Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C419 Favorite Marriage 351

C419 Favorite Marriage 351

"Mo, Xiaonong isn't here anymore. I think it's better to let Soong Wanting walk around freely in the mansion. Firstly, her mood was better, and so was the child's. Secondly, according to the elder's words, it would be best for her to sit here for three months, which means that her body is still relatively weak. If she can really walk, it would be good for her to recover. "    


Ye Zimo merely ruffled her hair and sighed emotionally. "She might not necessarily be grateful to you for thinking this way."    


"I don't need her to thank me, Mo. I feel very happy right now. Life is almost perfect. So, I really hope that other people's lives are good. " Moreover, it was because of me after all that she was able to have such a day.    


"Xia Yihan pleaded with me and said that she wanted you to be free to go for a walk outside. I respected her words. "In the future, if you want to go out, you can go out. The butler will arrange for people to take care of you." Ye Zimo said to Soong Wanting coldly in front of Xia Yihan. Soong Wanting smiled at Xia Yihan.    


"Yihan, thank you. I just want to go out for a walk. The room is too stuffy."    


Soong Wanting's tone was very polite and her smile was very natural. She really wanted to express her sincerity. Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan didn't want to think too much about it, but they hoped that she could really become better.    


Worried about Mo Xiaonong, Xia Yihan also called occasionally to ask about her situation at her in-laws' home.    


"Sis, they treated me very well. I knew they wouldn't dare to do anything to me out of respect for brother-in-law." "Right now, even his mom's dad treats me so well. Sis, you have to help me thank my brother-in-law."    


"I will." Xia Yihan said.    


"What would he know?" Ye Zimo who was holding her asked.    


"Xiaonong said she wanted me to thank you, and I said I would do it for her. But I do have to thank you, it seems like Liao Weidong really treats her well. "    


Ye Zimo only smiled warmly and didn't say anything.    


Liao Weidong was not exactly like his father. He had his courage and could be considered to be filial. He had yet to observe why Mo Xiaonong had been so subservient to him in the matter regarding her.    


That night, Liao Weidong said he would take Mo Xiaonong to the bar to play and relax.    


Mo Xiaonong also liked to go crazy outside. The bar was one of her favorite places and Liao Weidong was willing to take her. He didn't mind, so of course she would be happy.    


Coincidentally, she wanted to let Liao Weidong see how charming she, Mo Xiaonong, was. Whenever she went to a bar, she wasn't surrounded by men. She liked the feeling of being the center of attention.    


Mo Xiaonong purposely picked out a sexy dress, but it was rejected by Liao Weidong with a frown.    


"No!" "It's too obvious, I don't want my wife to be seen by others."    


"Stingy!" Mo Xiaonong pointed at Liao Weidong's forehead and said tenderly.    


After getting along with Liao Weidong for a while, Mo Xiaonong's impression of Liao Weidong had become more and more pleasing to the eye. Plus, they were very harmonious in bed.    


Occasionally, she would have the thought that if Liao Weidong had always been good to her, then his family would always be subservient to her. Liao Family was, after all, a well-off family, and it would be good if it could last for a long time.    


"Xiaonong, you danced so well. You're too sexy. I really want to get you up here." Liao Weidong whispered in Mo Xiaonong's ear that Mo Xiaonong was encouraged, that she was twisting her hips more frantically, and that her sexy buttocks were swinging even harder.    


She noticed a very sexy man staring at her from a short distance away. Her heart skipped a beat and she kept looking at him.    


The man had a faint beard under his chin, and his eyes were full of teasing. He didn't look at anyone but Mo Xiaonong.    


"That guy is always looking at you. Let's go somewhere else." Liao Weidong said as he moved away from Mo Xiaonong.    


Mo Xiaonong was a little disappointed, but she still had to give her man some face, so she followed him.    


Not long after, Liao Weidong replied to a text message.    


"Xiaonong, look, our leader wants me to go and have a drink with him. He's lost his heart. "What should we do? I don't think you've had enough fun."    


Mo Xiaonong was confused by the bearded man's alluring eyes. She was just worried that she wouldn't have the chance to have a good meeting with him, so when she heard Liao Weidong's words, she immediately whispered in his ear, "I'll play by myself. If you came back, you would have come here to pick me up already." "If the Leader doesn't let you go, it's fine if you accompany him. I'll take a taxi back to my house. Anyway, this place is close to the Heavenly Waterfall First Pin."    


"Darling, are you really okay here by yourself?" Liao Weidong looked worried.    


"Of course it's alright. As actors, we all have to experience life. We often come here from places like bars, so what's the matter? Go quickly, don't let the Leader wait for too long."    


"Alright, then I'll be leaving first. Call me if you need anything." Liao Weidong kissed Mo Xiaonong's lips and told her in her ear, "You can play with him, but you're not allowed to attract bees and butterflies. Stay away from that bearded man."    


Mo Xiaonong tapped his forehead again, implying that he was really stingy and that she wouldn't do anything rash.    


After Liao Weidong left, Mo Xiaonong jumped while secretly searching for the small mustache man's shadow.    


After a while, she felt a sudden warmth on her back. A man came close to her, whispering seductively in her ear, "Darling, are you looking for me?"    


Mo Xiaonong looked and saw that it was the man with the mustache.    


Her heart was beating wildly, because the mustache was really interested in her, because she was completely dizzy from having such an affair tonight.    


Mo Xiaonong was already engaged to be married off to another girl, so she didn't dare to show off too much. She looked around to make sure no one was around before she let go of the small mustache man and started to dance.    


The mustache man was indeed sexy, and his appearance was sexy. He danced even sexier than before. He seemed to rub the most sensitive part of Mo Xiaonong's body, causing her hormones to exude rapidly.    


"Darling, I really want to taste you." Mo Xiaonong was also looking forward to it. She was afraid that Liao Weidong would come back to capture her, so she did not have the courage to do so.    


Just when she was reluctant to share the Spring Festival Gala with this man and felt that she couldn't be too lax with him, her phone just happened to light up. She opened it and saw that it was a text message.    


It was from Liao Weidong, and it said: Darling, I'm sorry, I can't make it back.    


Mo Xiaonong's heart leaped with joy. The man was already close to her face. "Darling, I'll definitely make you fall for it …"    


On the bed of the hotel not far away from the bar, there was no longer any noise from the bar or the bustling crowd. There were only two young men and women hugging, kissing and caressing each other.    


The mustache man's words were exactly as Mo Xiaonong had promised, making her ecstatic.    


In the past, Mo Xiaonong could also be considered a top expert. But today, she even met an expert among experts. That kind of carefree and carefree feeling was truly flawless.    


The hormones were too strong, to the point that she did not even notice the mustache man helping her adjust the angle, so that her face could be completely captured by the hidden camera.    


"Darling, you're awesome. Can you release more?" The mustache man bit Mo Xiaonong's earlobe and coaxed her.    


Humans were indeed different, and their situations and situations were also different. Although Mo Xiaonong and Liao Weidong were considered to be in harmony, after all, they were legitimate couple, how could they be compared to the pleasure of a clandestine relationship.    


Especially in a place like the hotel, where she could release everything she wanted, Mo Xiaonong let go of herself easily.    


Her moans were getting more exaggerated, and the mustache seemed to have received some sort of encouragement.    


"Darling, what's your name? I really like you so much that I want to be in love with you every day. "    


Mo Xiaonong also wanted to have a lover for a long time, but thinking about it, it was still too dangerous, so she just smiled charmingly and said, "We will meet again if fate allows it. I have a man, so I can't always be close to you."    


"Darling, do you like sitting in love with me?"    


"I like it!" Mo Xiaonong said without hesitation.    


"Do you like it? I can't hear you clearly! "    


"I like it!" Mo Xiaonong raised her voice.    


Knowing that she would never be able to enjoy this kind of man that could please women after today, Mo Xiaonong felt a little reluctant.    


She hooked her arm around his neck and laughed. "Do you want it again?"    


"Yes!" I'll kill you tonight! "    


He didn't know how many times he had made love to her. In the end, he said he would hug her and let her sleep for a while.    


When he woke up the next morning, the man with the mustache was nowhere to be seen.    


However, for Mo Xiaonong, this marriage was a good thing. She didn't like men that she bothered with.    


She looked in the mirror. Luckily, the mustache man was sensible. Even though he was like a wolf or tiger, he didn't leave any traces on her.    


Mo Xiaonong took a shower and then went back to her mother's house. Naturally, she greeted her parents and got them to tell Liao Weidong that she stayed at home last night.    


Father Mo did not like Mo Xiaonong spending the night outside, but Bai Zhongjie did not think it was a big fault, so she did not blame her daughter. Instead, she told her not to worry, her parents would help her lie.    


What made Mo Xiaonong happy was that there were no traces of fruit on the fruit. Liao Weidong seemed to have found nothing as he stuck to her as if nothing had happened.    


Occasionally, when she was still in bed, she would think of, or even miss, Big Beard. Compared to Little Beard, she felt that Liao Weidong's physical strength and skills were lacking.    


Even so, she knew very well that no matter how powerful the small mustache was, such matters couldn't be treated as food. Moreover, she still had Ye Zimo's big goal in mind. She believed that if she slept with Ye Zimo, she would feel a hundred times better than if she slept with him.    


In order to let Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan be on guard against her, she didn't see Xia Yihan again before she officially married Liao Weidong, nor had she gone to Ye Family Villa.    


The Ye Family was also calm, and Soong Wanting looked as if she had retracted all of her ambitions and was wholeheartedly taking care of the child.    


It was rare for Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo to have such peaceful times. Every day, they would return home from work to tease their children.    


Ever since Zhong Yunchang and Lee Heetai had broken up, Xia Yihan had said that she didn't want to work for Lee Family anymore. Lee Heetai knew what she meant, but he insisted on staying with Xia Yihan.    


"Yihan, whether you work here or not actually has nothing to do with whether Yunchang and I can be together. You should know her character, too. She wouldn't be happy if she knew that you'd quit your job for us. "    


Xia Yihan couldn't win against Lee Heetai and temporarily didn't want to go to Ye Zimo's Fu Group, so she stayed at Lee Heetai's company.    


Lin Ling, who had gone on vacation, had also returned, as if Lin Ling was even colder than before and never mentioned anything about her feelings.    


Hai Zhixuan also seemed to have let this matter go, and no one brought it up anymore. Ye Zimo originally wanted to continue the matchmaking, but every time she asked Hai Zhixuan to go back to Dongjiang River, he would decline with all kinds of excuses, as if Dongjiang River was a place he didn't want to come back to.    


Xia Yihan initially wanted to get them together as soon as possible, but most of her free time had been taken up by Mo Xiaonong's wedding.    


In order to give Mo Xiaonong a proper wedding, Ye Zimo had sent a team to cooperate with Liao Family.    


Even so, there were many things about Mo Xiaonong that Xia Yihan had done personally.    


Whenever he saw her looking around, Ye Zimo's face would always turn black, scolding her for not caring for him.    


Xia Yihan was never angry at Ye Zimo's critical concern. She only felt an incomparable warmth in her heart.    


"You're not allowed to run anymore. You've run like a maid ten times over just for a curtain." Ye Zimohei told her with a sullen face, but Xia Yihan only smiled and said, "You don't know, the more I run like this, the more I feel that Xiaonong's wedding is going to be held. Xiaojun and I are most worried about her... Aiya, why is Xiaojun's face so ugly when I mention it? Didn't I tell you that it's just my brother? "Stingy bastard!"    


"Brother, you're not allowed to mention this, it's not like you're your blood related brother!"    


"Good, good, good. Don't mention it."    


Not long after Xia Yihan said that, she called Mo Xiaojun again, asking him to look up some of the details of Mo Xiaonong's wedding. After all, other than her, Mo Xiaojun understood Mo Xiaonong the best.    


In order to express her displeasure and possessiveness, when she was talking to Mo Xiaojun on the phone, he would forcefully imprison her on his thigh, and even hug her tighter and tighter.    


In any case, Xia Yihan and Mo Xiaojun had nothing to hide, and since he liked dominating her so much, Xia Yihan had no objections.    


"I want to help Xiaonong check the lights tomorrow. Do you have time to come with me?" Xia Yihan asked Mo Xiaojun.    


Mo Xiaojun didn't want to let Mo Xiaonong's muddy water at all. He just didn't want to disappoint the fervent Xia Yihan, so he said, "Fine."    


"Great, Xiaojun. Then you have to leave early tomorrow. We'll meet at the East River Lamp City's entrance at eight-thirty."    


When Xia Yihan put down the phone, she saw Ye Zimo's sullen face. It was obvious that she was jealous and upset.    


"I don't have anything to do at the company tomorrow, so I'll go with you." Xia Yihan moved closer to him and said with a slightly spoiled tone, "Are you sure you want to go? It's fine if you go, but even if you see Xiaojun, don't be like enemies. As long as you don't treat him too coldly, I dare say he'll still be very polite to you. "    


Ye Zimo snorted and coldly said, "Who said they would go with him? You and I, the two of us, why do we need so many people to choose a light? "    


"Aiya, you don't know, Xiaojun wanted to learn art before, but his aesthetic taste is really good …"    


Before Xia Yihan could finish, she saw Ye Zimo's face darken as she frowned and interrupted her.    


"Do you think his aesthetics is better than yours? Why didn't I see any art cells in him? "I saw him dressed …" Ye Zimo thought about it for a moment. Actually, there was nothing wrong with Mo Xiaojun when he was wearing clothes.    


He, Ye Zimo, could be considered a favored child of heaven, so he was naturally particular about what to wear. Even someone as particular as him couldn't find much trouble with Mo Xiaojun's clothes. If it was Mo Xiaojun's growth, then he was already pretty good to be able to do this.    


Of course, these were all very objective. For a jealous man, there was nothing objective about it. Ye Zimo paused for a moment before she snappily said, "Do you think he looks like he's wearing those clothes? "I don't know if Qingqing ignored him, or if he was too stubborn …"    


"Don't say that about him. It's not right to criticize people behind their backs." Xia Yihan covered Ye Zimo's mouth, not allowing him to say anything.    


"Little thing, do you have to protect him like this?" Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's hand. Seeing that he seemed really unhappy, Xia Yihan smiled and said, "I didn't really defend him. It was you who was narrow-minded. Alright, it's a deal then. Tomorrow, we'll set off together with Xiaojun and the other two to pick up the lights for Xiaonong. He is not as beautiful as you, but he knows Xiaonong better than you.    


Ye Zimo only gave a light snort to express her displeasure.    


"Mo, today I heard a maid say that she admires you and that you are the most handsome person in the world. I agree with her very much. I think you seem to be getting more and more mature lately. One could tell that he was the kind of man who was both elegant and considerate. "Say, why am I so lucky to have met you? I've laughed myself awake several times in my dreams."    


Xia Yihan's small mouth seemed to have been smeared with honey. Ye Zimo's expression eased a little, but she still didn't want her to see him soften, so she pretended to be serious.    


He embraced her and said, "You should cherish this opportunity to enjoy such a good man …" I'll just push her down on the bed...    


The next morning, Ye Zimo seemed to have woken up very early. When Xia Yihan woke up, she saw two sets of clothes on the sofa. They were a couple.    


"This guy, he's clearly showing off like Xiaojun, being narrow-minded." Xia Yihan whispered to herself, her heart once again brimming with happiness.    


Xiaojun hoped that she would live a good life, so of course she knew.    


After having breakfast with Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan went upstairs to take a look at Ye Zhengheng before leaving for Dongjiang Lantern Town.    


Before they set off, Xia Yihan didn't know that Lamp City was also part of the Fu Group. It wasn't until they arrived at the entrance of the Lamp City that they saw a red carpet floor the moment they got off the car.    


"Mr Ye, Young Madame Ye, hello!" Everyone greeted in unison. Xia Yihan once again felt the glory of being Ye Zimo's woman.    


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