Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1302 Wealthy Marriage 1230

C1302 Wealthy Marriage 1230

Ding Yiyi's shoulders collapsed. The crying of Xu Haorann and Ao Xue made her upset. She looked towards the window as if she also saw Qiu Bai's soul. She was still wearing her white dress and had a faint smile on her face, as if to say, "I support your decision."    


"I'm sorry." She lowered her head and walked outside with heavy steps. The moment she stepped out of the door, she saw Ye Nianmo and Baker standing outside the corridor.    


"Thank you for helping the police." Baker took out his handcuffs and walked into the room. Soon, Ao Xue's wailing sound could be heard.    


"Yiyi!" How can you be so heartless! " Xu Haorann's sorrowful voice pierced Ding Yiyi's eardrums. She continued lowering her head and did not try to argue with him.    


She lightly leaned her head on Ye Nianmo's shoulder and cried painfully, "Tell me, I did not do anything wrong."    


"You're not wrong." Ye Nianmo hugged her tightly, giving her a firm hug.    


The case of Qiu Bai being raided re-entered the investigation of obtaining evidence. Ye Nianmo was worried about Ding Yiyi, so he forced her to stay in the Ye Family to recuperate.    


She ate and slept in her room for three days. On the evening of the third day, she woke up and looked out the window. The sunset was beautiful, like an orange goose egg.    


She got up and walked to the balcony in her pajamas. There was the sound of reading coming from under the balcony. She looked down at Ye Chuqing lying in Hai Zhuoxuan's arms. Hai Zhuoxuan held her in one hand and a book in the other.    


The setting sun was very beautiful, as were the two people under the setting sun. A warm energy suddenly infused into their depressed hearts.    


When the butler saw her, he hurried over, "Is Miss Yiyi hungry? There's still some time for dinner, I'll get the kitchen to prepare some food for you."    


"Thank you, butler. Is Nianmo still not off work?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


The butler nodded, "I said that I will be back early today."    


Ding Yiyi nodded and turned around to go back upstairs. There was a text from Zhou Mei on her phone. "Yiyi, you've been missing from class for three days already. This won't do."    


After sending a text message apologizing, Ding Yiyi packed up and prepared to go to Taekwondo to learn before Ye Nianmo came back.    


The driver took her to Taekwondo. Just as they passed the international shopping mall, a shadow flashed past them.    




Watching Soong Mengjie walk into the international shopping mall, she said to the driver, "Take me to the international shopping mall."    


When she reached the central entrance, she got out of the car and ran in the direction Soong Mengjie had left. At the corner, she saw Soong Mengjie standing in front of Armani's counter, picking out a belt.    


"Miss, you have good eyes. Many people would like to buy this tie. I believe your husband will like it."    


"Is that so?" Soong Mengjie smiled and handed her the tie. "Help me wrap it up."    


"Mengjie!" Ding Yiyi ran to her, panting. Looking at the tie in the clerk's hand, she asked curiously, "You have a boyfriend?"    


Soong Mengjie replied and turned her back to her as she selected her purse. "Yes."    


"That's great. If you're free, you can ask me out for a meal." Ding Yiyi sensed that she seemed to be against talking about that man, so she stopped talking about it.    


Soong Mengjie walked in front of the counter and swiped the card before looking at Ding Yiyi, "It's been a long time since I've had a shopping spree, come with me."    


The two of them strolled around the international shopping mall. Some people recognized Ding Yiyi and took the initiative to call out the moment they entered the store. "Madame Ye."    


"You finally managed to cultivate to the maximum, and now you can be together with him in broad daylight." Soong Mengjie said in envy.    


Ding Yiyi said, "Your lady won't reveal your relationship with her? Can't you all be together in the open? "    


Soong Mengjie smiled and did not say anything else. After strolling around for a few hours, Soong Mengjie became a little tired. "Are you going to look for Ye Nianmo? Then I'll go home first."    


"Mm, alright. We'll meet again when we're free." Ding Yiyi nodded in agreement.    


On the top floor of the international shopping mall, the black and white marbles gave off a solemn feeling. Ding Yiyi walked to the door of the CEO's office.    


"She committed suicide?"    


"Hualala." The paper bag in her hand fell to the ground, and she quickly bent down to pick it up. When the door opened, she saw a pair of shiny leather shoes.    


Ye Nianmo pulled her into his office and kissed her heavily on her hair. "You can choose to ignore this matter."    


"What happened to her?" Ding Yiyi lay cutely in his arms. Every time she asked him a question, her heart would be in turmoil.    


"Cut my wrist and kill myself. I've been transferred to the hospital." Ye Nianmo said.    


In front of the hospital ward, two policemen stopped the doctor with a mask on his face. "Didn't you just check it fifteen minutes ago?"    


"The patient's mental state is very unstable. Not only should she pay attention to her physical condition, she should also pay attention to her mental condition." The doctor said as he flipped through the medical history book in his hand while wearing a mask.    


The police opened the door for her. Ao Xue was lying on the sickbed inside the door, her wrist bandaged up tightly. She looked at the ceiling and coldly said, "Get out."    


"No one will be able to help you once I get out." Si Si took off her mask and looked down at her on the bed.    


"Mom." Ao Xue struggled to get up, but her shoulder was held back by Si Si. She cautiously glanced outside and said in a low voice, "Don't make a sound."    


Ao Xue looked panicked, "With that Audio Recorder, it's already a foregone conclusion, I'm dead for sure."    


"Don't tell me you forgot that you still have a father, and that your father is indebted to the Ye Family? Xia Yihan and Ye Nianmo wouldn't have the heart to reject his request." Si Si tidied up her hair and said at a leisurely pace.    


A trace of hope flashed in Ao Xue's eyes, but it was mostly a blank look, "Will Dad help? After all, Ding Yiyi is also her daughter. "    


"Of course you will. This will require your own hard work." Si Si stood up and whispered in her ear, "Legally, it's not even illegal for a mentally ill person to kill someone."    


Ao Xue frowned. How could she not know what she was talking about? However, she was very clear-headed when she bumped into Qiu Bai. It was impossible for the judge to determine that she was a lunatic.    


"So you still need to go in and stay for half a month. After half a month, you will go into a mental state and use it to guarantee that you will be sent to a doctor." Si Si told him her plan.    


Ao Xue's throat was dry. After a long while, she finally managed to say, "Is there no other way?"    


"No," Si Si looked at her coldly, "Also, Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi are getting married at the beginning of next month. You can't stop them this time."    


"Hehe!" Ao Xue sat on the bed, looking at the scene in front of her with empty eyes as she sneered, "I've done so much, but I still can't stop this ending. I can't stop it!"    


Si Si looked at her as if she was looking at herself back then. No matter how hard she tried, Ye Zimo's heart would always be with Xia Yihan.    


She reached out her hand to grab Ao Xue's cheek, her tone also somewhat agitated. "Those bitches who stole other men's men all have to die!"    


The police officer outside the door heard a sound from inside, and the two of them hastily opened the door to see the doctor leaving the room with the medical record book and a mask on his face.    


The prisoner's back was to them, and his body rose and fell as if he had fallen asleep. They looked at each other, then closed the door.    


detention centre    


The blue iron gate slowly opened and a young man walked out. When he saw the old man, tears instantly flowed down his face, "Mom."    


Jiu Jiu stepped forward and slapped him. "Child, have you ever thought about me? You made that kind of decision so easily. Have you ever thought about how many tears I've shed for you!"    


Yan Mingyao stood there and called her. Looking at the white hair that suddenly appeared on her temples, he blamed himself, "Mom, I'm sorry."    


Xia Yihan, who was at the side, also wiped away her tears. "If you had said that you liked Ao Xue back then, why would I have kept on making Nianmo and her match? This would have made both you and Nianmo miserable."    


"I forced her to do everything. Even if it was done voluntarily, it has nothing to do with her. I want to talk to the judge about this." Yan Mingyao said firmly.    


At the court hearing three days later, Ding Yiyi saw Xu Haorann the moment she got off her car.    


Xu Haorann was wearing a suit and sunglasses as he walked towards the side door of the court with an extremely low profile. She watched his back until her shoulders tightened.    


"Let's go." Ye Nianmo put his arm around her shoulders and said softly.    


The two of them sat down in their seats and were surprised to find that Fu Fengyi and Xia Yihan had also arrived. Fu Fengyi's expression was solemn as she said, "I had high hopes for this child in the past and never thought that she would do such a thing."    


Xia Yihan's tone was filled with grief as she said, "I hope that she will be able to change it well this time."    


When it was time for the hearing, the reporter said, "Everyone stand up."    


Ao Xue looked haggard. Her wrists were wrapped in white gauze, and her head was bowed throughout. She only looked up at the judge as he entered the room.    


"In the case of the accident at Xintang University, the perpetrator drove a stolen Toyota and hit the victim, Qiu Bai, causing the victim to die on the spot. Then, he was replaced. The circumstances were very bad." The prosecutor's voice sounded.    


Ding Yiyi's gaze was always on Xu Haorann. When she saw his body tremble after hearing the prosecution's words, she couldn't help but look away.    


"I object," Xu Haorann said to a lawyer hired by Ao Xue. "Here is a medical record of the client committing suicide many times, suffering from depression later on, suffering from severe pain from a child's miscarriage and self-mutilation not long ago. Therefore, I applied for a weight-loss assessment of the client's mental condition.    


"From the surveillance at the scene of the accident, the prisoner's movements were very fluent. It was obviously a controlled action done with clear consciousness. Even if she had mental problems, but judging from the time on that day, she clearly had the ability to perform civil acts."    


The judge said, "Perform a mental appraisal for the client and temporarily adjourn the court. The court will be held again in the afternoon."    


Ding Yiyi stood up and walked out. Suddenly, she felt a gaze behind her that could not be considered kind. She turned her head and met Ao Xue's gaze.    


She was being driven by two policewomen, and there was too much in her eyes. Suddenly, the corner of her mouth twitched, and her smile quickly disappeared.    


Outside the court, Ding Yiyi bumped into Xu Haorann. He silently patted Ye Nianmo's shoulder, but his gaze did not fall on Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi's heart tightened, "Dad."    


Xu Haorann stopped walking, his shoulders were trembling, and his old voice was choked with sobs, "What do you want? Even after I'm dead, I don't know if someone will send me to death."    


Ye Nianmo was worried about Xu Haorann. He gave Ding Yiyi a look and went forward to help Xu Haorann leave.    


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