Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1179 Married to a Rich Family 1107

C1179 Married to a Rich Family 1107

Ye Chuyun smiled and reached for the wine cup. He raised his head and finished the entire cup. The moment he put the cup down, Elaine immediately filled it to the brim.    


"Elaine!" That's enough! " Ding Yiyi frowned as she spoke, patting the back of her hand that was placed on the table. A tender look appeared in her eyes.    


His face had already turned red from the high concentration of alcohol. He picked up the glass again and gulped it down, his Adam's apple rolling up and down rapidly.    


Putting down the cup, he was already a little drunk, so he began to speak more. "I will take good care of her and give her happiness."    


Elaine pursed his lips and jealousy burst out from his eyes. He really liked Ding Yiyi. His hands kept moving, and he tried to pour more wine.    


Ye Chuyun wanted to extend his hand to take it, but Ding Yiyi snatched it away. "Enough!" She slammed the glass onto the table, causing a transparent liquid to spill out and fill the room with the aroma of wine.    


"Master, Elaine," she continued supporting Ye Chuyun, "you are all people that I value a lot, so I hope to receive your blessings."    


Elaine was in a hurry to explain, "Yiyi, we're just afraid that you'll be bullied!"    


"Stop Elaine." Alin smiled and looked at Ding Yiyi. His dark eyes were full of kindness towards the younger generation. "Forget it. It's up to you. In any case, I won't forgive anyone who dares to bully you."    


Ding Yiyi's hair was messed up, and her face was flushed with anger. "You knew he did it on purpose, so why don't you just let him drink it!"    


Ye Chuyun still smelled faintly of alcohol. He leaned against the wall with a slightly tipsy expression, slightly raising his head to keep himself awake. Facing Ding Yiyi's accusation, he was silent for a while, before he said, "They are very important to you, that's why I hope for more blessings from our relationship. Isn't that what you want?"    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. She never thought that the reason Ye Chuyun forced her to drink was because of her. Or perhaps it was because he didn't have confidence in this relationship. So he put himself in a lowly position and would rather curry favor with others to make her happy.    


Tears flowed uncontrollably, but before he could react, his embrace suddenly warmed. Ding Yiyi's tears wet his jacket, he hesitated for a moment, but did not move.    


Ding Yiyi raised her tear-filled eyes and glared at him. She took the initiative to grab his hands, placing them on her waist. Then, her tears turned into smiles. "Idiot. You are a very important person to me too."    


The softness in his arms almost made him lose his mind. Whenever he thought that he had already fallen in love with her to the extreme, the other party would always act to make him fall in love with her even more. He was willing to lower himself to the bottom of the earth for her because she was worth it.    


Deep night Ye Family    


Lights were on in the study, and the keyboard was being tapped constantly. The butler was outside the study with two maids. If the young master didn't want to sleep, they wouldn't go to bed first.    


"Madam." The butler shouted to the noblewoman who was slowly walking over.    


Xia Yihan wore a long cotton dress. Her hair was loose and tied with a hairpin. It was elegant and leisurely, but her eyes were full of worry.    


"Is Nianmo going to work so late today?" she whispered.    


The steward sighed. "Rather than work late, the young master forced himself to work late."    


Xia Yihan understood and was more worried about Ye Nianmo. She nodded and said softly, "The butler has me here. You can go to sleep first."    


"But …" The butler wanted to insist on staying, but seeing his wife's resolute expression, he bowed his head and left with his servant.    


Xia Yihan knocked on the door. A tired voice came from inside. "Come in."    


When he saw his mother, Ye Nianmo got up in a hurry. He had been working for too long, and the blood in his arms was badly drained. When he stood up, his expression froze.    


She glanced at the dinner on the table that was still untouched and said, "Nianmo, I can't sleep, can I walk with you?"    


Ye Nianmo glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already two o'clock in the morning, so how could his mother, who usually slept well, suddenly lose sleep?    


Even though he knew his mother was lying, he nodded. "Okay, I'll save the document."    


Deep into the night, a tall and short figure walked towards the Ye Family, Ye Nianmo was a little curious, why did his mother bring him to her jewelry design room?    


The large glass room was filled with fragrant flowers. There were all sorts of jewelry designs pinned to the walls, with a huge white table in the center. There were even various gems and diamonds on the table that had yet to be processed.    


Xia Yihan put on her goggles and put the emerald in her hand onto the cutting machine to sharpen it. Ye Nianmo stood beside her and watched her silently.    


Not long later, the gem turned from a circle into a water droplet. Xia Yihan carefully picked it up with tweezers and put it into the finished ring model. She glanced at Ye Nianmo and said, "I lost the ring that your dad gave me."    


She paused for a moment, then focused on attaching the gem to the gaps around the ring. Ye Nianmo was in no hurry, so he stood to the side and waited for her.    


"At that time, I was very sad, and it just so happened that there was a woman who expressed her goodwill to your father." She rolled her eyes, as if thinking of some sort of adjective, and then after a long while she laughed, "After all, your father was very popular."    


"But in the end, he still belongs to you." Ye Nianmo remained silent.    


Xia Yihan smiled. She picked up the ring and placed it under the light to focus, saying, "He once said that if I want money, he can make me waste it. If I want a name, he can also make me stand at the highest point in the design industry.    


However, the thing that moved me the most was that after I lost my ring, he gave me a jewelry design room and had me make a ring that belonged to him and to me. "    


Ye Nianmo frowned. Xia Yihan placed the ring on his palm and said gently, "What can move a woman's heart is always true."    


The ring on his palm was round, the emerald green of it embedded in the bronze frame, shining under the light. Xia Yihan patted his shoulder and walked out.    


"Mom," Ye Nianmo's voice came from behind, she turned around and smiled at him.    


Ye Nianmo held the ring tightly, "Can you lend me your studio?"    


Seeing his resolute expression, Xia Yihan smiled gently and said, "Of course, you can. You can even give me free technical guidance."    


One night, the glass room lights stayed on all night.    


Early in the morning, Ye Bo came to pick up the young master. He realized that although the young master had been gloomy for several days, his eyes had warmed up. He looked doubtfully at the smiling lady beside him and only saw a gentler smile.    


The sky had just turned gray and a black business car was speeding along the road. Ye Bo picked up a phone, "Young master, the Korean president who couldn't get down the previous two days called and said that the plane was delayed for more than an hour and asked if we were willing to go negotiate again."    


Korea's skincare products have always been popular in the country, and President Pu's brand just so happened to be a high-end skincare product in Korea. The two sides had been working together for a long time, but this sudden mishap was indeed an opportunity.    


Ye Nianmo immediately made a decision, "Go."    


They had only been driving for ten minutes when they encountered a new problem. The road ahead was in the process of being refurbished, and all the vehicles were squeezed into a single road. The blockage was extremely severe.    


Ye Nianmo looked at his watch, "Change the route."    


The car turned in another direction. Ye Bo drove for a while and found that there were two roads that led to the airport. One was closer, and the other one was five minutes longer than the previous one, but it could pass through Ding Yiyi's house.    


He looked back in the rearview mirror and saw that the young master was resting with his eyes closed. His heart skipped a beat and the steering wheel was already moving towards a certain direction.    


Ding Yiyi pulled her suitcase along and hurriedly ran out. She had slept too late last night, so her alarm clock didn't wake her this morning. It wasn't until Qiu Bai called her.    


Today was the last scene in all of her scenes in "Mad Qian Bi". Qian Bi had left the country to make her own day in Los Angeles, while her teacher had travelled thousands of miles to America to find her, but she had long forgotten about her teacher's teachings. She only felt that she was poor and had lost her own face.    


Ding Yiyi could totally imagine that if she couldn't catch up, Director Dai would definitely be furious and drag the entire production team down with him. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became.    


Ye Bo felt that Ding Yiyi and Young Master must be fated. He couldn't believe that he would actually see Ding Yiyi so early on. He purposely said, "Isn't that Miss Ding?"    


When Ye Nianmo heard the sound, he immediately opened his eyes and looked out the window. Ding Yiyi looked around anxiously, her knee-length skirt fluttering in the wind.    


His gaze was locked on her. From the moment he heard the news, he purposely stopped himself from thinking about her. She used the work she did to numb herself. However, the moment she saw her, all of her previous efforts were defeated.    


Ye Bo saw the nervousness on Ding Yiyi's face and asked, "Miss Yiyi seems to be very anxious?"    


Ye Nianmo frowned. It was very difficult to get a taxi here. The beautiful girl's hair was messed up by the wind, and her expression was full of anxiety. She was frowning, and the more he looked, the more distressed he was.    


Ding Yiyi walked forward dejectedly. It was difficult to find a taxi here, so she was definitely late. A horn sounded behind her, and she thought she was in the way as she hastily dodged to the side.    


A car pulled up beside her. The man in the car was in his thirties, with a stubble on his chin and a suit. He looked ready to go to work.    


"You seem to be in a hurry? It's very hard to stop a car here, do you need me to take you there? " The man said with a smile.    


Ding Yiyi was slightly stunned. She was happy at first, but then cautious, and when she thought about it, the good intentions of the stranger was something that needed careful consideration. Who knew if he would drag her into the wilderness?    


"Thank you, no, I'll wait." She decided against it.    


The man didn't seem to give up as he started the car and slowly followed her, "I'm not a bad person. I know you. You did an advertisement, right? Look, this is my ID card."    


Ding Yiyi felt embarrassed when the man said this. The man sighed. "Actually, I have to pick up a customer from the airport. I'm sorry for my presumptuousness when I saw you carrying your luggage."    


"No, no, thank you." Ding Yiyi hurriedly said.    


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