Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C589 Favorite Marriage 520

C589 Favorite Marriage 520

"Baby." Soong Shuhao blurted out the word without thinking.    


He didn't expect Zhong Yuquan to send him to see Xia Yihan. Zhong Yuquan's daughter only had these two people, the old fox treated Zhong Yuntang so highly, Soong Shuhao should have already known that the person he wanted to meet was Xia Yihan.    


He frowned. Ye Zimo loved Xia Yihan so much that she wanted to hide her beauty. How could he let Xia Yihan meet him?    


Since Soong Shuhao was still doubtful, he started to size up Xia Yihan.    


It had been a long time since he last saw Xia Yihan. Soong Shuhao had already forgotten that it had been a long time.    


Her face was still as fair and beautiful as ever, and her years were unrelenting. Time had doted on Xia Yihan and left no mark on her.    


"Soong Shuhao, go out." Xia Yihan shouted loudly. She stood up and ran out.    


This was the place she wanted to live. How could she go there?    


Xia Yihan felt that she was really sad. If she hadn't left Jiang Lin, wouldn't she have had to face all of this?    


"Baby, let's talk." Soong Shuhao saw that Xia Yihan had a lot of guts and had already thrown Zhong Yuquan's words to Wu Shan.    


Zhong Yuquan had already arranged for his trusted aides to lie in ambush around the mansion.    


"Don't come over." Xia Yihan stared at Soong Shuhao as she retreated. There was always a shadow in her heart. Looking at Soong Shuhao, all of Xia Yihan's courage disappeared.    


"Baby, I missed you so much." Soong Shuhao directly threw himself at Xia Yihan and hugged her.    


What Zhong Yuquan wanted was this kind of effect. Those people took advantage of this opportunity to slap down on Xia Yihan's terrified face.    


With these diagrams, would he be afraid that Ye Zimo wouldn't surrender?    


After all of the scenes were done, Zhong Yuquan slowly walked out. He looked at Soong Shuhao seriously and said angrily, "I want you to be happy and depress with my daughter. "How are you so happy?"    


Xia Yihan was still useful, but her value was too great. With Soong Shuhao around, Zhong Yuquan would not make a loss.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan couldn't even think about how Soong Shuhao came in here or how Zhong Yuquan came by coincidence. She ran to the back of Zhong Yuquan and looked at Soong Shuhao carefully, her whole body trembling.    


"Yihan, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'll tell him to scram right now. Just stay here and live a good life. Just tell them what you need." Zhong Yuquan had the men in black behind him.    


Those were his trusted aides, and he had arranged for them to keep an eye on Xia Yihan so that she wouldn't have a chance to escape.    


Looking at these men in black, Xia Yihan thought about her life at Base One. No, she didn't want that kind of life, she didn't want that.    


How could Zhong Yuquan allow Xia Yihan to change her decision? He was only giving her orders and not asking for her opinion.    


"Dad, seeing that we're both bleeding like this, can you let me go?" Xia Yihan held Zhong Yuquan's hand and slowly knelt to the ground.    


"Yihan, I just want to protect you. You're my daughter, and I don't want my daughter to be in danger."    


Zhong Yuquan said righteously. His noble words could not cover up his ugly heart.    


Zhong Yuquan let go of Xia Yihan's hand and left with Soong Shuhao without looking back even once.    


Xia Yihan looked at Zhong Yuquan. Did she have to believe that he was doing it for her own good? Right now, she was indeed in danger, but the danger of Zhong Yuquan was not small.    


Zhong Yuquan's thoughts were no longer on Xia Yihan. He had brought those black-and-white films with him to get people to wash out a lot of photos. The more he looked at those photos, the more Zhong Yuquan's smile became wider, as if they were not photos but his most treasured items.    


"Ye Zimo, let's meet up!" Zhong Yuquan said proudly as he held the phone. He seemed to have seen the scene of Ye Zimo submitting to him and getting married to Zhong Yuntang.    


Ye Zimo also wanted to see what made Zhong Yuquan so ambitious!    


With the dim lighting and the deserted restaurant, no one expected that the two famous people, Ye Zimo and Zhong Yuquan, would be here.    


"Ye Zimo, you really came." Zhong Yuquan looked at the relaxed Ye Zimo. He didn't know whether Ye Zimo would be able to smile later on.    


"Zhong Yuquan, I didn't come because you invited me." Ye Zimo retorted sarcastically. He no longer needed to flirt with him and show him mercy.    


Thinking about Ye Haorann's death, Ye Zimo couldn't wait to go up and kill Zhong Yuquan. However, she didn't want to do that. It would be too easy for Zhong Yuquan.    


"I've had a lot of photos lately, and they look really nice." Zhong Yuquan opened the envelope beside his hand.    


Inside were a stack of photographs.    


"Ye Zimo, I wonder if you're interested?" Although Zhong Yuquan told Ye Zimo to choose, he had already flipped open those photos.    


Ye Zimo's eyes turned dark as she looked at the photo. Soong Shuhao, you dare? Ye Zimo's heart was pounding and she tried her best to remain calm.    


"Zhong Yuquan, you are the strongest person in all of history."    


Zhong Yuquan did not refute Ye Zimo's mockery. It was inevitable that he would pay the price for what he wanted.    


"Ye Zimo, how about we make a deal?" Zhong Yuquan had a smile on his face and his eyes were full of scheming.    


Ye Zimo looked at Zhong Yuquan without batting an eyelid.    


"Tell me about your deal, and see if it's worth it." Ye Zimo said in her heart. Her eyes seemed to be looking at the photos unintentionally, but in fact, he had already turned into a pair of sharp scissors and cut Soong Shuhao into pieces.    


"I'll let Xia Yihan go, but you have to marry Yuntang." Zhong Yuquan looked at Ye Zimo. He didn't want to miss the trace of emotion on Ye Zimo's face.    


Ye Zimo laughed and said, "President Zhong, you might have misunderstood. Xia Yihan has nothing to do with me."    


Yes, they were fine. They were fine a long time ago.    


"Since that's the case, then I'll give Yihan to Soong Shuhao. Soong Shuhao is not bad too." Zhong Yuquan thought about it for a while, then softly said his decision to himself. However, Ye Zimo could clearly hear him.    


Ye Zimo looked at Zhong Yuquan coldly. He actually could bear it. Ye Zimo hated Xia Yihan, but she was his daughter. How could Soong Shuhao lay his hands on Ye Zimo beating his daughter up? Even in the past, he couldn't do that.    


Ye Zimo didn't know that he was looking for an excuse, forcing his logic to stop Soong Shuhao from bullying Xia Yihan.    


"I'll make this deal, but I want Xia Yihan. This daughter is too despicable, I must vent my anger." Ye Zimo said indifferently, as if she was talking about someone she had never met.    


No matter what Ye Zimo wanted Xia Yihan to do, Zhong Yuquan could achieve his goal. However, he was still a bit concerned about whether or not Ye Zimo really didn't want Xia Yihan.    


"Zhong Yuquan, I'll definitely let you know on the day of my wedding. Those who betray me bear the consequences. " Ye Zimo looked at the panic-stricken face in the photo. "Will you be so panic-stricken when the time comes?" Or would you be more frightened?    


"Ye Zimo, my good son-in-law, as long as you obediently marry Yuntang, I will bring you Yihan." If only Xia Yihan knew that Ye Zimo and Zhong Yuntang were married, Zhong Yuquan thought, she wouldn't be among them.    


The two of them were evenly matched, and the battle was extremely enjoyable.    


Ye Zimo nodded after pondering for a few minutes. It was not the time for him to fight Zhong Yuquan, not to mention marrying Zhong Yuntang and marrying others were the same.    


Ye Zimo had long since assumed that it was just that person, and the others were just waiting. Since marrying anyone was the same, then Ye Zimo would marry Zhong Yuquan as Zhong Yuquan wished.    


Yuntang, don't blame me, I also can't help myself. If you had to blame me, blame your father, if it wasn't for him, my father wouldn't have died.    


Ye Zimo hated Xia Yihan greatly in her heart, but she was very tolerant of Zhong Yuntang.    


"Zhong Yuquan, I wonder if you will regret what you did today when you get old." After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she didn't even look at Zhong Yuquan and just let Zhong Yuquan think about it. He stood up and passed a stack of RMB to the waiter and left without looking back.    


Zhong Yuquan sneered as he watched Ye Zimo leave. Ye Zimo, I will not regret it. The pursuit of power is my mission.    


On the other hand, Zhong Yuquan still liked Zhong Yuntang. After all, they grew up together, and people are not like plants and vegetation, which makes them ruthless. He only had Xia Yihan, Zhong Yuntang, and Xia Yihan as his daughter.    


Xia Yihan had not seen Zhong Yuquan ever since she stayed. Every time she asked to see Zhong Yuntang or Zhong Yuquan, her jailer politely refused. Xia Yihan asked too many times, and the jailer was impatient and no longer courteous to Xia Yihan.    


"Miss Xia, just give up. Do you really think you're a big shot? You're just an item that the president used to trade. The president isn't sick at all. "    


A young girl who didn't have much experience said in disdain.    


She was no exception, after all, this was not the first time Zhong Yuquan had done this kind of thing. Although it was not a common occurrence, it was still acceptable, but Xia Yihan had not expected Zhong Yuntang to bring her here, and Xia Yihan had always trusted and treated her like a sister.    


"Miss Xia, don't mind her joking." The man standing next to the woman looked at her and felt a headache. This partner of his was capable, but he didn't have any scheming mind. He could say anything he wanted to.    


"All of you can leave now!" Xia Yihan smiled and waved her hand. She did not know that she could still smile. Perhaps she had experienced too much that tears could not flow. Smiling was a forceful killer.    


Since she was an item, and Zhong Yuquan wasn't really sick, what was she still doing here? She could only watch helplessly as they used her to make a deal and counted the money with a smile? Even if Xia Yihan was able to keep her eyes open, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing.    


A man and a woman looked at Xia Yihan and smiled. They had a bad feeling about this, but they couldn't say where it was wrong.    


"Let's go, she's just a pregnant woman. She won't be able to do anything out of line." That woman really didn't care about Xia Yihan at all. She had forgotten that her mother was the greatest, so she naturally wouldn't understand if she hadn't been a mother before.    


Xia Yihan smiled as she watched the two leave. She had to think of a way to leave this place as soon as possible.    


"Child, mom will take you away, so you have to help mom leave together, okay?" Xia Yihan said to herself while rubbing her stomach. Her eyes were filled with determination.    


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