Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C401 Favorite Marriage 333

C401 Favorite Marriage 333

She couldn't insist that Ye Zimo chase Soong Wanting away, otherwise, when this matter reached Ye Zhengheng, who had grown up, he would think that she was too heartless.    


"Eat, I'll wait outside. Once you're done eating, I'll bring the tray back to the kitchen for you." With that, the butler turned around and left Ye Zimo's bedroom.    


Xia Yihan finished the broth in silence and opened the door with a tray. The butler extended his hand to receive the broth. Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "No need. I need to walk around after I finish eating. I'll go to the kitchen myself."    


"Then I'll accompany you. It's not safe for you to walk alone if you're too late."    


"Alright." Xia Yihan didn't refuse. Carrying the tray, she and the butler slowly walked out of the main house and headed for the kitchen.    


Xia Yihan put the tray in the sink, and the housekeeper hurriedly said he would come.    


"No need, I'll do the dishes at home too. It's fine for me to do it myself." Xia Yihan finished washing the dishes neatly and put them away. Then she dried her hands and walked out of the kitchen.    


As soon as the two of them came out, they heard the crying of a child in the workers' area. The housekeeper immediately stopped in his tracks.    


"Is it your child? "Hurry up and go take a look, I'm fine by myself." Xia Yihan said.    


"This woman is becoming more and more outrageous. Even the child can't see well. I'll go take a look and immediately return to the main house to work."    


"It's already so late, don't come back. Just stay at home with your lover and children. If Mr Ye asks, tell him that I let you go back."    


"Thank you, thank you Young Madame Ye. I'll be going now."    


Xia Yihan nodded as she watched the housekeeper walk back in a hurry. She could not help but feel emotional as well. Who said that the father did not care about the child? After hearing the child cry, the butler was so excited.    


Perhaps it was only natural for Ye Zimo to be so excited about her children crying.    


"Since when were you so reluctant to see the steward?" She was about to take a step forward when she heard a cold voice. She looked up and saw Ye Zimo looking at her with her hands in her pockets.    


Xia Yihan ignored his words and silently moved her feet. Before she could take two steps, she once again soared into the air.    


Ye Zimo stared fixedly at her little face. Her expression was quite displeased.    


"What, you still intend to ignore your man?"    


This bastard was clearly trying to tempt her. How could Xia Yihan bear for him to look at her like that?    


She avoided his eyes and avoided his gaze. She said coldly, "I'm just a little tired and don't want to talk. I'm not ignoring you."    


"You're still being stubborn. Are you asking for a beating!?"    


It's useless to clean it up. This is a matter of principle. I won't lower my head. Xia Yihan only said this in her heart.    


"Put me down, I have legs and legs, what are you holding me for?" Xia Yihan said angrily.    


"I like it."    


Ye Zimo sped up her pace after throwing out those two words.    


He wanted to make her understand that he couldn't always target Soong Wanting. No matter what she said or did, he wouldn't let her leave at this time.    


However, when he thought of her cold face, he could not bear to see her angry for too long.    


Even after hearing that she had followed the butler out, he still couldn't help but follow her out.    


This woman was talking and laughing with the housekeeper, but she just ignored him. He was so proud, how could he allow her to ignore him?    


Even if he was in the wrong, he was in the wrong. As his woman, she could not keep a cold face.    


Xia Yihan didn't say anything as she was carried back to the main house by Ye Zimo. She still wore a solemn expression on her face.    


Back in the bedroom, Ye Zimo laid her on the sofa, pressed her face down, lifted her chin, and said coquettishly, "Smile for me!"    


"I'm not in the mood to smile. "No problem, I need to talk to Xiaonong and ask her opinion on Liao Weidong."    


"Is there even a need to ask? Didn't she already say in front of us that she was going to try to date him? "    


"That's in person. Sometimes she doesn't mean what she says, so I have to personally confirm it." Xia Yihan spoke with a straight face, obviously still fuming.    


Ye Zimo pulled her over and pecked her lips a few times before saying, "Go, come back quickly. I'm going to take a bath first."    


Xia Yihan rolled her eyes at him in annoyance, but her face was flushed from his kiss.    


Ye Zimo was satisfied with her reaction. He laughed loudly, pinched her small face and said softly, "Even if you're angry, you still like me kissing you."    


"Who likes your kiss!?" Arrogant! I hate you! "    


"Who do you hate? If you say it's annoying, I won't let you go. " Ye Zimo held her down again, her lips moving closer to his. If he tried to be a hooligan, how could she be a match for him?    


His big hands were very dishonest. He kissed her while fanning the flames on her body.    


She knew that no matter how angry she was, she still loved him, so she couldn't stand up to him.    


She sighed heavily and said in a pleading tone, "Don't do this, can I get up? I really need to talk to Xiaonong. "    


As if he had bullied her, her sigh hurt his heart.    


Ye Zimo inwardly sighed and released her grip on Xia Yihan. The moment she was free, she jumped to her feet and ran out of the room in quick steps.    


Ye Zimo, ah, Ye Zimo, what should I do? I should be angry to the end, but why am I so soft-hearted when I see you?    


Xia Yihan knocked on Mo Xiaonong's door and saw her lying on the bed, playing with her cell phone.    


"Xiaonong!" Xia Yihan called out.    


"Yes, Sis. You're here." Mo Xiaonong put down her cell phone and secretly observed Xia Yihan's expression, wondering if she had noticed what had happened between her and Soong Wanting.    


"Let me ask you, what's your impression of Liao Weidong?" Xia Yihan asked softly as she sat down on the bed.    


Mo Xiaonong blushed and said, "I still need to ask. I've already said it at the dinner table, so it's not bad." Although she wasn't as handsome as her brother-in-law, she wasn't as rich as him. "But I'm not really a pure person, and finding someone like him is all thanks to you and brother-in-law's blessings."    


"Why do you say that?" Xia Yihan frowned, unhappy at Mo Xiaonong's insolence.    


"This is the truth, Sis. I know that you and Brother-in-law think that Liao Weidong is more than enough for me. How could I not know how to appreciate favors? If all of you have set your eyes on someone, how could I possibly reject them? "    


"It's not as if we've taken a fancy to him, it's mainly up to you. Ye Zimo definitely knows many young talents. If you don't like him, I'll get him to arrange someone else. Xiaonong, I don't want you to feel wronged. Even if you've had some experiences before, how many people these days have simply never fallen in love before? That's nothing. You have to be confident and believe that you're worthy of the best man. "    


Is that so? The best man is your man, and you're giving it to me? Mo Xiaonong thought coldly.    


"That's what I said. Actually, I have quite a good impression of him. At the very least, I should be able to interact with him. "If it's really inappropriate, then I'll introduce you about other things in the future." Mo Xiaonong's words were clearly much more mature than before. Her maturity, however, made Xia Yihan's heart ache. She felt that she was giving in to reality.    


"Sister still has the same words, don't force yourself. You're still young, it won't be hard for you to find someone you love and that person will also love you."    


"I understand elder sister, I won't force you." Xia Yihan finally felt relieved when Mo Xiaonong obediently agreed.    


"Xiaonong, I heard that Soong Wanting came to see you just now. Is that true?"    


She really did have an ulterior motive, right? Mo Xiaonong knew that she wasn't that kind and didn't really care about her.    


"Yes, sister."    


"What did she want with you?" Xia Yihan asked.    


"She said she was going to congratulate me, but I scolded her. Congratulations to me, who doesn't want her to congratulate me? Who doesn't know that she is a weasel paying her respects to a chicken for the new year? She has no good intentions!"    


Xia Yihan looked at Mo Xiaonong silently, trying to determine if what she said was true or false.    


The housekeeper said that Soong Wanting stayed in Mo Xiaonong's room for a while. If she really was only scolding her, would it take that long?    


Mo Xiaonong's mind did not rest while Xia Yihan pondered over Mo Xiaonong's expression. She was also trying to determine how much Xia Yihan knew.    


"If you let her go, she'll leave immediately?" Xia Yihan asked again.    


"Sis, what do you want to say? I heard that you had a conflict with Soong Wanting today. She came to me because she wanted to break off our relationship. Could it be that she really succeeded? You don't believe me, do you? "    


Mo Xiaonong seemed to be angry. She sat up on the bed and raised her voice, "Since the relationship between us sisters is so fragile, and outsiders say so, you can question me. What's the point of me staying here? I'm going! I'm leaving now! Don't trouble yourself to introduce me to some boyfriend. I know, the moment I leave this place, I will be nothing and Liao Weidong will no longer be interested in me. This is my life, I cannot blame anyone else. "    


"Alright Xiaonong, stop it!" Xia Yihan frowned and grabbed Mo Xiaonong's wrist.    


"I'm just asking, I just want to know what Soong Wanting said and did to you. You are my sister, how could I not trust you? I do not believe in her. "    


Mo Xiaonong gave a cold snort and shook Xia Yihan off before saying in a louder voice, "You said that you don't believe her on the surface, but you don't believe her. Why didn't she ask what she said and did to me? Why did you ask me?"    


Mo Xiaonong's questioning also made it difficult for Xia Yihan to reply. She recalled her previous attitude and asked again and again. It might have been very easy for Mo Xiaonong to feel that she didn't trust her.    


She almost forgot what a sensitive person Mo Xiaonong was.    


"Alright, Xiaonong. It's my fault. I won't ask you. I'll go ask her." You are still so irritable. "I'm afraid that you'll be taken advantage of by Soong Wanting if you're too naive."    


"Sis!" How am I simple? Think about it, when did Soong Wanting not want to see the two of us break up? When have I ever been used by her? Am I that stupid in your heart? Am I that easy to use? When I entered the showbiz, you also said that you were afraid that I would be used by others. Mo Xiaonong originally wanted to perform, but when she saw Xia Yihan becoming anxious, she immediately changed her attitude.    


"Fine, you're fine. I was overthinking it. "Hurry up and take a shower, then go to bed. I'll go find Soong Wanting."    


Xia Yihan walked to the door and caught up with her. She seemed to have thought about it for a while, looked around, and then said to Xia Yihan, "Sis, let me tell you, Soong Wanting really did use sinister methods. She said a lot of bad things about you to me. She said you weren't sincere to me, and that the boyfriend you introduced me to was only the vice chairman's son, Liao Weidong. She said that Liao Weidong had neither money nor authority, he was just a piece of trash who liked to pick on the flowers. "Sis, she even said that you were afraid that I would snatch your brother-in-law away and purposely wanted to introduce a boyfriend to me in order to chase me out …"    


Although Mo Xiaonong wasn't very smart, she was by no means stupid. She understood that it was both true and false.    


Soong Wanting had come to her room openly, and Xia Yihan knew it already, and the next thing she knew everyone would know she had come. If she tried to protect Soong Wanting, she would only make Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo distrust her, and then she wouldn't be able to do anything.    


Therefore, after making a ruckus and pretending to leave, she still seemed to have honestly told Xia Yihan what Soong Wanting had said to her.    


Of course, she only selectively said that she did not confess to the latter half of the story, drugging or anything like that.    


Xia Yihan frowned and asked, "Is what you said true?" Soong Wanting really said that? "    


"Of course it's true. If she didn't say so, would I have thought of such a thing?" Mo Xiaonong whispered.    


"I understand. You rest, I'll go find Soong Wanting!"    


Mo Xiaonong saw that Xia Yihan was so angry that her face turned red and her hands were trembling. She felt relieved in her heart.    


"Sis, I'll go with you to Soong Wanting. I'll confront her, but I'm afraid she's too sinister and won't admit it." Mo Xiaonong said she understood Xia Yihan, and that there was usually a dispute. She would say that she wanted to protect her little sister and would not let her participate.    


Sure enough, Xia Yihan softly said, "You don't need to go. You just need to stay here properly. I will take care of this."    


"Alright, Sis. If you can't win against her, just call me. I'll help you." After Mo Xiaonong finished talking, her phone rang on the bed. She smiled and said, "Look, this Liao Weidong really loves me at first sight. As soon as I get back, he constantly texted and called me. I'll go pick up a call."    


Xia Yihan didn't say much. She went out. When she passed by Ye Zimo's bedroom, she wanted to go in and tell her about Soong Wanting's evil deeds.    


He seemed to be taking a bath. She didn't want to wait a minute longer, so the more she thought about it, the angrier she got.    


"Young Madame Ye!" Xia Yihan walked to the door of Soong Wanting's bedroom and the two female servants greeted her respectfully in a low voice.    


She came rather fast, Soong Wanting smiled sinisterly in the room.    


Xia Yihan opened the door with a cold expression. She first glanced at Ye Zhengheng, who was sleeping on the child's bed.    


"Soong Wanting, come out. I have something to talk to you about." Xia Yihan said coldly.    


"What's the matter? It's already so late, let's talk about it tomorrow." Soong Wanting's attitude was also very cold. She had already fought head on with Xia Yihan today, and Ye Zimo was still defending her after the fight. Therefore, she wasn't willing to act intimate in front of Xia Yihan anymore.    


"Come out! I don't want to talk to you in front of DuDu. There are some things that the child doesn't want to hear. "    


"If you know it's bad for your child, don't tell me you don't mind? I don't have to listen to what you're saying. " Soong Wanting sat motionlessly on the bed. Her tone was taunting, and her complacent smile made Xia Yihan even more infuriated.    


"It looks like you don't care what I talk to you about right now. Aren't you afraid that the children will hear it? "If you're not afraid to listen, I'll talk to you here!"    


"Talk, talk if you have anything to talk about. Don't pretend to be afraid of the children listening. If you are really afraid of the child listening, why would you come to me so late at night? " Soong Wanting's voice was raised an octave so the maids outside could hear her clearly.    


She wanted everyone to know that Xia Yihan wasn't the mother of the child, so she wouldn't really think for the child that everything she said about caring about the child was fake and fake.    


Xia Yihan also understood her meaning. At this moment, she was in a rage and didn't have the mood to waste time on these details.    


"You should know why I've come to find you. You went to Xiaonong specifically, so that you can distance yourself from our relationship in front of her. "Why are you so insidious?" Xia Yihan could barely control her voice.    


It seemed that Mo Xiaonong had already told him about her visit. He just didn't know how much she had told him. This girl was not that stupid. She knew that it was all a lie.    


Soong Wanting wasn't angry at Mo Xiaonong for exposing her, instead, she felt very happy and gratified.    


She wished that she could succeed with the alliance that she had found.    


Xia Yihan became excited, and Soong Wanting became even calmer. Her face darkened as she replied in a cold voice, "When will I be leaving your relationship? Please don't speak carelessly. I went to congratulate your sister. I heard you introduced her to a very good boyfriend. "Although Xiaonong and I are not directly related, but you and I are Ye Zimo's women …"    


"Shut up! "How dare you say that you're Ye Zimo's woman?" Xia Yihan frowned and interrupted Soong Wanting angrily.    


She was truly very, very angry. With her calm and indifferent personality and her fury at this moment, it was getting harder and harder for her to control herself.    


Soong Wanting saw that Xia Yihan was so angry that her entire body was trembling. Her little face turned red and white, then white and red. It was hard for her to vent her anger.    


It had been too long. She had tolerated it for too long.    


Xia Yihan, what's wrong with you being a little angry? Do you know how much anger I had when I was pregnant, how much suffering I had, how much shock I had. Do you know how depressed I am sitting there?    


Even if I infuriate you to death, there's no way for me to truly vent my hatred.    


"Why would I be embarrassed to say that Xia Yihan, I am not his woman, why would I give birth to his child? You haven't forgotten that you saw me in bed with him, have you? "Aiyo, I remember that you were so angry that your lips turned white. You should have left a deep impression on me."    


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