Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C632 Married to a Rich Family 563

C632 Married to a Rich Family 563

When Ye Zimo woke up, Xia Yihan could speak. This was without a doubt the greatest joy.    


After Zhao Wenying heard the news, she hurriedly rushed to the Ye Family, wanting to see Xia Yihan.    


In order to celebrate this happy day, Ye Family was holding a celebration.    


Fu Fengyi and Zhao Wenying's older generation congratulated each other over the bustling scene.    


Jiu Jiu raised her glass and walked over to Zhong Yuntang with small steps.    


"Sister Yuntang, where's Yihan?" Jiu Jiu looked at Zhong Yuntang with an intoxicated expression. Why couldn't she find Yihanli?    


Zhong Yuntang looked around. If she couldn't find Xia Yihan in the crowd, where would she go?    


Speaking of Xia Yihan, both she and Ye Zimo had long since sneaked out. Nianmo would follow Fu Fengyi, and Zhao Wenying would take care of Nianmo. Xia Yihan didn't have any burdens.    


In the biggest park in the East River, Xia Yihan, dressed in simple and elegant clothes, sat on a chair.    


Ye Zimo was still seated on her wheelchair. He looked at Xia Yihan with a smile. Ye Zimo didn't believe in ghosts and gods, she didn't believe in heaven and earth. At this time, he desperately hoped that the ghosts and gods would show themselves. Only when he was completely fine could Ye Zimo take good care of Xia Yihan.    


The scene of their blissfulness entered Si Si's eyes. She glared maliciously at Xia Yihan, quickly thinking of how to torture them. Si Si hid in a dark corner and filmed the scene between Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan. She had observed it carefully for a long time, and Si Si concluded that Xu Haosheng liked Xia Yihan very much.    


If she borrowed Xu Haosheng's hand, would she gain another bit of power?    


"Xia Yihan, it is said that you and Xu Haosheng are going to get married, what's the matter? And her old relationship with Ye Zimo was still unforgettable? "    


Si Si kept her phone and walked out gracefully, dressed in flirtatious attire.    


However, no matter how good-looking and charming her dress was, Ye Zimo didn't even glance at it. He narrowed his eyes and sized up Si Si. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to find out this woman's background.    


Unforgettable love? Did this woman know them before? However, that wasn't what Ye Zimo was thinking about. What he cared about the most right now was Si Si's statement that you and Xu Haosheng were going to get married. Was that true?    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan, hoping that she would give him an explanation.    


"You don't need to care about the matter between Big Brother Xu and me." Xia Yihan was no longer someone who was allowed to be easily bullied. She had already been reborn from the flames, and was now a phoenix rex.    


"I don't care about your matters. I'm just doing it for Ye Zimo and Xu Haosheng. How could a woman like you, who is like a water flower, be worthy of them?"    


Si Si said sarcastically. She did not care about her matters. She only wanted her life. As long as she tortured them, they would suffer the consequences.    


"Zimo, let's go." Xia Yihan stood up and pushed Ye Zimo away without looking back. It was not the place for an outsider to gossip about her.    


Si Si looked coldly at the back of the two as they left.    


Ye Zimo had been very quiet along the way. He wasn't sure if Xia Yihan was like him, unchanging at first, unpredictable in the world.    


"Zimo, Big Brother Xu and I are not what you think."    


Xia Yihan really did not want the atmosphere to go on like this. She first lost and then explained. Although in love, whoever gives in first loses, so what if they lose? All they wanted was to be together.    


"Let's go."    


Ye Zimo understood a lot of things during this journey. Xia Yihan was such an outstanding girl that others should love her. He could only blame himself for being too loyal at the time.    


If Ye Zimo had questioned Xia Yihan, she wouldn't feel so guilty. Ye Zimo's silence made Xia Yihan feel like she had done something wrong.    


"I thought we would always be in France. Nianmo asked him who his dad was, and Big Brother Xu said he was willing to take care of Nianmo. Seeing how nice he was to Nianmo, I …"    


"You agreed just like that?"    


Ye Zimo didn't know if she should be happy or angry, but the only lucky thing was that Yihan had returned. In the future, she would be his Yihan again.    


That brat, Nianmo, should be taught a lesson. He actually dislikes him, his father, and instead likes the outsider, Xu Haosheng.    


"I... "Sorry, I just want to find someone to take care of Nianmo."    


Lili said with a wry smile. At that time, her heart was dead, but she had to find someone who would not mind Nianmo and take care of her child. If it wasn't for Zhao Wenying's illness, Lili wouldn't even know when she would have set foot in her homeland.    


"Alright, let's go back." Ye Zimo's tone was not as stiff as before. The curve of her lips was very strange.    


Xia Yihan carefully glanced at Ye Zimo's back, sticking out her tongue. The stingy Ye Zimo didn't change her nature at all, she didn't know how seductive this action was. Lin Jie just happened to pass by and saw Xia Yihan's naughty side, Lin Jie couldn't help but want to go over and greet him.    


That's right, Xia Yihan had been looking at Ye Zimo day and night these past few days, taking care of her. He should have thought of Xia Yihan long ago, but she had never forgotten Ye Zimo.    


What face should he use to face Xia Yihan? He and she were nothing more than men to each other than water. No, they were just friends. If not for Xu Haosheng, he believed that he would only be passing stranger by now.    


Haosheng, Haosheng likes Yihan so much, he's always had Xiao Ai in his heart. If he knew about Xia Yihan's decision, Haosheng, I'd hurt.    


If it wasn't because of her care, Lin Jie wouldn't know if he could survive it. Perhaps not, but it was as Xia Yihan thought, he was the eldest young master, and he had never experienced such hardships.    


Then, beside Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan became lively and cheerful, and also a little naughty. Lin Jie thought, maybe this is the difference between love and not love!    


He never thought that there would be a day when he would like a woman, and she was the one with the name of the flower. He thought that he, Lin Jie, would chase after a woman, fast, accurate, and steady, and other than with his heart, he was willing to give anything else, and what those women didn't lack was his heart. Lin Jie had always thought that he would never fail.    


Perhaps this was retribution. The heavens couldn't bear to see him like someone else.    


Lin Jie drove the car to the villa where Xu Haosheng lived. He was afraid to look at Xu Haosheng, but he also wanted to look at Xu Haosheng.    


For a long time, Xu Haosheng thought Lin Jie was asleep, so he opened the door to check on the situation.    


The two of them looked at each other with eyes full of sympathy, which was also true. Xu Haosheng had not gone to find Xia Yihan ever since he brought Xia Yihan back, and these days, he had been hiding in Lin Jie's side of the world, while Xu Haosheng was at home. If it was that personnel Xia Yihan, Lin Jie believed, he would be very happy to walk out, and the current situation was that Xu Haosheng had not spoken since the earthquake.    


"I'm back."    


He didn't ask where he was going, only whether he was safe.    


"Mm, okay."    


Lin Jie's answer was a bit strenuous. "Is it okay?" No one knew how bad he was.    


It was the same for men. Sometimes, they would shoulder all the responsibility by themselves. Even if they couldn't catch their breath, they could only clench their teeth and say nothing.    


For a moment, the two didn't know what to say.    


Xu Haosheng saw Si Si did not follow, thought Lin Jie because of Si Si sad heart, his first girlfriend Xu Haosheng once thought she betrayed their love. Now it seemed that there was no love between them. It was just a matter of old age.    


"Haosheng, we won't stop until we're drunk."    


When he walked into the living room, Lin Jie's sudden words interrupted Xu Haosheng's suspicion. Xu Haosheng looked at Lin Jie. Did he really have something to do with Si Si?    


Since his friend was in trouble, how could he just sit back and do nothing?    


Lin Jie took out his treasured old wine and a lot of beer. Drunk can you have a beautiful dream? You can act so brazenly?    


Xu Haosheng was also sad about Xia Yihan's matter. His recent depression had almost driven him crazy. Lin Jie was just the fuse.    


The two casually sat in the living room and poured themselves a cup of wine. They looked at each other and smiled. What was interesting was that they both had bitter smiles on their faces.    


Cup after cup, they drank who knows how many cups. They looked at each other, sober when drunk, unable to quell their worries.    


"Xiao Ai, I don't want to let go."    


In the end, Xu Haosheng still couldn't stand the pain of Ye Zichen's yearning. The word "Xiao Ai" was spat out after chewing on it for a long time.    


"How am I not as outstanding as him?"    


Xu Haosheng's eyes were hazy. It was unknown if he was asking Xia Yihan, who could not see, or himself. His words became more and more urgent and the unwillingness in his eyes became more and more obvious.    


Compared to Ye Zimo, he was worse off than Xu Haosheng by only not meeting Xia Yihan first. How was he worse off in other aspects?    


"Lin Jie, do you think I'm bad?"    


Xu Haosheng slid down from the sofa and directly sat on the floor. It seemed that if his center of gravity was a bit lower, his pain would be less and his heart would not be broken.    


"Not bad, Haosheng. You are very outstanding. Actually, compared to Ye Zimo, you are even better. You are all elites in different fields." Lili wouldn't be any worse than Xu Haosheng, but even if Lili was worse than Xu Haosheng, love was love, so what choice did she have? She loved him, so she chose him.    


"Since I'm not bad, then why doesn't Xiao Ai like me? Why didn't she choose me? "    


Xu Haosheng screamed at the top of his lungs, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction.    


Lin Jie wanted to go over and comfort Xu Haosheng, but before he left, he had already started laughing at himself. Compared to Haosheng, he was the most pitiful person, so he could at least openly say that he loved Xia Yihan. As for him, he could only silently think of her in his heart.    


"Lin Jie, what are you thinking of drinking today? Could it be that he encountered a problem with his relationship? You had a fight with Si Si? " Xu Haosheng opened his mouth to speak, but he was already drowsy and intoxicated.    


"Yes, it's a matter of love."    


Lin Jie answered Xu Haosheng without thinking. It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a problem.    


"Come, I'll call her and let you tell her."    


Xu Haosheng, Lin Jie's phone, called without even looking at it.    


"Here you go."    


The other side seemed to pick up at once.    


"Si Si, you went to sleep, right? I'm hanging up." Lin Jie said weakly, as if he didn't want to talk to Si Si anymore.    


Si Si could tell that Lin Jie's voice was off. She thought about the things she needed Lin Jie's help in the near future.    


"What's the matter with you?" Si Si's mumbling voice disappeared into the air, leaving a lingering warmth.    


Today, Lin Jie was acting a bit abnormal. Si Si got up and got dressed, preparing to go out and take a look.    


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