Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C595 Married to a Rich Family 526

C595 Married to a Rich Family 526

Xu Haosheng calmed down his excited mood. This happiness came so suddenly that he was caught off guard! He couldn't help but feel that it was too surreal, and he didn't dare to guess Xia Yihan's thoughts.    


Xia Yihan unbuckled her seat belt and opened the car door. Without thinking too much, she walked downstairs in a relaxed manner. She was about to go upstairs. Xia Yihan wondered why there was no movement behind her. Even if Xu Haosheng's movements were light and graceful, he shouldn't have been so silent!    


She turned her head and could not believe her eyes. How could Xu Haosheng, who was usually steady, be laughing in the car like a fool!    


Xia Yihan shook her head helplessly. What happened to Big Brother Xu today? Why does he look like his soul has left his body? Did something happen? Xia Yihan never thought that she would set off a ripple on her own!    


"Big Brother Xu, get off!" Xia Yihan's voice wasn't loud, but everyone could hear her clearly!    


Xu Haosheng continued to laugh foolishly!    


Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haosheng in confusion.    


"Big Brother Xu, here we are!" Xia Yihan raised her voice this time! Even she could feel her voice buzzing in her ears!    


"Ah, Xiao Ai, how am I?" Xu Haosheng stammered!    


Xu Haosheng opened the door and got off the car in one breath. He looked at Xia Yihan with an expression as if he was facing death at all costs, making people doubt whether he was going to ascend to the death row!    


Xia Yihan walked two rounds around Xu Haosheng and nodded. "Very good!"    


Xu Haosheng looked at Xia Yihan. That feeling of helplessness suddenly emerged!    


Xiao Ai, oh Xiao Ai, are you really dumb? Can't you see my heart? Xu Haosheng's heart was filled with Xia Yihan, and he could not let another person into his heart!    


Xia Yihan thought that Nianmo was safe and alone at home. How could she even have the knots of thinking about Xu Haosheng?!    


Xu Haosheng did not want to continue like this. He pulled Xia Yihan's petite body into his wide embrace with his firm hand.    


The sudden gentleness and unfamiliar atmosphere made Xia Yihan uncomfortable. She struggled to break away from Xu Haosheng's embrace!    


"Xiao Ai, let me take care of you!"    


These few simple words were spat out after chewing on Xu Haosheng's lips several times!    


"Xu..." "Big Brother Xu, you!" Xia Yihan did not know what to say at that moment! She could see the sincere persistence in Wu Junxing's eyes! He even forgot to struggle.    


Does Big Brother Xu really like me?    


Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haosheng and then lowered her head. She was only a person with a child, how could Xu Haosheng like her?    


If Xia Yihan didn't like her, she wouldn't have had to take care of her for three years.    


"Big Brother Xu, I'm not good enough for you!" Xia Yihan replied with a 'nah'. That's right, she had used such an excuse to convince herself that she was unworthy of him!    


"Xiao Ai, if I say we deserve it, so be it." Xu Haosheng said stubbornly. Xiao Ai, you are so beautiful, you shouldn't be worthy of me, right?    


From the moment he met Xia Yihan, Xu Haosheng had been poisoned ever since he fell in love with her. The only cure was Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan could see the sincerity in Xu Haosheng's eyes. Thinking about how Xu Haosheng had never abandoned her for the past three years, she wavered. Xu Haosheng was so fond of Nianmo, it would be much better if they were together.    


"Xiao Ai, I'm serious."    


"Big Brother Xu, let me think." Xia Yihan closed her eyes, there was still that person's shadow. Ye Zimo, three years have passed, why do I still remember your every move clearly?    


"Let's go up first." Xu Haosheng pulled Xia Yihan. This was something he wanted to leave a long time ago.    


Nianmo was very happy to see Xia Yihan.    


"Mom, Uncle and I have a good time." When Nianmo saw Xia Yihan, he rushed towards her and hugged her.    


"Good boy Wu Tie, have you eaten yet?" Xia Yihan touched Nianmo's head and thought about Xu Haosheng's question. Nianmo liked him so much, so if he was Nianmo's father, there shouldn't be a problem.    


"I've eaten. Uncle hasn't eaten yet." Nianmo said with a smile, "Uncle will have to wait for Mom to come before he can eat."    


"I've already finished. Come, let's finish eating and you can start working." Xu Haosheng strode to the fridge and brought out the food.    


After coaxing Nianmo to sleep, Xia Yihan sat on the table and thought about the problems during the day. Nianmo needed the love of a father, so she couldn't fall in love with anyone other than that person. But Ye Zimo was already married to someone else.    


Xia Yihan remembered that dream. She would give birth to two children for Ye Zimo. Xia Yihan smiled. It seemed like she still couldn't believe what he had.    


However, it was unfair to Xu Haosheng.    


"Xiao Ai, can I come in?"    


After saying that, Xu Haosheng's voice interrupted Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan gently walked over to open the door.    


"Big Brother Xu, why aren't you resting?" Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haosheng, puzzled.    


Xiao Ai, you really don't know, when I meet you, all my good habits will change.    


"Xiao Ai, what are your considerations?" Xu Haosheng looked at Xia Yihan, not allowing her to escape.    


"I …" Before Xia Yihan could finish, she was interrupted by Xu Haosheng.    


"Xiao Ai, we can fake a marriage. If one day you find someone you like, I will let go. If I find someone I like, you can fulfill my wish."    


Xu Haosheng believed that with time, he could obtain Xia Yihan's heart. The reason why he chose this name was so that Xia Yihan could adapt to her title of Lady Xu.    


Xia Yihan closed her eyes and paused for a long time. Xu Haosheng didn't urge her. He had already forced her to do so. Xu Haosheng didn't want to let Xia Yihan have a hard time making a decision.    


"Big Brother Xu, I promise you. You're so good, but unfortunately, I'm not worthy of you."    


Xia Yihan said guiltily. She lowered her head, her long eyelashes casting a shadow that made people feel pity for her for no reason.    


Xu Haosheng was very happy. He walked in front of Xia Yihan, kissed her trembling eyelashes and left quickly.    


Xia Yihan blushed and didn't dare to look at Xu Haosheng. She didn't get used to it. When Xu Haosheng approached her, the image of Ye Zimo's handsome face appeared in Xia Yihan's mind.    


"Xiao Ai, rest. It's getting late." Xu Haosheng said with a smile as he stood by the door. He withdrew and closed the door considerately. His grasp of strength was very good and there was not a single sound.    


After sending Xu Haosheng off, Xia Yihan still hadn't recovered from what had happened. She looked at the child behind the door and didn't know whether this decision was right or wrong.    


Mom, do you think I'm right or wrong?    


Xia Yihan looked up at the sky and asked silently. She hadn't contacted anyone during her three years of absence. Xia Yihan wondered how Zhao Wenying was.    


The next morning, Xu Haosheng woke Xia Yihan up and packed up properly for Nianmo. He said he was going to take a photo, take a wedding photo, and enjoy the family.    


Looking at Xu Haosheng's hopeful eyes, Xia Yihan felt that she had committed a great sin for the first time. She had always accepted Xu Haosheng's care with peace of mind. She had always pretended not to know about his love for her.    


Xia Yihan, how can you be so selfish?    


"Big Brother Xu, wait for a moment, I'll be fine." Xia Yihan patted Nianmo's head before turning around and entering her room. She wanted to dress up so that Xu Haosheng wouldn't feel embarrassed.    


"Mom, hurry up. I want to take pictures with mom."    


Nianmo said to Xia Yihan's back like a little adult.    


Xu Haosheng teased Nianmo to play, the previous mature youth had already disappeared, and replacing it was the lively look a child should have.    


In his eyes, Xia Yihan had always been a household costume, not to mention that he had witnessed the worst of Xia Yihan's downfall.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan was dressed gracefully and elegantly, causing Xu Haosheng's eyeballs to fall to the ground.    


"Let's go." Xia Yihan pulled Nianmo and walked outside. Xu Haosheng finally came back to his senses after a few minutes and followed behind Xia Yihan in big strides.    


"Big Brother Xu, if you don't mind, then let's get married in a month or two." Xia Yihan didn't look at the expressions of the people behind her, she didn't dare to.    


"Whatever you say."    


He understood that Xia Yihan gave him two months to think about it, and he had already thought about it clearly. What he desired most was to get married soon, Xia Yihan still had Ye Zimo in her heart, and this was a ticking time bomb. Xu Haosheng didn't know when this bomb would explode, and he didn't want Xiao Ai and the other men to be with him.    


Ye Zimo, after we walk out of this door today, we won't be able to go back in the past. Since you have your own happiness, even if I won't think about it myself, I will still let Nianmo be happy.    


In China, Ye Zimo stood in a dark room, thinking about something.    


"My lord." A voice sounded outside the door.    


Ye Zimo perked up at the sound and stood up to open the door.    


His movements were a little cautious.    


Thirteen didn't know what to say when she saw Ye Zimo acting like this. During these three years, their lord had asked them to visit all information regarding Xia Yihan. Other people said that Ye Zimo hated Xia Yihan, and although Thirteen didn't understand love, there was a hidden love in Mr Ye's eyes.    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything after she opened the door. She went back and sat at the table without saying anything. He didn't dare to ask what was going to happen this time.    


"My lord, we've already checked every corner of the country, but we haven't seen Miss Xia." Thirteen sighed and said, "Last time, Fifth Brother investigated the background of a person and found out about France. In France, he saw a person who looked very similar to Miss Xia."    


Yesterday, when Ol 'Five came back, he fell asleep and only woke up now.    


Thirteen sat at the table without a word, holding Xia Yihan's picture. Where would this woman and her child go?    


The fifth brother looked at Thirteen's photo and asked, "Who is she? Do you know her?"    


"Yes, she was here for a month when you weren't here." Thirteen thought about things and casually told Ol 'Five. They were the best relationship, so there was nothing to hide.    


"Are you for real?" I saw this woman a few days ago. She was also carrying a child, and the child looked a bit like our Lord. I was wondering if it might be our Lord's seed abroad. " The more the fifth brother spoke, the more serious he became. He could see Thirteen's worry. What was the relationship between this woman and his lord?    


At that time, Ol 'Five was strolling around the streets, thinking that he was happy to find his target's place to stay. At that time, Ol' Five was strolling around the streets, thinking that he was happy to find his target's place.    


He looked at the little boy and found him somewhat familiar. It was hard to say where he had seen him before.    


A woman walked over and pulled the boy and said, "Nianmo, let's go."    


The five of them pulled the little boy, and they disappeared from his eyes. This was originally a trivial matter, but the little boy's eyes had left a deep impression on him, and even that female fifth brother had it etched in his mind.    


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