Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C626 Married to a Rich Family 557

C626 Married to a Rich Family 557

"Nianmo, you have to listen to auntie's words at home. Mom is fine." Lee Heetai rubbed Nianmo's head and said gently.    


"Uncle, you have to bring my mother back." After Nianmo finished his sentence, he went silent. Lee Heetai and Zhong Yuntang looked at each other and smiled. This kid already knew so much.    


"Nianmo, be good. Uncle promises you."    


Lee Heetai walked out of the Lee Family without looking back. He was going to bring Yihan back, and Ye Zimo was also there. He didn't know what Ye Zimo was like, so he decided to call Lin Dahui to take a look.    


"Dahui, I'm Lee Heetai. Did you see the news? Yihan is there, and I think Ye Zimo is there too." Lee Heetai only needed to tell him this. They had to do the rest themselves. The reason they did this was because Ye Zimo was Nianmo's father. That child of his was not only Ye Zimo's but also Yihan's.    


After Lin Dahui heard the news, he immediately went to find Hai Zhixuan.    


"Dahui, you were looking for me?" When Hai Zhixuan had finished with his business, he received a call from the secretary, who told him that a man named Lin Dahui had come to see him and that the situation was urgent.    


"Mr Hai, I don't know who to look for, so I can only come to you. Mr Ye went to the poverty zone in A city and went to the charity fundraising a few days ago." Lin Dahui helplessly looked at Hai Zhixuan. He knew what Hai Zhixuan's next words meant even if he didn't say that he believed Hai Zhixuan.    


"Where did you say Zimo is?"    


Hai Zhixuan thought about how Lin Ling had so many things to do recently. Ye Zimo had to go out to increase her work.    


"Yes, I also heard that Mr Lin also went there."    


Lin Dahui wanted to use this matter to persuade Hai Zhixuan to help him. With only Lin Jie as his only son, if the old man knew Lin Jie was there, he would definitely do his best to help him.    


"Got it. You go back first, I'll take care of it immediately." Hai Zhixuan frowned. Why would Lin Jie go there? Did Lin Ling know about this? It was likely that neither Lin Ling nor Old Master Lin knew about it. Otherwise, why would they be so quiet?    


Hai Zhixuan put down the work in his hands. Right now, no matter what, he couldn't catch up to him going to Lin Family.    


The Lin Family was very quiet, as if it was different from usual.    


"I want to see the old man." Hai Zhixuan looked at the two people who had intercepted him and frowned. What was going on?    


"I'm sorry, but the old man is entertaining guests inside and I don't want to see anyone. Come back in an hour." The person who spoke was a unfamiliar person. Hai Zhixuan believed that he had never seen this person before, but it had been a long time since he had returned here and became like this.    


"Mr Hai, come with me first." Housekeeper Lin just walked out and saw Hai Zhixuan standing outside. He must have been blocked from going to see the old man.    


"Butler, what's going on?"    


Hai Zhixuan saw the butler leave cautiously and close the door at the same time. He knew that the butler was very careful when doing things, but Hai Zhixuan had never seen such a cautious butler.    


"Mr Hai, your people aren't people that we can mess with. Right now, the old man can't see anyone. Let's come back after they finish talking in an hour. Oh yeah, Mr Hai, what are you looking for the old man for."    


After walking for a long distance, the butler asked Hai Zhixuan what he wanted to talk to the old man about. It seemed that Hai Zhixuan really wanted to take a peek at Lushan's face.    


"Tell the old man that Lin Jie is in A City. I'll go look for him first." Hai Zhixuan did not have the time to wait for Old Master Lin, as time was now his life.    


He wondered if Ye Zimo and the other people in the shadows would come looking for him.    


The butler looked at Ye Zimo's back as she walked away with his eyes wide open. The young master was over there. However, the old man had said that he wouldn't be able to see Mr Hai. Even if he did, he wouldn't leave immediately.    


Thirteen just got back from Paris. Miss Xia was really in Paris, and if Miss Xia was having a good time in Paris, she was in the prime of her life.    


After getting off the plane, Thirteen bought a newspaper and enjoyed this nostalgic time.    


"Earthquake without mercy." These four words gave Thirteen a bad feeling. She smiled. They shouldn't have any feelings for each other, but when they saw these four words, they couldn't calm down. Thirteen didn't know whether to say that he failed or that it was hard to change his personality.    


Thirteen felt distracted. She thought she was going to tell her master the news, and believed he would be happy.    


Call me, it's too late to send a message if you can't see it.    


Not in the service area?    


These few words gave Thirteen a bad feeling. Master's number never stopped or changed, so how could it not be in the service area?    


Thirteen picked up the phone and called Base One. She had to know immediately that her master was there.    


"Thirteen, you're back?" The one who answered was Ol 'Five. He was in a great mood as he sat on the recliner in the sun. There was a faint smile on his face. If not for his identity, everyone would have thought that he was a benevolent person.    


"Fifth brother, where is the master?"    


"Thirteen, we can't ask about news about master."    


The fifth brother frowned. What happened to Thirteen today? This did not seem to bode well.    


"Ol 'Five, I'm calling my master. It's not in the service area, if anything happens to my master." Thirteen couldn't continue, so she didn't dare to think about it.    


Their master was their core, their brain. If their master was in trouble, no, even if it was against the rules, he would let their master be safe.    


"Understood, come back immediately. I will bring the others to investigate."    


The fifth brother said concisely and put down the phone, how to find the owner.    


Ye Zimo and her village's uncle were digging for herbs on the mountain, but it couldn't be considered a mountain. It could only be considered a small hill. When they heard the rumbling sounds coming from afar, they looked over and saw those small houses falling to the ground. Ye Zimo's eyes widened as the word 'earthquake' came out. No, Yihan was still inside.    


"No, no, no." Ye Zimo screamed hysterically like an angry lion, her eyes blood-red.    


"Xia Yihan, you can't die. You have to hold on. Wait for me."    


Ye Zimo's voice traveled far and wide. He had never believed that her heart was linked with a single point. Now, Ye Zimo hoped beyond belief that Xia Yihan would know his thoughts and be able to sense his worries.    


Ye Zimo's mournful voice made the old man's heart tremble. Hong Yan's wails weren't as sad as this. Xia Yihan should be that wounded Miss Xia.    


"Mr Ye, come back. You can't go."    


Without caring about her life, Ye Zimo ran down the mountain. He could not believe that there would be an earthquake here. He did not hear a word the old man said.    


Not long after he ran, a crack appeared on the ground. He fell into it, but Ye Zimo still hadn't fainted. Looking at the barren and unscalable ravine, Ye Zimo once again felt powerless. Only when he stood up did he discover that he fell down and his hind leg was injured.    


When the village's uncle saw Ye Zimo fall into the ravine, he was terrified. He stood there motionlessly.    


"I'll definitely be able to get out." Ye Zimo dug at the soil with her hands, hoping to create a place to climb.    


Xia Yihan seemed to have heard Ye Zimo's call. A tear fell from her eye, and with a "pa" sound, it struck heavily on her heart.    


"Where is this?"    


Xia Yihan opened her eyes and asked anxiously. When she finished, she was stunned. She couldn't even speak a word. How could she be dumb?    


The man beside Xia Yihan spoke up as soon as she woke up.    


"Miss Xia, this is the car heading to the East River. Battalion Commander Liu wants us to ensure that you are delivered to the East River." The speaker was a man in a neat military uniform. It was only after he finished that he remembered that the doctor had said that Miss Xia's throat had been damaged so badly that she couldn't speak for the time being.    


"No, I have to go back and find Ye Zimo." Xia Yihan was about to stand up, but she lacked the strength to do so. "Right, how is the man beside me?" After saying that, Xia Yihan realized sadly that no one knew what she was talking about.    


Since they could find her, they should be able to find Lin Jie. Lin Jie should be fine, but what about Ye Zimo? She seemed to have heard Ye Zimo calling her just now, otherwise, she would have to go back to find Ye Zimo.    


Xia Yihan found that one of her hands could move. She held on to the man in the military uniform.    


The man in the military uniform was called Zhao Xing. A twenty-four year old man blushed when he was pulled by Xia Yihan. Although Xia Yihan was injured, it couldn't erase the fact that she was a beautiful and charming woman.    


"Miss Xia, what do you want to say?" Zhao Xing asked patiently. The identity of this woman in front of him definitely wasn't simple. Someone who could make him put down his work and personally send her to the East River at such a time was someone simple, right?    


Xia Yihan pulled Zhao Xing's hand in front of her and wrote on it. This was the only thing that could be done now. He wasn't someone that Ye Zimo could read Xia Yihan's lips.    


"I need to go back and find someone."    


Xia Yihan continued to write at a slow pace, trying to let Zhao Xing know what she was writing about.    


Zhao Xing seemed to have brought a pen and a notebook with him. He took it out and said, "Miss Xia, my name is Zhao Xing. This is for you. Write it down."    


Seeing the pen and paper in her hands, Xia Yihan thanked him. After she finished speaking, she shook her head and smiled. She was already at a loss for words. How could Zhao Xing know what she meant?    


"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I need to go back and find someone." Xia Yihan could not use her strength. Her undamaged right hand held a pen. Xia Yihan began to write. The words were crooked and it took a lot of effort for her to complete the sentence.    


"Of course, Miss Xia. However, Battalion Commander Liu said that you must be brought back to the East River and handed over to Old Master Li." Zhao Xing shook his head. He could not disobey the orders from the higher-ups.    


"Mr. Zhao, a man called Lin Jie was nearby. He was wearing casual clothes. Did you see him? And …" It was only until here did Xia Yihan's voice ring. Xu Haosheng, I wonder how Xu Haosheng is doing.    


"Mr. Zhao, I have to go back. I have to go back. I need to find someone." This time, Xia Yihan wrote quickly, but her handwriting was ugly. It was hard to tell what she had written.    


"Miss Xia, who are you looking for? Tell me and I'll help you find it."    


The car continued to move about. Zhao Xing thought that it would be good if they could talk like this and return to the East River. However, he seemed to have made a mistake.    


"Turn the car around and go back. If you don't, then I'll jump off the train. Although I can't move right now, I still have one hand." Xia Yihan looked at Zhao Xing resolutely, her eyes slowly growing determined. If Zhao Xing didn't agree, she would really jump down.    


Xia Yihan held the pen to the big artery on her neck, smiling like a flower. If Xu Haosheng died, she wouldn't have the face to live. If Ye Zimo died, Xia Yihan didn't know how she would continue her life in the future.    


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