Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1145 Married to a Rich Family 1073

C1145 Married to a Rich Family 1073

As she was walking restlessly, a shadow flashed around the corner. She wanted to call out but forcibly suppressed it. If she did, Ao Xue would definitely not let her off. At that time, she would have to wear her shoes again.    


She was very afraid. She wanted to save Ding Yiyi, but she was also afraid of Ao Xue's revenge. The shadow of her figure had already disappeared into the distance. She ran to the incense burner not far away and grabbed a handful of powder.    


If Ding Yiyi saw the powder, she would probably think it was a secret signal. She was almost thinking of atonement. She sprinkled the powder along the road and returned to the car. The driver had already returned. Fu Fengyi was even more dissatisfied when she saw her.    


"Nonsense!" Without waiting for her, adults have to pay the price for what they have done. There really is no home tutor. " Fu Fengyi's tone was harsh, and everyone present didn't dare to speak when they heard her angry tone.    


The car drove off, and a gust of wind blew in the sky, taking everything with it. Ding Yiyi didn't know that she had been left behind. She followed the direction Ao Xue pointed to and walked further and further away.    


"Hello, this is a garden that we are not allowed to enter." A monk kindly reminded her that she was rushing back the way she came.    


No matter how she couldn't find him, she just sat down on a stone bench to rest. "Benefactor, are you looking for someone?"    


The sound of voices came from behind them. Ding Yiyi was frightened and hastily jumped back to look. It was a kind-looking monk with a snow-white beard and eyebrows that were much longer than ordinary people.    


Ding Yiyi hurriedly bowed with her hands folded in front of her. "You're really awesome. I was indeed looking for someone."    


Ku Wu clasped his hands together. "I'm not that powerful. I could only see the anxiety on your face as you looked in all directions, but you didn't stop, so you shouldn't be looking for something. Naturally, you're looking for someone."    


Ding Yiyi hurriedly bowed again. "I'm looking for someone to go with me."    


Ku Wu looked at her, his eyes clear. "You are the same as that benefactor. She is obsessed with emotions and you are obsessed with heart. It's better to let nature take its course."    


Ding Yiyi still wanted to ask who she was like, but he waved his hand and said, "The temple is about to close. You should leave as soon as possible."    


When the monk left, Ding Yiyi searched again but found nothing. Suddenly, she received a message from Dou Dou, "We've already left. We couldn't find you after searching once. Please come back quickly."    


Ding Yiyi put away her cell phone and smiled. She could finally leave without worrying about anyone waiting for her. Originally, the world didn't have so much concern or waiting for her.    


She slowly walked out of the temple. It was already afternoon by the time she took out her phone. It was only 4 o'clock in the winter, and the weather had already darkened. Even the temperature had plummeted.    


There was only a bit of electricity left on her phone. She looked around and finally found a bus stop. She waited for a long time before she saw a group of children passing by.    


A group of boys walked past in a sparse crowd. Suddenly, a child sat down and grimaced at her before running away. As she ran, she even cursed out at a language that was not worth learning.    


Ding Yiyi stared blankly for a moment. Originally, she didn't want to argue about it, but the child at the front turned around and made a big face at her. She couldn't help but loosen her grip before chasing after him.    


Five minutes later, the children were seated in a circle. The boy in the lead was sitting listlessly on a haystack with his head held low. Ding Yiyi was sitting on a rock with her waist between her legs.    


The boys nodded together, and Ding Yiyi asked again, "Are you going to be so rude in the future?"    


The boy in the lead hesitated, then shook his head with the others.    


Ding Yiyi immediately stopped clapping after seeing this. She pulled at the small daisy beside her and in a few moments, she had completed a garland of flowers. "So beautiful." The girls surrounded him and looked at him enviously.    


Ding Yiyi smiled and said, "Elder sister, I studied jewelry design!"    


She quickly sat down again and distributed them out by herself. The leader of the group sneaked a peek at her and a little heart shaped daisy was placed in front of her.    


An expression of affection burst forth from his eyes as he carefully glanced at Ding Yiyi. Seeing her smiling face, he happily raised the toy in his hand.    


Ding Yiyi stood up clapping her hands. "Alright, let's stop messing around. I'm going to take the bus."    


"That bus stop hasn't been used for a long time. You can't wait." The children spoke up.    


Ding Yiyi was a bit worried. Living in the temple was obviously unrealistic, but walking back to the city center from here was even more impossible. She didn't want to trouble Qiu Bai.    


"I can let my father take you." The boy in the lead stood up, carefully holding the new toy in his hand as he spoke.    


Half an hour later, Ding Yiyi burst into tears. "Slow down, Master! Slow down!"    


"Miss, take a seat!" The father was driving an old motorbike, which made a rumbling sound when it started.    


Although the car was old, its speed was not slow. Ding Yiyi had to suppress her hair with all her might in order to not look like a ghost. A group of cattle were approaching from a short distance away. The speed of the motorcycle had finally slowed down.    


The few oxen sauntered along and actually followed behind the motorcycle. Ding Yiyi asked in puzzlement, "Why did the group of oxen keep following us?"    


The man turned around, puzzled. Ding Yiyi looked at herself and forced a smile. "My shoes seem to be red!"    


A few oxen sped up and ran towards the car. Both of them were shocked. Ding Yiyi shouted again, "Master, hurry and drive! We're catching up!"    


Half an hour later, the car stopped on a field ridge. The sincere and honest man said, "If you keep going further in, you won't be allowed to enter on the motorcycle. I can only send you here."    


Ding Yiyi nodded hastily. She took out a hundred yuan from her bag and wanted to give it to the man. "Thank you, Master. Here's the money for you to buy food for your child."    


The man quickly waved his hand, "I said I like you very much. Usually, he doesn't beg me for help, but finally, he asked me for a favor. What would I think if I took the money and took the baby?"    


Watching the motorcycle go away, Ding Yiyi was a bit depressed. She didn't have a place in the village anymore, so what should she do now?    


Not long later, a Chevrolet sedan came in, and the driver took the initiative to stop it, "Miss, why are you here alone?"    


Ding Yiyi saw that he looked to be in his thirties and was very honest. Coupled with the fact that he was sent here without any problems, she was slightly relieved. "I want to go to the city center."    


"I'll go to the city center too. I'll take you there." The driver waved enthusiastically at her.    


Ding Yiyi was still a little hesitant, not knowing whether to get on the car or not. The driver said: "There's no car here, and I just happened to come back from Dongjiang City to take care of some business here. If you don't leave, you really won't be able to leave."    


Ding Yiyi thanked him. She took advantage of the time she went around to the back of the car to write down her number. The moment she got on the car, the phone in her hand rang.    


After she received Qiu Bai's call, Ding Yiyi sat quietly on the car. The middle-aged driver had been wanting to talk to her the entire time, so the atmosphere was harmonious. Very soon, Ding Yiyi noticed that something was wrong.    


"They're repairing the road over there. I can walk faster this way." The driver said.    


Ding Yiyi had no choice but to sit for a while longer. The sky was getting darker, and the road was getting harder to walk on. She frowned and said, "I want to get off."    


"Don't. If you get off now, you won't be able to go back to the Dongjiang City. There's definitely no one passing by this place tonight." The driver was slightly dissatisfied.    


Ding Yiyi insisted, "Let me out of the car."    


The chauffeur stopped talking, but his cold face sped up. Ding Yiyi was covered in cold sweat, her right hand tightly holding onto the seat cushion against the window. She didn't dare to show her fear on her face.    


"I've already called my friends. They have our code inside and I've noted down your license plate XX7898. If I'm not back to Dongjiang River today, they'll call the police tomorrow!"    


The man panicked when he heard her utter her name. He originally only wanted to rob her, but half an hour later, the car returned to its original place.    


Ding Yiyi almost staggered to get off the car. The moment her feet touched the ground, she almost kneeled down. It wasn't until the car left that she felt at ease.    


The night was dark, cold, hungry, and very scared. She took out the little remaining battery and dialed a number without hesitation.    


The number was picked up immediately and Ye Bo's voice sounded, "Miss Yiyi?"    


Her heart sank. She remembered Ye Bo saying that Ye Nianmo had two numbers. The first one was his work number, which was usually operated by Ye Bo. The second one was his personal number.    


Yet, his private number was controlled by Ye Bo. What did this mean? He did not want to see her, did not want to hear her voice!    


"I'm fine now. I suddenly wanted to ask him something, but it's already been settled." With that, Ding Yiyi hung up.    


Ye Bo put down his cell phone and looked back at the conference room. Young master and a Japanese cosmetics company that wanted to enter the international shopping mall had been negotiating for two hours and didn't bring any communication tools. It seemed like this was going to be a tough battle.    


The night seemed to have grown darker and colder. She stood by the side of the road, the weeds swaying in the wind, rubbing against her from time to time. She didn't know how long she had waited before a worn-out bus arrived.    


She put all the change into the car and then staggered back to her seat. She looked at the people around her with great caution and tenseness.    


She leaned back in her chair, breathing in the heavy smell of diesel. Not that she was going to be the next good guy after meeting one! There are so many people wearing human skin masks in this world that you never know what a dark heart is under the skin of a smiling face.    


He dragged his tired body to the Ye Family door. It was already early in the morning, and the door was tightly shut, as if he was rejecting her.    


She stood outside, hungry and exhausted, with the warm air, the sweet food, the soft bed, but for a moment she felt free.    


She didn't knock again, even though she knew that with a slight movement of the window and door, the alarm would go off and the housekeeper would rush over immediately. Then she would be able to enter that gorgeous place that many girls dreamed of.    


As she walked slowly with tired steps, she felt more at ease. The moment she stepped out of the door, a beam of light shot towards her. She saw the person in the driver's seat and subconsciously moved to the side, hiding behind a tree trunk.    


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