Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1128 Wealthy Marriage 1056

C1128 Wealthy Marriage 1056

Ao Xue stood barefoot on the soft carpet. Due to getting up too quickly, she felt dizzy and Ye Nianmo's words kept ringing in her ears.    


She was truly worthless. He hated her for doing bad things, but who pushed her into the abyss of evil? Ding Yiyi was good, she was kind and strong, she was bad, she only knew how to do bad things from beginning to end.    


She staggered back onto the bed, her hands covering her stomach. Fine, since you care so much about her, I'll make sure you guys never get together again!    


That night, Ye Nianmo came out of the study with the documents. His tone was calm, and he casually went to the phone to arrange his work. Just by accident, he walked towards a familiar direction.    


Hanging up the phone, he was a little surprised that he was already standing in front of Ding Yiyi's door. He turned around and left, but his speed was getting slower and slower.    


"Mr Ye." As Alin approached from the other end of the corridor, Ye Nianmo's raised hand dropped, and his face no longer showed any signs of hesitation.    


In the study, Alin was studying the paintings and calligraphies he kept in his closet with his crutches. "Your Chinese calligraphy and paintings are so beautiful.    


Ye Nianmo followed his gaze and looked over. With a calm tone, he said, "Alin, just say it directly.    


Alin looked at him. "Even if I am willing to give you any preferential policies or threaten to join any other brands in Europe, you won't allow me to not return my disciple to me, right?"    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows, "That's right."    


"Young man, I was as persistent as you were when I was young. One day, she left and never came back. I don't know how long I can wait for her." The loneliness in Alin's eyes was obvious. He stared at a corner of the study, as if he was reminiscing about the sweet past.    


Ye Nianmo's gaze turned heavy, "That's your story, I won't let that happen."    


"Haha." Alin laughed. His white beard was shaking. He looked at Ye Nianmo meaningfully, "It's good for a young man to be young. It seems like he thinks he can control everything."    


Alin and Elaine left silently. Ding Yiyi held the dress in her hands. That was what her master had been doing in the room recently.    


Tears fell from her eyes onto her red dress, and she remembered that her master had said that when she married, he would sew her a dress in accordance with Chinese customs.    


Baby Cheng laid beside her and cried out softly. She wiped away her tears and went to touch Baby Cheng's stomach instead, "You must be hungry, I'll bring you to find something."    


She brought Baby Cheng out of the room just as the butler passed by. He glanced at Baby Cheng and spoke in a low voice: "Miss Au Xue is still resting in her bed. It's best for Baby Cheng to not come out often."    


Baby Cheng was her only consolation in Ye Family, she had to protect it no matter what, "Thank you, Butler."    


The butler nodded before leaving. Ding Yiyi took advantage of when there was no one to bring Baby Cheng to find some things in the kitchen. In front of the huge window in the kitchen, Baby Cheng sat on the floor and constantly twisted his body to look outside at the garden.    


Ding Yiyi touched its head, upset. "You really want to go out and play, don't you?"    


The Baby Cheng held the back of her hand lightly and swept her furry tail behind her. Ding Yiyi intimately nudged the tip of its nose with her, and finally made up her mind, "It's my fault. Because I'm afraid of being lonely, I don't care about how you feel, you'll be free soon."    


The next day, after Ye Nianmo went to work, Ding Yiyi led Baby Cheng out. Just as they arrived at the main door, a man came up to them, "Miss Yiyi, I'm Ye Family's driver. May I ask where you want to go?"    


Ding Yiyi glanced at him and suddenly asked, "Will Ye Nianmo know where I go?"    


The driver was stunned, "If young master wants to know."    


"I understand." Ding Yiyi said indifferently.    


The driver nodded, "Excuse me, what kind of car do you want to take?"    


"Whatever." Ding Yiyi lowered her head to look at Baby Cheng's casual reply. Baby Cheng obediently stayed by her side, but her wagging tail still showed that she was in a good mood.    


As the car sped towards its destination, a security guard walked over and knocked on the window. "Sorry, you can't park here."    


The driver was hesitant. Ding Yiyi unfastened her seat belt and opened the door. "Don't worry, I won't run away. Even if I did, he would have a thousand ways to force me to turn back."    


"Alright, Miss Ding." The driver stopped talking and gave her a phone number so that she could call him whenever she wanted to go home. He just hung around nearby.    


Ding Yiyi brought Baby Cheng to the agreed location with Qiu Bai. Qiu Bai, wearing sunglasses, waved her hands excitedly when she saw her. "Yiyi, I'm here."    


"Long time no see." Ding Yiyi smiled and greeted her, but there was an unconcealable tiredness on her face. She let go of Baby Cheng's reins, and Baby Cheng paced around the place alone.    


Qiu Bai sized her up, "Their family didn't make things difficult for you, right? And I heard that the old lady from Ye Family isn't an easy target.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. Qiu Bai refused to believe him, "I don't believe you. Forget it. If you don't want to say it, then forget it. Zhang Ze even asked you about it these two days."    


Zhang Ze Duan? A man with an unassuming appearance suddenly appeared in Ding Yiyi's mind. Qiu Bai nodded, "Are you sure you don't know him? He still has your file, and I've never seen him be patient with an artist. "    


Ding Yiyi lowered her eyes and said slowly, "Perhaps it was all done by Ye Nianmo."    


Qiu Bai looked serious, "Yes, I still need to talk to you about this. I have an extra 600 thousand on my account. I think Ye Nianmo might have called me back for more money."    


Ding Yiyi was stunned for a moment before she said with a wry smile, "He just wants to tell you that no matter what we do, he will know."    


Qiu Bai took a sip of her coffee. There was an unrelenting sadness on her face. Although her facial features had become more exquisite under the nourishment of the Wealthy Class and her body had become more refined, she no longer felt lively like before.    


Qiu Bai didn't want to ruin the atmosphere further. She smiled and said, "How can I have coffee with you today? I've taken over a new student, and other than his looks, he doesn't have any other good points. He's just like a wooden person."    


Ding Yiyi stirred her coffee, "I would like to invite you to take Baby Cheng in for a while."    


"You still think they won't bully you, and will bully you to the point that you have to send yourself away from the Baby Cheng?!" Qiu Bai stood up abruptly. Ding Yiyi looked around and smiled apologetically at the people who turned around. She patted the back of Qiu Bai's hand. "Sit down first. We'll talk later."    


"In Ye Family, if I am unwilling, I will not allow others to bully me." Ding Yiyi stirred the coffee in her cup again.    


Qiu Bai's anger finally subsided a little as she muttered, "That's true."    


Ding Yiyi looked in the direction of the Baby Cheng. Seeing that the two pines were so frightened by the Baby Cheng's huge figure that they scattered all over, she said indifferently: "I really want to accompany me, but it can't be locked up in such a big cage like me. It can only stay in the room everyday."    


Seeing her distress, Qiu Bai wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to do. Ding Yiyi smiled, "Let's not talk about these things, Baby Cheng eats everything. Please help me feed them for a while. As for the breeding fee."    


"If you dare to talk about money, then cut off all ties!" Ding Yiyi looked at her gratefully. She waved her hand towards the distance as Baby Cheng ran over happily.    


Ding Yiyi squatted down and rubbed its head with all her might. It felt like there was not enough time to touch it no matter what, so Baby Cheng laid on the ground with his limbs facing the sky, and continued to arch his body towards Ding Yiyi.    


Five minutes had passed and Ding Yiyi had firmly decided to give the rope to Qiu Bai. She squatted down with her eyes hot and tears on the verge of falling, "Good Baby Cheng, you must obediently listen to Auntie Xiao Qiu, don't cause trouble for Auntie."    


"Fuck you! Who's Auntie? I'm an older sister." Qiu Bai scolded him with a warm look in her eyes.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and walked a few steps before Qiu Bai's voice came from behind. "Baby Cheng."    


Baby Cheng ran to Ding Yiyi's side and followed her closely. When Ding Yiyi stopped, she also stopped. Qiu Bai caught up and took the rope again.    


Baby Cheng looked at Ding Yiyi confusedly. Ding Yiyi walked forward, and it continued to follow her. She had no choice but to stop and berate, "If you continue like this, I'll get angry!"    


Baby Cheng stood in his original position. It tilted its head, obviously not understanding why its master was angry. It was clearly just following it. Ding Yiyi bent down and patted its head, saying, "You have been here for a while, I can't come see you for now."    


Baby Cheng barked twice, causing Qiu Bai's heart to ache. "If it's decided, then let's go, I will take good care of it."    


Ding Yiyi nodded, she quickly walked to the taxi on the side and got into the taxi. Through the window, Baby Cheng was struggling to get in her way, the collar around her neck had been squeezed so hard that it changed shape. Qiu Bai tried her best to pull it by a few steps.    


Ding Yiyi didn't dare to look anymore. She withdrew her gaze and shrank back into her seat. When she opened her mouth, her voice was hoarse. "Drive."    


The crazy barking still echoed in his ears. The driver looked in the rearview mirror and joked, "Damn, this dog is really fast!"    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly. Separating from Baby Cheng was the last thing she wanted to do, but now she had to push away her family members with her own hands.    


The interior of the car was heated, but she found it hard to breathe. "Master, just stop at the corner in front." Ding Yiyi's voice was choked with sobs.    


When her feet touched the floor, she even felt a little weak. She slammed the car door, which opened onto an unfamiliar street. Directly opposite was a business building, and it was time to get off work. She walked out of the building in twos and threes.    


The surroundings were bustling with activity, people were laughing and discussing, it was obvious that the figure in the corner was so lonely. Ding Yiyi picked up her phone and dialed the driver's number, "Hello, I'm Ding Yiyi. Can you come and pick me up?"    


The driver on the other end of the line said apologetically, "Sorry, but Miss Au Xue suddenly wants to use the car."    


"I see." Ding Yiyi hung up the phone. There were so many Ye Family vehicles, yet Ao Xue insisted on riding in this one. It was obvious what her intentions were.    


She sighed, she had no way to deal with these things after leaving with Baby Cheng. She walked towards the taxi on the side, intending to take a taxi back.    


As soon as she opened the car door, the bag on her wrist was pulled away by someone running past. Ding Yiyi staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.    


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