Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C711 Wealthy Marriage 640

C711 Wealthy Marriage 640

"Is it because I'm too fond of you that you dare to run away again and again?" Yihan? " Her big, dry hands reached into Xia Yihan's pajamas and began to rub them together.    


"Ye Zimo, don't be like this. I'm not someone's subordinate." Biting down on the groan that was about to spill out, Xia Yihan stubbornly said.    


As expected, Ye Zimo stopped her actions. Her slender and powerful fingers ferociously pinched Xia Yihan's fair chin towards herself, condescendingly looking at this woman who didn't want to get involved with her.    


"Xia Yihan, you will be tied up with someone called Ye Zimo for the rest of your life." Looking cruelly at the receding face of her opponent, Ye Zimo lightly kissed the stubborn lips.    


Xia Yihan had to admit that her body was so compatible with Ye Zimo's that she pushed Ye Zimo away when she was about to enter.    


Ye Zimo looked coldly at Xia Yihan, her fingers curled slightly, warning her in a lazy manner that could make a woman's heart race.    


"Were you... that night?" Trembling, Xia Yihan wanted to ask Ye Zimo if he was the one who planned the royal ball with jewelry, but she didn't say anything after a while.    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows, stood up and stuffed all of Xia Yihan's words into her mouth, piercing through fiercely. Ye Zimo finished her desire, put on her clothes and left the room. Xia Yihan did not bother to stop him with her soft and sour body.    


"Ye Zimo, return Nianmo to me."    


"If you want Nianmo, then move to my place." Ye Zimo smiled faintly and walked away.    


Xia Yihan hadn't seen Nianmo for several days. Kitty looked at Xia Yihan's haggard face with concern, hesitating as to whether she should say it out loud.    


"What is it, don't stutter," Wu said to Kitty with a smile.    


Kitty looked at Xia Yihan's face and said carefully, "Actually, my friend and I passed by the day when the company was splashed with ink. I feel like that person is like a bodyguard next to Director Ye."    


"Kitty, do you know what you're talking about? You are legally liable for what you say now. " Xia Yihan suppressed the unease in her heart and sternly cut off Kitty's words.    


Kitty winced, unsure herself: "Maybe, maybe I was wrong."    


After Kitty left, Xia Yihan sank back into the sofa, her mind was in a mess, and Lin Jie called in panic.    


"Yihan, are you okay?" Lin Jie knew from his contacts that someone was secretly sabotaging Xia Yihan's company. With Ye Zimo around, he didn't have to worry about not being able to find the killer, but he was worried that Xia Yihan would feel sad and worried about whether it was done on purpose.    


Xia Yihan showed a wry smile. "I'm fine. I'm really fine."    


Xia Yihan's tone made Lin Jie suspicious. He asked without hesitation, "Did something happen between you and Ye Zimo? Do you want me to ask him out for a chat? Have you noticed anyone strange following them over the past few days? "    


These three words were the last words Xia Yihan wanted to hear. She cut off Lin Jie's words as if she was disregarding everything, "Lin Jie, no one followed me these few days. It's none of his business."    


Si Si looked at Lin Jie who hung up the phone with a frown. Her captivating red nails picked up a glass of wine and swirled it around. "Do you think Ye Zimo was the one behind the destruction of Xia Yihan's company?"    


"You'd better know what you're talking about." Si Si's words made Lin Jie's heart turn cold.    


Si Si's eyes flashed, and Lin Jie's unsettled gaze made Si Si chuckle to herself, "Fashion Jewelry is a career that Xia Yihan set up all by herself. If Ye Zimo wants Xia Yihan to return to her side once and for all, destroying Xia Yihan's mind is the most effective method."    


Lin Jie narrowed his eyes and looked at Si Si. He put down his usual mischievous smile and said in an enigmatic tone, "Looks like you have a lot of experience, darling."    


Si Si chuckled, covering her mouth, "All the women who know Ye Zimo want to know Ye Zimo. All the women who want to know Ye Zimo naturally want to know the woman who can keep Ye Zimo in their hearts for so many years. Of course, my dear, the one I love the most is you."    


"If you want to help Xia Yihan get out of Ye Zimo's control, then this is a good opportunity. Si Si slowly lured Lin Jie into taking the bait.    


Lin Jie raised his eyebrows as he saw Si Si suddenly climb up and hug his chest. He untied his tie with his small hand and looked at Lin Jie flirtatiously with a condom in his hand.    


Lin Jie's heart skipped a beat as he jokingly said, "It seems like you don't want to have a child with me." Si Si was stunned for a moment, then giggled and threw away the condom. She looked tenderly at Lin Jie and said, "No way. I want to have a common child with you. Even in my dreams."    


Lin Jie stood up without denying anything. His lower body already had a reaction, but the thought in his mind was Xia Yihan. He hurried past Si Si and Lin Jie went to the washroom alone for a long time.    


In the ward, Jiu Jiu happily watched the parenting exercise book. She was pleasantly surprised and more cautious after having a baby. The doctor outside the ward pointed at the report and said to Yan Qingyan, "Preliminary conclusion is that it is a kind of chronic poison. The dosage of the medicine isn't too much, so it only causes a short period of loss of voice. It isn't certain when you will be able to speak."    


Yan Qingyan listened in a daze. She knew that the amount of medicine was enough to kill a child. It was precisely because Si Si was afraid of being found out that she restrained herself, that was why she saved Jiu Jiu's life.    


A phone rang in the room. Yan Qingyan hurried back into the room. Jiu Jiu pointed to an unfamiliar phone number and asked with her eyes out of curiosity.    


After comforting Jiu Jiu and answering the phone as if nothing had happened, Yan Qingyan's tone became impatient: "What's the matter now?"    


"I heard Jiu Jiu is pregnant. Congratulations." Si Si's sweet voice sounded like the horn of a demon.    


After a day of struggling, Xia Yihan was the last to walk out of the office. She habitually raised her head to look at the office that was still lit up with lights upstairs. A figure flashed by not too far away.    


Xia Yihan thought it was strange, so she secretly followed behind the man with the hat. The man carried his stuff and walked hurriedly, stopping at the Fashion Jewelry entrance of Xia Yihan's company.    


Xia Yihan subconsciously wanted to cry out, but a pair of large, dry hands covered her mouth and dragged her into the darkness.    


"Yihan, it's me." Lin Jie whispered to Xia Yihan as he looked into the shadows. He saw that the man in black did not notice that he had let out a long sigh.    


The man in black took out two bottles from his bag and threw the red liquid at the door. Lin Jie rushed out. The man seemed to have noticed something and threw the bottles away and ran out the window, the glass cut the man's arm and left a pool of blood.    


"Ye Zimo?" Lin Jie picked up the card on the floor. The face of Ye Zimo's subordinate could be seen clearly on the card. He was about to call Ye Zimo for help when Xia Yihan held Lin Jie's arm and shook her head.    


In the room, Yan Qingyan was trying his best to bandage his wound as he yelled into the phone, "Do you think Lin Jie would fall for such a stupid trick?"    


"Not at any other time, but when it comes to Xia Yihan's problems, he's the stupidest man in the world." Si Si coolly hung up the phone. Xia Yihan, I just want to disturb you.    


"Mommy, when are you coming to see me?" Nianmo's soft voice on the phone made Xia Yi and Yihan lose their cool. A few days had passed, but she didn't expect Ye Zimo to be so ruthless as to not let her see Nianmo.    


"Yihan, come find me." As the call ended, Ye Zimo's low voice sounded.    


Xia Yihan hung up the phone and the fear in her heart gradually increased. The busy tone made Ye Zimo's expression turn even worse. The dark Rolls-royce quietly stopped below Xia Yihan's floor. If she was willing to lower her head, she would see it.    


"Why don't you let me talk to my mother?" Nianmo said loudly. His clear black and white eyes stared at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo reached out her hand to pat Ye Zimo's head and said, "We'll see them soon."    


After a night of being tortured by nightmares, Xia Yihan looked at the document listlessly. There was a rapid knock on the door, and Kitty rushed in with a mobile phone, "Manager Xia, I didn't see wrong. That night, my friend took a photo."    


Xia Yihan took the photo. The man in the photo was wearing a hat and looked exactly like the man she had seen that night.    


"Are you alright? Actually, Director Ye is doing it for you." Kitty grumbled, regretting saying these things to Xia Yihan.    


"Go out and busy yourself first. Thank you for your concern." Xia Yihanqiang smiled to appease the restless Kitty, picked up the mobile phone and called Zhang Fengyi.    


"On the night one week ago, did you appear near Fashion Jewelry?" Xia Yihan went straight to the point.    


Zhang Fengyi quickly realized that Xia Yihan was referring to the matter of Fashion Jewelry company's destruction a week ago.    


Zhang Fengyi thought that Ye Zimo didn't want Xia Yihan to be involved in this, so he denied it subconsciously. "No, that night, Director Ye was discussing business. I'll wait by the side."    


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Fengyi thought for a while and still called Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo remained silent for a long time before she hung up.    


At a fixed time at night, Xia Yihan's cell phone rang on time. "Mommy, Nianmo painted a picture today with Daddy in it. Mommy, but Mommy, you haven't come to see Nianmo in a long time."    


Lili covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face, and all her strength collapsed in Ye Nianmo's voice. "Nianmo, be good, Mommy's coming now, Mommy's coming now."    


In the familiar house, the butler respectfully welcomed Xia Yihan into the hall. Nianmo ran down the stairs happily while Ye Zimo followed leisurely behind him.    


"Mommy, Daddy said you would be here for sure."    


Xia Yihan raised her head to look at the man with the scheme, walked straight up to Ye Zimo and raised her palm.    


As expected, Nianmo was held by the steward. Gasps could be heard all around. The steward quickly showed the servant a face, picked up Nianmo and walked towards the side hall.    


"Is this the first gift you ever gave me?" Ye Zimo's gaze swept across Xia Yihan's raised hand. She easily removed it and placed a kiss on it.    


"Ye Zimo, you're shameless!" Xia Yihan tried her best to shake off Ye Zimo's hand, tears flowing without warning.    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan who was looking at her warily. For the first time, she felt powerless as she coldly said, "Am I shameless? "You think that I'm the one who did all this?!"    


Ye Zimo pressed on and Xia Yihan retreated step by step. The man continued to shout in a low voice, "Am I shameless? When you encounter something, have you ever thought of asking me directly and asking me to give you the answer instead of getting the so-called truth from someone else and adding it to my body? "    


"I'm shameless? Did you truly believe me once from the beginning to the end? " The vase beside the wall was destroyed by Xia Yihan with a loud crash.    


Xia Yihan had no place to retreat to. Her body was pressed against the cold wall as she watched the approaching man with tears in her eyes.    


Ye Zimo placed her hands on Xia Yihan's body and lowered her head slowly. She leaned her head close to Xia Yihan's smooth and soft face and said in a cruel and soft voice, "Am I shameless? Then you won't be able to escape? "Forever!"    


Xia Yihan did not remember how she came to Ye Zimo's room, nor how many times she had been asked to sleep. She only felt as if someone was beating her heart vertically, empty and with a fatal palpitation, knowing to fall asleep.    


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