Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C616 Wealthy Marriage 547

C616 Wealthy Marriage 547

"Mm, be careful on your way back, I'll arrange for someone to take you home." Ye Zimo replied coldly. Before Zhang Qing could refuse, Ye Zimo had already called someone to drive over.    


Zhang Qing looked at Ye Zimo in surprise. This was the first time in the past two years that Mr Ye treated her so well.    


Zhang Qing still looked at Ye Zimo reluctantly as she sat in the car.    


Xia Yihan frowned as she watched this scene. She was not in a good mood.    


"Where are you?"    


The phone rang. Xia Yihan glanced at the car that Zhang Qing had left and walked away from Ye Zimo to answer the phone.    


"I'm back." Xia Yihan thought Amy wanted to play with her and told Amy she was back home.    


"I know you're back home, so I asked where you are. I'm here to play with you."    


"You're coming to China?"    


Xia Yihan asked in disbelief.    


"Aren't we going to hold a fashion competition? "It's held in China, I don't know where, but if it's held at your place, I can attend and see you, but it's fine even if I'm not there. I'll come and see you first, tomorrow you can say that you can see me."    


Amy's voice was endless.    


"I'm in Dongjiang, you go to Shanghai first, I'll go to Shanghai to pick you up." Xia Yihan thought it would be nice for Amy to come to Shanghai from France.    


"Are you really here to pick me up?" Amy was delighted to hear that they were going to pick her up, and worried that she wouldn't find Millie.    


"Amy, by the way, can you call me Yihan after you come to China? Don't call me by any other names, can you help me keep my secret?" Subconsciously, Xia Yihan didn't want anyone else to know about her.    


"Yihan, your real name." Millie is so ungrateful that she hid it from her for so long.    


Xia Yihan could do nothing about it. At that time, she really wanted to start her new life abroad, and the sight of her child in the rain made Xia Yihan unable to forget. She didn't want to repeat the same mistake and change her name to Wu Xin, yes, Xia Yihan only wanted to have a peaceful life with her child, and that fortune-telling prediction said that she would be a strong woman in the future.    


Thinking about it, Lili just shook her head. She just wanted someone to be with, someone who could be with her for a hundred years, so Lili's investment was always given to others. She didn't want to put too much into money.    


"Yes, I'm sorry, I'll take you to China for fun." Xia Yihan kept saying that she was sorry, that Amy was a good friend of hers in France and that she hadn't tried to hide it.    


Amy thought of the emptiness and powerlessness in her eyes when she first met Xia Yihan, and it seemed to Wu Xin that Yihan had been hurt so much before that it was much easier for Amy to think about it, and she blamed herself for not having changed her mind.    


"Friends?" Ye Zimo asked doubtfully. Just how many things did he miss Yihan these past three years?    


The news that Amy was coming to China diluted Xia Yihan's sudden discomfort, and Xia Yihan understood that no matter how jealous she was, everyone had their own way of life, and Ye Zimo was destined to stand under the magnesium lamp and receive the adoration of all women.    


"Yes, so I won't be able to attend Madame's birthday party tomorrow."    


Only she understood that she was hiding from him. Yes, Xia Yihan had retreated, and Ye Zimo had not participated in her three years of training. Similarly, she was also unfamiliar with Ye Zimo's three years, so it would make Xia Yihan's heart ache if she saw a Zhang Qing. If she saw anyone else, Xia Yihan wouldn't know what to do.    


"What time did she arrive?"    


Ye Zimo didn't want to wash Xia Yihan's words. It seemed that the little thing was jealous, and Ye Zimo was happy to think about it.    


"Sofia, no matter how many women, I only like you." Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan seriously and kissed her dreamy red lips.    


This scene was caught by Si Si who stole it. No, she definitely wouldn't let them be together.    


"The money from this charity will go to everyone who needs help. We are very grateful to the people who helped the charity the most. In particular, there is a lady who doesn't leave her name."    


Lin Jie was bored to death as he listened to the host's melodious voice. He didn't mind Si Si walking out, but it was to help him deal with Old Master Lin's woman. Lin Jie had never placed Si Si in an important position.    


Si Si came back looking upset. She tried her best to hide it, but Lin Jie didn't ask anything. How could he have the mood to please a girl he didn't like?    


"We have raised so much money that it would be a form of surveillance if someone were to follow us and give the money to those who need it. The date is set for Sunday, but we will pass the invitation to the ladies and gentlemen."    


The host smiled as he told the decision, "Of course, if there's something you need, or if you don't want to go, you don't have to. We don't dare force you. If you have time, we can treat it as a trip."    


"Are you going?"    


A few people beside Lin Jie started to discuss among themselves.    


"I wasn't free that day."    


"Holy sh * t! I have nothing to do anyways, so I might not be able to find something new to do. It just so happens that I'm bored at home." A woman complained.    


At home, it just so happens to be boring, so I'm talking about Lin Jie's current situation.    


He walked over to Xu Haosheng's side and found an empty seat.    


"Haosheng, do you want to go?"    


Wu wanted to see, if Xu Haosheng went, and they had company,    


Xu Haosheng glanced at Xia Yihan, who hadn't come back yet. Was she going back? Xiao Ai, do you think I should go or not?    


"Xiao Ai, I'll go." Xu Haosheng answered unwaveringly.    


Lin Jie looked at the empty spot where Ye Zimo was. Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan hadn't come back yet. What's so good about Xia Yihan? This made Lin Jie more curious. He wanted to find out how this woman could attract these people.    


Lin Jie became more and more curious.    


"Go with us. This is the East River. As the host, I have to take care of you." Lin Jie said in a friendly manner, but he had a smile that made him want to hit Ye Zichen's head.    


Looking at his smile, Xu Haosheng felt a bit helpless. Wasn't it just a few mistakes in the past, but this brat still cared about it now?    


At that time, Xu Haosheng was still in the United States, and he just got to know Xu Haosheng not long ago.    


"Haosheng, I have no money." Lin Jie, sitting in front of Xu Haosheng's door, said rather piteously, It was only in front of him that Lin Jie's vulnerability was revealed.    


"I'll transfer the money to you tonight. As the host, I'll take good care of you." Xu Haosheng didn't think too much about it.    


Lin Jie burst into laughter after hearing that. Xu Haosheng was confused by his laughter. How could he be wrong?    


"Haosheng, you're Chinese. You came to New York a few days later than I am, aren't you?" Lin Jie looked at Xu Haosheng seriously, lowered his voice, and imitated the old man's earnest words.    


"That's reasonable. Alright, come in!" Xu Haosheng has been taking care of Lin Jie, helping Lin Jie find a job.    


It was also at this time that two people with completely different personalities became good friends. These kind of good friends were not ordinary good friends. Xu Haosheng was the person who helped Lin Jie when it was the most difficult time.    


"You always remember." Xu Haosheng looked at Lin Jie helplessly.    


Don't worry, Haosheng, since you want to see Xia Yihan, I'll help you, but you have to think this through. Xia Yihan has Ye Zimo's child, and I've investigated their past, and the relationship between Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo is very good. It's just that three years ago, for some reason, Ye Zimo changed her mind and decided to marry Xia Yihan's sister.    


Lin Jie told them everything he knew. However, what he knew was very simple. As a result, Lin Jie only knew that the relationship between Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo was very good.    


Xu Haosheng never asked about Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo. Xu Haosheng had always ignored this matter automatically and always harboured illusions, hoping that one day Xia Yihan's heart would fly away and Xu Haosheng would be the only one left in Xia Yihan's world.    


"Go back first?" It's all over now. " Lin Jie watched as the host took the microphone and left the stage, while the others dispersed one by one.    


"Go to your place?" Xu Haosheng laughed self-deprecatingly. Xiao Ai still hadn't returned, so he wanted to have a chat with her. He didn't know if Ye Zimo had planned for it or not, so he asked Xiao Ai to leave midway.    


"Let's go."    


Xu Haosheng suddenly wanted to get drunk.    


Lin Jie looked at his friend worriedly. Xia Yihan, how could you torture Haosheng like this? How can Haosheng compare to Ye Zimo? How can you be worthy of Haosheng?    


Lin Jie was a little angry at Xia Yihan.    


When Xu Haosheng and Lin Jie returned to Lin Jie's residence, Si Si was alone in a villa. If she said that Lin Jie gave her a nice name, then she didn't want Si Si to enter his house at all.    


"Lin Jie, it's been a long time since we've been drunk. Are we going to get drunk today?"    


Xu Haosheng's cold voice made Lin Jie even more worried. Haosheng had never spoken so kindly before.    


"Alright, I won't leave until I'm drunk."    


Lin Jie can't help Xu Haosheng bear the burden of lovesickness, he can drink with him.    


The two of them drank bottle by bottle, completely disregarding the alcohol. After drinking for three rounds, Xu Haosheng drunkenly asked: "Xiao Ai, tell me, how can I bring you back to France?"    


Watching Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo getting along for the past few days, Xu Haosheng remained silent and was very worried. Yihan had never seemed to forget Ye Zimo, and Xia Yihan was in a bad mood today. He had also seen that in Xu Haosheng's eyes, Xia Yihan was the only person by herself.    


Xiao Ai was jealous of the woman who looked like Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai, what can I do to make you give me one point of your love for Ye Zimo.    


"You're going back to France?" Lin Jie was also slightly drunk as he did not drink as fiercely as Xu Haosheng.    


"The longer Xiao Ai stays in China, the greater the resurgence between her and Ye Zimo. I don't want to be a gentleman, I just want to be willful once, because that person is Xiao Ai." The expression on Xu Haosheng's face made him feel an indescribable heartache. It was as if he was smiling, but there was also a heartache that was difficult to understand.    


Lin Jie raised his glass. He didn't know what love was, but he didn't want to know. Lin Jie was a coward who loved. He didn't dare to love someone, afraid of getting hurt.    


"Haosheng, since Xia Yihan doesn't love you, why don't you let her go?" Lin Jie did not want to see Xu Haosheng in pain, he worried.    


"Saying one sentence is very simple, but I can't do it. She has already become a love that I will never forget for the rest of my life, the others are just passersby. If you must marry someone else, it will only be because of external reasons, it has nothing to do with love."    


Xu Haosheng thought about his parents who were still in the United States and his family only had him. If he didn't marry, his dad would definitely not agree to marry, right? Xu Haosheng couldn't do it now.    


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