Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C713 Wealthy Marriage 642

C713 Wealthy Marriage 642

Ye Zimo slightly changed her angle and pressed herself against the opponent, but her lips refused to leave her body.    


Xia Yihan panicked. In her mind, she recalled the disgusting and wet kiss of the unknown man at the design party. She desperately struggled, scratching a bloody wound on Ye Zimo's neck with her slender hand.    


Xia Yihan stared blankly at the droplets of blood that were slowly emerging from Ye Zimo's neck. She unconsciously said, "You said you wouldn't touch me. You clearly made an agreement."    


"An agreement?" "Hahaha!" Ye Zimo chuckled softly. "That's right. You promised me that you would believe me. But, Xia Yihan, did you do it?"    


A low, deep, yet injured growl startled Xia Yihan. She pressed a finger to the wound on Ye Zimo's neck. Ye Zimo frowned as she stared fixedly at Xia Yihan.    


"Haha, well said, I do not believe you, but what about you, what have you done, Fashion Jewelry is my pillar, you stole it, then why did you do those things!"    


Xia Yihan was so angry that she was shaking and laughing like a madman. She allowed Ye Zimo to restrain her and even took the initiative to wrap her arms around his neck.    


"Since you don't believe me, I won't let you go. We'll just pester you until you die." Ye Zimo sighed deeply.    


"Mr Ye, Mistress Xia has a serious anemia and her bed affairs are too intense. Take good care of her." Dr Hao quickly finished his words.    


"Treat her well, no matter what." Ye Zimo helped Xia Yihan tuck in the back of her head, and when she saw the obvious bruise on Xia Yihan's shoulder, the pain in her heart became uncontrollable.    


"Mr Ye, your body needs to rely on your patient's self-awareness …" Dr Hao tactfully shut his mouth. The man facing him looked at him as if he wanted to swallow him whole.    


"Zimo, don't mess around as soon as you run into Xia Yihan." Hai Zhixuan waved to the doctor and Dr Hao quickly walked out of the room.    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan, who was about to fall asleep with a frown, and subconsciously put her hand on the scab on her neck. With a light press, fresh red droplets of blood flowed out, quickly covering her fingers.    


Hai Zhixuan wanted to say something but hesitated. Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo were like two hedgehogs that would harm each other if they got too close. If they got too far away, they wouldn't be able to live.    


Hai Zhixuan looked at Xia Yihan who was on the bed and a flash of understanding appeared in his eyes. He said to Ye Zimo, "Zimo, why didn't you explain about Fashion Jewelry?"    


"Since she decided it was like that, then so be it." Ye Zimo wiped the blood off her hands without a care in the world.    


"If you're awake, open your eyes. Zimo has already left." Hai Zhixuan said with a smile.    


Xia Yihan opened her eyes. The light made her uncomfortable. Hai Zhixuan stood in front of the window and pulled the curtain for her.    


Xia Yihan nodded gratefully at Hai Zhixuan. She had heard some of what Hai Zhixuan and Ye Zimo said earlier, what do you mean by not explaining Fashion Jewelry?    


Hai Zhixuan's throat was burning. Very soon, his lips were covered with a cold touch. He gently touched Xia Yihan's dry lips with a cup of water and smiled gently.    


Xia Yihan took the water and held it in her hands. After her throat felt a little better, she curiously asked, "How do you know I want to drink water without saying anything?"    


Hai Zhixuan helped Xia Yihan to straighten her messy hair. He looked at her and said softly, "I know more about you than you think."    


Xia Yihan took a big gulp of water. In order to break this sudden awkward situation, she hurriedly changed the topic. "Are Lin Ling and Zhuoxuan doing well?"    


Hai Zhixuan didn't expose her embarrassment. He nodded with a smile: "That brat Zhuoxuan is very naughty, making Lin Ling very troubled. Every day, he shouts for her to be stuffed back into her stomach."    


Xia Yihan was also amused. The cold voice coming from beside her made her pale.    


"Looks like I came at the wrong time." Ye Zimo said indifferently as she placed the tonic on the table. Following a crisp sound of impact, Xia Yihan's body shuddered subconsciously.    


"Zimo." Hai Zhixuan instinctively tried to block Ye Zimo's eyes from meeting Xia Yihan's.    


"Zhixuan, I want to talk to her alone." Ye Zimo walked around Hai Zhixuan and sat next to Xia Yihan, who had her head down.    


Hai Zhixuan sighed. He shook his head slowly with a pleading look at Xia Yihan, then turned around and closed the door.    


Ye Zimo forcefully pulled Xia Yihan's chin over and picked up the slightly cold porridge. She scooped up a spoonful and placed it next to Xia Yihan's lips.    


Xia Yihan felt her stomach churning. She didn't have the slightest bit of appetite and didn't even have the strength to open her mouth.    


Ye Zimo frowned. "Open your mouth."    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's mouth and forced him to open his mouth and feed the porridge in the spoon to Xia Yihan.    


He endured the nausea and swallowed it. The smell of food wafted across his taste buds, "Ugh!" Xia Yihan laid on the side of the bed and vomited out all the food she had eaten.    


The food mixed with yellow water splashed onto Ye Zimo's pants leg. Xia Yihan raised her head and looked at Ye Zimo in fright.    


Ye Zimo pressed the doorbell with a frown. Soon, the housekeeper appeared at the door. Xia Yihan's heart sank when she saw that Ye Zimo didn't even look at her as she walked out of the room.    


"What are you thinking about?" Ye Zimo's helpless voice sounded. Xia Shen raised his head in surprise and looked at the man that had returned.    


Ye Zimo personally used a warm, wet towel to wipe away the stains at the corner of her mouth. After a long time, she said with some distress, "The doctor said you have to eat because you're anemic."    


"But I can't eat." Xia Yihan leaned against the headboard and said helplessly.    


"I'll find a way to make you eat it." Ye Zimo said mysteriously. Not long later, Ye Nianmo was led over by the nanny.    


"Nianmo, your mommy won't eat." Ye Zimo pulled Ye Nianmo closer and smiled at Xia Yihan.    


Ye Nianmo carefully crawled to Xia Yihan's side and looked worriedly at her. Xia Yihan immediately patted Ye Nianmo on the back and said softly, "Mommy's appetite is really good."    


Taking the porridge by the bed, Xia Nianmo swallowed the porridge while enduring the discomfort.    


Ye Zimo looked at the empty bowl with satisfaction and said cruelly, "Nianmo, from now on, you will be in charge of watching your mommy eat. Do you understand?"    


Ye Nianmo nodded and threw himself back into Xia Yihan's arms. Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan, who was obviously angry, and sighed almost inaudibly.    


Only when Ye Zimo left did Xia Yihan put on a smile and play with Ye Nianmo again, "Try to cook as much light food as you can and pick up Jiu Jiu to accompany her." After instructing the housekeeper around the corner, Ye Zimo looked at the mother and son in infatuation before leaving.    


In a spacious and luxurious room, Nianmo went under the quilt with Xia Yihan's phone in hand as he searched for Xu Haorann's name.    


"Yihan?" Xu Haorann's voice came out of the phone with a smile.    


"Uncle Xu." Nianmo was very happy to hear Xu Haorann's voice.    


Xu Haorann was stunned as he couldn't find any trace of Xia Yihan. He was worried all the time and asked anxiously, "Nianmo, where's your mommy?"    


"Daddy is bullying Mommy, Mommy won't eat." Ye Nianmo complained in his childish voice.    


Xu Haorann frowned even more. What do you mean by having a green thing on your person? What do you mean by not eating? Don't tell me that Ye Zimo dares to mistreat Xia Yihan in public! How is this possible!?    


A small figure quietly ran down the stairs in the luxurious living room. The kitchen maid was dozing off in the kitchen, and all the servants had gone for their lunch break as well.    


Nianmo carried the chair over and used his memory to enter the password. When the door opened, he jumped into Uncle Xu's arms happily and said, "Uncle Xu, I miss you!"    


Xu Haorann hugged the soft body in his arms tightly and turned around a few times before putting it down, "Nianmo be good, where's your mother?"    


"Mr Xu, breaking into a house is illegal." At some point, the butler had appeared in front of them.    


"I want to see Xiao Ai. It's Xia Yihan. Now!" Xu Haorann hugged Nianmo tightly and glared at the butler.    


"I'm afraid that's not something that you can decide, Mr Xu." The butler cast a cold glance at the bodyguard beside him.    


"Let him in." Ye Zimo's voice suddenly sounded from the walkie-talkie. The butler was a little confused, so he followed Ye Zimo's instructions and let her pass.    


Ye Zimo watched Xu Haorann run towards Xia Yihan's room under the lead of Nianmo in the surveillance video. She sighed almost inaudibly.    


"Big Brother Xu, why are you here?!" Xia Yihan had long since heard the noise outside the courtyard, so she didn't expect it to be Xu Haorann, nor did she expect Ye Zimo to invite him to meet her.    


Xu Haorann rushed to Xia Yihan's side in a few steps. He wanted to pull away the quilt to see if Xia Yihan was injured. However, after seeing Xia Yihan's clear and helpless eyes, he suddenly woke up and carried her along with the quilt.    


"Let's go, I'll take you out of here."    


"Big Brother Xu, Big Brother Xu, let me down first!" Xia Yihan pushed at Xu Haorann in a hurry.    


Since Xia Yihan refused to cooperate, Xu Haorann could only put her down. Xia Yihan looked at Nianmo and asked seriously, "What's going on?"    


Nianmo pouted, feeling wronged. "There are traces of purple and green on Mommy's body. Also, Mommy's unwillingness to eat is Daddy's fault. Uncle Xu is Superman!"    


Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haorann, whose eyes were filled with anger, and burst out laughing.    


"Nianmo is still young, Big Brother Xu, why are you so impulsive?"    


Xia Yihan's laughter caused Xu Haorann to be stunned. Ye Nianmo's words intertwined together as he thought over everything. The person's body was green and purple, could it be...    


Xu Haorann's handsome face blushed. Xia Yihan was also embarrassed. She grabbed onto Xu Haorann's hands and said, "No matter what, I will bring you away from here. Ye Zimo has no right to imprison you."    


"Big Brother Xu." Xia Yihan gently pressed her opponent's hand and touched Nianmo's head with her other hand. "Nianmo needs dad. He and I are no longer a problem that can be solved by leaving or not leaving."    


Xu Haorann knew Ye Zimo's influence on Xia Yihan, but he didn't expect the conflict between the two to be so deep. He walked out of the Ye Family door dejectedly and kicked the car in frustration.    


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