Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1279 Wealthy Marriage 1207

C1279 Wealthy Marriage 1207

"Young Master Jie said that he will explain the situation to you when you arrive at Las Vegas." The man didn't care about Ding Dacheng and Ding Meirong anymore, he just drove Ding Yiyi directly towards the airport.    


"What are you all doing!" Ding Yiyi waved her limbs in panic, "I want to explain everything to me when Jie Tian comes back!"    


When no one answered, they went into the airport and the man bought a plane ticket to Hawaii, ready to change planes from Hawaii.    


A car was speeding along the highway. Andrew dialed Baker's number. "Uncle Baker, I want to ask you a favor."    




As time passed and the guard was still not moving a step away, Ding Yiyi felt that something was wrong, "What happened to Jie Tian?"    


"Miss Ding, young master Jie is on his way. Let's get on the plane and he'll join us soon."    


Seeing that it was almost time, one of the men stood up and stood beside Ding Yiyi, gesturing for her to follow him.    


Suddenly, there was a ruckus outside the airport. Several policemen rushed into the airport lobby with their dogs. The airport lobby often had this type of inspection activity, so it didn't cause too much of a commotion.    


One of the men looked at the boarding pass as he waited to board the plane, casually watching the dogs sniffing around the airport.    


A police dog came up to Ding Yiyi and circled around her, sniffing at her bag and the back of her hand.    


"Comrade, please open the bag and check."    


"Oh, okay."    


Although Ding Yiyi thought it was strange, she still opened the bag and took out her wallet and some cosmetics.    


The police dog still lingered around the bag and refused to leave. Ding Yiyi stuck out her tongue as she awkwardly asked, "Why is it following me?"    


The police officer solemnly told her, "Please come with us."    


The two men could only watch helplessly as Ding Yiyi was brought along. One of them asked, "What should we do?"    


"What else can we do? Report to Young Master Jie! "    


In the police station, Baker chattered on while holding his phone, "I won't be able to do it again. If I, the bureau chief, open the backdoor for your Ye Family like this again, then I won't be able to get retired."    


With a brush in one hand, he held the phone to his ear, and with the other he held a turtle to brush its back.    


As he muttered to himself, the door was pushed open. Ye Nianmo hung up the phone and looked at him expressionlessly.    


"Cough cough," Baker let the turtle go of the water vat, "This time you said that a gambler from Las Vegas has returned. What exactly is going on?"    


"His name is Jie Tian, and from what I know, he is the son of Las Vegas Gamble King. He just inherited a huge amount of wealth and has dozens of casinos under his control. He's planning to build a house in Dongjiang City soon, and you should check for yourself."    


Baker rubbed his chin, "You said that he might borrow Dongjiang City to wash some money that cannot be exposed to the light?"    


"That's what the police want. I want to see her."    


Baker stood up, "Who is that woman? Didn't you like Ding Yiyi? This woman is indeed more beautiful than she is. "    


Ye Nianmo glanced at him and walked outside. Baker followed him with dissatisfaction. "Why do I feel like you're even more familiar with this place than I am!"    


Seeing Ye Nianmo, Ding Yiyi wasn't surprised at all. She said lightly, "I thought it was you."    


Ye Nianmo stood in front of her and said, "Sorry."    


She picked up her bag and stood up. "I can go now, right?"    


Her hand had just opened the door when one of them slammed against the door and locked her between it and the wall.    


"You're the only person I've ever loved." Ye Nianmo pursed his lips and paused before continuing, "If it wasn't for today, would you have really given up on me?"    


Ding Yiyi sighed. "There is more than love in life. If giving up love can make most people happy, then I choose to give up."    


"What about my happiness, what about yours?"    


He forced her to look at him, not giving her the chance to escape. He wanted her to see his anger even more clearly.    


She looked at him, her voice choked with sobs. "When Grandmother begged me to let you go, do you know how sad I was? Since our happiness wasn't blessed, I would let it go."    


"You woman," Ye Nianmo gritted his teeth as he walked forward, using the lip to block her sharp tongue.    


The door was opened. Baker wanted to come in and remind the two of them, but when he saw them, he suddenly turned around to block his colleagues, "I remember that there's something else for you two to come with me."    


Ding Yiyi was forced to endure the crazy bombardment. Her hands first refused to budge, then gradually softened.    


The lip finally separated, Ye Nianmo looked at her and muttered, "Kissing with an unfamiliar face is really weird."    


The sudden ringtone made the two of them, who were intoxicated, come to their senses. Ye Nianmo's eyes were full of suppressed anger. He caressed the corner of her lips and picked up the phone.    


At the other end of the phone, something was being said. His expression turned darker and darker, like a cold winter's frost that was emitting cold air.    


At this moment, Ding Yiyi's cell phone rang. After she finished reading it, a strange expression appeared on her face.    


"Yiyi, I have something that I need to go back to the company for. Why don't you go back to the Ye Family first?" Ye Nianmo whispered as he pressed his hand against her forehead. Then, he wanted to turn around and leave.    


"Ao Xue kidnapped Grandma." Ding Yiyi, who was standing behind him, said in a light tone as she held her phone.    


Ye Nianmo suddenly turned around and grabbed both her arms, "I will settle this matter."    


"But she asked to see me by name."    




"I'll go by myself, or you go with me!"    


Ye Nianmo compromised and could only say: "Promise me. No matter what, don't agree to any request she makes."    


Ding Yiyi didn't answer, and he didn't dare to let go of her hand. His sharp gaze locked onto her every move. "Promise me!"    




The two of them had already opened the door. Baker, who was pasted on the door, immediately stood up, "As a public servant, we need to intervene in this matter."    


Fu Fengyiang was in control of Fu Fengyi's heart, and he did not want to blow the matter any further, so he said: "Uncle Baker, this is not a criminal case, it's a family matter for Ye Family, thank you."    


After exiting the police station, Jie Tian, who was leaning against the Porsche door, suddenly straightened up. His left cheek was still bruised and his clothes were slightly wrinkled. He didn't look like before at all.    


"Jie Tian, what happened to you?" Ding Yiyi hurriedly asked.    


Jie Tian cast his gaze towards Ye Nianmo. Ding Yiyi followed his gaze and looked over. Ye Nianmo calmly looked into the distance.    


"Yes, let's go." Jie Tian pulled on Ding Yiyi's wrist and opened the door to let her in.    


Ye Nianmo immediately celebrated her wrist with his other hand. "Don't even think about it."    


If the soldiers on the battlefield were to face off against each other, Ye Nianmo would suddenly let go of his hand. He turned around and walked towards his car, "I'll leave her in your care today."    


He got into the car. The driver was about to start the car when another figure opened the door and got in.    


"I said she was looking for me." Ding Yiyi said, looking directly at the windshield.    


Ye Nianmo was slightly shocked. He also wanted to tie Ding Yiyi to his side, but he also didn't want her to be in danger. Ding Yiyi's initiative gave him the best reason to break his hesitation.    


Just as he was about to let the driver drive, the car door opened again. Jie Tian sat on the other side of Ding Yiyi and said with a wronged expression, "Ding! How can you abandon me! "    


"Ding?" Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows with a strange expression on his face. He had heard Jie Tian call her this before so he didn't think much of it. Right now, his mood was naturally different from before.    


Jie Tian was dissatisfied after hearing that. "This is a sign of the intimacy between her and me!"    


"Is that so?" Ye Nianmo's expression was indifferent as he suddenly opened his mouth, "Dearest."    


Ding Yiyi could see that the two of them were at loggerheads. She could only sit there between them like a plaster cast, feeling extremely awkward.    


As the car sped past its destination, it happened to pass a place where the road was repaired. The road was full of holes and the driver just turned a corner. Ding Yiyi slightly tilted her head towards Jie Tian.    


She wanted to sit up straight, but she had to pass through an arc that was very wide. She sat in the middle and there was nothing she could do to stabilize her body. She could only sit up straight.    


Jie Tian smiled like a fox waiting for its prey. Suddenly, a big hand gently grabbed Ding Yiyi's shoulder, reversing the situation.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at him and waited until the car came around the corner before he let go of Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi's face was a little red. It was unknown if it was because of Ye Nianmo's action just now or something else. Seeing the interaction between the two of them, a trace of jealousy flashed in Jie Tian's eyes.    


This trace of jealousy was well-concealed, but it was caught by Ye Nianmo. He tilted his head slightly to look at him, and his eyes showed no emotion.    


Suddenly, Jie Tian's phone rang. When he picked it up, he frowned more and more.    


"Young Master Jie, are you not here yet? Something has happened at home! "    


"Got it."    


Jie Tian hoarsely hung up, but his face clearly turned serious. He had left the Las Vegas for too long, so some restless people took the opportunity to cause trouble.    


He turned his head to look at Ding Yiyi as he hesitated in his heart. He wasn't willing to let go of Ding Yiyi and return to Las Vegas by himself! Thinking about this, he hated Ye Nianmo even more.    


The car stopped in front of a hotel, which was 12 stories high. Ding Yiyi asked, "Which one are they in?"    


"I don't know." Ye Nianmo pursed his lips. Ao Xue didn't seem to want them to find her directly, so why?    


Entering the lobby of the hotel, the hotel staff refused to show any guest information. Since it was too late to get Baker to help, Ye Nianmo immediately made a decision, "Let's split up and search."    


Ding Yiyi had just walked to the corridor beside the elevator when Jie Tian followed her. At the corner, Ye Nianmo was already waiting for him.    


"If you don't want to find me, I won't force you." Ye Nianmo stood up and looked at him.    


Jie Tian snorted and said in disdain, "I must take her away."    


"Even giving up the business of Las Vegas?" Ye Nianmo had a faint smile on his face, but his words touched Jie Tian's nerves and his face turned cold.    


Ding Yiyi's scream came from not far away. The two of them looked each other in the eye and immediately ran towards the source of the scream.    


"Miss, I just want to get to know you." A well-dressed but slightly tipsy man blocked Ding Yiyi's way, his alcoholic mouth trying to get close to her several times.    


"Go away!" Ding Yiyi pushed at him with a look of disgust.    


The man originally only wanted to take liberties with her, but seeing that her wildness had been aroused, his head seemed to move upwards!    


Ding Yiyi saw that he was stubborn and unrelenting, so she stepped on the man's foot in a hurry.    


The man only furrowed his brows. He wanted to stick it up again, but just as he got close, he let out a blood-curdling screech, clutching his crotch as he painfully crouched down.    


Ding Yiyi hastily jumped out of his seal and stomped on his feet. "You hoodlum!"    


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