Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C728 Wealthy Marriage 657

C728 Wealthy Marriage 657

Manuel remained calm and collected as he winked at the people beside him, gritting his teeth: "You guys were indeed sent by Darling."    


"What is Darling? We're here to see the jewelry show. " Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo carefully. She was angry at Ye Zimo's actions of attacking people for no reason at all.    


Manuel's brown eyes stared at Xia Yihan, as if he was trying to see through her. Suddenly, he smiled brilliantly. "You're getting more and more interesting, woman. Even if you're Darling's man, I still want to have you."    


Ye Zimo placed her saber on Manuel's neck, forcing him to back off. "You died under the peony flower," she said. "It's a pity you were a ghost."    


Manuel's face froze for a moment, and then he said, "Is this saying that if you die under a peony flower, you will be happier when you see God?"    


"Puchi, Tang Xian Zu will die from anger." Xia Yihan couldn't hold back her laughter.    


The three of them walked out of the door one after another. Manuel gave them a stern look. "Now you can let me go."    


Ye Zimo led Manuel to open the door and let Xia Yihan sit in the driver's seat. She drove the car with Manuel's neck in the back seat. "You can start praying to God that I won't let you go later."    


A loud horn sounded from the front of the car. Ye Zimo and Manuel looked at Xia Yihan in surprise. honking here was equivalent to summoning everyone here. The suspicion and interest they had towards Xia Yihan increased even further.    


"Ye Zimo, this is the first time I've driven abroad." As soon as Xia Zimo finished speaking, Ye Zimo and Manuel's faces twisted at the same time.    


Ye Zimo wiped her face and said while gritting her teeth, "Open!"    


The car shot out like an arrow. Xia Yihan was so nervous that she bent her body and listened to Ye Zimo's commands.    


There was the sound of approaching cars behind her. Xia Yihan looked in the rearview mirror and saw that the two banquets were trying to overtake the car.    


As they were about to turn a corner, Xia Yihan subconsciously wanted to turn the corner, so she stepped on the throttle with trembling feet. As if out of control, the car turned the corner.    


Manuel looked at Xia Yihan with a pale face. Ye Zimo's heart skipped a beat when she saw Xia Yihan's speed. She frowned and sighed, "Xia Yihan, go back and train properly for me."    


"Ye Zimo, don't talk to me!" Xia Yihan roared as she forcefully drove the car around the bend.    


Behind him, the banquets obviously didn't expect Xia Yihan to be so crazy that she didn't even slow down when she turned the corner, instead falling quite a distance away from Xia Yihan's car.    


"Ye Zimo, what should we do next!" Xia Yihan looked around nervously. Although it was already late at night, it was clear that they were still in the middle of the street.    


Ye Zimo looked at Manuel and instructed, "The board of directors."    


"Do you think the council members here will shelter you? "He's too naive." Manuel said sarcastically.    


"Compared to whether they will protect us or not, I think it's better if you worry about your head first and stay with your neck." Ye Zimo said coldly.    


"Ye Zimo, they caught up to us again!" Xia Yihan couldn't sit still in the driver's seat.    


"Calm down, don't step on the accelerator!" Ye Zimo instructed calmly.    


Carnival passed from one side of the car to the other, and when he saw a woman in the driver's seat, he whistled.    


Xia Yihan, who was being pummeled by the feast and agitated by the whistling sounds, suddenly turned her car around and ran out of the alley to the side.    


The two banquets didn't expect Xia Yihan to dare to rush into the alley and crashed into each other.    


"Trash." Manuel cursed in a low voice.    


Ye Zimo smiled and said, "I'm sorry to have to send you here, Mr. Manuel." Opening the door, Ye Zimo pushed Manuel out of the car.    


After getting back in the driver's seat, Ye Zimo fiercely bit on Xia Yihan's lips. The softness of both of them grinded against each other, "Why didn't you run away?"    


Xia Yihan tightened her grip on her seat belt. With a slightly flushed face, she turned her head to look at the thick night sky outside the car. "Don't ask me. I don't know!"    


The car sped on. By the time Xia Yihan could feel Ye Zimo's driving speed getting slower and slower, Ye Zimo was already on the verge of fainting.    


"Ye Zimo, what happened to you?" Xia Yihan was frightened by the warmth coming from Ye Zimo's body. She hastily tried to jump back into the driver's seat. "Ye Zimo, hang in there. I'll take you to the hospital very soon."    


Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan gently. "Don't go to the hospital. They know I'm hurt, so they'll send someone to follow me there. Go …" Before she finished speaking, Ye Zimo had already fallen into a deep coma.    


"Snap, snap, snap!" Xia Yihan knocked on the door of the hotel anxiously. She had no idea where Ahn's home was. It was obvious that Ye Zimo had a fever.    


Xia Yihan knocked on the door many times before an old man opened it. When he saw the dark red bloodstains on Ye Zimo's body, he frowned and wanted to close the door.    


Xia Yihan didn't understand Italian and continued knocking on the door. The old man opened the door and glared at Xia Yihan. The old man's expression was ferocious and there was a long scar under his eye sockets.    


Ye Zimo let out an involuntary groan. Xia Yihan wrapped her arms around Ye Zimo and crossed her legs to enter the room. "Why don't you break my foot, or just let me in," she yelled in Chinese, ignoring everything else.    


The old man couldn't understand Xia Yihan's words, but seeing her actions, he let her in with a sigh.    


Xia Yihan struggled to carry Ye Zimo into the living room. Ye Zimo's legs weren't steady enough and she fell to the ground diagonally.    


Xia Yihan ignored the fact that her face had been scratched by a piece of jewelry hanging on the wall. She jumped onto Ye Zimo's body and touched her face up and down.    


The old man brought hot water and bandages. Xia Yihan gratefully took them and said, "Thank you."    


The old man gave a cold snort, walked to a small house beside the living room and slammed the door. Xia Yihan took a deep breath as she tore open Ye Zimo's clothes and saw the savageness on her back.    


The bloody wound went from her shoulder blade down to her flesh. Dark red blood stained the surroundings. Xia Yihan lightly wiped Ye Zimo's wound with a wet cloth. Ye Zimo let out a painful groan.    


"You can't be like this, he'll get infected." Xia Yihan was so frightened by the sound coming from the shadows that she turned her head around.    


A male student was looking at him with a smile. His brown hair covered one of his eyes, and when he smiled, it moved the blue gemstone ring on his nose.    


"His wound has already been infected. We have to treat it as soon as possible." The man walked to Xia Yihan's side and looked down at her injury. Looking at the 13 stars in Xia Yihan's hands, she sighed in heartfelt admiration, "This dagger of yours is so beautiful."    


Xia Yihan protected Ye Zimo as she sheathed her dagger and looked at the man warily, "Who are you?"    


The man smiled and took two steps back, "I've been to China, and I have a Chinese name, so you can call me Qin Feng. I'm a doctor! "    


Xia Yihan looked at Qin Feng hesitantly. Ye Zimo, who should have fainted, grabbed Xia Yihan's hand. Xia Yihan exclaimed in surprise, "Ye Zimo, you're awake?"    


"He just did it subconsciously. It seems like he cares about you a lot." Qin Feng gently opened Ye Zimo's shirt and said seriously, "We have to deal with him now, unless you want to see him die from the infection."    


When the first ray of light shone on Xia Yihan's face, she realized that it was already morning. Ye Zimo was still having a low fever, and there was a knock on the door. The old man came in and said in English, "You can stay here, but you have to pay the rent."    


Xia Yihan looked at the unconscious Ye Zimo and whispered, "Sorry, we have friends here, but I don't know where he lives right now. Can we delay it?"    


"No matter what Xia Yihan said, the old man kept pointing at the words on the drawing board." Ruike, I'll pay for them. " Qin Feng walked out and muttered with the old man for a while.    


Vaguely aware that the other party had paid the rent for her, Xia Yihan said, "I'll write you a promissory note."    


Qin Feng shook his head and said: "If you want to write an IOU, why not do me a favor? I'm a costume collocator, but my assistant is out of the country. I'm in urgent need of an assistant. Can you be my daily assistant if you'd like? "    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo hesitantly. She was still unconscious, and she didn't want to leave him. " My client might know your friend from yesterday! " Qin Feng shrugged.    


Releasing her worry, Xia Yihan followed Qin Feng to a huge manor, a towering fountain, neatly mowed lawn, and a building that resembled a palace.    


Qin Feng leaned over and whispered into Xia Yihan's ear, "There are only a few noblewomen living here in Italy. My job is to help her with her clothes. You are in charge of helping me."    


The two entered the living room and was ordered by the butler to clean up before they entered a spacious house. An elderly woman who was inside loosened up a little when she saw the expressionless face behind Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you're finally here. The party is about to start."    


Qin Feng bent forward slightly to help the woman pick out the clothes, which made her laugh out loud. Xia Yihan stood to the side and occasionally helped to pick up the clothes. Her heart had already fallen on Ye Zimo.    


"No ring can match my dress." The lady, who had a smile on her face, suddenly lost her temper and casually threw the ring she was wearing onto the ground.    


Qin Feng said in a good-natured manner: "Madam, what accessories do you have that are very suitable for your body?"    


"No!" I'm not going anywhere without finding the right accessories. " The woman said arrogantly. She also believed that she had the ability to be arrogant.    


Xia Yihan watched as the sun slowly set. Her desire to see Ye Zimo grow stronger as she said, "Madam, if you are willing, may I give it a try?" Ye Zimo walked up to the woman and said in a neither humble nor haughty manner.    


The woman raised her eyebrows and looked at the exquisite woman from the East. She turned to Qin Feng and asked, "Who is this woman from the East?"    


Qin Feng smiled, his handsome face smiled and said, "Lady Elizabeth, maybe we can give her a try." Elizabeth nodded subconsciously. Xia Yihan walked out of the door. A few minutes later, she reappeared with a slender rose in her hand.    


"Don't tell me you're going to let me wear this flower to a party, Oriental woman." The woman's expression was very ugly.    


Qin Feng stepped forward and blocked Xia Yihan's path slightly. With an apologetic expression, he said, "I'm sorry, Madam. This is my new assistant. She just arrived from abroad, so she might not know the proper etiquette here."    


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