Cool CEO's Exclusive Love



Soong Wanting carried the child in her arms and passed it to the doctor. Ye Zimo said, "The child fainted from crying as early as possible. Please give it a check."    


"Mr Ye, your child has …" Halfway through her words, Ye Zimo glanced at Soong Wanting and said coldly, "You wait outside."    


Soong Wanting wanted to know the truth of the child's situation, but seeing that the child was already in such a state, she didn't dare to insist and still obediently went out.    


As soon as the door was closed, the doctor gave the child a rough examination and then said to Ye Zimo, "We still need to do more tests to determine if his mental illness has worsened."    


Soong Wanting, who was standing at the door, nearly collapsed to the ground in fright upon hearing the words' heart attack '.    


The child was still fiercely struggling and crying, but was still unable to calm down. Ye Zimo frowned and asked the doctor, "Take a look, how do you want him to calm down first?"    


"I can only use a small amount of Valium first."    


The doctor told the nurse to give the child a small dose of Valium immediately.    


Everyone knew that there were side effects of Valium, but Ye Zimo knew that if she didn't use it now, it would be difficult for her child to survive.    


After the injection, the child finally calmed down and went to sleep. After further examination, the doctor concluded, "At this point, it doesn't look too different from the time of birth. It's a little bit better. Can you tell me why the child is so agitated? "    


"I've been giving him breast milk for the past two days." Ye Zimo said.    


"Why do you have to give him breast milk? Was his mother's milk not enough? Isn't there a milkman? Mr Ye, with your child's current condition, breast milk is the best choice. I say this not only from a nutritional point of view, but also from a child's emotional point of view. His heart was too weak to bear the constant crying. Once his emotions were suppressed, his situation would only get worse. I also suggest that he interact more with his mother and that you interact more with him. Even though he was still young, the child had emotions. He could feel the love the adults had for him. Love is a force that can help him. "    


The doctor's words made Ye Zimo feel unusually heavy. It was all his doing that caused the child to have this day.    


He blamed himself very much. Looking at the sleeping child, he did not sleep as naturally as he did every day. He was forcefully suppressed by medicine.    


He doted on the child and made up his mind to let go of everything for the time being. The child's survival was the most important thing.    


"Thank you, Doctor, I know. Do you think the child needs to be hospitalized? "    


"No need, I'll say that again. It's useless observing his situation. I heard that you have a medical staff at home, so I can only give you a small dose of Valium to help calm him down as he has no other choice. "    


Ye Zimo nodded and personally went to get the medicine. She put it away properly without letting anyone see what the doctor prescribed.    


"Zimo, what's the matter with the child? He won't have a heart attack, will he? " Soong Wanting asked anxiously, taking Ye Zimo's arm.    


Ye Zimo glanced at her coldly and scolded with a frown, "Nonsense!"    


"Isn't it? "Then why do you want to hang up your cardiology account?"    


"What do you think? Is the child having difficulty breathing, fainting and not having to attend the department of cardiology?     


Soong Wanting let out a long sigh and said, "Isn't it good that I want my child to have such a serious illness? I'm his real mother. Zimo, I beg you, let me continue feeding him. "I know I was wrong. I will never think of doing anything bad again. I will never do anything bad again. I beg you."    


Ye Zimo looked coldly at Soong Wanting's face. He hated her very much, but there was nothing he could do to make his child not depend on her.    


"Remember Soong Wanting. If you do something you shouldn't do, I'll start with your family. your younger brother, your younger brother and sister, the third generation of your Soong Family … " Ye Zimo gritted her teeth as she spoke.    


If Ye Zimo was truly angry, it wasn't like she wasn't afraid of Soong Wanting.    


Especially at this time, she had just received a huge piece of bad news — her child had a heart attack, and she was even more afraid.    


She was sure she had heard their conversation, and even if Ye Zimo had denied it, she would not have believed it.    


Most of the time she knew Ye Zimo, and she guessed that he didn't tell her the truth because he was afraid she would use her child's illness to do something excessive.    


She was, after all, the child's mother. She still couldn't think of anything she could use the child for the first time, so she was indeed worried.    


First of all, the child was born in October, and she had a natural maternal love for him. Second, she was afraid that if the child could not be preserved, then all of her own life would be ruined.    


"Zimo, I know that there will be some problems with the child. I really didn't think that the child would have problems. Otherwise, how would I have the heart to do other things?" "Believe me, I will definitely love him wholeheartedly and take care of him. I will not dare to do anything else."    


Ye Zimo frowned. She looked at her coldly and said, "From now on, interact more with the child and play with him. Let him feel your presence. Do you understand?"    


Soong Wanting nodded like she was pounding garlic.    


"Listen, listen, I will do my best."    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything else. She brought Soong Wanting into the doctor's office and let her carry the child.    


When he was alone with the doctor, he had already warned him not to tell anyone about the child's illness except himself and Assistant Lin.    


Since the attending physician knew Ye Zimo's background, she naturally made all sorts of promises. How could she dare to speak carelessly?    


Soong Wanting held the child in her arms all the way back, feeling as if she had just recovered from a loss.    


At least at this moment, she was thinking that if she didn't have the confidence to win in the future, she definitely wouldn't act rashly. No matter how much she wanted to deal with Xia Yihan, she would never use her child.    


This failure made her understand that Ye Zimo cared more about Xia Yihan than she had imagined, so she needed to calm down even more before finding the best time.    


Ye Zimo remained silent the whole way, her expression solemn. When he got back to the villa, he called the butler into the study and gave him the medicine the doctor had prescribed. He told him to tell the other doctor in the villa that the child should be used as a last resort.    


He also asked the butler to keep it a secret from the outside. The butler really wanted to ask Young Master if there was any problem. Seeing Ye Zimo's depressed face, he tactfully did not ask.    


The child woke up after sleeping for a long time. Fortunately, he was really hungry. When Soong Wanting was feeding him, he quickly ate it and didn't cry anymore.    


When Xia Yihan got off work at noon, only Xia Yiqing came up to greet her. She didn't see Ye Zimo, although she felt a little disappointed. Thinking that the child might be difficult to coax, and that he might be busy, she understood.    


Xia Yiqing accompanied her to the Dongjiang restaurant for lunch, after which she went back to the company to rest.    


When she got off work in the afternoon, Xia Yihan was surprised and happy to see Ye Zimo waiting at the entrance of the company.    


She quickened her pace to Ye Zimo, and he smiled gently at her. He put his arm around her and drank a little on her lips, as if no one was there.    


"I heard that you ate at Dongjiang Restaurant in the afternoon? Have you eaten well? " Ye Zimo asked.    


So it turned out that even though he was busy, he still cared so much about her. Xia Yihan smiled sweetly and nodded her head obediently. "Good, very good."    


"Is that so? than when I was around? " Ye Zimo asked sourly.    


"No, it's just as good." Xia Yihan smiled.    


"Little thing!" Ye Zimo ruffled Xia Yihan's hair.    


"Hungry? "You're not hungry enough to take a walk with me." Ye Zimo said. Xia Yihan took the initiative to take his hand and said, "I'm not hungry. Let's go for a walk."    


The two of them held hands as the car slowly followed them.    


"Mo, you have something to tell me, right?" Xia Yihan asked softly.    


Although he looked pleased when she saw Ye Zimo, she could see some emotion in his expression.    


His little thing was getting smarter and smarter, Ye Zimo acknowledged.    


"What is it?"    


"I let Soong Wanting feed it again." Ye Zimo stopped in her tracks and looked at Xia Yihan. His words surprised her.    


Last night when the child was crying so loudly, she had told him several times to go and call Soong Wanting back, but he had refused. It could be seen that he was very determined at the time.    


"The child is still crying. Is everyone unable to coax him? I mean, if you can't stop, don't let Toot suffer. We adults aren't much, but our children's bodies are the most important. "    


"Thank you for understanding." Ye Zimo said to Xia Yihan with an unprecedented sincere tone.    


He was speaking to her so carefully, just in case she was upset, because he cared about her.    


Xia Yihan felt a burst of bitterness in her nose. Slightly choked, she said, "Idiot, I was the one who was in the wrong anyway. I shouldn't have suggested such a rotten idea to let Soong Wanting out. I caused the child to suffer all night for nothing."    


"I don't blame you. I want the baby to stop having breast milk myself. However, Ye Zhengheng's physique is naturally not that good. This morning, he fainted and was sent to the hospital. The doctor recommended that we not breastfeed him and that the mother accompany the child more. "    


"He went to the hospital? Why didn't you call me when it was such a big deal? " Xia Yihan frowned as she asked.    


"It's urgent, I didn't find you."    


"What's the problem, is it serious?" Xia Yihan felt that she was really stupid. She should have known earlier that there was a problem with her child. Otherwise, why would Ye Zimo always protect Soong Wanting?    


He knew Xia Yihan would worry about her child, so he shook his head easily and said, "It's nothing serious. It's just that I've been crying for a long time. The doctor just said that the child's temperament is more irritable than the average child's, and these can only be slowly adjusted. "    


"Sigh!" It's a good thing there's no big problem, or else I'd be the culprit. In the future, don't nurse our child anymore, the two of us really shouldn't have done it. " The more Xia Yihan spoke, the more she blamed herself, thinking how scary it would be if the child fainted.    


"Are you desperate?" she asked, looking at Ye Zimo with a pained expression.    


"Is your man someone with such poor mental fortitude? I'm not in a hurry. "    


"Liar! What does this have to do with one's mental state, father and son's hearts are interconnected. I can understand what you're doing, and I'm in favor of getting Soong Wanting to breastfeed again. Don't worry about me having other ideas, not at all. "Even if she does cause trouble in the future, as long as you love me, I'll let her win."    


I'm really sorry, Ye Zimo said silently as she held Xia Yihan's face and looked guiltily into her eyes.    


She understood what he meant, and her tears began to flow again. She whispered, "Idiot, you've done so much for me, and I haven't done anything for you. I don't care about that, really."    


"You must be hungry. Let's go home." Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan's hand and walked to the car. She personally opened the door for her and let her in.    


When they returned to the villa, dinner was already prepared. Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo went to wash their hands and change into their house clothes before going to the dining hall to eat.    


The butler also invited Mo Xiaonong over. As soon as Mo Xiaonong sat down at the dining table, she hurriedly said, "Sis, I heard that Xiao Hengheng cried until he fainted today and even sent her to the hospital. Aiya, it makes my heart jump. It's right that Brother-in-law decided to let Soong Wanting feed him again, so don't stop him. "Sis, although I also hate Soong Wanting, but we can't drag the child down with us because of adult matters, right?"    


Ye Zimo frowned. She wanted to tell Mo Xiaonong that Xia Yihan had always been thinking for her child.    


Before he could say anything, Xia Yihan's leg touched him lightly, then she smiled at Mo Xiaonong and said, "Yes, and I'm in favor of Soong Wanting feeding again. Xiaonong, you're really more thoughtful than you used to be. It's rare for you to think for others."    


"Of course, I have been by elder sister's side every day, so no matter what I have learned a little bit. "You always think that I'm selfish, but I've actually already changed my mind. It's just that you've just discovered it."    


"Big Sis believes that you can change. Seeing you like this, I feel relieved." Xia Yihan said seriously.    


On the other hand, Ye Zimo glanced at Mo Xiaonong with an expressionless face, causing her to feel flustered.    


Did he see that she had something else in mind?    


Mo Xiaonong was afraid of Ye Zimo and admired Ye Zimo. She pretended to look at him without guilt and said, "Brother-in-law, the person you introduced me to was not bad. When I went out these two days, many people praised him in front of me, saying that he had good character and was responsible.    


"As long as you like it. Since you're that satisfied, you'd better hurry up and set the engagement. Your sister can also be more at ease with you." Ye Zimo said without a trace.    


"That's what I said, but my sister is an old-fashioned woman and doesn't approve of marriage. "Sis, I'll just leave it at Weidong's so that I won't feel like getting married for too long. Now that I feel better, I'll get my proof of it in one go, so that I don't feel like it when I get married for too long." Mo Xiaonong said playfully, but Xia Yihan frowned.    


"How can that be? We've only known each other for a few days." You should know more about him. If he really wants to, he'll take you to his house. Marriage is also a matter between two families. You have to see how their families are doing, and most importantly, whether they can accept you. You also have to see if you can get along with his family. Marriage is a matter of life and death.    


Xia Yihan's attitude was very serious. Mo Xiaonong winked at Ye Zimo and said, "See, I was just too anxious to make up my mind, but my sister just couldn't bear to see it." "I am such a sister, and she thinks for me everywhere, so I must respect her opinion."    


He smiled gently and stroked Xia Yihan's hair. He said, "You should really believe Xiaonong. She is more scheming, more capable, and knows what she wants than you imagined. "How about this, we'll help her observe Liao Weidong. If everyone thinks that it's not bad, we should strike while the iron is hot."    


"En, Mo, I trust the person you introduced her to."    


What Mo Xiaonong couldn't stand was Xia Yihan looking at Ye Zimo with such love in her eyes. She was going to die from jealousy.    


She sighed and looked at Xia Yihan sadly, saying, "Sis, I'm really getting married now, so I won't be able to stay by your side forever. Will you miss me? "    


"Silly Girl, you haven't married yet. You're just saying such unpleasant words." Even if you are married, your elder sister will still be your elder sister. Your elder sister's home is your home, of course you can come anytime you want. " Xia Yihan said in heartache.    


This was what Mo Xiaonong was waiting for. With her words, she was no longer afraid of getting married.    


With a nominal husband to cover her, she'd be better off. Ye Zimo seemed to be wary of her, so she really wanted to marry her off as soon as possible.    


"You must welcome me. I'm just afraid that my brother-in-law will say that I was thrown out by the married woman. He doesn't want me to come." Mo Xiaonong said half-truthfully, intentionally looking at Ye Zimo.    


"Stop bullshitting. You've been here for so long, when did your brother-in-law ever say that you weren't allowed to come here?" I don't approve of him buying you such a good car, but he did. He is the one who favors you the most. Even if you say that, you are not afraid of him getting angry. " Xia Yihan rebuked.    


Mo Xiaonong stuck out her tongue and said mischievously, "Aiya, I was just joking. I know my sister's husband loves me the most and treats me the best. "I don't care. If Liao Weidong bullies me after we get married, then I will still treat this place as my parents' home and come and live here anytime."    


"Come, as long as elder sister is here, you can come at any time."    


Ye Zimo frowned and looked at Xia Yihan in displeasure. She smiled innocently and said, "So it was like this. I'm not married to you, so I'm still your fiancee." "If one day you don't like me, I can always pack up and leave.    


"You think this day will come?" Ye Zimo's face darkened, looking really unhappy.    


"What? I was joking with you, why are you being so serious?" Xia Yihan hurriedly smiled to coax Sunless and Crown Prince. Unfortunately, his face did not change at all.    


Lin Ling had been hiding from Hai Zhixuan recently. Coupled with what happened to Princess Ya Hui, the preparations for the marriage had come to a temporary halt.    


Ye Zimo wondered if it was time to propose to Xia Yihan.    


He had already prepared the wedding ring, but he still wanted to propose in the most romantic of scenes, making it unforgettable for her for the rest of her life. So when the ring arrived, he hid it properly.    


"Are you serious? How can you be so stingy? No matter how angry you are, I'm going to get angry." Xia Yihan tilted her head and looked at Ye Zimo.    


"Little thing, you dare to make any kind of joke. You're asking for a beating." Ye Zimo glared at Xia Yihan snappily. There was a clear hint in her words.    


Xia Yihan's face immediately flushed red. Mo Xiaonong was jealous and envious of Xia Yihan's sexy expression. She really hoped he could look at her that way.    


"Eat, Xiaonong. Eat more food. If you really get married, your wife will definitely think you're too skinny." Xia Yihan quickly changed the topic.    


Ye Zimo knew that she was embarrassed, so she stopped teasing her and buried her head in her food.    


However, the butler and the servants girl both chuckled softly, feeling happy for the love between Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan.    


After dinner, Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan went to sit in the garden for a while.    


Xia Yihan laid on Ye Zimo's lap and whispered, "Mo, have you seen the news about Brother Heetai and Princess Ya Hui in the past two days?"    


"I saw it." Ye Zimo said.    


Probably no one had not seen their reports by now. Whether it was the TV or the newspapers, all the media outlets were fighting each other to report that Princess Ya Hui and Lee Heetai were in a deep love.    




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