Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C500 Favorite Marriage 431

C500 Favorite Marriage 431

"Thank you!" Zhong Yunchang spoke sincerely. Lee Heetai smiled and nodded before sending her off into the yard!    


Zhong Yunchang didn't push the door. She turned around and looked at the car as it started. She couldn't tell what it was like. It was a type of happiness to have a man see you safely enter the house before leaving!    


Zhong Yunchang pushed the door and entered Lee Heetai's car after she could not see it!    


The luxurious villa was very quiet. Zhong Yunchang took out her slippers and saw her parents sitting on the sofa.    


"Dad, Mom!" Zhong Yunchang greeted without a smile!    


"Yuntang, where did you go?" Zhong Yuquan frowned and asked her in a mild tone!    


Zhong Yunchang glanced at Yue Mulan, thought for a few minutes, then smiled and said, "Lee Heetai asked me to help him choose something!" Zhong Yunchang knew that her mother didn't like mentioning Xia Yihan. If it was Lee Heetai, he wouldn't reject her so much.    


Soon, Yue Mulan only paid attention to Zhong Yunchang and did not notice her eyes. Zhong Yuquan had already suspected her when Zhong Yunchang was silent, and he had clearly seen her movements. Yue Mulan did not like to hear Xia Yihan, so Yuntang was lying.    


"Alright, you mother and daughter chat. I have something to talk to Hai Zhixuan about." Zhong Yuquan left in a dignified manner. It was not difficult for him to know about Xia Yihan's matter. It had been a long time since he last chatted with Hai Zhixuan. It was not a good thing to be quiet for too long.    


Zhong Yuquan, that old fox called Hai Zhixuan out for dinner again!    


It was impossible for Hai Zhixuan Ming to deal with Ye Family directly. However, one must know that there was a way to deal with the matters of Ye Family Great House.    


Ye Zimo allowed you to roam free and easy for so long, shouldn't I make my move now?    


Ye Zimo, who was dealing with company affairs in Fu Group, did not know that she was being targeted by others. He wanted to give Xia Yihan a surprise when he got off work.    


Today, they passed by Human Resources. Members of Human Resources were chatting and discussing the gifts they received on Valentine's Day. Especially those girls who had kept their Valentine's Day gifts in order to show off, one of them even said that he would make it up to her husband.    


Today was Valentine's Day, and Yihan was still in the middle of a dispute, so she had no time to worry about Valentine's Day.    


Ye Zimo glanced at the few people who were talking and hurriedly left. He couldn't think of anything, so he pretended to be enigmatic and called over Lin Dahui.    


"Dahui, go to the company and hold a competition. It's the most beautiful Valentine's Day. Who would have thought that the most beautiful way to confess would be to receive our 50,000 yuan couple tourism fund?" Ye Zimo knew that he wouldn't even consider who wanted what. Even if it was that woman, he had never done his best. Xia Yihan had done it.    


Lin Dahui rubbed his head as he walked out of Ye Zimo's office, wondering what was Mr Ye's purpose for hosting the most beautiful Valentine's Day show.    


When the Fu Group employees heard that not only were there bonuses, but it wasn't any kind of hard work, all of them were enthusiastic. All kinds of attention flew towards Ye Zimo's office like snowflakes, the smiling Crown Prince Ye exclaimed how efficient they were!    


Lin Ling did not know what Ye Zimo wanted to talk to her about, so she knocked on the door with a puzzled expression.    


"Come in." Ye Zimo spoke happily.    


"Mr Ye, you're looking for me?" Lin Ling asked respectfully.    


"Help me look at these and pay attention to that." Ye Zimo waved her hand at Lin Ling, making him dazzled. He was thinking that Lin Dahui might not understand women, but other than Xia Yihan, women did not seem to matter to him, so he naturally did not care much about it. He wanted to get the best out of Xia Yihan and get Lin Ling to help him choose.    


Lin Ling once again felt Xia Yihan's presence. She was no longer an assistant. Right now, her feelings for Ye Zimo were something that even she couldn't describe with her own eyes. It was pure admiration.    


Ye Zimo thought of how she would surprise Xia Yihan later. Thinking of her smiling face, he also laughed along. Lin Ling swallowed her bitter words. She thought of Hai Zhixuan. Would that man give her a surprise like Ye Zimo did? She didn't know why she would think of Hai Zhixuan, this lecher.    


"I think this is good. Giving 99 roses represents a long period of time." Lin Ling said in all seriousness. There was no smile on her pretty face, nor was she joking. Only she knew that she was jealous of Xia Yihan, so she just randomly pointed out a normal note.    


Ye Zimo glanced at Lin Ling but didn't say anything. Lin Ling also couldn't figure out what Crown Prince Ye was up to.    


"Go down and help me order 999 roses." Ye Zimo didn't refute Lin Ling's attention. She just changed the number of roses. Perhaps it didn't look like it was out of respect for Lin Ling, perhaps it was out of consideration. However, since Crown Prince Ye didn't say it, Lin Ling couldn't guess Crown Prince Ye's thoughts.    


Ye Zimo thought of spring when she got off work in the evening. He specifically told Lin Ling to order some spring dresses for Xia Yihan. They were even more fashionable, fashionable, and reserved.    


When Lin Ling received the notice from Lin Dahui, she had been wondering if Ye Zimo had guessed what it was that had caused her to make special orders. As it turned out, those famous girls only asked her to prepare clothes at random, and Xia Yihan didn't ask for that much at the beginning. Now, when Lin Ling thought about the ball, and Xia Yihan being so nice, and the fact that the person she had fancied for so many years had been taken captive by her, Lin Ling was in a very bad mood.    


Ye Zimo didn't know that the ice beauty Lin Ling's mind was full of twists and turns. He happily took 999 roses home.    


He even informed the butler to tell the maid not to report his return. He wanted to give Xia Yihan a surprise as compensation for coming back to Xia Yihan all this time.    


Ye Zimo was carrying 99 roses while the rest was in the carriage. Lin Dahui was in charge of moving in and opening the door, thinking that Xia Yihan would be waiting for him in his house. When he opened the door, Ye Zimo saw someone she didn't want to see.    


"Zimo, you're back." Xia Yihan stood up happily when she saw Ye Zimo open the door. She stopped walking when she saw the red roses. She tilted her head as she wondered what kind of holiday it was today and why Zimo had returned with the red roses.    


"Zimo is back!" Zhong Yuquan stood up and said gently, "If it wasn't for the fact that he sat down with Xia Yihan earlier, if it wasn't for Ye Zimo's deep understanding of him, Ye Zimo would really sigh at how good this old fox Zhong Yuquan's acting was."    


Ye Zimo did not want to be coquettish with Zhong Yuquan. Since Xia Yihan had let him in, Yihan was probably still very close to him.    


"It seems like President Zhong really does have some free time. I wonder if he will continue to have some free time like this." He carried Rose and walked to Xia Yihan's side.    


She looked at Ye Zimo, unsure of how to explain the current situation.    


She didn't want to answer the call from President Zhong today. He called her three times in a row. Zhong Yuquan's concern and worry reached her through the radio waves the moment Xia Yihan picked up the phone.    


"Yihan, Daddy was worried when he heard you were sick. He wanted to call you, but he was afraid you'd think too much." Zhong Yuquan said passionately. After a while, Xia Yihan still didn't say anything.    


"Yihan, you and I are related by blood, how could I harm you? If you are not so serious, can you let Ye Zimo show her true feelings for you?" Zhong Yuquan started to implement the policy of kinship. Xia Yihan was transparent and smart, but Xia Yihan didn't have a good impression of kinship. This was the reason why Zhong Yuquan was able to enter Ye Family.    


This time, Xia Yihan finally responded to him.    


"President Zhong, why are you looking for me?" When Xia Yihan heard about blood relations, she still opened her mouth. She originally wanted to call him daddy, but in the end she still called him President Zhong.    


Zhong Yuquan had obtained Xia Yihan's trust, so it was logical for Zhong Yuquan to request to see Xia Yihan. He was finally able to enter the Ye Family and achieve his goal. He did not expect Ye Zimo to return not long after he sat down. He knew that Ye Zimo, this big bad wolf, would not be easy to deal with.    


"Zimo, I'm just taking advantage of these few days to relax and squeeze in some time to visit Yihan. Before long, I won't have much time to visit Yihan." Zhong Yuquan said with some regret, "Brat, I will definitely get in that position."    


Ye Zimo passed the rose to Xia Yihan, and he elegantly sat opposite Zhong Yuquan. This old fox came to Ye Family today, he actually wanted to see what kind of scheme the old fox had.    


"I'll go cook for you." After Xia Yihan finished speaking, she remembered the first time Zhong Yuquan came home to cook dinner, I guess Zhong Yuquan doesn't like Sichuan Cuisine.    


"Don't worry, Yihan will prepare as she pleases." Zhong Yuquan said affectionately. There was a price to pay if one wanted to be a good father.    


Xia Yihan wanted to ask Zhong Yuquan what he wanted to eat, but Ye Zimo cut him off. Zhong Yuquan wanted to play the role of a good father, so he would help him.    


"Yihan, President Zhong said he would do as he pleased. You can go now." Xia Yihan nodded happily as she hugged the red rose and left happily.    


Ye Zimo looked at Zhong Yuquan. Even if you are Yihan's father, she will still listen to me.    


Zhong Yuquan looked sharply at Ye Zimo. He and Ye Zimo knew each other well, and without Xia Yihan, there was no need for him to act the part of a good father.    


"President Zhong, speak frankly. What business do you have with your visit today?" Without Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo represented authority. He looked at Zhong Yuquan and paid close attention to his eyes. The expression on his face could be disguised, but it was impossible to disguise it with his eyes. Ye Zimo wanted to see what Zhong Yuquan would do from his eyes.    


"Zimo, father most of all, I'm just here to see Yihan." Zhong Yuquan avoided Ye Zimo's eyes. He came to the Ye residence with a purpose, but how could Zhong Yuquan tell Ye Zimo his hidden purpose?    


Zhong Yuquan, no matter what your motive is, just come at me. Ye Zimo looked at Zhong Yuquan with the corner of her mouth raised.    


"Zimo, why haven't I seen Wanting? Isn't she here? " Zhong Yuquan asked casually. It was just a simple question, so he took the opportunity to look around.    


Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes. You old fox, you're already in such a hurry to show off your fox tail?    


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