Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C789 Wealthy Marriage 718

C789 Wealthy Marriage 718

The door was knocked and the secretary led Xia Yihan inside. When she saw the conference room, she bowed and said, "Sorry, Director Ye said he had an appointment with Miss Xia for lunch at this time. Sorry for disturbing."    


"Yihan?" Xue Wenjun raised his eyebrows and said, "It is now up to the representative to decide that Miss Xia Yihan should act as the cooperating party to replace Miss Sofia."    


Bao‘er's face turned pale as she looked at Ye Zimo with a wronged expression. "Xia Yihan is not suitable."    


Seeing Ye Zimo speaking up for him, Bao‘er looked at Ye Zimo happily. Yuv Ze frowned at the side. This woman was really stupid. Ye Zimo just didn't want Xia Yihan to go out and make a scene for her.    


"I think it's quite suitable. Besides, shouldn't I be the one to decide whether or not it's suitable?" Xue Wenjun looked at Ye Zimo provocatively.    


Xia Yihan walked into the meeting room and felt everyone's gaze on her. "What's wrong?" Did I disturb you? " Xia Yihan said apologetically.    


"No no, I just want to ask you something. Are you willing to replace Miss Bao‘er as my partner?" Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan with a smile.    


Xia Yihan pointed at herself in confusion and said, "I did the design. I might not be able to help."    


"How about we vote for it? Yihan, Director Ye and Xue Wenjun are the ones with the final say here. Let's vote for it then." Yuv Ze suddenly spoke.    


Hearing Yuv Ze call him, Xue Wenjun swept his eyes lightly and slowly said, "This is a good idea indeed. Being a student priority always makes decisions that surprise me at critical moments."    


Yuv Ze glared at Xue Wenjun. Ye Zimo said calmly, "Bao‘er." Bao‘er didn't expect Ye Zimo to help her like this.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo. Although she didn't care about this position, she did care about Ye Zimo choosing someone else without any hesitation, as if she was looking down on her own ability.    


"Miss Xia, what about you?" Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan and waved two of his fingers, reminding her of his promise.    


"Mm, I agree." Xia Yihan looked at Xue Wenjun and said.    


Lili stood up, grabbed Xia Yihan's wrist with an ashen face, and walked toward the door without saying a word. "Yihan." Yuv Ze stood up to give chase.    


Xue Wenjun said lightly: "Next up, it's time to solve the problem between you and me."    


"I have nothing to say to you." Yuv Ze said with a cold expression.    


"Oh, is that so?" Xue Wenjun raised his eyebrows and continued, "Then does that mean you have to take revenge to be willing?"    


Yuv Ze didn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with intense hatred: "My only sister jumped off the building for him, how can I let go of this matter and make them happy?"    


In the garden, Xia Yihan tried to shake off Ye Zimo's hand, but Ye Zimo frowned and said, "Don't mess around."    


"So I'm just messing around in your eyes right now, right?" Xia Yihan was slightly out of breath as she glared at Ye Zimo.    


"Don't provoke that man." Ye Zimo said in a light tone. The legend about that man had never stopped. It was a man who blended both black and white. He was a man who alone could cover the sky in France.    


Xia Yihan took a step back to distance herself from Ye Zimo. "I'm not messing around. He wants me to do him a favor. I'm just doing what I'm doing. Alright, I need to get ready."    


Ye Zimo didn't try to dissuade him anymore. Looking at Xia Yihan's retreating back, Shu Huang appeared at the side and said lightly, "Do you need me to go and take care of him?"    


Ye Zimo turned her gaze back to him. "No need, send a few more people to protect her."    


As the car sped along the road, Xue Wenjun said to Xia Yihan, who was not in her best condition, "After the establishment of Xing An business circle, it will become the second largest business circle in the world."    


"Right." Xia Yihan responded indifferently.    


Xue Wenjun found this interesting. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Besides, Ye Zimo will become the youngest millionaire on the global rich list."    


"Oh." Xia Yihan continued to look out the window.    


"Do you know how many cars are following us? "It seems that Ye Zimo is really interested in you." Xue Wenjun was satisfied with Xia Yihan's reaction.    


Xia Yihan looked around the back of the car. Xue Wenjun wrapped his arm around Xia Yihan's cheeks and said with a smile, "If I turn my neck again, it will break."    


A light flashed under the car window. Xue Wenjun smiled in understanding as he continued to massage Xia Yihan's cheeks.    


"Let me go." Xia Yihan pouted. Xue Wenjun burst out laughing, "I really don't understand how a dead face like Ye Zimo can have a cute girl like you by her side."    


Xia Yihan sat properly. She was so angry that she didn't want to talk to Xue Wenjun anymore. Xue Wenjun, who was beside her, said lightly, "Sit properly."    


Before Xia Yihan could react, the car sped to the side. A few "S" models suddenly passed four to five cars and they were all far ahead.    


"You're crazy!" Xia Yihan said while still in a panicked state. Xue Wenjun smiled as he sat down, "That's more like it."    


"Director Ye, Madam has lost her car." Shu Huang lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo lightly knocked on the table. The crisp and rhythmic sound made Shu Huang more and more nervous. All of them come back. "    


Ye Zimo ordered coldly. Shu Huang was surprised, "Withdraw all of them? You're not going to follow me anymore? "    


Ye Zimo glanced at Shu Huang and said coldly, "Don't let me say it a second time."    


Xue Wenjun smiled as he got Xia Yihan to get off the car. As expected, the car stopped on a huge open space. "This is one of the biggest business circles in the future, one of the most profitable places in the world."    


Xue Wenjun let go of Xia Yihan's hand and looked around. There were already workers starting work. Xia Yihan looked at Xue Wenjun and said, "This is the first thing I promised you."    


Xue Wenjun smiled at Xia Yihan and said, "Of course, I didn't expect Yihan to be such a person who keeps his word. Ye Zimo isn't worthy of you at all. Why don't you follow me?"    


Xia Yihan looked at Xue Wenjun's approaching face and stared at him. Only a finger's distance was left between their cheeks. She could still feel each other's breath.    


"Why didn't you continue acting?" Xia Yihan looked fixedly at Xue Wenjun. Xue Wenjun stood up straight and left Xia Yihan. "What do you want to say?"    


"Are you afraid of coming into contact with girls?" Xia Yihan stepped forward to grab Xue Wenjun. Xue Wenjun's expression changed as he tried his best to shake off Xia Yihan. With a twisted expression, he said, "Don't touch me."    


Xia Yihan confirmed the suspicion in her heart. She looked at Xue Wenjun calmly and said, "This is not something that can be overcome easily. Do your best!"    


Xue Wenjun smiled bitterly? How could he work hard? The son of heaven was actually a man who was afraid of women. He didn't even dare to hold a woman's hand for decades?    


Xia Yihan and Xue Wenjun looked to the side at the same time. On top of the tall building, a worker was standing shakily on the top of the concrete slab.    


Xue Wenjun frowned. The most taboo thing in the commercial building is jumping off a building. He ran towards the elevator without raising his head. Xia Yihan saw that Xue Wenjun ran upstairs without any protection measures, so she carried her helmet and followed him.    


"All of you, go away! All of them are snobbish. Why can't you give me the money that I worked so hard for? " The man furiously jumped on the steel bar, which was on the verge of collapse. No one dared to get close to him.    


"Relax, don't be impulsive." Xue Wenjun pushed through the crowd and waved his hand at the laborer who was about to jump off the building, trying to calm him down.    


"I hate you rich people! "Look at how well you dress every day and have a good future from birth. As for us, we have worked so hard to make money from our labor and we still can't even get a wage!" The migrant worker became even more excited when he saw Xue Wenjun.    


The surrounding laborers were all stirred up and had a bad attitude towards Xue Wenjun. Some of them even started to surround Xue Wenjun.    


"Calm down, all of you!" Little Qiao rushed to the front of the crowd. Xue Wenjun's face turned cold: "Xia Yihan, what are you doing? Get the hell back here."    


"Calm down, all of you. Only then will you be able to solve the problem." Xia Yihan carefully raised her hands, showing everyone her sincerity.    


"Go away, I'll talk to her!" Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan with obvious worry in his eyes. It was impossible for these workers to be unreasonable.    


Xia Yihan nodded to Xue Wenjun. Xue Wenjun gradually retreated to the back, paying attention to Xia Yihan's every move. He was waiting for a problem to save Xia Yihan.    


"Listen to me, we can discuss whatever it is." Xia Yihan slowly approached the migrant worker. The wind was giving her a headache.    


"Who are you? Is there any use in your words? " shouted the laborer, looking at Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but want to make him believe her, so she nodded, "My name is Xia Yihan, I'm a jewelry designer, and the child in my belly is Ye Zimo's. You know Ye Zimo, she's the biggest boss in this business world, he'll definitely be able to help you."    


The laborer said doubtfully, "What do I need to do to trust you?"    


Xia Yihan was at a loss for words. Then, a faint voice came from the side, "What she said is all true."    


Ye Zimo carefully examined Xia Yihan from head to toe. When she saw that there was nothing wrong with her, she gently hugged her. When she saw Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan placed her weight on Ye Zimo's body.    


"You really are President of Ye Group?" The laborer looked at Ye Zimo doubtfully.    


Ye Zimo said calmly, "You can come down and verify it yourself or jump down to wait for your family to cry for you before they verify it."    


The labourer hesitated for a moment, and then the other workers grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him off. Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan and walked in front of Xue Wenjun. Without saying a word, she gently put Xia Yihan on the chair beside her and looked coldly at Xue Wenjun. She loosened her wrist and punched Xue Wenjun in the face.    


Xue Wenjun was slapped to the side and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly: "Very good."    


Ye Zimo swiftly threw a punch towards Ye Zimo, who easily dodged it and punched her in the abdomen. The two of them fought back and forth fiercely.    


Xia Yihan saw that Ye Zimo was gradually gaining the upper hand. Xue Wenjun had already been forced to the corner and might fall down if he retreated. In a moment of desperation, he rushed forward to hug Xue Wenjun.    


Ye Zimo pushed her fist away forcefully, causing Xue Wenjun's body to be so stiff that he couldn't move at all. He could only stare blankly at Xia Yihan.    


"Fighting up there is dangerous." Xia Yihan let go of Xue Wenjun, turned around and said to Ye Zimo while holding his head, then fainted.    


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