Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C719 Wealthy Marriage 648

C719 Wealthy Marriage 648

"It seems that you don't know Ye Zimo well enough. As long as it's something he agrees to, he'll never go back on his word." Zhang Fengyi slowly moved closer to Yuv Le, looking for an opportunity to make a move.    


Xia Yihan's face turned red as she looked at Ye Zimo with tears in her eyes. However, Ye Zimo's gaze never landed on her, as if her life and death had nothing to do with her.    


"Come, let's go and register now." Ye Zimo reached out her hand to Yuv Le, her eyes soft.    


Yuv Le looked at her face that appeared countless times in her dreams. She reached out her hand and gently placed it on Ye Zimo's wrist. Xia Yihan dodged to the side suddenly and caught Yuv Le with a stride.    


"Cough, cough." Xia Yihan coughed violently. Her back was patted gently. She had barely raised her head when it was firmly locked into her embrace.    


Ye Zimo hugged her tightly. Xia Yihan struggled uncomfortably, but what she got in return was an even tighter and tighter force from Ye Zimo. It was as if she had to be kneaded into her own flesh and blood before she could stop.    


"Ye Zimo, you lied to me! "You lied to me!" Yuv Le struggled with all her might. Ye Zimo raised her head and wrapped her arms around Xia Yihan's waist. She condescendingly said, "Who said ashes couldn't marry?"    


Seated in the car, Ye Zimo still had lingering fear in her heart as she fiercely wrapped her arms around Xia Yihan's waist, refusing to let go. Suddenly, a warm sensation could be felt on her cheek.    


"I'm sorry." On the wall Xia Yihan saw Yuv Le standing at the fashion gate with ink in her hand. Everything she did was self-evident.    


Ye Zimo felt her heart twining gently in her chest. Her lips curled up as she grabbed the woman's shoulder and kissed her passionately. She smiled. "Stupid woman, you should kiss me here if you apologize."    


Xu Haorann had never thought of what Xia Yihan had been through at all. He just stared blankly at the ceiling, thinking about Xia Yihan's face.    


The sound of high heels tapping on the ground softly sounded out in the corridor outside the door. It was similar to Xia Yihan's footsteps. Xu Haorann's eyes lit up as he saw who it was. Then, they quickly dimmed down.    


"What? You're not disappointed, are you, Xia Yihan?" Si Si placed the fruit on the table and looked at the chair with disdain. In the end, she still stood and spoke.    


"Yes." Xu Haorann did not hide anything.    


Si Si didn't care about his cold tone. She lightly touched his eyes that were wrapped in white cloth and said, "You almost couldn't keep your eyes open because of Ye Nianmo, but he never even looked at you. You're really sad."    


Xu Haorann stretched out his hand to grab Si Si and pulled her closer. With a fierce tone, he said, "What are you trying to say?"    


Si Si tidied up her messy hair, then laid on Xu Haorann's chest and giggled, "If I were you, I would use my eyes to keep Xia Yihan by my side."    


"You think everyone is as heartless as you are." Xu Haorann waved Si Si away. Si Si was a little angry, but then she smiled sweetly. "You should think about it yourself."    


After seeing Xu Haorann, Si Si rushed to the banquet where Lin Jie was waiting. A group of reporters came forward and asked, "May I ask if this lady is your girlfriend?" Journalists are also interested in successful entrepreneurs who have never had a scandal.    


Si Si snuck up on Lin Jie, "Someone has been following me all day today, this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the relationship between me and Xia Yihan."    


Lin Jie glanced at Si Si, turned around and nodded to the reporters, "Her name is Si Si, I hope everyone can give us some space." The reporter took a picture of Si Si lying beside Lin Jie's ear.    


What would Yihan do when she saw this?    


Xia Yihan was running. There was a dark shadow chasing after her. The dark shadow was filled with a strong smell of blood. No matter how fast Xia Yihan was, the smell of blood would not spread.    


There was only a single row of pipes on the open grass. Xia Yihan hid inside them to catch her breath. The black shadow stomped with heavy footsteps as it brandished the long sickle in its hand.    


The scythe let out an ear-piercing sound on the cement ground. Xia Yihan shrank back into the pipe in fright, looking at the person who was just inches away from her and the knife which had half of her face on it.    


The man seemed to be looking for Xia Yihan. After a while, he dragged his sickle and left. Just as Xia Yihan let out a sigh of relief, a deep and low voice came from behind, "Yihan, so you were hiding here."    


"Sofia, what's the matter?" Ye Zimo patted Xia Yihan on the shoulder, trying to calm the trembling woman.    


Xia Yihangu's forehead was covered in sweat as she curled up in Ye Zimo's embrace. Why would she have such a dream? In the dream, Ye Zimo was gently smiling at him with a sickle.    


Ye Zimo patted Xia Yihan's shoulder calmly. After quite a while, she suddenly asked, "Sofia, what's the smell on your body?"    


Taste? Xia Yihan recalled the smell of blood that she couldn't get rid of in her dreams. Suddenly, she felt that her body was covered in blood. She pushed Ye Zimo away and found herself trapped in a huge cage.    


"Xia Yihan, you'll never escape." Ye Zimo smiled cruelly.    


"NO!" "Demon!" Xia Yihan screamed in fear as she opened her eyes, drenched in sweat. There was no cage, no sickle, no Ye Zimo.    


There was a knock on the door. "Madam, are you all right?" The butler happened to pass by and immediately asked when he heard Xia Yihan's slightly shrill scream.    


Xia Yihan shouted back, "I'm fine!"    


"Yihan, are you all right? Black circles around the eyes. " In the hospital, Jiu Jiu asked Xia Yihan, writing in her picture book.    


Xia Yihan rubbed Jiu Jiu's slightly protruding belly and asked Yan Qingyan, "Jiu Jiu still can't speak?"    


Yan Qingyan shook his head and looked tenderly at Jiu Jiu's belly, "Not enough, I can only make one syllable."    


Nianmo had been hiding behind Xia Yihan ever since Yan Qingyan had started talking. Yan Qingyan picked up a lollipop and coaxed Nianmo, "Nianmo, what do you think of Uncle?"    


Nianmo trembled and hid behind Xia Yihan's back tighter. He smiled gently at Xia Yihan and Yan Qingyan slowly pulled his finger tighter.    


"Yihan!" Xu Haorann suddenly appeared in the ward. His left eye was still wrapped in thick gauze, and he was obviously very happy to see Xia Yihan.    


Nianmo rushed into Xu Haorann's embrace. Xia Yihan felt as if her heart was being cut apart when she saw Xu Haorann's eyes. The two of them walked on the lawn, one in front of the other. Xu Haorann was looking for opportunities to talk to Xia Yihan.    


An old man who was leaning on his back walked towards them. He seemed to be a bit drunk as he bumped into Xia Yihan. Xu Haorann hurriedly helped Xia Yihan up.    


Xia Yihan had never smelled Xu Haorann's scent before. The smell made Xia Yihan feel very comfortable, and there was a trace of gentleness in her gaze as she looked at Xu Haorann.    


In the evening, Ye Zimo tapped the keyboard. The red button in the lobby sounded, and Ye Zimo turned on the monitor.    


Xia Yihan, who was in the monitor, was wearing a long white robe as she slowly walked in the hall. She seemed to be looking for something.    


What happened to Yihan? A sleepwalk? Ye Zimo followed, frowning, down the stairs to Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were wide and empty, as if she didn't see Ye Zimo at all. Ye Zimo signaled the housekeeper with her eyes, and the two of them watched as Xia Yihan searched the entire hall.    


"Ye Zimo, I hate you. Ye Zimo, I hate you!" Xia Yihan grabbed the fruit knife on the fruit plate and stabbed at the seat with all her strength.    


Ye Zimo frowned and switched on the lights with a bang. She growled, "Xia Yihan, what are you doing?!"    


Xia Yihan turned around and stared fixedly at Ye Zimo. With a blank look on her face, she fell limply onto the sofa.    


The next day, Xia Yihan woke up slightly. The sound of running water came from the bathroom, and she hit her head. Xia Yihan could not remember coming to Ye Zimo's room in the middle of the night.    


After the bathroom door was opened, Ye Zimo walked out with a towel wrapped around her. She suppressed the doubts in her heart and approached Xia Yihan. "Do you know what you did last night?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Seeing Ye Zimo's unhappy expression, she asked tentatively, "Did I run to your room yesterday?!"    


Puzzled, Ye Zimo stretched out her hand to rub Xia Yihan's soft hair, but she was subconsciously flung away.    




Xia Yihan stared blankly at her hands and stuttered. "I don't know what happened. It was all of a sudden …"    


What Xia Yihan didn't tell Ye Zimo was that when Ye Zimo approached her, an unconcealable rage was burning within her. There were even voices pounding in her heart. Ye Zimo was her enemy!    


"Xia Yihan, since you're so resistant to me, from today onwards, you don't have to go to this room of mine." Ye Zimo put down her cold words, leaving Xia Yihan in a daze as she left alone.    


"The depressive illness and personality split don't have sleepwalking. Madam's question seems a bit strange." Zhang Fengyi looked at the information in his hands.    


Ye Zimo massaged her brows with a headache. Her mind was filled with the resentful gaze of Xia Yihan calling her name last night.    


"Contact the doctor."    


Xia Yihan didn't know what had happened to her. Half an hour ago, she was walking on the road in a daze. She was almost hit by a speeding car. Luckily, someone stopped her in time.    


When they reached the Fashion Jewelry, the employees surrounded them, as it was rare to see Xia Yihan, "Don't all of you need to work?"    


Xia Yihan frowned, her heart filled with unconcealable anger. Fashion Jewelry was her very own life, why are these employees so lazy?    


"Sister Yihan, what's wrong with you?" Kitty asked timidly, and the other employees looked even more baffled.    


"In the future, whoever is so lazy in the office will write their own resignation report." Xia Yihan slammed the office door.    


The sound of the door closing caused Xia Yihan to be subconsciously stunned. Why was I so angry just now? What happened to him?    


"Kitty, would you mind sending me a copy of last quarter's jewelry design material?" Lin Jie said warmly.    


Kitty was hurt by Xia Yihan's shouting, so she told Lin Jie everything about Xia Yihan's abnormal behavior.    


Xia Yihan was sitting in her office in a daze when she heard someone knocking on her door. Xia Yihan hurriedly arranged her emotions and said, "Come in!"    


"Yihan, I came by today and brought you a cake." Lin Jie placed the delicate box on Xia Yihan's desk.    


The sweet smell of the cake also made Xia Yihan uncomfortable, so she subconsciously pushed the cake far away. Lin Jie noticed all of this and calmly asked, "Has Ye Zimo been good to you recently?"    


Xia Yihan nodded, then shook her head and said softly, "I don't know."    


"Did you see the news today?" Lin Jie asked casually. Xia Yihan shook her head and looked at Lin Jie blankly. Lin Jie smiled bitterly. The phone rang. It was Ye Zimo.    


Walking out of the room, Lin Jie picked up the phone. Ye Zimo said in a bland voice, "What's going on in the newspaper?"    


Lin Jie laughed, but his expression was calm as he said, "People always need another kind of emotional support."    


"Si Si is not simple." Ye Zimo recalled that she could not gather any information about Si Si before this. Lin Jie was Xu Haorann's friend, and although they were rivals in love, they were still morally speaking friends.    


"No worries, I've already investigated her. She's safe. You should take good care of Xia Yihan. She's not in a good mood."    


Ye Zimo frowned and asked, "What happened to her?"    


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