Xia Yihan also stood up and politely extended her hand to shake with the gentleman.    


"Let's go." The gentleman said to the assistant, who said, 'Yes.    


"Madame Ye, we'll meet again soon." There was something Xia Yihan couldn't understand in the elegant gentleman's expression and gaze, and his words were even more strange.    


Looking at their backs, Xia Yihan suddenly felt a little uneasy.    


"Young Madame Ye, it's been hard on you. "Since this problem has already been resolved, I'll make a phone call first and take you through the formalities." Xia Yihan retracted her strange mood and nodded to the general manager, saying, "Thank you!"    


"Young Madame Ye, please take a seat." The sales lady said she understood that the general manager also had to ask for instructions from the authorities, so she was smart enough to help find Xia Yihan first.    


Xia Yihan sat back down and waited quietly.    


At this moment, the phone on the desk in front of Ye Zimo rang. He picked it up. It was Lin Dahui.    


"Mr Ye, FannLai Country's Prince Ya Lun has come to the East River. It seems like he will be staying here for a long time. He has his eyes on a unit of the first grade of the water sky and wants to buy it. "I just got the news that he rushed over to sign the contract and met Young Madame Ye in the sales hall …"    


"Meet who?" Ye Zimo asked with a frown.    


"Young Madame Ye, Young Madame Ye went to take a look too. She was in the same unit as Prince Ya Lun. It seems like she gave Prince Ya Lun to Young Madame Ye."    


This woman! Didn't she say she was going back to the company?    


Why would she buy a house? He gave her more than one house, right? Why would she buy a house herself?    


As these thoughts flashed through Ye Zimo's mind, Lin Dahui was still waiting for a reply, so he said in a deep voice, "I understand, continue to pay attention to Prince Ya Lun's actions." "If he doesn't show himself, then just pretend that he doesn't know of his arrival and just keep an eye on him from afar."    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


Ye Zimo put down the phone. A few seconds later, the phone rang again. This time, it was from the General Manager of the First Sky of the Water Sky.    


"Mr Ye, I'm Shuitian First Pin's Shu Dachun. Just now, Young Madame Ye came to see this unit. I would like to ask you if you would like to transfer the unit that Young Madame Ye likes directly to her name. "    


"Did she take a fancy to it?" Ye Zimo asked.    


"Yes, Mr Ye. She has her eyes on it. Originally, there was going to be another gentleman signing this unit. As Young Madame Ye had her eyes on it, we helped her convince the buyer to give the contract to Young Madame Ye." "If you agree, we'll go through the transfer formalities for Young Madame Ye right away." "Shu Dachun said.    


"Do it. In a while, get someone to send over the documents for you to sign."    


"Yes, Mr Ye!"    


Shu Dachun was very happy that he was able to help Xia Yihan with this matter. Usually, his chances of meeting Ye Zimo were not high.    


After he had spoken to Ye Zimo on the phone, he went to the VIP room to invite Xia Yihan, saying that he could go through the formalities directly.    


"We've already asked Mr Ye. This apartment will be transferred directly under your name. You just need to give us your ID and sign it." Shu Dachun said with a smile.    


Only now did Xia Yihan know that it was very likely that this first stage water sky was Fu Group or not. They had some sort of business deal, so it was equivalent to them giving gifts.    


She didn't expect things to be so complicated, much less that she just bought a house and let Ye Zimo know about it.    


That fellow would probably be angry.    


"Thank you, but I need to pay for myself." Xia Yihan said firmly.    


Shu Da Chun originally wanted to claim Xia Yihan's credit. He didn't expect Xia Yihan to not want the house and even say that she wanted to pay for it. He was momentarily stunned and didn't know how to reply to Xia Yihan.    


"This... Young Madame Ye, Shui Tian First Pin is owned by Fu Group. You are the fiancee of Fu Group Group President Mr Ye, and this house belongs to you. If you want to pay, it will be very difficult for us to settle this matter. "    


Xia Yihan noticed that Shu Danchun was in a dilemma. She had never wanted to make things difficult for him, so she said softly, "I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble. However, I would like to buy this house to give to others, so I have to swipe my own card. If I can't get a deal like other ordinary customers, I don't want this house. "    


The sweat on Shu Da Chun's forehead became thicker and thicker. He still wanted to persuade Xia Yihan, but seeing that she was adamant, he guessed that he couldn't persuade her, so he said respectfully, "Why don't you wait a bit, I'll go up and ask again."    


"Mm, thank you."    


Not long after that, Ye Zimo received another call from Shu Da Chun. He relayed Xia Yihan's meaning to her. Ye Zimo was still frowning as she said, "Whatever she wants, just swipe her card and let her swipe it."    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


Shu Dachun entered the VIP room again and gestured for Xia Yihan to come in.    


"Young Madame Ye, I've asked the higher-ups for your payment. It's fine if you want to pay."    


Xia Yihan kept her cell phone in her hand, thinking that the guy might call at any moment to denounce her, but he didn't.    


The more silent he was, the more it showed that he was truly angry, and that a storm was brewing.    


Since he already knew, there was no way Xia Yihan could keep it a secret anymore, so she decided to buy the house first.    


Shu Dachun led her through the formalities. Because of her identity, everything else had to be done first, so it was done very quickly.    


"Young Madame Ye, I'll be able to transfer your name soon." Shu Dachun said.    


"You don't need to transfer the real estate to me. I'll pay first. When my sister returns in the afternoon, just write her name as the owner of the house."    


"OK, Young Madame Ye."    


After the paperwork was completed, there was still no news from Ye Zimo's side. Xia Yihan looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for lunch.    


She got into the car and Xia Yiqing asked her where she was going.    


"Recover your Fu Group."    


The car quickly returned to Fu Group. When the Fu Group arrived, it was already eleven-thirty. Xia Yihan sat in the car and called Ye Zimo's cell phone.    


Ye Zimo picked up the phone with a dark expression and didn't say anything for a long time. Xia Yihan shrunk her neck as she knew that this fellow must be furious this time.    


"Mr Ye, I'm at the Fu Group floor. I want to invite you to have a lunch together with me. she said, smiling.    


"No time." Ye Zimo coldly threw out the three words. Xia Yihan pursed her lips and laughed silently, feeling that he was sometimes just like a child.    


He had said that he would pick her up for lunch at noon, so there was no way he could do it on the spur of the moment.    


"I need to go in for a while. I'll leave with Mr Ye in a bit. You guys go have lunch first. Don't wait for me." After Xia Yihan finished talking to the security guards, she got off the car and walked into Fu Group.    


When they reached the top floor again, Ye Zimo was still sulking in her office with a dark expression.    


This time, Xia Yihan didn't knock on the door. She opened the door and entered with a faint smile on her face. Ye Zimo only glanced at her without saying anything.    


"Mo, are you done? Let's go eat. I'll accompany you to eat whatever you want. " Xia Yihan walked around Ye Zimo's desk and stood in front of him, smiling as she spoke.    


Ye Zimo still remained silent, her face dark and unsightly.    


"Are you angry? Angry about me buying a house? " Xia Yihan tilted her head and asked him softly. He continued to stay silent.    


With such a dark expression on his face, Xia Yihan started to panic a little as he continued to ignore her.    


"Mo, listen to my explanation. This is actually what happened to the house …"    


"There's no need to explain, and I don't want to hear it. I don't have time to eat lunch, so I'm very busy. If you have nothing else to do, you can go back first. " Ye Zimo interrupted Xia Yihan with a cold attitude.    


Only then did she realize that this fellow was not a bit angry, but rather extremely angry.    


"No, if you don't eat, I will feel sorry for you. So even if you get angry at me, you still have to eat. You're the one who told me that. " Xia Yihan comforted her with a gentle voice. Ye Zimo sighed inwardly.    


He couldn't be angry with this little thing, but this time she had really touched his bottom line. He wanted her to remember that there were things that she couldn't do, such as using other men's money to buy things.    


She had a man, her man had money, and by doing so, where did she put her man?    


"Mo, can you say something? Are you really that angry? Ignore me? "You never want to talk to me again?"    


Ye Zimo took a deep breath and said coldly, "Do you need me to explain? I don't think you need it. If you want to buy a house of the first rank of the Water Heaven Realm, then you can buy it.    


Thank God, he finally spoke.    


"I knew you were mad at me about the house. Can you just let me explain? Actually, when Xiaonong went to Liao Family, Liao Family mentioned that she wanted to go to Mo Family. Xiaonong felt too embarrassed to tell him that her parents lived in a small house near River Lin, so she told him a lie and said that her parents lived in the city. I also think my adoptive parents live so far away that we can't take care of them. It just so happens that Xiaonong is going to marry into Dongjiang River, so I bought them a house here to spend the rest of their lives. Mo, I know you are a very filial person, but you will agree to let me do this, won't you? "    


Ye Zimo's face was still unsightly. He coldly glanced at her face.    


"Do you think that's the point? Xia Yihan? Is it because I'm so mean to you that I wouldn't even buy a house for your adoptive parents? "    


She knew he was angry with her for this, and she was relieved that he had said so. "I know you are generous to me," she said quickly, "but I am too embarrassed to tell you. "I know you have a problem with my foster mother, but she did something you didn't like, so their matter …"    


Ye Zimo frowned and interrupted her.    


"Even if I have any objections towards them, I can't possibly not do what you claim."    


"But I don't want to owe you so much. We're not married yet, and you've already given me enough. You bought Xiaonong such an expensive car, more expensive than this house. If I tell you again that I want to buy a house for my adoptive parents, what have I become? That way, I would feel myself to be insatiably greedy. Mo, can you understand my thoughts? "    


She couldn't owe him too much, so she could owe Lee Heetai. Didn't she know that Lee Heetai had feelings for her?    


If she really didn't want to owe others, she would have to work hard to make money to repay them. With her current salary of several thousand yuan per month, she would probably need several decades to repay Lee Heetai.    


She would rather owe Lee Heetai than let him off the hook. She didn't want any of the money he gave her.    


If she had bought a house today and used the money he had transferred to her, he would not have been angry at her at all. Instead, he would have been happy.    


Xia Yihan was carefully observing Ye Zimo's expression. It seemed that he didn't like listening to her explanation.    


From the moment she entered the room, she had said all the good things she could say. He was still angry, and she didn't know how to cheer him up.    


"Mo, say something, I know you can understand me …"    


"I don't understand. Weren't you going to eat? Go ahead and eat. I'm going to work. " After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she no longer looked at Xia Yihan. His expression was even colder than when she came in.    


How long had it been since he had treated her in such a manner? Perhaps it was because he was already used to his kind treatment. This kind of rejection made her heart suddenly feel sad.    


Ye Zimo lowered her head and picked up a document from her desk. She opened it as if Xia Yihan was not here.    


Xia Yihan bit her lips. She felt like crying. She held back her tears as she said softly, "Alright. I won't disturb you for now."    


She left his office in a hurry.    


Ye Zimo was not in the mood to look at any documents. As soon as she stepped out of the door, he threw the documents on the floor.    


Damn that woman, she would be so fierce if she got angry.    


Wasn't she very gentle and very persuasive? Why didn't she coax him? She left after a few words, yet she didn't know if he was really angry or not?    


After Xia Yihan left the house, tears flowed down her face.    


It was because she was in the wrong that she didn't want to shed tears in front of Ye Zimo.    


She wiped her tears away while looking for a corner, not wanting to let Security Officer, who was guarding the elevator, see her cry.    


Even though she knew that Ye Zimo would be angry, she still couldn't ask him to buy a house for Mo Family. She just couldn't use his money as if it was natural.    


She let out a long, long sigh. After a long while, she finally dried her tears. She wanted to go back to Ye Zimo, but after thinking for a while, she turned around.    


He was still angry, and she thought he might need some quiet.    


At this time, Xia Yiqing received a call from Ye Zimo, telling him that no matter what, he must take Xia Yihan to lunch, so they could go to the Dongjiang Eater.    


"If you can't get her to go to dinner, you won't be able to continue cooking. Don't tell me I told you to take her, remember? " Ye Zimo was cold and indifferent. Xia Yiqing was a little helpless. These two people were always talking about dou qi the moment he heard them. It seemed to be related to buying a house.    


Xia Yihan told him to keep it a secret. He didn't tell her, but he guessed that someone else might have.    


Not long after, Xia Yiqing saw that Xia Yihan had come out, so he hurriedly opened the car door to greet her.    


"Didn't I tell you to go eat first?" Xia Yihan asked.    


"We have a mission, so we have to see you and Mr Ye go eat. Sister Xia, Mr Ye is busy? " Xia Yiqing asked without a trace.    


"He's not busy. He's angry." Xia Yihan said in a slightly depressed manner. Xia Yiqing went close to her ear and whispered, "About that, if he's angry, then let him be. Let's go eat." In any case, his physique is strong and he's not afraid of being hungry, so with this little body of yours, you can't be hungry. "    


Xia Yihan gently shook her head and said, "I don't have much appetite. I want to go back to the company. You guys can go eat."    


Xia Yiqing knew that Xia Yihan would say this. He first opened the door for Xia Yihan to get in the car, then said to her, "Sister Xia, all of us have been given a death order by Mr Ye. If you don't eat, we will lose our jobs.    


"Alright, I'll go eat, let's go to Dongjiang Restaurant." Xia Yihan agreed without waiting for Xia Yiqing to finish.    


Sometimes, people felt helpless, and she really didn't want to eat them. However, she couldn't bear to see so many people following her and being criticized by Ye Zimo.    


Xia Yihan ate lunch as if she didn't know what to eat. After thinking for a while, she ordered a few more dishes and got someone to pack them in a thermal lunch box before asking Xia Yiqing to send them over to Ye Zimo.    


She did not know if he would eat it, but she did not have the courage to see him now, and she felt that he would be angry with her and would not eat it.    


When she got back to the company, Xia Yihan received a call from Mo Xiaonong asking her how was her house doing.    


"I've already bought it. Sofia, if you have time in the afternoon, please send your ID card to her. The house is directly under your name." Mo Xiaonong did not hear the displeasure in her voice.    


Such a large apartment instantly became hers. With the addition of a car, both of these things made her nearly a millionaire.    


She thought about it and decided to get married to Liao Weidong as soon as possible. That way, she could still get a large amount of gift money.    


Of course, this was not a huge fortune compared to staying with Ye Zimo. However, these were her escape routes, so it was good to have these as well.    


"Thank you elder sister, elder sister, you are so nice. You are the best elder sister in the world. I will be going to the first level of the water sky soon. I, Mo Xiaonong, also have a house." Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow as well. If they see you buying them such a good house, they will be overjoyed. You know, Ma dreams of living in a big house. "    


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