Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1156 Wealthy Marriage 1084

C1156 Wealthy Marriage 1084

Her footsteps were a little messy, her head was gently lifted by someone. Yan Mingyao's eyes were filled with anxiety, "Hold on, you will be fine."    


"Take me to the hospital now, hurry up, otherwise the child really won't be able to stay alive!" Ao Xue said, holding on to his jacket while enduring the pain.    


Ao Xue was extremely scared and despaired. Yan Mingyao didn't want to save this child, maybe he could have stopped Chang Hua just now, but he chose to watch from the sidelines and used Chang Hua's hands to get rid of her child, so she couldn't blame him anymore!    


"I beg you, please save my child. You will regret it. You will truly regret it!" Ao Xue's face was pale and her consciousness was almost blurry. She could only repeat those words.    


"There's a traffic jam outside. Doctors can't get in!" Yan Mingyao was shocked, he really did use Chang Hua's hand to get rid of Ao Xue's child just now. As long as there was no child, Ye Nianmo would not want Ao Xue anymore, and he would have a chance. He applauded in advance for the doctor, so everything should be fine, but the situation now was completely out of his expectations!    


"Hold on! I'll go and bring the doctor over now! " Yan Mingyao clenched his teeth and forced himself to get up and start walking. Ding Yiyi was looking for Ao Xue because she wanted to board the plane. Seeing Ao Xue's appearance, she was shocked.    


"How are you?" Ding Yiyi rushed to help her up, her hands stained with blood.    


Ao Xue interrupted, "Now you're satisfied. My child is finally gone. You're satisfied!"    


"Don't say anything for now. Save your energy." Ding Yiyi hurriedly took out her cellphone. Her hand was trembling so badly that she couldn't hold it properly. She fell to the ground and hit the phone with her hand.    


She gasped, feeling her consciousness fade. She only repeated, "You're satisfied. You're finally satisfied. My child is gone."    


Behind him were the doctors and nurses who came on foot. Ao Xue was rushed to the car, while Ding Yiyi stood on the spot staring at her hands full of blood, feeling anxious, "Did she become like this because of me?"    


In the hospital, Yan Mingyao and Ding Yiyi paced back and forth in front of the door. Suddenly, Yan Mingyao beat the wall fiercely with his hands, turned around and left after looking deeply at the ward.    


Ding Yiyi continued to protect him. She couldn't forget the blood on her hands. She couldn't forget Ao Xue's hateful gaze. She couldn't forget Ye Nianmo's voice on the phone that had lost his cool.    


Hurried footsteps could be heard as Fu Fengyi walked over quickly with the support of a servant. "What's going on?" How did I fall down the stairs just like that! "    


"Chang Hua pushed her down the banister." Ding Yiyi said in a hoarse voice.    


Fu Fengyi's expression turned cold. She definitely wouldn't let go of that woman. "Then why did Ao Xue go there alone?"    


Ding Yiyi took a deep breath and said lightly, "Yes."    


"Pah!" The slap followed with her voice. Fu Fengyi's trembling finger was filled with pain as she said, "That was only a child. How could you do that? Do you even have a conscience? "    


Ding Yiyi felt a burning pain on the side of her face. She lowered her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know things would turn out like this."    


"There's no need for you to apologize!" Fu Fengyi's face was pale. She was so upset that she suddenly rolled her eyes and fell backwards. The servant hurriedly supported her.    


"Grandma, the madame!" Ye Nianmo walked in from the end of the corridor with big strides. He raised Ding Yiyi's arm with one hand. The action was too big and she staggered a few steps back.    


Ye Nianmo growled, "Call a doctor!"    


Ding Yiyi looked at him and knew that she had made another mistake. Her body was very cold, and she was also very hungry. She leaned her back against the cold wall, and her heart felt like it had fallen into a bottomless pit.    


The door was opened and the doctor took off his mask and stepped out. "The patient's mood may be a little unstable these days, so try not to make her angry."    


Ding Yiyi nodded and looked inside. The nurse was busy with work. Ao Xue's face was pale. When the nurse saw her enter, she adjusted the speed of the bottle and left.    


She looked at her flat belly and the rise and fall of her breath in the oxygen mask. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it would turn out like this."    


She spoke in a hoarse voice. She clearly knew that the person opposite her was unconscious, but she still continued to speak. "I really hate you. "For what? Back then, you didn't want to save it. It's so important to me, but you would rather watch it die."    


"Bam!" Ye Nianmo looked at her in anger and despair. He didn't believe what the servant said, he wanted to comfort his grandma right away. In his opinion, that innocent and kind Ding Yiyi would never do something like that, but what did he hear?    


"So what you said before was true. Personally kill that child?" His eyes were still filled with incredulity and heartache.    


Ding Yiyi slowly stood up and stared into his eyes, trying to find warmth. However, she only found a layer of coldness in his eyes. "Those words are fake."    


"But you did!" Ye Nianmo tore open his tie tiredly. He had just come out of the meeting room and was still discussing how to influence Ding Yiyi's brand!    


Ding Yiyi was at a loss for words. She knew that it was useless to say anything more. Footsteps sounded outside the door and Ye Bo appeared. "Old Madam has woken up."    


Ye Nianmo no longer looked at Ding Yiyi and turned around to leave. Ye Bo hesitated for a moment, "Call Qiu Bai. Let her accompany you."    


She shook her head. Her body was so weak that it felt like she was falling from the sky. She didn't know what to do anymore. In the ward, Fu Fengyi looked sad, "Nianmo! Grandma's heart hurts! "    


"Grandmother, don't think too much. What happened has already happened. I hope nothing happened to you." Ye Nianmo said in a deep voice.    


"I don't want to see Ding Yiyi again!" Fu Fengyi was so angry that her blood pressure continued to rise.    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "Grandma, there are still some doubts that we haven't clear up. I will give you and Ao Xue an answer."    


Fu Fengyi didn't want to press him too hard either, so she nodded and closed her eyes to rest. Ye Nianmo walked out of the hospital and said coldly, "Don't follow me. Take good care of Grandma."    


He stepped into the car and it shot out like an arrow leaving the bowstring. Soon, it disappeared into the night.    


At the police station, Chang Hua was sitting with her head down. She looked distracted as the door was opened and someone sat in front of her. "Why did you push that woman?"    


She raised her head and met the sharp gaze of the man in front of her. Unable to block his eagle-like gaze, she turned around and said, "Because she deserved it."    


"You'd better cooperate. Tell me why you know she's at the airport." Baker took out a cigarette from the pack, glanced at her and then put it back.    


Chang Hua was intimidated by his cold tone. Her handcuffed hands trembled slightly. "I don't know. I just received a letter. It said that I was to wait at that place."    


"Where's the letter?" Baker stood up and looked at her.    


She shook her head and said, "It was printed out by the computer. After I finished reading it, I tore it up and threw it into the trash can."    


The door was opened again. A policeman walked in and whispered in Baker's ear. Baker looked at the woman in front of him sympathetically.    


"Looks like you really pissed him off this time." Baker straightened his body and walked towards the door. He patted the shoulder of the person who walked in front of him, "This is not your house. It's only five minutes."    


Chang Hua raised her head and looked at Ye Nianmo, who appeared at the door, then quickly shifted her gaze away. Ye Nianmo sat down with a stern expression. "Is it Ding Yiyi?"    


Chang Hua started, but her thoughts changed. She remembered Ding Yiyi's refusal to form an alliance with her. She couldn't escape now, so she nodded, "Yes."    


Ye Nianmo got up and paced in front of her, looking down at her condescendingly. "You'd better talk, there are too many things in the prison that you don't want to try."    


Chang Hua's lips trembled. "If you let me go, I'll tell you everything."    


"You can choose to die or die miserably." Ye Nianmo straightened his back as a chilling aura emanated from his body, making people shudder.    


Chang Hua's body was trembling. Her handcuffs made a soft sound when they bumped against the table. "I don't know. I received a letter. It only told me to go to the airport's handrail staircase. I went there."    


Ye Nianmo looked at her coldly, but his heart was sinking. Could it really have been Ding Yiyi's doing?    


He strode in and opened the door. Baker walked in. When he saw Baker's expression, he could only pat him on the shoulder and said, "My condolences."    


"I'm going to sue her for intentional murder. My lawyer will deal with it later." Ye Nianmo left without looking back. There was no longer a need for him to stay here.    


Ao Xue woke up. She turned her head slightly and saw Ding Yiyi leaning on her arm as she dozed off. She touched her flat belly and felt a sense of sadness. Why isn't Ye Nianmo here? Where was he at this time?    


She wanted the child, but it was fated, she felt its life slipping away from her, she knew it was formed, she hadn't even had time to look at her.    


Tears blurred her eyes as she reached out to wipe them away, causing the IV to make a light sound. Ding Yiyi was jolted awake and she stood up. "How is it?"    


"What are you pretending to be merciful for now? Get out of here. " Ao Xue said coldly.    


Ding Yiyi hesitated for a moment before Ao Xue flew into a rage. She threw all the pillows behind her towards Ding Yiyi. "Get the hell out of here. Didn't you hear me?!"    


The servant outside rushed in as soon as he heard the sound. The other servant went to inform Fu Fengyi, who gave her a deep look before turning around to meet Fu Fengyi, who was rushing over.    


"Send down the order that no one is allowed to enter this ward in the future." Fu Fengyi had a haggard expression, but her tone was extremely strict. She spoke impolitely in front of the doctors and nurses.    


Ding Yiyi walked past her with her head lowered. She sighed heavily as she heard the door close behind her.    


In the ward, Fu Fengyi held Ao Xue's hand in heartache. "Snowy, are you alright? You can have it again in the future, don't hurt your body."    


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