Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C578 Favorite Marriage 509

C578 Favorite Marriage 509

"You haven't cleaned up the tableware yet." Xia Yihan waved her hands to come back and clean up the table.    


"Come pick them up later, let's go over."    


The two of them didn't notice that they were holding hands. Xu Haosheng let go of a chair that Xia Yihan brought over and even placed a cushion and table cushion carefully. What a good man.    


"Big Brother Xu, you're such a nice person." Xia Yihan said sincerely.    


"Wait a moment, I'll download the game first. You're a good person too. This is the reward for helping me organize the books. " Xu Haosheng said with a smile. Didn't this little girl know that she was the best person here?    


"You read the book first. I'll call you after I've installed the game."    


Xia Yihan nodded and walked to the side of the bookshelf. She actually walked to the internet bestseller area.    


"This book." Xia Yihan pulled out a popular novel, while Kai Feng's residence appeared in front of Xia Yihan's eyes all of a sudden. As a civil servant, this seemed to be pretty good. Xia Yihan thought that she still had money in her bank account, if she were to concentrate on studying now, she might not be able to pass the examinations by the end of the year.    


If she were to become a civil servant, she would be able to protect herself and the children in her womb slowly. Thinking about how her Fu Group stock had fallen by a lot when she had just left, Xia Yihan had always wondered if it was secretly done by Zhong Yuquan, and if she had the ability, could she go against her father and stop him from doing bad things. Thinking about Ye Haorann's death, Xia Yihan decided to become a public servant and ask Xu Haosheng later to see if he had a better opinion.    


"Xiao Ai, it's done. Come over quickly." Xia Yihan put the book she was holding on the shelf and took out the book about Kaifeng as a civil servant.    


"Come, let me tell you how to play your game." Xu Haosheng put Xia Yihan's book beside the computer and started to explain to her.    


Xia Yihan was definitely a good student. When Xu Haosheng explained to her, she listened very seriously. Even if it was just a game, she was fully committed to it.    


Xu Haosheng began to admire this girl from the bottom of his heart. She was a good person, and she did things seriously. As long as she did it, she wouldn't complain.    


When they reached the fifth test, Xia Yihan died. She giggled and said, "I passed the fifth test."    


"Come on, you can still go down." Xu Haosheng clenched his fists to cheer Xia Yihan on. His eyes also glanced at the book. Why did Xiao Ai come here?    


Xu Haosheng looked carefully at the civil servant. This brat couldn't be thinking of taking the civil servant exam, right? However, this was also good. Since she was working hard for the civil servant exam, it would be much easier for her to work in the future. Her current condition also meant that she wouldn't be able to find a job.    


Seeing Xia Yihan's serious expression, Xu Haosheng believed that as long as this girl wanted to, she would definitely be able to fulfill her wish.    


"I've passed. Big Brother Xu, you're so amazing." Xia Yihan said loudly. She forgot about the unhappiness she had suffered during this time and forgot about the suffering she had endured in the East River. Her eyes were filled with happiness.    


"Xiao Ai is preparing to take the civil servant examination?" Xu Haosheng asked straightforwardly. There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, making people like Mu Qingfeng.    


Xia Yihan smiled and nodded, "Big Brother Xu, how did you know?" How did he know what she was thinking?    


Xu Haosheng looked at the book on the table and said, "Bring this book over, and everyone will know about it."    


Xia Yihan stuck out her tongue. Was it that obvious? Her actions were not fake, but it made Xu Haosheng stunned for a moment.    


He pinched her hands. Damn it, what was going on? Xiao Ai was pregnant and she looked sexy when she stuck out her tongue. Xu Haosheng thought maybe he had been coerced for too long.    


Yes, that must be the case. Xu Haosheng was always free and easy to deal with, so he didn't entangle himself with this issue.    


"Big Brother Xu, do you think I should take the civil servant exam?"    


Xia Yihan put down the game and asked seriously. She didn't have much experience in this area. Xu Haosheng was very experienced, so he couldn't help but admit that Xu Haosheng was experienced and knowledgeable.    


"Xiao Ai, I think this is a good idea. After all, you can't find a job right now." Xu Haosheng nodded in agreement.    


"I also think it's good. Alright, how much money do I have left now?" The more Xia Yihan spoke, the more she whispered.    


"Come, since you want to take the civil servant examination, let's choose the basic information book!" Xu Haosheng opened the Dang net and quickly typed in the words "Public Service Examination".    


A lot of books came out all at once.    


"There are so many books. They all arrive tomorrow." Xia Yihan was extremely happy.    


"You don't have to look for a job tomorrow. You can stay here to read!" Xu Haosheng hit the button and logged into his account to add the book to the shopping cart.    


"Big Brother Xu, I'll give you the money later." Xia Yihan said, embarrassed.    


"Treat it as a gift from me. You were the one cooking for the past few days and even helped clean up the house." Xu Haosheng smiled brightly.    


Xia Yihan saw that Xu Haosheng wanted to pay, so she walked a few pages away and saw a magazine. How come she didn't see it before? The girl on the cover of the magazine was very fond of Jiu Jiu.    


He hated the child in Xia Yihan's belly. However, Fu Fengyi did not know that Ye Zimo did not want her mother to live in hatred, so she should live happily and carefreely, not to mention that Wu Tie's death had caused enough harm to Fu Fengyi. Ye Zimo did not want Fu Fengyi to know that the blood in Xia Yihan's stomach was the blood that had killed Ye Haorann.    


Jiu Jiu, Yan Qingyan and Fu Fengyi climb the Great Wall in Beijing.    


"We are all men until we reach Chang Cheng. Hehe, mom, we are stronger than many of those men." Jiu Jiu waved her hand as she spoke, the dimples on her face very obvious.    


"That girl Jiu Jiu just can't calm down." Fu Fengyi said to Yan Qingyan, "Look, it's jumping up and down. It's just like a rabbit."    


Yan Qingyan's eyes were filled with a doting smile.    


She was his rabbit, and Yan Qingyan started to worry about his future.    


"It's a pity that Yihan didn't come. I wonder where I took her to?" Jiu Jiu said in disappointment, "If only Yihan was here."    


After so long without news of Xia Yihan, Jiu Jiu began to miss her, to think about how nice their life had been together, and how different things had been since Yihan had her father.    


"Silly child, what are you saying? Even if Yihan is here, she can't come with us. Do you think that she's like you, able to jump and jump?" Fu Fengyi said with a smile. Thinking about the small clothes and pants she had prepared at home, she smiled. She was finally able to carry her grandson.    


The pain that Ye Haorann's death brought to her also lessened a lot.    


"I still miss Yihan." Jiu Jiu pouted and said.    


"I'll be able to see it when I go back." Fu Fengyi's heart was a lot calmer. At least Jiu Jiu and Xia Yihan had a good relationship, so she didn't have to worry about her sister-in-law's problems.    


"Should I call Yihan?" Yan Qingyan saw the anticipation in Jiu Jiu's eyes and couldn't bear to suggest it.    


"Isn't Yihan's phone off the hook?" Fu Fengyi remembered the last time she had missed her little grandson and called Xia Yihan, but Xia Yihan's phone had been cut off.    


"Then Yihan gave me a new number." Jiu Jiu said happily. She took out her phone and started searching. "Found it." Jiu Jiu could not wait any longer and quickly made a call.    


Yan Qingyan looked at Jiu Jiu and shook his head with a smile.    


"What's wrong?" Fu Fengyi asked. The disappointed expression on Jiu Jiu's face did not escape Fu Fengyi's sharp eyes.    


"Yihan's phone is always off." Jiu Jiu called again, unwilling to give up.    


No matter how many times she tried, her phone was turned off.    


"Do you want to give Mr Ye a call?" Jiu Jiu was still not used to being called Ye Zimoge.    


"No need, let's continue playing." Yan Qingyan felt that the matter wasn't simple. He didn't want to disappoint Jiu Jiu now, so he said, "We'll see when we go back."    


Fu Fengyi nodded in agreement. "Let's go to the Gate of Heavenly Peace."    


Jiu Jiu was still worried about Xia Yihan. No matter what, the phone was turned off. She took out her cell phone and left a message on Weibo for Xia Yihan.    


Yihan remembered to answer me when she saw Weibo.    


Yes, Jiu Jiu was worried about Xia Yihan!    


"Xiaojun, how is Yihan?" Hai Qingqing thought about how Mo Xiaojun hadn't been to see Xia Yihan lately.    


"I don't know. She said she wanted to go out and relax. The child is sick, so I can't take care of her!" Mo Xiaojun didn't want anything to happen to Xia Yihan. Similarly, she didn't want anything to happen to her children. He owed them too much!    


"Xiaojun, let's go see Yihan!" Hai Qingqing knew that Mo Xiaojun cared about her, and she was happy. Naturally, she loved the house and wanted to take care of Xia Yihan!    


Mo Xiaojun nodded. He should call Yihan and ask where she was!    


He actually couldn't get through, Mo Xiaojun had a bad premonition in his heart!    


Hai Qingqing saw the worry in Mo Xiaojun's eyes. She loved him and wanted to share his burden!    


"Let's go to the Lee Family. Maybe Yihan has returned!" Since Hai Qingqing suggested to go to Lee Family, Mo Xiaojun was unable to figure out what was going on at the moment. Thus, he could only go to Lee Family to have a look before making any other plans!    


Mo Xiaojun and Hai Qingqing were both very disappointed when they got to Lee Family. Just by looking at the pile of dust on the door, one could imagine that Xia Yihan had been gone for a while!    


Yihan, where the hell have you been? Mo Xiaojun was like an ant on a hot pan. He was worried that Xia Yihan would be bullied if he stood still!    


"It's okay, Xiaojun. Sofia will be fine, why don't you ask Brother Zimo if he knows." Hai Qingqing comforted Mo Xiaojun. How could she have forgotten?    


"Qingqing, don't ask Ye Zimo!" Mo Xiaojun said stubbornly. Ye Zimo couldn't wait for Yihan to die. Asking him would be asking for a scolding!    


Hai Qingqing wondered why Mo Xiaojun wouldn't let her ask Ye Zimo, since Xiaojun had said she wouldn't ask if he didn't!    


At the same time, another group of people were also looking for Xia Yihan. They were very secretive and had sent people to monitor the Lee Family, seeing that Mo Xiaojun had also sent people to follow Mo Xiaojun. Once Mo Xiaojun found Xia Yihan, they had also completed their mission!    


Mo Xiaojun and Hai Qingqing said a few warm words in front of the door and left! The people who were following him looked at the leader suspiciously, as if they wanted to ask if they found the wrong person!    


Mo Xiaojun still looked back from time to time, as if he was hoping that Xia Yihan would be at the end of the road.    


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