Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1024 Wealthy Marriage 952

C1024 Wealthy Marriage 952

Ye Nianmo stepped back cleverly and avoided Ao Xue's embrace. He looked at Xu Haorann and asked, "Is Uncle Xu like this?"    


Xu Haorann didn't say anything. After all, he was also the child's father. Even if it was Yi Yi's doing, he didn't want to say it out loud. Ao Xue's body stiffened as she walked back to his side.    


Ye Nianmo's gaze turned cold as he looked at the two quietly. Wu Tie sighed and nodded weakly. His two daughters had to protect one another.    


Ye Nianmo walked to his side and patted his shoulder, "I got it."    


Not wanting to stay here any longer, he turned around and left. Ao Xue shouted from behind him, "Nianmo, if you go and look for her, she definitely won't admit that she took Nian Yi away. Maybe she won't admit that she came to look for me."    


"Ao Xue!" Xu Haorann couldn't hold it in anymore and shouted loudly. Ao Xue only shut her mouth when she saw his face turn green.    


In the garage, after Ye Nianmo sat down, Ye Bo started the car. Looking at the man in the rearview mirror, Ye Bo frowned, "Young Master, do you believe what Miss Au Xue said?"    


Ye Nianmo touched his pocket, where a small head used to accompany him every day, as if the person he loved the most was by his side. Now, the pocket was getting colder and the person he loved the most was also moving away from him.    


After a long while, Ye Nianmo's thin lips parted, "Go check with the monitor to see who took Nian Yi away."    


"Devil Escape" was on fire. Whether it was the sudden appearance of the movie emperors' lover or the star lineup and cost of the movie itself, all of this was shouted out by the market once more.    


When Ding Yiyi brought Baby Cheng into the city, a few people recognized him and wanted to take a picture with him.    


Seeing that it was almost time for the film crew to start, Ding Yiyi looked anxiously at her watch. She wanted to break out of the crowd, but she found that there were more and more people.    


"Look, that man is so handsome!" There were countless of people pointing and commenting behind Ding Yiyi's back. Ding Yiyi wanted to quickly bring Baby Cheng along while everyone else wasn't paying attention to her.    


She had only taken two steps when her wrist was caught. Hai Zhuoxuan pulled her forcefully out of the crowd. He opened the back door and Baby Cheng took the initiative to jump in. Ding Yiyi was still in a daze as she looked at him blankly.    


"Hurry up, otherwise there will be more people!" Hai Zhuoxuan held back his laughter and opened the car door for her. He leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt before closing the car door.    


As the car drove towards the location of the filming, Ding Yiyi asked curiously, "Why did you appear so timely?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan answered her while he was driving, "I've been behind you, it's just that you didn't look back."    


"Why?" Ding Yiyi was extremely curious.    


Hearing his words, Hai Zhuoxuan glanced at her in amusement. "Don't forget, I'm chasing after you."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him. Although he looked relaxed, the exhaustion in his eyes couldn't be deceived. Her gaze fell on his ring finger, which had been cut by something sharp like that.    


"Your finger is injured." Ding Yiyi subconsciously wanted to touch his hand, but he quickly dodged. Ding Yiyi looked at him, flabbergasted.    


"Nothing, I'm sorry, I haven't had a good rest recently." Hai Zhuoxuan only smiled at his abnormal behavior. However, he missed someone more and more. The girl who grew up holding his hand had already flown away from him.    


When he just arrived at the crew, the assistant immediately came over. Seeing the two of them, she joked, "Yiyi, if you came earlier, you would have been able to see Young Master Ye."    


Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat and she replied without batting an eyelid, "Really?" The assistant nodded, "But Young Master Ye seems to be very busy. When I said that you would come later, he said that he had to leave first."    


Ding Yiyi's heart ached. He really wanted to cut off their relationship and push her into Hai Zhuoxuan's arms. He was so generous!    


She mechanically nodded towards the assistant and brought Baby Cheng towards the crew. In the filming crew, everyone was brimming with joy. After filming this impromptu scene, it could be said that "Devil Escape" had officially been killed.    


Director Wu looked worriedly at the black mastiff that had lost its spirit. "Baby Cheng still can't raise its spirit?"    


Ding Yiyi nodded her head and sighed. She then took a bag of beef jerky from the side and said, "emily is actually very concerned about the Baby Cheng. She even gave me a bag of beef jerky for me to feed him."    


Ding Yiyi was slightly surprised as she looked at Emily. An Ran gave her an inquiring look as she hurriedly shook her head and looked away. Ever since the rumors started, she took the initiative to keep her distance from An Ran so that no one would catch her.    


Opening up the package, Ding Yiyi took a piece of beef jerky and placed it in front of Baby Cheng's mouth. It sniffed and glanced around, but with some anxiety in its voice, it coaxed, "Baby Cheng, be good and eat a piece of beef jerky to replenish your energy."    


Baby Cheng looked at her. After a long while, he chewed on the beef jerky and laid his head on his front paws. Yi Yi, you're feeding Baby Cheng more snacks? " The assistant casually asked as she walked past her with the white board over her shoulder.    


Ding Yiyi handed her the beef jerky. She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I don't know why, but the last time I ate Baby Cheng's snacks, I fell asleep for two days and even vomited!"    


Her words caused Ding Yiyi's heart to thump, because this was the same symptom in Baby Cheng, but its snacks were all sent by fans to the film crew. Her thoughts were a little messy, so Director Wu clapped his hands and said, "Alright, get in position, everyone get ready and go celebrate!"    


This time, Xie Tinngtinng, Emily and the Baby Cheng acted out a competition. Ding Yiyi led the Baby Cheng to a fixed position, and it suddenly started to stir, circling around Emily's hand as it kept sniffing at the air.    


"Pull it away!" Mo Shuangling raised her hand, looking at it with disdain. Ding Yiyi hurriedly went forward to comfort the Baby Cheng, then leaned close to Mo Shuangling, a trace of faintly discernible blood energy drifting out.    


Mo Shuangling's expression turned even colder. "What, master and servant are all dogs!"    


"Emily, Director Wu is calling you." An Ran walked leisurely to the two of them before she left in a hurry.    


Ding Yiyi held onto her forehead, which was in pain from his rebound, and looked at him with a wronged expression. Why did you hit my head! "    


An Ran's hand, which she had already put down, lifted when she saw her expression. He ruffled her long hair. "If you know that she's not a kind person, then stay far away from her. All you need to do is to avoid today."    


"Why?" She was curious. An Ran's voice went cold and the gentle smile in her eyes gradually faded. "Because this movie is going to be Emily's last piece in the entertainment industry."    


Ding Yiyi was stunned and pointed at herself. "Because of me?"    


An Ran remained silent. Her expression showed her everything. Ding Yiyi didn't want her acting career to end because of her, so she broke out in a cold sweat. "Please, don't be like this. Let her go, okay?"    


An Ran stood calmly, her expression as resolute as ever. If she had to blame someone, it would be Emily's fault for offending someone she shouldn't have.    


"Weiren!" When Lili saw Xu Weiren approaching, she quickly pulled him over and told him about An Ran's plan, hoping that he would change his decision.    


Xu Weiren listened quietly and opened his mouth slightly, "Well done." He just turned around and did things in a cool manner.    


Seeing her thunderstruck expression, An Ran couldn't help but reach out her hand to ruffle her long hair. "Don't worry, I'll settle it myself. You just need to be a happy person."    


"What do we do when we don't know what to do?" She subconsciously asked, but An Ran's expression became more meaningful, "If I can't even handle it, then there's a man who can."    


His words were like a small stone rippling in Ding Yiyi's heart. She didn't want to ask further, so she lowered her head in a hurry. Director Wu called for the two of them from the side.    


The scene was filled with cheers. Ding Yiyi stood to the side and sighed with emotion. These few months had given her a feeling similar to home for the crew.    


"Yiyi? Someone is looking for us. " The assistant pointed and shouted at her. Ding Yiyi said something and walked out of the studio.    


After she left, she walked to the front of Baby Cheng on her high heels. Mo Shuangling looked at Baby Cheng's muscular body, and gulped down a mouthful of saliva.    


Looking at the sickly look in Baby Cheng's eyes, she was a little excited. No one would have thought that she put the medicine that couldn't be eaten by dogs into her snacks and gave it to Ding Yiyi as a gift. And the piece of beef jerky that Ding Yiyi fed to her was enough to make Baby Cheng's muscles weak for a while.    


She took out beef jerky and whispered, "Good boy! "Follow me, sister."    


Baby Cheng suddenly stood up and bared her teeth at her, causing her to retreat in fright. Baby Cheng bared his teeth at her, but suddenly, his huge body swayed and he fell flat on his stomach.    


Mo Shuangling smiled happily. She took the dried beef and walked boldly to the kitten. "Will you obediently follow me?"    


This time, Baby Cheng did not get angry. Instead, he sniffed her hand and whimpered, Mo Shuangling retracted her hand to sniff, and suddenly said: "Could it be that you and that cat are friends?"    


Baby Cheng struggled to stand up, but her limbs were all soft, barely able to hold on. She smiled and said softly: "If you want to find your friend, then come with me."    


The site was still filled with cheers and laughter. Everyone was discussing where to celebrate after the work ended, but they didn't find a single person or dog missing.    


Ding Yiyi waited outside the theater for a long time. Other than An Ran and Xie Tinngtinng's fans, no one else came looking for her.    


She walked back to the recording studio strangely, walked around, and realized that she had no idea where Baby Cheng had gone to.    


The scene was filled with cheers. Nearly a hundred filming crew members were squeezed into the small filming venue as Ding Yiyi struggled to make her way around.    


"What's wrong?" Xu Weiren didn't join in the fun. Seeing that she seemed to be looking for something, he pulled her and asked.    


"I wonder where the Baby Cheng has gone to!" Ding Yiyi said in a strange tone. Their interaction attracted the attention of others. The crew started to disperse, looking for the dog.    


Half an hour later, everyone still got nothing. Director Wu was a bit self-reproachful, "It's all my fault. Emily originally proposed to add another scene. I think it's pretty good, I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the end!"    


"Director Wu!" The assistant ran in from outside and everyone's eyes lit up. Ding Yiyi quickly asked, "Have you found the Baby Cheng?"    


"What happened to Baby Cheng? I was outside just now! " The assistant looked at her doubtfully, then took out the iPad and said excitedly, "Look, there's news again!"    


"Waiter, turn into an actor. Emily, compare the two before and after." The news website listed in detail the contrast between Emily's face before and after the plastic surgery. The comments section was filled with a lot of talk, curses and support.    


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