Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C942 Wealthy Marriage 871

C942 Wealthy Marriage 871

"I miss my mother." Ding Yiyi pointed at the moon and turned her head with a sad smile. "Look, my mother lives so far away. It's so hard to see her."    


Ye Nianmo was silent for a while and then said, "Don't laugh, it's worse than crying." The corners of Ding Yiyi's lips curled up.    


Ye Nianmo stood up, stretched out his hand in front of Ding Yiyi, raised his eyebrows and said, "You look so beautiful today. Don't you want to give me a dance?"    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. She held Ye Nianmo's hand and stood up. Ye Nianmo's hand naturally slid across Ding Yiyi's waist. Ding Yiyi smiled and dodged it: "It's so itchy. I really want to laugh."    


Ye Nianmo increased his strength and said while gritting his teeth, "I saw it just now. Ye Chuyun was hugging you like this, you are not smiling."    


Ding Yiyi turned her head away and muttered under her breath, "You're not the same as him." Ye Nianmo looked at Ding Yiyi's blushing cheeks and led her to dance under the moonlight.    


On the second floor, Xia Yihan snuggled up to Ye Zimo and said with a smile, "I remember that we did dancing on the grass in the past as well. The moon that night was the same as today, especially round."    


"Yes." Ye Zimo was also somewhat emotional. Xia Yihan looked at the silhouette under the moonlight and said worriedly, "If these two people get together, what will happen to Ao Xue?"    


"No, the person that girl saw was not Nianmo." Ye Zimo had been hanging around the mall for a long time. Although she had no interest in the entanglement of this bunch of youngsters, she had a thorough understanding of them.    


With no music to play, Ding Yiyi checked her wristwatch and suddenly shouted, "Oh my god, it's almost too late."    


"What is it?" Ye Nianmo asked curiously. Ding Yiyi pulled her skirt and ran. She was wailing in her heart. Oh no, oh no. She promised that she would release fireworks during the dance.    


The Ye Family backyard was a huge swimming pool, and a small voice danced beside the swimming pool. The blue pool water reflected the beautiful dance, giving it a natural beauty.    


When Ding Yiyi arrived, she was also shocked by Ye Chuqing's dancing posture. She hurriedly found the fireworks hidden in the flowers and prepared to release them when Ye Chuqing confessed.    


Ye Chuqing danced to her heart's content. Hai Zhuoxuan stood on the ground and watched expressionlessly. After the dance ended, Ye Chuqing walked up to Hai Zhuoxuan lazily.    


"At that time, you asked me if you didn't like it because it was gentle. Now, I want to say that no matter which side you are on, I like you. Brother Zhuoxuan, I really like you." Ding Yiyi hurriedly let out fireworks, the colorful fireworks flew to the sky to bloom the most brilliant flowers.    


"Is that so?" Hai Zhuoxuan asked in an indifferent tone. Ye Chuqing nodded her head vigorously. Hai Zhuoxuan picked up the phone and said something. Not long later, Soong Mengjie hurried over under the lead of the butler.    


"Brother Zhuoxuan." Ye Chuqing asked in a daze. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Soong Mengjie and smiled gently, "Chu Qing, I have always regarded you as my younger sister."    


"You're lying. How can such a gentle gaze be that of a younger sister!" Ye Chuqing hastily denied it as her face turned red from the fireworks that filled the sky.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing. He turned around and grabbed Soong Mengjie, pushing down Soong Mengjie's lip. The last firework exploded, lighting up Ye Chuqing's incredulous face, her blurry eyes, and the gentleness in Hai Zhuoxuan's eyes when he looked at Soong Mengjie.    


"How can this be!" Ye Chuqing took a few steps back and ran away crying as she watched Hai Zhuoxuan and Soong Mengjie cross each other.    


Hai Zhuoxuan let go of Soong Mengjie and turned around to look at Ye Chuqing's back. Luckily, Ao Xue had told him all of this beforehand. He had spent so many days numbing himself and making preparations to be able to act as he was today.    


Ye Chuqing cried so much that she buried her head into Ye Zimo's and Xia Yihan's room. Xia Yihan was startled. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why are you crying so much for Chu Qing?"    


"Mom, Brother Zhuoxuan doesn't like me, no matter what." Ye Chuqing was too sad, her small body could not handle any more negative energy, so she could only vent it out with her mother.    


Xia Yihan had always thought that Chu Qing liked Zhuoxuan and thought that it would be better when she grew up.    


"Call Zhuoxuan over." Xia Yihan lovingly touched her daughter's tear-stained face and sighed.    


"Aunt Xia, call me." Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing, whose face was covered in tears and had a red nose. He felt nervous and forced himself to look away.    


"Zhuoxuan, I still remember that when I first saw you when I was young, I used my palm to grab onto you. I didn't expect this grab to reach this point." Xia Yihan said softly.    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded. He remembered these memories, but he had a grudge against her, so he was destined not to be with her.    


"Zhuoxuan, do you really not like Chu Qing?" Xia Yihan was also a bit nervous. The reason why she was so relaxed about Zhuoxuan was because Zhuoxuan also seemed to like Chu Qing a little.    


Hai Zhuoxuan felt that his lips were unusually dry. He wanted to say something more emotionless, but something even more emotionless was stuck in his throat like a stone.    


"Aunt Xia, I only treat Chu Qing as my sister. I have always been. I already have someone I like. I hope that Chu Qing can realize this. I don't want the people I love to be hurt."    


Lili nodded. "I promised your father that I would take good care of you. If this is what you want, then rest assured, Aunt Xia will satisfy you."    


"Thank you, Aunt Xia." The moment Hai Zhuoxuan heard Xia Yihan mention his father's name, his originally numb heart began to ache. Ye Chuqing, all of this is something that your Ye Family owes me.    


Hai Zhuoxuan left in a clean and crisp manner. Ye Chuqing opened her eyes, the tears had already dried. What remained in her eyes were empty holes. Xia Yihan felt her heart ache, but there was nothing she could do. I forbid you to go to Zhuoxuan in the future and not cause him any trouble. "    


"Why? Mom, are you not going to help me?" Ye Chuqing lay there, looking at her mother. She couldn't understand why her mother had suddenly become so unfeeling, so scary.    


"I'll say it again, Chu Qing, you definitely can't find Zhuoxuan again!" "If not, I will really be angry!" Xia Yihan's tears were already about to fall. She clutched her thighs to prevent herself from crying out loud.    


"No, I don't want to!" I don't want to give up on Brother Zhuoxuan. Ye Chuqing turned around and ran out the door, crying as she left.    


"Chu Qing!" Xia Yihan hurriedly stood up and stretched out her hand in an attempt to grab onto something. However, she realized that she could not grab onto anything. Ye Zimo walked in and held Xia Yihan in her arms. She said indifferently, "Why are you forcing yourself?"    


Xia Yihan sobbed quietly in Ye Zimo's arms. "I owe this to Zhixuan and Zhuoxuan. I swore that I would try my best to fulfill any request. Chu Qing, I'm sorry."    


Ye Chuqing ran down the stairs. Ye Nianmo caught up with her and said, "What's the matter, Yueqing? What happened?"    


"You scoundrels! I don't even want to care about you anymore! " Ye Chu shook off his brother's hand and ran outside. Ye Nianmo was a step too slow, Chu Qing had already run away and disappeared.    


"What happened to Chu Qing? She's fine, right?" After Ding Yiyi cleaned up the mess in the backyard, she quickly walked over and asked Hai Zhuoxuan, who was standing behind her, with a tense expression.    


Ye Nianmo looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and asked in a deep voice, "You refused?" Hai Zhuoxuan nodded. Soong Mengjie, who was beside him, got scared by Ye Nianmo's gaze and leaned closer to Hai Zhuoxuan.    


Ye Nianmo knew he had no choice but to blame his brother. He called the steward and told him to send everyone to find Chu Qing. This place was so far from the city, so there was no way she could run far.    


"Zhuoxuan, let's go look for Chuqing as well." Soong Mengjie whispered, her face still blushing a little. Obviously, she had not woken up from her dreamy kiss just now.    


"Aren't there still lessons tomorrow? I'll send you back first, or your dad will worry again. " Hai Zhuoxuan pulled Soong Mengjie's hand and went out.    


Ye Nianmo frowned in disapproval, but he didn't say anything. Zhuoxuan had his own choice, so he could only blame his sister for loving the wrong person.    


As Hai Zhuoxuan drove Soong Mengjie home, Soong Shuhao called out to Hai Zhuoxuan, "Are you with my daughter?"    


Soong Shuhao was rather pleased with Hai Zhuoxuan. Although Hai Family was a lot more desolate because of Hai Zhixuan's death, the Lili family had always treated Hai Zhuoxuan as their biological son, and having Hai Zhuoxuan as their future son-in-law was not bad.    


"Uncle Song, I'm not dating Mengjie." Hai Zhuoxuan said indifferently. Xiao Xiaolee, who was at the side, had a trace of ridicule on her face. Her illegitimate daughter also wanted a sparrow to transform into a phoenix. Hmph!    


"Zhuoxuan, what did you say? Didn't you kiss me in front of Chu Qing and say those words? I thought you were being nice to me. " Soong Mengjie stepped back a few steps, trying to make out Hai Zhuoxuan's face.    


"Mengjie, thank you for just now. There will be many more times when I need you to do this. Are you willing?" Towards Soong Mengjie, Hai Zhuoxuan didn't even bother to open his mouth to lie. He approached Soong Mengjie and asked faintly.    


"Do you like me?" Soong Mengjie's lips were trembling as she asked. Hai Zhuoxuan smiled and helped Soong Mengjie to straighten her hair that was messed up by the wind. He said gently, "Good night."    


After getting into the car, Hai Zhuoxuan quickly drove. After driving away from the Soong Family, he suddenly stopped and fiercely slammed the steering wheel. Damn it, why was his heart so painful that he couldn't breathe!    


The phone rang. Ye Nianmo sounded anxious: "Chu Qing disappeared."    


What do you mean she's gone! Hai Zhuoxuan's car shot out like an arrow towards Ye Family.    


Ye Family    


Ding Yiyi watched Ye Nianmo hang up the phone in the car and was anxious, "Strange, where did Chu Qing run off to!"    


The walkie-talkie constantly transmitted the bodyguard's voice.    


There was no message from Sister Xiaoxiao in District 1.    


There was no message from Sister Xiaoxiao in sector two.    


There was no message from Sister Xiaoxiao in District 3.    


Ye Nianmo hit the horn hard and stopped the car in disappointment, until Xia Yihan suddenly shouted.    


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