Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C656 Wealthy Marriage 586

C656 Wealthy Marriage 586

Seeing Xia Yihan like this, Ye Zimo's heart softened.    


"It's all my fault. I came too late and you felt wronged."    


Ye Zimo quietly embraced Xia Yihan and whispered into her ear in an extremely gentle voice.    


Xia Yihan was completely unable to hear what he was saying. She only felt waves of hot air rush into her ears, causing her to itch to the point that she wanted to laugh.    


"Hehe …" Hehe … How comfortable. You smell so good. "    


Xia Yihan still had her eyes closed tightly. Her face rubbed against Ye Zimo's body, causing Ye Zimo to unconsciously hug her tighter.    


"I'll take you home." Ye Zimo snapped her fingers and two bodyguards walked in.    


"Hold the young miss."    


Ye Zimo ordered.    


He let go of Xia Yihan's arms. Xia Yihan pouted in protest, still trying to get him to hold her.    


"Be good, when you return home, I will carry you. "Be obedient."    


After speaking gently to Xia Yihan, he turned around and looked at Xu Haosheng, who was standing beside him.    


The previous gentleness had completely faded from his face. His expression was cold and gloomy.    


"Xu Haosheng, mind your own hands. Otherwise, I don't mind helping you remove them." he said coldly.    


Xu Haosheng looked at Ye Zimo with resentment, then looked at Xia Yihan who leaned on the bodyguard's shoulder quietly and lowered his head dejectedly.    


Right now, he had no way to fight Ye Zimo, so he could only watch helplessly as Ye Zimo led the others away under his watch.    


This feeling of powerlessness made him begin to hate himself.    


Ye Zimo wasn't in the mood to care about Xu Haosheng's thoughts. All he wanted to do now was take the drunk woman back and spank her when she woke up.    


He clearly didn't have any alcohol tolerance, yet he was still imitating others by drinking. He was almost taken advantage of by other men.    


The two bodyguards brought Xia Yihan out of the hotel, and Ye Zimo, escorted by the other two bodyguards, got into the car with them.    


In the car, Xia Yihan lay in Ye Zimo's arms quietly, sleeping like an angel.    


Ye Zimo couldn't help but lower her head and lightly kiss after another on her calm and tranquil face.    


Only under such circumstances would she not go against him.    


When Xia Yihan woke up, she was simply too calm. Her attitude towards him was cold and distant, making him feel love and hate at the same time.    


The car quickly drove towards the Ye residence. The villa in Ye Family was brightly lit, as if it was waiting for the return of the male owner and mistress.    


The bodyguards led Xia Yihan to Ye Zimo's room upstairs.    


Ye Zimo sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at Xia Yihan's sleeping face.    


Her fair face was dyed with a faint red, making her look a little more adorable than usual.    


The servant had changed Xia Yihan into a white nightgown. The soft fabric of the nightgown was stuck to Xia Yihan's body, revealing her beautiful figure.    


Seeing Xia Yihan lying on her bed, the light in Ye Zimo's eyes became even more intense.    


He gently caressed Xia Yihan's face, and couldn't help but lower his head to kiss her.    


"Mm …"    


Xia Yihan frowned and issued a warning, as if she was complaining that someone had disturbed her sleep.    


Ye Zimo chuckled softly and continued to kiss her.    


Finally, Xia Yihan couldn't bear the disturbance and impatiently opened her eyes. She looked at Ye Zimo with resentment. "I still need to sleep."    


Ye Zimo breathed beside Xia Yihan's ear, looking at her seductively. "I'll sleep with you, okay?"    


"You? You're with me? "No, I don't want you to accompany me. I want Nianmo …"    


"I'm warmer than he is. Don't you want to try?"    


Xia Yihan looked at him with her blurry eyes, puzzled. "Experiment?" How? "I don't know. Teach me …"    


"Fine, I'll teach you. Hug me, come …"    


Unknowingly, poor Xia Yihan had been wiped clean by Ye Zimo.    


— —    


In the morning, the morning sun shone through the heavy curtains onto the bedroom's enormous bed.    


Two people were lying on the bed. The man's blanket covered his waist, revealing his sexy chest that was exposed in the air.    


His arms were around the woman's waist, as if he were still swearing his vow of sovereignty in a dream.    


The sunlight shone on Xia Yihan's face, causing her to squirm uncomfortably.    


Ye Zimo was exhausted and excited to the extreme last night, so she slept soundly.    


Xia Yihan moved left and right several times, but could not jump out of Ye Zimo's grasp.    


She did not open her eyes, but frowned and used her hand to cover her head. She muttered, "It's so nice to bask in the sunlight …"    


Ye Zimo woke up in a daze. Before she even opened her eyes, she had already hugged the woman in her arms.    


His lips pressed onto Xia Yihan's face, just like last night. With a low and hoarse voice, he asked, "Are you awake?"    




Xia Yihan abruptly opened her eyes.    


How could there be a man's voice in her ear? Could it be that she was hallucinating?    


Before she could turn her head, she felt a heat source approaching her.    


"Do you want to sleep a little longer? You must have been very tired yesterday, right? "    


It wasn't an illusion, Ye Zimo was really in his bed!    


How could this be?    


Xia Yihan held her head in pain and slowly sat up.    


She could feel that she was not wearing anything. She could only tightly hold onto the bedsheet, staring at Ye Zimo in a daze with a flushed face.    


Ye Zimo had just woken up in the morning. Her eyes were drowsy and her hair was a little messy, but she was still damnably mesmerizing.    


"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? " Ye Zimo asked in a hoarse voice as she supported her head with one arm.    


"My head hurts... "What the hell is going on?"    


Xia Yihan felt as if someone was using a hammer to smash her mind, buzzing non-stop as if she was about to explode.    


"What?" Your headache? The aftermath of being drunk, let's see if you dare to drink that much in the future. "    


Although Ye Zimo's tone was strict, her expression was very gentle, giving Xia Yihan the illusion that she was deeply in love with him.    


Xia Yihan shook her head vigorously, trying to get this astonishing thought out of her head.    


What's wrong with her? She actually thought that Ye Zimo still had feelings for her?    


He already had other women by his side!    


This shake of her head didn't matter, as it was only a bit painful a moment ago, but it immediately turned into 90% pain, causing her to moan in pain.    


Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ye Zimo thought that she really was in excruciating pain. His eyes flashed with a trace of heartache.    


"Let me help you massage it."    


With difficulty, he straightened his body and gently held Xia Yihan's head, helping her massage it.    


Xia Yihan was so shocked by his sudden gentleness that she couldn't react for a long time.    


It wasn't until Ye Zimo had been massaging him for several minutes that she realized what she was doing.    


"No, no, just let me calm down a bit. I was drunk, I remember. But why are you in my bed? "    


Xia Yihanyi asked Ye Zimo righteously.    


Ye Zimo smiled and reminded her, "Look carefully, is this your bed?"    


Surprised, Xia Yihan looked around in a flurry.    


Sure enough, this wasn't her bed. She was actually in Ye Zimo's bedroom right now.    


Damn it, what had happened last night that she couldn't remember at all?    


"Did you do something to me last night?" Xia Yihan's expression turned even more bashful. She didn't even dare to raise her head to look at Ye Zimo's face.    


Ye Zimo was extremely fond of Xia Yihan's bashfulness at this moment. He wished he could push Xia Yihan onto the bed again and pamper her fiercely.    


However, he also knew that it wouldn't be so easy for Xia Yihan to let him succeed after waking up.    


He had to lie to her. "What can I do?"    


Ye Zimo remembered something, and her eyes darkened, "My legs have already become like this, what else can I do to you?" "What do you think?"    


Xia Yihan did not expect Ye Zimo to answer her in such a manner.    


Xia Yihan's heart was filled with self-blame towards Ye Zimo's legs. She couldn't wait to replace Ye Zimo and give him her health.    


"Then, then why am I not wearing any clothes, and you are also not wearing any. Did you take off my clothes for me?"    


Xia Yihan asked the second question doubtfully.    


Ye Zimo remained calm and continued to lie, "Oh, how can that be? Didn't you drink too much last night? When I saw you, you insisted on holding on to me, and as a result, you took off all my clothes and you took off all your clothes, and then you fell asleep. "    


"In that case, why are you in my bed? No, why are you sleeping with me? "Can't you find another room?"    


Xia Yihan was extremely doubtful of Ye Zimo's words. She didn't believe that Ye Zimo would be such a gentleman.    


Ye Zimo's expression was extremely innocent as she spread out her hands. "What can I do? You won't let go if you hug me. If I move even a little bit, you won't stop crying. Later, I was tired too, so I had to go to sleep. "    


Actually, he wasn't lying. Last night, Xia Yihan had hugged him warmly and kept telling him not to leave me, not to leave me.    


Xia Yihan didn't expect it to be like this.    


She lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that after I got drunk, it turned out to be like this."    


"Mm, it's alright."    


Not only did he not mind, Ye Zimo thought to herself, but he welcomed the way she would treat him in the future.    


However, she definitely couldn't let Xia Yihan hear all of this. Otherwise, she would definitely get angry from embarrassment.    


Xia Yihan felt that things might not be as simple as this. However, her head was hurting and she felt dizzy, so she couldn't figure out what was wrong.    


Besides, she had some impression of her drinking last night.    


Forget it, stop thinking about it. Thinking too much is asking for trouble.    


She looked away and said to Ye Zimo, "Get up and put your clothes on first. Where are my clothes? Give it to me, I want to get dressed. "    


Even if nothing had happened between them last night, she didn't want to talk to Ye Zimo in her birthday suit anymore.    


It made her nervous and shy.    


Ye Zimo, on the other hand, was extremely regretful. She still wanted to warm up with Xia Yihan for a while longer.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was afraid that Xia Yihan wouldn't be able to accept it in time, he wouldn't have thought of ways to deceive her. He knew he shouldn't have taken advantage of a drunk last night.    


However, Xia Yihan's appearance was simply too mesmerizing, making him unable to resist her. Fortunately, he had arrived in time yesterday. Otherwise, if other men had seen Xia Yihan's charming appearance, he would have been angered to death.    


He didn't know when he would be able to openly hold Xia Yihan in his arms …    


However, it didn't matter. He still had many chances to win Xia Yihan's heart.    


Ye Zimo was suddenly filled with hope and confidence for the future.    


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