Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1047 Wealthy Marriage 975

C1047 Wealthy Marriage 975

Ye Nianmo frowned when he heard that, "I thought I already told you clearly."    


Annoyed, Ding Yiyi curled her hand into a ball after leaving her warm pocket. She impatiently said, "I don't want to see her. If you want to be with me, you can't choose her."    


"Like I said, she is my responsibility. After all, she was bullied because of me." Ye Nianmo looked at her in confusion. He saw snow falling on her shoulders, as if he was going to take her away from him in the next second.    


His heart skipped a beat. He wanted to reach out to grab her, but he couldn't. His hand was still in the air as he said, "Come here."    


Ding Yiyi kept shaking her head as she retreated, but she was secretly surprised that she was able to walk at such a high altitude as if she was walking on flat ground.    


"In the beginning, I was greedy for your Ye Family's property. With her here, it would hinder my plans to enter the Ye Family." Her whole body stiffened as she recited the words that had been in her mind for a long time, word by word, as if she was reciting them from behind.    


Perhaps the best happiness is to remember a person, she can't be that selfish. Ye Nianmo has everything, he wouldn't do anything without her, but dad only has her left, how can she make him so miserable.    


Ye Nianmo saw the pain on his face. He didn't believe every word she said, but his heart was in pain, "If you want those things, I'll give them all to you."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know what to do. She watched as he took out his cell phone. "Lawyer Wang, I want to ask you to account for my assets …"    


He let her take his phone. Lawyer Wang's questioning voice came from the phone. Ding Yiyi held her phone and squatted down in confusion. She already didn't know what to do. She knew he wouldn't believe it. She knew!    


His body was once again embraced into a wide and warm embrace, and a slightly helpless voice rang out, "It wasn't easy for us to get rid of all these, let's just continue walking on in peace, okay?"    


Her hands trembled as she raised them. Just as she was about to wrap her arms around his waist, I was about to blurt out that sentence, but dropped it halfway.    


Ye Nianmo's eyes darkened. He took a step back and felt her sudden panic. He forced himself to resist the urge to hug her again.    


"Hold my hand and tell me that your will to be with me will not waver."    


Snowflakes fell on his palms and lay there quietly. Ding Yiyi stared at his palms and forgot to blink and time.    


Ye Nianmo stood there like a statue with his hand extended. As time passed, his heart became colder and colder.    


"Ye Nianmo, let's calm down. Perhaps one day, we will find out that the other side isn't the only one in our lives. When that time comes, we can break up peacefully." Ding Yiyi lowered her head and said in a flustered manner. Before Ye Nianmo could react, she had already rushed past him and rushed to the elevator in a sorry state.    


Ye Nianmo stood there without moving, listening to the sound of the elevator. The snow was falling harder and harder, and soon, a thick layer of snow was forming under his feet.    


He slowly withdrew his hand. He held the icy coldness in his palm and sighed. His white breath swayed in the air as he opened his mouth. Then, it disappeared.    


Ding Yiyi got down from the elevator in a sorry state. Her legs were so weak that she almost knelt down on the spot. She struggled to walk forward. The laborers that came and went looked at her strangely.    


Her thoughts were completely blank. If not for the translucent gas constantly exhaling from her nose, she would have forgotten that she was still alive.    


The sudden ringing of the phone saved her confused mind. She finally had something to do as she eagerly picked up the phone. "Hello?"    


"Yiyi, it's me." Hai Zhuoxuan's voice was extremely fresh.    


Inside the warm coffee shop, the air conditioner was continuously supplying electricity. The entire coffee shop was warm as a light colored cat was sleeping soundly on its side on the cashier counter. Occasionally, it would stretch its claws forward, as if in a good dream.    


"Where's Chu Qing?" Ding Yiyi sucked hot milk and her cheeks were red from the steam.    


"She's with Lee Yixuan. They're busy packing their luggage." Hai Zhuoxuan glanced at the scarf around her neck. If he wasn't wrong, this scarf should be Ye Nianmo's.    


"You're leaving!" Ding Yiyi asked hoarsely. The cat at the cashier seemed to have awakened from its slumber and stretched lazily. Yu Ruyi, who was resting her head in front of the cashier, rubbed it against her.    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded, "Get ready to walk around. The first stop is France."    


"That Chu Qing." Ding Yiyi asked hesitantly, afraid to hear an answer that would disappoint her.    


"She's coming too." Hai Zhuoxuan stirred the black coffee in his cup as he replied slowly. Ding Yiyi let out a long breath, but her heart tightened. If they were really together, what would she tell Mengjie? Was her friendship with her irreparable?    


Hai Zhuoxuan crossed his hands on the table and sighed, "The reason I called you here today was to apologize to you, and to make use of you to do those things before."    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "Maybe it's not me that you should apologize to, it's Mengjie."    


He nodded without saying anything. The university student at the table was talking in a low voice, but there was no awkwardness between the two of them. Ding Yiyi's thoughts flew to the top floor of the international shopping mall, then to Soong Mengjie.    


"I will personally tell her that I will help you all to resolve this misunderstanding." Hai Zhuoxuan stood up, took out his wallet and put two red notes on the table.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. She felt that he definitely wouldn't come to apologize to her today. Sure enough, Hai Zhuoxuan, who had already stood up, sat back down and swept his eyes over her. "You'd better be careful of Ao Xue."    


"Why?" Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat. His tone and expression were too serious that she couldn't help but pay attention to him.    


Hai Zhuoxuan stood up again. This time, he left with a determined look. He repeated word by word, "Remember, Ao Xue is definitely not as harmless as she looks."    


Hai Zhuoxuan left, but left behind more questions. Ding Yiyi just laid her head on the table and suddenly jumped up after a while. How could she forget that she was going to the company today?    


As soon as she arrived at the company, she was told that Qiu Bai was in the chairman's office. Ding Yiyi had been walking all the way to the top floor when she heard Qiu Bai's loud voice the moment she stepped out of the elevator.    


"Wasn't this variety show given by the company? "Why did she go back on her word now? The notice has been broadcast quite a few times already already. Do you understand how much of an impact it has on her?"    


Qiu Bai's chest violently shook. The middle-aged man who was deep in his chair suddenly said, "An Ran is preparing to develop in Hollywood."    


"What?" Qiu Bai was stunned for a moment. She knew that it was a matter of time before she would safely head to the international stage. She didn't expect that it would be mentioned at this time.    


The man played with the cigar in his hand as he looked at her meaningfully, "That variety show was the last time An Ran would appear on a variety show, and the company's higher ups had a daughter who was interested in entering the show industry."    


Qiu Bai was not stupid. It seemed that the company wanted to use An Ran's last chance to appear on a variety show to support one of the higher-ups' daughters.    


Thinking about how the last girl to go on stage with the movie star was worth the hype, she knew that the company's decision would not change, so she left in embarrassment.    


In the hall, Qiu Bai looked at Ding Yiyi and was a bit hesitant. She didn't know what to say as a large part of the reason Ding Yiyi was able to establish herself in the advertising world was because her Ye Group was supported by another mysterious power.    


"I know." Ding Yiyi pulled her to sit in front of him. She was very surprised that Qiu Bai was able to fight for her.    


Qiu Bai comforted him, "Why don't you go and tell Young Master Ye that it won't be a problem for him to join us?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "I rejected him not long ago. I said that we would never meet again."    


Qiu Bai approached her doubtfully. She felt her forehead with the back of her hand and asked curiously, "What's going on? There's no fever? Then why did you let Young Master Ye go?"    


Ding Yiyi helplessly pulled down her ice-cold hand. She could easily say that, but her tone was not lying. Qiu Bai sighed, "I'll call to ask about An Ran's situation."    


"An Ran probably won't be answering the phone by now." She dialed Qiu Bai's number and went directly to the voice mail.    


Although the news of An Ran's development in Hollywood had not been announced, but the reporters would definitely find out through such channels. Therefore, his phone must not be connected. Thinking of this, Qiu Bai sighed heavily.    


"How is your father?" She tried changing the topic, and Ding Yiyi relaxed a little. She nodded. "It's much better now. The blood clot in my brain is gradually shrinking. As long as I can get rid of the swelling, I can leave the hospital."    


Qiu Bai nodded. She took out a card from her bag and stuffed it into her hand. "This is the final price for the jewelry you bought last time. I didn't expect that the woman's jewelry design was so popular."    


Ding Yiyi took the card and gave a perfunctory smile. "Really?"    


Qiu Bai nodded. "Her career has gone smoothly. I heard that the model used the jewelry she designed last time. They all said that she had a mysterious backer who was born in the second generation of the army, and that the backer was also very famous."    


Qiu Bai talked for a long time. Seeing Ding Yiyi still in such a state, she thought she was unhappy and sighed. "Back then, you gave up on working with a Paris designer. Otherwise, your journey to the stars would have been pretty good."    


Ding Yiyi smiled at her, pretending to stretch her waist in satisfaction. "It looks like I don't have a job anymore. Then I'll go back to the hospital to see my father."    


Qiu Bai watched her back as she left. Her gaze fell upon a plaid scarf on the sofa. This was an extravagant Italian brand. She hurriedly grabbed the scarf and chased after her. Where did she see Ding Yiyi's figure?    


At night, Ye Nianmo walked out of the steaming bathroom. He turned on the TV and switched on the channel. These days, he had gotten used to waiting at the same time every day for a variety show trailer just because Ding Yiyi was in it.    


From beginning to end, there was the sound of a timer counting down. He sat on the bed and watched the trailer while frowning. Ding Yiyi's position had been replaced by another woman he didn't know.    


Before he finished reading it, he picked up his phone, "Help me check on manager Ding Yiyi's number."    


Qiu Bai was applying a facial mask when she received Ye Bo's call. She sat up in surprise, tore off the mask that had just covered her face and threw it into the trash can.    


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