Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C886 Wealthy Marriage 815

C886 Wealthy Marriage 815

"Can you leave me alone with him for a while?" Ye Zimo nodded. She held up Xia Yihan, who was close to tears, and leaned over to ask Hai Zhuoxuan, "Would you like to go outside to get some fresh air?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan turned around and glanced at Hai Zhixuan. The familiar person didn't give him a smile like usual. He turned his head towards Ye Zimo with an expressionless face and ran out of the room first.    


Ye Zimo frowned as she looked at Hai Zhuoxuan's figure, which seemed too calm, before she left the room with Xia Yihan. After everyone in the room had left, Lin Ling stood up from the floor, went to the washroom and filled a basin of water on the bedside table. She wet the towel and wiped Wu Tie's face, then said softly,    


"I know you can't let Yihan go, I've always wanted to protect her. But, no matter how strong a girl is, she still wants someone to take care of her. Thank you for knowing that I have a strong temper."    


Thank you for making me laugh when I'm having a hard time. Thank you for bringing me a glass of milk when I stayed up late and for being willing to stay with me. "    


Lin Ling wiped Hai Zhixuan's face and arms slowly, sobbing uncontrollably. Ye Zimo, who was standing outside the ward, frowned, but didn't open the door to disturb Lin Ling. She was stubborn, he knew, and worried that Lin Ling wouldn't accept the truth.    


Xia Yihan, who was sitting at the side, calmed down a lot. With reddened eyes, she asked softly, "How is Lin Ling?" Ye Zimo sighed. She looked at Hai Zhuoxuan, who was sitting alone outside the yard, and said, "I'm more worried about him."    


"I'll go take a look." Xia Yihan lifted her feet and walked towards the courtyard where Hai Zhuo was sitting. Seeing the child sitting by himself on a bench with his head lowered, Xia Yihan's tears that she had finally managed to stop started flowing again.    


Kneeling in front of Hai Zhuoxuan, Xia Yihan whispered, "Zhuoxuan, cry if you want to."    


Hai Zhuoxuan raised his head and looked at Xia Yihan. His mind kept replaying the scene where his aunt was standing behind Xia Yihan with a gun pointed at her, then his father pounced on Xia Yihan and shot. After that, he lost his father.    


"Zhuoxuan?" Xia Yihan wanted to hug Hai Zhuoxuan, but Hai Zhuoxuan pushed her away and ran down the corridor. Ye Zimo stopped Hai Zhuoxuan and calmly said to Xia Yihan, "I'll take him back first. You stay here."    


Xia Yihan nodded and left with Hai Zhuoxuan. Xia Yihan lay limply on the wall. Through the half-closed door, she saw Lin Ling talking to Hai Zhixuan in a low voice.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how long she stood there until the door was opened and Lin Ling walked out, her eyes red and swollen. "Lin Ling." Xia Yihan continued with a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."    


Lin Ling shook her head. She lost her previous hysteria and said in the same hoarse voice, "The doctor said that the real reason Zhixuan died was because of that shot in the cafeteria. You don't have to blame yourself too much."    


Lin Ling's words made Xia Yihan feel even worse. How could she not blame herself? Si Si obviously wanted to kidnap Ye Nianmo to threaten her. In the end, not only did she mistakenly tie up Hai Zhuoxuan, but she also killed Hai Zhixuan.    


Obviously, Lin Ling didn't want to say anything anymore, so she nodded and walked towards Xia Yihan step by step. Xia Yihan wanted to follow, but Lin Ling's indifferent voice could be heard, "Don't follow me. Please, I want to be by myself now."    


Xia Yihan watched Lin Ling walk off into the distance until her back disappeared. Her shoulder was patted. Xia Yihan turned around and saw Zhang Fengyi's anxious face.    


"Madam, the Young Master wants you to go back and rest first. He will go back once he has dealt with the relevant matters."    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Zhang Fengyi looked at the vaguely bulging figure in the ward and frowned. "Madam, you should go back and rest. Don't worry young master anymore."    


Xia Yihan smiled dryly and nodded. She asked Zhang Fengyi to send her back to the Ye residence without saying anything further. As soon as she returned, Ye Nianmo ran downstairs with a thick bandage wrapped around his arm.    


"Mommy, how is Hai Zhuoxuan?!" Ye Nianmo asked anxiously.    


Xia Yihan gently caressed Ye Nianmo's injured arm and said softly, "Zhuoxuan is fine. Is Nianmo's arm still hurting?"    


Ye Nianmo shook his head. Looking at Xia Yihan's red and swollen eyes, he cautiously asked, "Mommy, what's wrong?" Lili shook her head and smiled weakly. She pulled Ye Nianmo over and said seriously, "Nianmo, Mommy wants to tell you something. When you grow up, remember that we will always owe Zhuoxuan a favor, do you understand?"    


Ye Nianmo looked curiously at Xia Yihan, who was obviously in a different state. Xia Yihan desperately clung onto Ye Nianmo's shoulder and said, "Nianmo, promise Mommy, you must remember to owe Zhuoxuan a favor. If he asks one day, you must not refuse him, promise Mommy!"    


Ye Nianmo quickly comforted the unstable Xia Yihan and obediently nodded, "I understand, Mommy."    


Xia Yihan let go of Ye Nianmo in disappointment. Ye Nianmo held onto Xia Yihan's hand and said, "Mommy, you should go to sleep for a while."    


Xia Yihan blurrily followed Ye Nianmo into the room and laid down on the bed. Ye Nian covered Xia Yihan with the quilt and, just like how Xia Yihan usually did, gently patted her quilt to coax her to sleep.    


Xia Yihan fell into a deep sleep. In her dreams, Hai Zhixuan looked at her with a smile. The ground was covered with dark red blood stains. Lin Ling and Hai Zhuoxuan stood on the other side and looked at her with reproach.    


"Zhixuan!" Xia Yihan woke up from her dream and panted in shock.    


Xia Yihan looked around helplessly. Soon, the lights were turned on. Ye Zimo walked over and took Xia Yihan into her arms, taking care of Xia Yihan's wet forehead.    


"Another nightmare?" Ye Zimo asked in a soft voice. He had seen Xia Yihan's blank look, but he couldn't do anything about it. Regardless of whether it was to Xia Yihan or Lin Ling, they had to walk out on their own.    


"I dreamt that Zhixuan was looking at me with blood all over his body. I dreamt that Zhuoxuan and Lin Ling were looking at me with reproachful eyes." Xia Yihan said slowly.    


Ye Zimo said with a pained heart, "The doctor also said that fatal shot won't kill you."    


"Those two people, and Si Si, no, where is Wanting!" Xia Yi suddenly grabbed Ye Zimo's arm restlessly.    


Ye Zimo's eyes also turned cold as she said harshly, "Those two have escaped and will definitely catch them. As for Soong Wanting, I will not let her off!"    


Xia Yihan nodded in a daze. She was too sad to think right now. Ye Zimo lowered the pillow for Xia Yihan to lie down and said indifferently, "Go to sleep. The funeral is set for tomorrow afternoon. Take care of him once he's full."    


Seeing Xia Yihan fall asleep, Ye Zimo sighed and rubbed her tired eyes. She opened the door and saw Ye Nianmo, who was standing at the entrance.    


"You heard it all?" Ye Zimo asked.    


Ye Nianmo nodded. He didn't quite understand his father's mother's words. When he vaguely knew that his best friend Hai Zhuoxuan no longer had a father.    


"Let's go. It's time for class." Ye Zimo personally sent Ye Nianmo to school. Ye Nianmo turned around to look at Ye Zimo before getting off the car and suddenly asked, "One day, will you also leave me like Hai Zhuoxuan's father?"    


Ye Zimo was stunned and couldn't help but laugh as she caressed Ye Nianmo's hair. She said softly, "Both parents will be old. No one will be with you for the rest of your life."    


Ye Nianmo nodded as if he understood something before he got out of the car. Ao'er ran over from the side and said to Ye Nianmo with both hands, "Give me the notebook."    


Ye Nianmo looked at Ao'er strangely and asked, "What are you doing?"    


Ao'er arrogantly raised her head and said: "Can you move your hands now? Can I take notes? Let me help you memorize it. My results are so good! "    


Ye Nianmo shook his head and said, "No need, I will remember it myself."    


Ye Nianmo's ungrateful attitude made Ao'er stomp her feet in displeasure. She shouted at Ye Nianmo's back, "Don't expect Hai Zhuoxuan to take notes for you, he didn't come to school today!"    


Ye Nianmo turned around and asked Ao'er: "You didn't come to school?" Ao'er curled her lips, "Not here." Ye Nianmo paused for a moment as he walked towards the school, then turned around and walked in the other direction.    


"Where are you going!" Ao Er shouted loudly behind Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo stopped the taxi without a care, then nimbly got in.    


The taxi driver saw Ye Nianmo and laughed. He said casually: "Kid, you need money for this car, do you have it?"    


Ye Nianmo expressionlessly took out a few hundred yuan bills from his change bag and looked at the driver. The driver blew the smoke out of his mouth and casually said, "How old are you now? You're already so rich. Gee, sit well!"    


Ye Nianmo did not go to school and was quickly found out by the school teacher. He called Ye Family and the butler woke up Xia Yihan who was still sleeping.    


"Nianmo disappeared!" Xia Yihan immediately woke up from her shock. She took the phone and chatted with the teacher for a while before hanging up.    


"Is it Zhuoxuan?" The butler reminded Xia Yihan that she thought it was very possible. She hurriedly got up and ran to the side yard, where Hai Zhixuan and Lin Ling lived next door.    


"Sure enough, Ye Nianmo was standing in the yard next door, looking up and down." Nianmo! " Xia Yihan shouted as she ran.    


Ye Nianmo pointed at the window and said, "I saw Hai Zhuoxuan appear there, but he refused to come out."    


Xia Yihan knocked on the Hai Family door. The nanny came out and apologetically said, "Master Hai said that he doesn't want to meet anyone. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink for a day. Madam has been busy with Master's matters and hasn't come home yet."    


"How can this be!" Xia Yihan told the nanny to prepare the milk and the cake before bringing Ye Nianmo up to the second floor. The door to the second floor was locked. Xia Yihan knocked on the door and said, "Wu Tie, can you come out to have some food?"    


The room was silent. Xia Yihan was anxious. Ye Nianmo suddenly ran towards the study at the side. Xia Yihan was stunned and then chased after him. There was a flower garden between the study and Hai Zhuoxuan's room. There were orchids growing in the garden.    


"Ye Nianmo pulled up a chair, climbed up the flowerbed and headed into the next room." Nianmo! " Xia Yihan shouted in a hurry, afraid to distract Ye Nianmo, so she quickly covered her mouth.    


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