Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C890 Wealthy Marriage 819

C890 Wealthy Marriage 819

Ye Residence    


The butler was surprised to hear from Ye Zimo. Invite some people to come over for the Mid-Autumn Festival. "    


"Yes, young master, I will do all of this." The butler replied.    


"Is Yihan here?" Ye Zimo asked.    


"Madam? "Madam is not here, Officer Baker came over, and after he left, Madam followed him." The butler told Ye Zimo the truth. Ye Zimo didn't say much and just hung up the phone.    


The butler put down the phone and saw Xia Yihan enter the room. He hurriedly went up to her and greeted her, "Madam, the young master called a minute ago, but you weren't there."    


Xia Yihan looked at her phone subconsciously. The screen was locked, but no one was calling her. The butler also noticed that something was wrong with Xia Yihan's expression. He smiled and said, "Oh yes, the Young Master called because of this Mid-Autumn Festival. He said that he wanted to invite some friends to come over for a gathering.    


Xia Yihan nodded her head perfunctorily. She was a little upset that she didn't receive Ye Zimo's call, so she didn't want to stay at home. She picked up her bag and directly went to Fashion Jewelry.    


Inside the Fashion Jewelry, Kitty greeted Xia Yihan and said: "Boss Xia, what a coincidence, just now I saw Director Ye's car pass by."    


"Did you see where you went?" Xia Yihan asked.    


Kitty thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the company."    


Xia Yihan nodded. Without entering the office, she went directly to Ye Zimo's company. The secretary was standing at the door, and seeing that Xia Yihan wanted to go in and report to her, Xia Yihan shook her head, signaling that there was no need and walked straight in.    


"Let's invite Lin Jie and Xu Haorann as well. She has been in a bad mood regarding the incident with Zhixuan recently. Let her be a bit happier." Xia Yihan was standing at the door when Ye Zimo's voice rang out. Suddenly, tears fell like rain from her eyes.    


Ye Zimo was startled when she saw Xia Yihan suddenly appear. She quickly got up and pulled Xia Yihan into her embrace, gently wiping away the tears on Xia Yihan's face with her thumb.    


"What's wrong? "She cries like a kitten."    


Xia Yihan also felt embarrassed. She hastily wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and tried to get up from Ye Zimo's arms. As soon as he got up, he was pulled back into Ye Zimo's embrace.    


"He still hasn't said why he's crying? "Hrm?" Ye Zimo looked down at Xia Yihan, unwilling to let go of the expression on her face.    


"Why did you ignore me these days? What happened between us?" Xia Yihan lowered her head and asked Ye Zimo in a low voice.    


Ye Zimo was stunned. Xia Yihan took out her phone and pointed at the call log on it. She said, "Look at the record. The longest phone call these past few days is 5 minutes."    


Ye Zimo was silent for a while before she said slowly, "So Yihan, are you acting coquettishly now?"    


Xia Yihan's face reddened as she subconsciously denied it. "No, I didn't."    


Looking at Xia Yihan's blushing face, Ye Zimo couldn't help but laugh. She hugged the person even more tightly, kissed Xia Yihan's fragrant hair and promised in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Yihan, I won't do it again."    


Xia Yihan's previous hesitation and fear had all been turned into ashes by Ye Zimo's promise. She hugged Ye Zimo sweetly, not noticing the sadness in Ye Zimo's eyes.    


If he really couldn't see, then who else could protect Xia Yihan?    


"I want to go in and see Ye Zimo." A sound of someone pulling on the door was heard. The door was opened and Baker walked in with a pale face. He was slightly surprised to see Xia Yihan in Ye Zimo's arms.    


The secretary looked at Ye Zimo with a questioning look. Ye Zimo waved her secretary away before turning to Xia Yihan, "I'll be back soon. Think about what kind of people to invite."    


Xia Yihan knew that Baker probably came to find Ye Zimo because of Luo Mixue, so she didn't say anything. She stood up and nodded.    


In the meeting room, Baker watched in surprise as Ye Zimo finished her first cigarette and then smoked the second. He asked, "Why is your smoking habit so addictive recently?"    


Ye Zimo flicked away the ash on her cigarette, looked at Baker and said, "Don't look for Xia Yihan again, and don't tell Xia Yihan anything. Don't worry her."    


Baker stared at Ye Zimo and said word by word, "I don't know you. I never thought that a man could be this good to a woman and would not be so heartless to others. Luo Mixue was found in the grocery store with a knife in her hand. The shop owner was injured and insisted that Luo Mixue wanted to rob someone and injure them. You should be aware of all this. "    


As Baker said this, he saw Ye Zimo's reaction. Ye Zimo then skipped the banquet, "I don't even know about that. The other side has nothing to do with me. Officer Baker."    


When Baker heard that Ye Zimo didn't admit it, he became even angrier. "Other than you, who else has a grudge with Luo Mixue?"    


Ye Zimo turned around and walked towards the door. Baker shouted from behind her, "If you did all of this, have you thought about what to do with Xia Yihan?"    


Ye Zimo turned around and looked at Baker sternly, "Watch your mouth."    


"I treat you as a friend, but at the same time, I'm also a civilian police officer. If I'm really framed by you, I'll investigate thoroughly."    


Baker said loudly behind Ye Zimo, who left indifferently. Walking out of the meeting room and into the office, Xia Yihan was writing something on the table when Ye Zimo pushed the door open and entered.    


Xia Yihan raised her head and looked sweetly at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo moved closer to take a look and all on the list were familiar faces. At the back of the list were the names of Lee Heetai and Zhong Yuntang, Mo Xiaojun and Hai Qingqing. Next to Lin Ling was written Hai Zhixuan, whose name had been scrawled on the page.    


"Zimo, I really miss Zhixuan." Lili put her arm around Xia Yihan and put her arm around her shoulders. "I miss him, too!"    


The Mid-Autumn Festival was the annual members' day. Xia Yihan woke up early in the morning to check her mailbox. Mo Xiaojun and Lee Heetai both said that they would come over after having dinner with their parents. Xia Yihan happily pulled down the email.    


Lin Ling did not reply. Ever since Hai Zhixuan died, Lin Ling had become much quieter. Xia Yihan did not feel reassured and went to the neighboring room to call Lin Ling herself.    


The house was quiet. Xia Yihan guessed that it was because all the nannies were on vacation.    


After searching for a while, he didn't find Lin Ling. Xia Yihan walked towards Hai Zhixuan's study room. The door was half hidden. Lin Ling sat on the big sofa and stared blankly at Hai Zhixuan's photo on the table.    


"Big Sister Lin Ling." Xia Yihan walked in and looked at the picture of Hai Zhixuan hugging Hai Zhuoxuan. The family of three could not stop the sadness in their hearts.    


"Sister Lin Ling."    


Xia Yihan walked softly towards Lin Ling as if she was afraid of disturbing her. Lin Ling raised her head to look at Xia Yihan, her bloodshot eyes scaring Xia Yihan.    


"How long since you slept?" Xia Yihan asked.    


Lin Ling shook her head. Once she closed her eyes, she could not get rid of Hai Zhixuan's shadow. She thought she was a rational person who could safely accept the fact that Hai Zhixuan had left her.    


"Go get some sleep. If Zhixuan is still here, he definitely doesn't want to see you like this." Xia Yihan comforted her softly.    


Lin Ling nodded. She leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes tiredly. The phone in Xia Yihan's pants vibrated. She quickly took it out and pressed down on it without even looking at her name.    


In the court, Baker frowned as he looked at the phone that had been pressed down. The court session had already ended and Luo Mixue was brought to the dock.    


Luo Mixue looked around the scene in a daze. When she saw Baker, she suddenly broke away from the escorts and ran towards Baker. She grabbed Baker's sleeve and hurriedly said, "I remember you. You're a good cop. I didn't do this."    


"Let go!" The guard pulled Luo Mixue back. Baker looked at the woman in front of him begging with a complicated expression.    


"What I said was true. I got a note with an address on it, and when I went there, I found a person lying in the room, and then I fainted. When I woke up, I was holding a knife, and then the police took me away. I don't even know what happened!"    


Luo Mixue was forcefully pulled back into the dock as she glared at Baker, unwilling to let him go. Baker sighed. Ye Zimo's work was flawless and he had no way of finding evidence. He admitted that he had an impulse to hide it for Ye Zimo.    


"This world is like this. There are many injustices, those with power will always get more privileges." Zhang Fengyi walked to the side of Baker and said as he looked at Luo Mixue, who had tears in her eyes.    


"Why are you doing this?" Baker asked lightly.    


"Maybe to protect someone more important?" Zhang Fengyi knew that Baker was very smart. After his suggestion, he probably thought that Ye Zimo's actions had something to do with Xia Yihan.    


After the trial ended, Zhang Fengyi walked out of the court and called Ye Zimo. "Everything is going according to plan."    


Ye Zimo answered simply and put down her phone. She gently looked at Xia Yihan who was sleeping on the sofa. Lin Ling also revealed a faint smile on the side. She seemed to be complaining, but she said with concern, "She said she wanted me to sleep. She fell asleep on the sofa."    


"Are you okay?" She shook her head at the picture of Hai Zhixuan on the table. "I hated Xia Yihan," she said, "and although she wasn't the one who killed Zhixuan, Hai Zhixuan wouldn't have fought so hard if it weren't for Xia Yihan."    


Soon, Lin Ling continued, "I know she's innocent, and I believe that compared to me, your pain isn't inferior to mine. Just like her, I will raise Zhuoxuan well, and as for him, just leave him in my heart."    


Lin Ling's eyes were full of tears as she spoke. She watched in astonishment as Ye Zimo stood up and gave herself a hug. Ye Zimo let go very quickly. Lin Ling looked at Ye Zimo blankly. She had thought about Ye Zimo's embrace many times before.    


Ye Zimo stood in front of Lin Ling and said in a deep voice, "You are not such a weak person. I hope this is the last time I see you crying with sorrow."    


Lin Ling nodded and laughed with tears in her eyes. "I never expected to be able to be comforted by boss one day."    


"I might be blind." Lin Ling couldn't react in time as she looked at Ye Zimo dumbly.    


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