Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C550 Favorite Marriage 481

C550 Favorite Marriage 481

When Ye Haorann woke up, Ye Zimo didn't look at Ye Haorann. He didn't dare to look, as he wasn't sure if Ye Haorann would blame him for his decision. All along, Ye Haorann had never been nice to him. Ye Zimo was afraid that he would scold her when she saw his expression.    


Xia Yihan's movements were inconvenient. On the contrary, she went to see Ye Haorann several times. She knew that Ye Zimo really wanted to know Ye Haorann's situation. Every time Xia Yihan came back, she would tell Ye Zimo about Ye Haorann's situation.    


Ye Haorann's condition was getting better. Ye Zimo had a smile on her face and the coldness in her expression lessened. Once she heard that Ye Haorann's complexion wasn't good, Ye Zimo seemed as if someone owed her tens of millions, and the cold expression on her face was enough to freeze someone to death.    


Jiu Jiu ran to Ye Haorann's bed. She lied on it and was at a loss at what to do. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Dad, if we knew earlier, we would have ordered it later." She simply thought that her engagement was against Ye Haorann, but in reality, they still believed in superstition. Ye Haorann's illness was indeed due to their engagement, and there were people in the world who were just like that, despite knowing that they would be injured, they still threw caution to the wind.    


"Jiu Jiu, don't cry, my illness has nothing to do with you. Seeing you two together is what I wish for. I was even worried that I wouldn't see you two together. Wouldn't that be a pity? Luckily, I saw it!" Ye Haorann said from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that Yan Qingyan had a big life, he was overjoyed and had a heart attack. It was also good that Ye Haorann knew of his situation.    


At that time, when Xia Yihan asked him what was wrong with his body, Ye Haorann only knew that he was not in good health. He went alone and secretly checked the doctor to tell him that his heart disease was serious. At first, Ye Haorann was angry, but then he thought that if Ye Zimo and Fu Fengyi didn't tell him, he would just let him live happily! Ye Haorann decided to pretend that he didn't know about this!    


Yan Qingyan, who was standing behind Jiu Jiu, did not dare to look Fu Fengyi in the eye. Every time he looked at Ye Haorann, he would leave in a hurry without stopping. Fu Fengyi asked Jiu Jiu for her reason, but Jiu Jiu shook her head.    


Every time he left, he would secretly fight while looking at him by Ye Haorann's window. Yan Qingyan did not dare to meet Fu Fengyi, and similarly, he also did not dare to look at Ye Haorann, which made him feel even more guilty when he found out from the doctor that Ye Haorann was sick. He had always occupied Ye Zihan's position, and as long as it was warm from Ye Family, he would feel guilty.    


At midnight, Ye Haorann woke up with his eyes still closed. His hearing was sharp and he could hear the faint sounds coming from outside.    


"Who?" Ye Haorann stopped what he was doing. He looked towards the door. No one was there. Did he hear it wrong?    


Ye Haorann didn't really care about it. Since he didn't want to come in, he thought it must be Ye Zimo.    


Actually, Ye Haorann guessed wrong. This time, it wasn't Ye Zimo.    


Yan Qingyan stuck close to the wall, not daring to let out a breath, making it hard for him to be noticed by the darkness. No, he had to find evidence to prove that he was a child of Ye Family. He really didn't want to lose this love, especially not to mention Jiu Jiu's love.    


Ye Haorann had only been sick for two days before he left for work. Coincidentally, it was Monday, causing Zhong Yuquan to be unsure if Ye Haorann had recovered.    


On the first day at work, Zhong Yuquan sat in the office looking at the opposite of him with anticipation. On the other side was Ye Haorann's office, he wanted to confirm that Ye Haorann was in a serious condition, so he always opened the door of Zhong Yuquan's office in the morning. However, Ye Haorann didn't cooperate with him.    


What made him disappointed was that not only did Ye Haorann come to work, he seemed to be in good spirits. Zhong Yuquan almost rushed over to see that Ye Haorann was pretending, but he didn't do that.    


"Haoran is coming to work." Zhong Yuquan walked to Ye Haorann's office and greeted him hypocritically. Since the mountain road came to him, he would go to the mountain. Now that there were others, it was not convenient for him to look at them closely. Ye Haorann nodded and went back to his work. He didn't talk much with Zhong Yuquan and Zhong Yuquan brought embarrassment to themselves. Ye Haorann walked into his office casually and kept greeting Ye Haorann's ancestors for several generations.    


With a bang, Zhong Yuquan closed the door of his office. Yuntang said that Ye Haorann was sick. No matter how he saw it, Ye Haorann looked healthy, without any signs of illness. Yue Mulan didn't need to lie to him, and Yuntang wouldn't go through so much trouble to say that Ye Haorann was sick. Was Ye Haorann pretending on purpose? Did Ye Haorann discover his purpose? That shouldn't be, Zhong Yuquan kept shaking his head!    


How could he get Ye Haorann's real situation?    


Zhong Yuquan racked his brains to think of a way to use Xia Yihan. In the end, he still thought that Xia Yihan was the most useful. She was very smart, but kindness was her weakness! If Zhong Yuquan was sick, she wouldn't be able to hide it as long as she knew.    


Zhong Yuquan felt like he was sitting on a needle blanket at work that day, wishing he could get off work earlier. He waited left and right until 5 o'clock at last.    


Ye Haorann walked past Zhong Yuquan's door in a hurry. He did not see Zhong Yuquan's greeting, and did not know if it was intentional or not.    


Wu Tie picked up his cell phone to call Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan didn't receive it, so he was planning to call her for the second time when he saw Hai Zhixuan walk down from above. Zhong Yuquan's eyes lit up. As long as there was someone here, he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to ask what he wanted to know!    


"Zhixuan, why did you come to work today? Let's have a meal together." Zhong Yuquan called to Hai Zhixuan, who had just come downstairs, and said gently, It's all love.    


Hai Zhixuan looked at Zhong Yuquan doubtfully. Zhong Yuquan never had a simple meaning for eating with him. What was he going to do this time? Hai Zhixuan looked at Zhong Yuquan silently and nodded his head. Who told Zhong Yuquan to be his superior? Even if it was a Hongmen feast, he still had to go.    


"Zhixuan, how about this? Let's go to my house." Zhong Yuquan pulled Hai Zhixuan into the car without explanation. Hai Zhixuan could not get Hai Zhixuan to get out, so he could only agree.    


The family sat around Hai Zhixuan and ate together. The atmosphere was very strange. Zhong Yuquan, however, disagreed. Right now, he only wanted to know if Ye Haorann was really sick or not. As for the atmosphere, he had never considered it before.    


Zhong Yuntang and Hai Zhixuan nodded in greeting. She looked at Zhong Yuquan. Why did her father bring Hai Zhixuan home? Zhong Yuquan never made a loss. Zhong Yuntang thought about what kind of scheme Zhong Yuquan was plotting and couldn't blame her for guessing her father like that. If she had to blame someone, she could only blame Zhong Yuquan for giving her a bad impression.    


"Yuntang, how was your engagement with Xiao Han yesterday? When are you going to get engaged? " Zhong Yuquan asked casually while eating, but in reality, there was a myriad of things about him. Those who didn't know him would think that he was really a kind father, especially when he said the two words "Xiao Han" in a very loving manner.    


"Dad, why are you asking this?" Zhong Yuntang looked at Zhong Yuquan doubtfully, as if she wanted to see something from his eyes. However, Zhong Yuquan was not an ordinary person. If Zhong Yuntang could see his thoughts so simply, how could he be where he was today?    


"You are already so old and yet you are still shy. I haven't been in good health lately, so I haven't come to see Yihan in a long time. " Yue Mulan was very angry when she heard this. Initially, she wanted to directly say Zhong Yuquan, but before she could open her mouth, she remembered that there was Hai Zhixuan at home. She had restrained her anger a lot, but how could this vent it? Yue Mulan used all her strength to step on Zhong Yuquan. Wu Tie wanted to cry out in pain, but he endured the pain in the end.    


"Zhixuan, was it lively yesterday?" Zhong Yuquan asked casually. He even picked up a bowl of food with a happy expression.    


After being asked by Zhong Yuquan, Hai Zhixuan immediately nodded and said, "It's very lively."    


"I also heard that Ye Haorann is sick?" After Zhong Yuquan finished his sentence, Ye Haorann was a bit regretful. He should change his mind and directly say that Ye Haorann did not seem good enough.    


"How do you know?" Zhong Yuntang looked at Zhong Yuquan doubtfully. He did not go to the scene, neither did anyone at home know. Ye Haorann was also sick, so where did Zhong Yuquan get the news from?    


Hearing Zhong Yuntang's rhetorical question, it could be considered that Ye Haorann was really sick.    


"Is he alright? He didn't even visit any of his colleagues, so it's actually a bit unreasonable." Zhong Yuquan's aged face was full of guilt. As he spoke, he secretly observed Hai Zhixuan's and Zhong Yuntang's reactions.    


"Dad, we don't know Uncle Ye's situation. Let's just eat. It's not good to talk about other people behind his back." Hai Zhixuan hadn't spoken a word since the beginning.    


"Zhixuan, when it comes to Yuntang's marriage, what about yours?" Zhong Yuquan wanted to ask about Ye Haorann's sickness, but he couldn't get any information from the two of them. Thus, he could only ask them about other things, such as the situation of Chairman Lin's beloved daughter.    


"President Zhong, I'm still early." Hai Zhixuan said with a smile, but he was very confused. Why would Zhong Yuquan ask this question? Although he didn't know what Zhong Yuquan was up to, Hai Zhixuan was very clear in his heart. Every sentence of Zhong Yuquan was a trap, attracting people's attention.    


"It's not early anymore. Although we can't do anything without a family, we still have a sense of belonging." However, Zhong Yuquan was too smart to explain to Yue Mulan. There were some things that could be solved privately, such as with Yue Mulan. As long as he gave a reason for doing so, Yue Mulan would definitely not embarrass him too much.    


Hai Zhixuan smiled and didn't say anything. The table was silent for a while.    


"Zhixuan, I heard that Ye Zimo's assistant is sick." Zhong Yuquan spoke casually this time, his eyes staring unblinkingly at Hai Zhixuan. He learned from his subordinates that Hai Zhixuan had gone missing at all times in search of a woman named Lin Ling.    


That woman was Ye Zimo's assistant, which was nothing to be afraid of. She was afraid that the woman's status and position could not be ignored. She and Hai Zhixuan seemed to have a secret, and Chairman Lin and Ye Zimo even had a conversation — if that assistant was close to Hai Zhixuan, it would be beneficial for him.    


Was Lin Ling sick? How could he not know that Hai Zhixuan had forgotten to visit Lin Ling while he was busy with other things? Damn it, he couldn't help but worry about her even though she was sick.    


No, he didn't even know how Zhong Yuquan found out that Lin Ling was sick.    


"Is that so? I really haven't heard of it. "    


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