Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1360 Wealthy Marriage 1288

C1360 Wealthy Marriage 1288

"No," Ye Bo said, "On the contrary, the other side refused to accept any money. They just wanted to help with justice and thought Young Madame was responsible for her actions."    


Ye Nianmo gently knocked on the table with his slender hands, "Arrange it for me."    


In a normal neighborhood, a man was training on a parallel bar. As the Porsche drove into the neighborhood, his eyes immediately sharpened.    


The car door in his direction opened and a man got out and walked toward him.    


Before anyone could get close to him, he said, "I'm a police officer, I won't lie for you."    


"What do you think is a lie? "Tong Ba?" Ye Nianmo asked while stroking the rusted railing.    


Tong Ba was not surprised when he read his name, "I know you are very smart, but I refuse to speak. If there is a need, I will still say it. That day, that woman helped the criminal escape."    


Ye Nianmo's eyes turned cold, "You know that it's very dangerous to be a police officer. You can sacrifice yourself at any time."    


"My master said that you have to die for the sake of the people as a policeman. I have already made this decision!" Tong Ba's childish face was filled with the feeling of not being afraid of the tiger at all.    


Ye Nianmo could vaguely see a person in his mind, "Your master is?"    


"Baker!" Tong Ba said proudly.    


Ye Nianmo sighed. He knew it was his disciple. Until today, his master already knew how to handle things tactfully, but the young man in front of him obviously didn't know.    


He turned around and walked away. Tong Ba was surprised that he let him go so easily. He looked at this mysterious man in confusion.    


Just after returning to Ye Group, Ye Bo answered the phone, "Miss Gao is still waiting for you in the office."    


Ye Nianmo wiped it away, "To the international shopping mall."    


In the office, Gao Huilan was a little angry, "Didn't you say that Nianmo would be back in the morning?"    


The secretary, who had just received a call from Ye Bo, naturally knew what to say, "It's like this, didn't Bureau Chief Gao come to investigate today? He put forward a lot of requirements and Director Ye followed through with them."    


Gao Huilan thought that she had to tell her dad that she would reduce the burden on Ye Nianmo when she got home tonight. Thus, she walked out of the office and saw Su Qing.    


"Su Qing," she warmly stepped forward and held her hand, "Where are you going?"    


"The washroom." Su Qing had long since heard that she was the daughter of a certain bureau chief, and immediately didn't dare to offend her.    


"What a coincidence, I want to go too. Let's go together." Gao Huilan took her hand and walked towards the bathroom.    


In the bathroom, she took out Chanel's newest lipstick and handed it to Su Qing. "This is for you."    


"Oh my god, there are hundreds of them. You should still use it for yourself." Su Qing quickly tried to shirk her.    


Gao Huilan smiled. "It's fine. Take it and use it. I have quite a few in my house."    


Only after seeing Madame Ye accept it did she ask, "Is there any gossip that can be said by Madame Ye?"    


"Speaking of gossip, there really is one." Su Qing looked around before continuing in a low voice, "Actually, the one Director Ye liked the most was a girl called Ding Yiyi, but then somehow that girl disappeared and was replaced with a girl called Ding Yiyi. However, this girl is a lot prettier."    


Gao Huilan pondered, "Are you saying that two people named Ding Yiyi had a past relationship with Director Ye, but that Ding Yiyi married Director Ye in the end?"    


"That's right, I won't say anymore. I'll be leaving first." Su Qing smiled as she took the lipstick and left the washroom.    


Gao Huilan looked at herself in the mirror. She believed that there must be something wrong. A few days later, she had found a private detective and handed her the information.    


She pulled out the information and looked as if she knew it. Ding Yiyi did a plastic surgery, probably thinking that she wasn't pretty, so she changed into someone else and then approached Ye Nianmo.    


Holding the information, she was very happy, "Watch how I defeat you."    


At Ye Nianmo's house, Ding Yiyi poured a cup of tea for him, "What do you want to say?"    


"I know all your secrets." Gao Huilan said confidently.    


Ding Yiyi frowned in agreement. "Oh?" Tell me about it? "    


As she spoke, she picked up the documents on the table. After she finished reading the documents, her expression slightly changed, "You're investigating me?"    


"There's only one choice right now. Leave Ye Nianmo so that I won't tell him about your plastic surgery. After all, you did it to get close to him, right?"    


Ding Yiyi took the documents and walked to the window. She looked at the morning glory that had covered half of the balcony. "Are you sure you want to do this?"    


"Yes, you can't give him the best, and I can." She was full of confidence.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and handed the documents to her. "What if I tell you to let me go and not tell anyone else about this?"    


Gao Huilan looked up. "Impossible. This is a war between you and me. I have won it for sure."    


"Then go ahead and say it. Good luck." Ding Yiyi walked to the entrance to look at her.    


Gao Huilan felt that she was being provoked. After coming out from the Ye Family, she was so angry that she directly called Ye Nianmo, "I have something very important to tell you."    


In the office, Ye Nianmo said seriously, "The very important thing you said is that my wife had a plastic surgery, and her real face is like my ex-girlfriend?"    


"That's right." Gao Huilan thought that it was hard for him to accept, so she said softly, "Nianmo, she really isn't suitable for you."    


"Then who is suitable for me?" Ye Nianmo suddenly looked at her and said in a deep voice that sounded like magical music.    


Gao Huilan's face turned red. Before she could finish what she wanted to say, the man opposite her spoke again. "I want to calm down."    


"Right." Seeing that she had achieved her goal, Gao Huilan left the restaurant straightforwardly.    


In the office, Ye Nianmo casually scanned the information into the trash can, but his thoughts started to stir. He temporarily didn't know what exactly Gao Ao wanted Ye Group for, but seeing that Gao Huilan seemed to be able to use it, he opened up his internal network, "Come here for a bit."    


In the Finance Office, Gao Huilan's thoughts were not on work. She wanted to take the opportunity to give Ding Yiyi a final strike, and she had already thought of a way to crush her camel.    


"Su Qing, let me treat you to dinner tonight."    


At night, Su Qing looked around at the high grade decorations in the surrounding restaurants, "I heard that this restaurant only provides 30 tables a day."    


"That's right, this is for you." Gao Huilan handed her the LV bag she had just bought. "I think you'll look good in this latest one."    


Su Qing saw that even the eyes of the bag were glowing. She took the bag and said, "You've spent a lot of money again."    


"Nothing," Gao Huilan smiled. "I still have a small favor I need your help with."    


Within a few days, rumors spread out from the Ye Group that Gao Huilan and Ye Nianmo had some sort of relationship, and in a short period of time, it became the topic of discussion among the Ye Group employees.    


All of this quickly reached Ding Yiyi's ears. She looked at the LV bag and Chanel lipstick on the table and smiled. "Thank you, Su Qing."    


"Madame Ye, this is what I should do. I'll be going then." Su Qing was just about to leave when she was called out. "You should also take these things with you."    


After Su Qing left, Ding Yiyi thought for a while. She knew that she would be able to get Gao Huilan to scram tomorrow. When everything was settled, Ye Nianmo came back just in time.    


Inwardly, she was rejoicing that Su Qing had not been discovered by Ye Nianmo long ago, so she turned her head away to ignore him.    


Ye Nianmo walked to the hallway and saw a pair of female slippers. He slowly put them into the shoe cabinet and then slowly changed his shoes.    


Ding Yiyi ran over after she had just finished changing her shoes. When she saw nothing strange at the entrance, she let out a long sigh. She had almost forgotten that Su Qing came to change her shoes.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Nianmo asked casually.    


Ding Yiyi turned her head away guiltily. "Nothing."    


Ye Nianmo walked to the sofa. The moment he sat down, he found a long strand of red hair that definitely did not belong to Ding Yiyi.    


"My hair hasn't been well nourished recently." Ding Yiyi hurriedly said.    


Ye Nianmo nodded seriously, "I'll buy some calcium tablets to eat later."    


That night, the two slept separately. When the person beside Ye Nianmo was fast asleep, Ye Nianmo was about to reach out to grab the person beside him when a muffled thunder came from outside the window.    


Ding Yiyi's body jolted and she rolled into a familiar embrace out of habit. She took a sniff with her nose before falling into a deep sleep.    


Ye Nianmo's hand was still empty in the air. The rain fell on the window and stained it. He looked at her sleeping face and pressed the person in his embrace tighter.    


The next day, at Ye Group, the moment Gao Huilan entered the office, she saw that no one was working, but were standing. In the center of the crowd, Ding Yiyi was happily sitting, with her head lowered in front of Su Qing.    


"Su Qing, spreading rumors on your own, causing the company to be in a foul mood. Now, you have to decide on your resignation." The HR manager looked at Ding Yiyi and said loudly.    


Gao Huilan placed her bag on the table and sat with her back to the others. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.    


"It wasn't me. Gao Huilan told me to say it." Su Qing yelled from the side, "If you want to quit, you should do so with her. She was the one who instigated me to say that."    


Ding Yiyi stood up. "Gao Huilan, do you have anything else to say?"    


"I have nothing to say." Gao Huilan glared viciously at Su Qing as she picked up the documents on the table and prepared to leave.    


Suddenly, Ye Nianmo walked in from outside with large strides, "The Ye Group is very lively today."    


"Nianmo." Gao Huilan decided to go down the drain. "Madame Ye said early in the morning that I was spreading rumors about the company."    


Ye Nianmo glanced at Ding Yiyi and said with a serious tone, "Is that so?"    


Ding Yiyi's heart turned cold. "That's right."    


She stared at him. She was about to win, and as long as he didn't say anything, she would win. Gao Huilan would leave with Ye Group.    


"There's no point in discussing this matter. What I want to see is Ye Group moving further and further away." Ye Nianmo was silent for a while before he suddenly opened his mouth.    


He glanced around the room. All the employees had lowered their heads to take care of their work. Ding Yiyi was the only one left standing in the middle of the office.    


She looked around and saw that no one dared to come into contact with her again. She knew that she lost, not because she won, but because she lost. Using Ye Nianmo's hand, she lost in a way that was beyond recognition.    


"Let's go home." In the end, Ye Nianmo couldn't bear to make her too upset, so he turned around after finishing his sentence.    


Gao Huilan glanced at her before leaving with Ye Nianmo.    


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