Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C746 Wealthy Marriage 675

C746 Wealthy Marriage 675

Xia Yihan saw the crafty smile on Xu Haorann's handsome face and said helplessly, "Then you must collect the rent."    


Xu Haorann was a bit pale. He and Xia Yihan were just a step away from getting married. Now that they were so distant from each other, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want Xia Yihan to see his feelings, so he covered up his sadness.    


In the afternoon, Xu Haorann drove Xia Yihan back to the entrance of the residential complex, "Baby, we're here!" As Xia Yihan watched Nianmo and Xu Haorann walk around the room excitedly, she felt a huge burden in her heart. Her gratitude and guilt towards Xu Haorann deepened.    


After insisting on paying Xu Haorann's rent, Xia Yihan busied herself with her apron for the whole afternoon and cooked an egg-drop meal for Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo asked with the food in his mouth, "Mommy, is Daddy not staying with us?"    


Xia Yihan touched Ye Nianmo's head and smiled. "Nianmo missed his father?" Ye Nianmo nodded, shook his head again, turned on the TV, turned the screen to a page, and said, "As long as Nianmo thinks about it, he can watch it here. Daddy always shows up here."    


Xia Yihan looked at the man who was being interviewed on the television. He had a domineering air to him. His well-cut and well-cut suit was wrapped around his perfect triangular body. He was smiling silently towards the camera while exuding the aura of a king.    


At night, Zhang Fengyi rang the doorbell, revealing the face of a sleepy man. What business do you have with me? Let's see what time it is! "    


The man roared and pointed at the clock on the wall. Zhang Fengyi looked at the man coldly. The man shrunk and muttered, "You're still so fierce when you trespass into a house in the middle of the night."    


Zhang Fengyi raised his eyebrows, "Soon, we won't be breaking into a famous house." He placed the black leather suitcase in his hand on the table, opened it up, and said to the man, "Someone wants to buy your house. Judging from the latest market value, your house is worth two million. This is three million, leave tomorrow."    


The stunned man walked out of the house as if he was sending off a great Buddha. Zhang Fengyi dialed: "Director Ye, everything is done."    


The next day, Lili was awakened by Lin Jie's call. "Yihan, I told you last time that you wanted to see Gus Academy today."    


Xia Yihan rushed out the door and saw someone moving things inside and out of the house beside her. She looked curiously at the furnishings in the room. The luxurious scene made Xia Yihan speechless.    


When he got home, even the door of the house next to him had been installed as the brand-new security door with the highest security factor.    


Xia Yihan knocked on the neighbor's door with a cookie. After a while, the door was opened. There was no light in the room. A low voice came from behind the door, "What happened?"    


Xia Yihan was startled by the familiar voice. She shook off the shadow that had appeared in the midst of the disturbance and smiled brightly while holding the cookie. "I'm a new neighbor. My name is Xia Yihan and I roasted the cookie. I want to give it to you to taste."    


The man behind the door seemed to be silent. He reached out his hand to take the cookie. Xia Yihan could smell the scent of shower gel. It turned out that the other party was taking a bath.    


Xia Yihan smiled apologetically at the man as he slammed the door shut. Xia Yihan sighed. It seemed that this new neighbor was really difficult to get along with.    


Ye Zimo sat quietly in the darkness, looking at the golden biscuit on the table. Her hand unconsciously pressed against her heartbeat. After a long while, she chuckled. "Xia Yihan, we meet again."    


Xia Yihan almost ran to Gus Academy at the speed of a sprint. She spent too much time making biscuits for her new neighbors, moved to a new house, and overslept.    


The building of the cross in the school was huge and bizarre. Xia Yihan struggled to distinguish between north, south, east and west while standing on her high heels. Not far away, there was a man squatting on the ground with his back facing her, fiddling with something.    


Xia Yihan, wearing a linen shirt and a tall figure, walked past lightly. After a moment of hesitation, she opened her mouth and asked, "Do you know how to get to the design department of Gus Academy?"    


When the man heard her words, he raised his head. Xia Yihan was stunned. Ye Zimo's handsomeness was a kind of coldness that no one could approach, while Xu Haorann was more refined. The man in front of her was like a perfect Western sculpture.    


The man lifted his head and smiled at Xia Yihan. "You're the first real beauty I've met today?"    


Xia Yihan pointed at the girls walking over from the opposite direction with a strange expression. "They look pretty good too."    


The man followed Xia Yihan's gaze and pouted. "You're still the most pleasing one."    


The man shook off the stick in his hand and smiled at Xia Yihan. "Look at how beautiful you are. I'll bring you to the design institute."    


Xia Yihan was forced by the man to enter the School of Design. She received glances from the crowd on the street. Xia Yihan wanted to keep her distance from him. The man laughed. "You should be used to being looked at like this."    


Taking a deep breath, Xia Yihan tried her best to keep her distance. "I don't feel like a monkey at the zoo yet."    


Along the way to the design institute, Xia Yihan smiled at the staff in the office and greeted them, "Hello, I'm the new design assistant. I'm looking for Teacher Ruiki."    


The person in the office looked at Xia Yihan and said with a smile, "Isn't Teacher Ruiki right behind you?"    


Xia Yihan turned around abruptly with a bright smile, "I didn't expect Lin Jie to be introducing you. You have good taste."    


Xia Yihan took out the photo in surprise, pointed at the man with the trophy and asked, "Don't you look like this?"    


Ruiki stroked her smooth chin, "But that look doesn't suit the tastes of Western beauties. It doesn't suit the tastes of Oriental beauties."    


Xia Yihan spent the night being harassed by Kuiki. The arrogantly parked van stopped at Xia Yihan's building. Xia Yihan asked curiously, "Isn't it heavy and cumbersome to drive a car?"    


Ruiki said meaningfully, "When the feeling comes, the trailer will be able to handle the need."    


Xia Yihan quietly shut the door and walked out of the room. She took out the key and dropped it on the floor. Xia Yihan bent down to pick it up, but her wrist was firmly held against the wall.    


A strong smell of alcohol wafted through the air. Xu Haorann stuck close to Xia Yihan and was about to kiss her on the cheek. "Yihan, come to my side, will you?"    


Knowing that Xu Haorann was probably drunk, Xia Yihan tried her best to push him away. "Big Brother Xu, you're drunk. Let go of me."    


Xu Haorann tilted his head and mumbled, "I'm not drunk, I've never been that sober before! "Xia Yihan, fate has decreed that we are destined to be together."    


The buttons on Xia Yihan's shirt had already been unbuttoned. She looked at the gentle Xu Haorann with a bit of ruthlessness in her eyes. Suddenly, the weight on her body lightened, followed by a familiar voice.    


Ye Zimo threw Xu Haorann to the corner with a stern expression and mercilessly beat him up. Xu Haorann leaned against the corner of the wall for a while before slowly getting up. He stuck to the corner of the wall and covered his eyes with his hands: "Yihan, sorry Yihan."    


Xia Yihan was still staring blankly at Ye Zimo, who had suddenly appeared. Ye Zimo grabbed her arm and propped her up in the room. The door was slammed shut and Ye Zimo pressed Xia Yihan against the door.    


Great, dry hands started to flow from Xia Yihan's neck. Ye Zimo asked fiercely, "Where did he touch you? This? Or is it this? "    


Ye Zimo's actions carried rudeness and punishment, and Xia Yihan's skin quickly turned red. Xia Yihan growled in pain, "Ye Zimo, stop it!"    


"Stop?" Ye Zimo repeated Xia Yihan's words in a low voice, but she did not relax her grip. She dragged Xia Yihan into the bathroom, carried her into the tub, and pointed her shaggy head at Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan spat out a mouthful of water and began to cry out of grievance. "Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu Ye Zimo was startled. She turned off her hair and bent down to hug Xia Yihan. She patted Xia Yihan's back awkwardly. "It's not your fault."    


"You clearly saw me struggling, yet you still treated me like this. You clearly avoided me." Xia Yihan cried as she said incoherently and even sneezed.    


Ye Zimo wrapped Xia Yihan in a large towel and carried her out of the bathroom. She gently placed her towel on the bed and was about to help Xia Yihan take off her clothes.    


Xia Yihan covered her own clothes and said, "What do you want to do now?!"    


Ye Zimo helplessly touched Xia Yihan's wet hair. "Change your clothes, otherwise you'll catch a cold."    


Xia Yihan stared at Ye Zimo until she walked out of the room before slamming the door.    


When Xia Yihan came out, she was sitting on the sofa with interest. Remembering how she lost her composure just now, Xia Yihan said in embarrassment, "What do you want to drink?"    


"Tea." Ye Zimo said as she turned her gaze to the sofa. A purple Bra was impressively hanging on the back of the sofa. Xia Yihan's face turned red. She was in a hurry to leave this morning, so she forgot to clean up. She ran over in a sorry state to rub the Bra a a few times before opening the door and throwing it into the room.    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan with a funny expression. Xia Yihan went to the fridge to fiddle with it for a while, then turned her head away, a little embarrassed.    


"Sorry, there was no tea."    


Ye Zimo said indifferently, "Beer."    


Xia Yihan squatted down and took a look. She turned her head and said, "I'm sorry, but there's no beer here either."    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan. "Then what do you have?"    


Xia Yihan took a cup of water to the tap and poured another glass of water from the kettle. "Tap water and boiled water, do you want them?" she asked.    


Ye Zimo stood up, expressionless. She put her suit jacket over her hands and asked, "Shall we go?"    


Xia Yihan followed and asked curiously, "Where to?"    


The man in the front didn't answer and just opened the door and left. Inside the supermarket, Ye Zimo was wearing a suit and pushing a shopping cart. She didn't feel out of place and was instead surrounded by a crowd of women.    


Xia Yihan quickly walked to the front and picked up the dumplings one by one. Ye Zimo stopped Xia Yihan and said, "Is this how you intend to eat the dumplings for a week?"    


Although she felt a little embarrassed, Xia Yihan still nodded her head and stuck out her tongue, saying, "It's too busy."    


With an ashen face, Ye Zimo put all the dumplings back into the freezer and carried Xia Yihan to the vegetables to lose their meat.    


"I'm not very good at cooking." Xia Yihan looked at the dazzling array of dishes and meat with a troubled expression. Ye Zimo had already pushed her way to the side of the driveway to buy vegetables.    


"You're so handsome, you actually came out to buy vegetables. Being your wife is really very happy." A girl beside him interrupted.    


Ye Zimo turned her head and looked at Xia Yihan, who was trying to distinguish between onions and garlic. She said gently, "Making food is a kind of happiness that can only be derived from watching someone you like eat the food happily and happily."    


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