Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1372 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1300

C1372 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1300

Ding Yiyi wanted to attend the charity dinner tonight, so she didn't insist. She packed up and went out with Ye Chuqing to get her hair done.    


Ao Xue had been sitting in the living room, her hands fiddling with her skirt, her almond-shaped eyes were staring at the servant. The servant finished mopping the floor and then prepared to go to the garden to water the flowers, seemingly not monitoring her.    


As soon as the servant left the living room, she immediately stood up. Just as she was about to call Si Si, she was surprised to see two men in black barge in from outside.    


"What are you guys going to do?" She gripped the doll in her hand and backed away. Although she knew that they wouldn't hurt her, she still put on a frightened expression on her face.    


The black clothed man stepped forward and grabbed her arm. Perhaps he knew that she had no attack power, so only one person looked at her. The other person took large strides towards the door.    


Ao Xue struggled desperately, "Sister, save me! Sister, save me! "    


Of course, she knew that Ding Yiyi wouldn't appear. She wanted to attract the attention of the servants, but unfortunately, no one came to save her after getting on the car.    


It was Ye Nianmo! It must be him! He wanted to take advantage of Ding Yiyi's absence and take her away! She wasn't that easy to fool!    


She saw that one man was sitting in the driver's seat while the other was sitting in the front. No one was paying attention to her. She carefully pulled away the doll and took out the cotton wool.    


The summer wind was very light, so she didn't expect Ding Yiyi to see it. She just wanted to let him know that she was kidnapped. When the time came, she would definitely cause trouble for Ye Nianmo.    


The car sped off into the distance until it disappeared.    


Ding Yiyi was absent-minded as she held a glass of wine at the banquet. She had been isolated from the world for so long that she felt unfamiliar with these kinds of occasions.    


As she passed by a group of children around five to six years old, she suddenly thought of Ao Xue at home. She couldn't stop worrying, so she put down her cup and prepared to go home.    


"Madam, young master is going to have a talk soon. Would you like to take a seat in the garden?" Ye Bo just happened to show up.    


She shook her head. "No, I'm not feeling well. I want to go back first."    


Ye Bo didn't say anything as he walked with her to the door. When she turned around and saw everything in the hall, she suddenly felt empty.    


When she returned home, she immediately felt that something was wrong. The house was too quiet, it was as if a strong wind was passing through, bringing about a depression.    


"Snowy?" She walked up the stairs, and just as she reached the last floor, she saw a servant rushing out of the guest room, "Miss Au Xue is gone, I've been busy with other things. I don't think someone as big as her will be lost, so!"    


"She's gone!" Ding Yiyi's head buzzed. She pushed the servant away and entered Ao Xue's room. Everything in the room was neatly arranged without any signs of having been in a passive position.    


"Why aren't you optimistic about her!" Without waiting for more words, she ran downstairs and coincidentally met Ye Nianmo at the door.    


The servant rushed forward. He took off his jacket and handed it to the servant.: "Why didn't you wait for me?"    


"Ao Xue disappeared. Maybe she didn't find me and ran out by herself." Ding Yiyi said anxiously.    


Ye Nianmo was sitting calmly on the sofa as he nodded, "I'll get Ye Bo to investigate."    


Ding Yiyi knew that it was impossible for her to find Ye Nianmo when she went out for a stroll, so she could only agree with Ye Nianmo's plan. She tossed and turned the whole night, unable to fall asleep. She thought what if Ao Xue was bullied on the road, and wondered if anyone would take her in. What if the one taking her in was a bad person?    


She carefully got up and put on her coat before heading to the balcony. Although it was already past midnight, the sky was still blue and did not seem too dark.    


She squinted and saw a white streak under the light from the front door. The white mark was not very obvious, but it was very regular. From her point of view, it just so happened to form a long straight line.    


She felt suspicious, so she went downstairs to check the door. Only then did she clearly see that the white marks were balls of cotton.    


The cotton was sticky, so it became clumps of clumps. She followed the traces of the cotton until she found a rag at the entrance of the district.    


It was the doll that Ao Xue always carried in her arms. The original doll could still be faintly seen from the rag. She pulled the rag doll in her hands tightly, her heart chilled to the extreme.    


At dawn, she sat there in a daze for the whole night until a warm kiss landed on her forehead. "Good morning!"    


"Will you help me find Ao Xue?" Her voice was flat.    


Ye Nianmo nodded, "I will!"    


"You liar!" Ding Yiyi stood up abruptly. "You were the one who tied Ao Xue up. You wanted to drive her away. You don't want a lunatic staying in our house!"    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "I'm only sending her to the treatment site. It won't be good if she isn't."    


Ding Yiyi paced around the room irritably. "No, I'm the one she needs. She'll be fine with me. She'll definitely be fine."    


Ye Nianmo grabbed her arms, "You are forcing yourself to atone for your sins!"    


"I am!" Ding Yiyi shook off his hands as tears welled up in her eyes. She casually wiped them away and asked, "Then why didn't you give me this opportunity?"    


Ye Nianmo's heart ached. They had already quarreled several times when Ao Xue arrived. This was not what he wanted. He said lightly, "We need to calm down each other down."    


He pulled his suitcase out of the closet and put a few suits in it. The air smelled of silence.    


Ding Yiyi sat on the bed and watched him do all of this with listless eyes. It was as if all the oxygen in her chest had been sucked out. She took in two deep breaths.    


Ye Nianmo packed up quickly. He looked at her and said softly, "Eat well."    


The sound of the suitcase scraping across the floor was extremely clear. She sat down on the soft bed and curled her arms in confusion. Then, she quickly put them down.    


"Nianmo?" She let out a soft cry, but she didn't get up to chase after the person who left.    


He left her, he left her, did that mean we all needed to calm down? Did that mean he was tired of marriage, tired of her putting Ao Xue between them?    


"Madam?" The servant stood at the door and looked at him carefully.    


Ding Yiyi stood up and said, "You won't be coming over for the next few days. Let's talk after I find Ao Xue."    


The last person left. She walked around the room a few times, then went downstairs, from the living room to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the bathroom.    


Soft cotton slippers on the floor made no sound, and she drifted like a ghost around the huge house.    


When she finally stopped at the door, the sun was shining just in time, and the first rays of the morning sun were spreading warmth to every corner of the world. In the garden, the sunflowers were the first attribute as they stretched their long waists and welcomed the warmth with their faces.    


She stood where the sun could not reach her, too sad to breathe. She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come, and the glands seemed to be blocked.    


After a long time, she closed the door. When she went out again, she went to the police station.    


"Are you saying that your sister mysteriously disappeared from home yesterday?" The police officer that was chanting did not even raise his head to take notes.    


"Yes," Ding Yiyi licked her dry lips, "He has a dual personality disorder, so right now, her personality is only five or six years old."    


The policeman looked up at her and quickly wrote a few words in his notebook, "All right."    


"That's it? "Don't you need to know anything more?" Ding Yiyi was slightly surprised.    


The policeman nodded impatiently, "We will pay attention."    


She walked out of the police station and stood on the side of the road, waiting for a taxi.    


She waited for a long time, but no car came. She took out her phone out of habit and wanted to call Ye Nianmo. When she held the phone in her hand, she suddenly remembered that the two of them were in a cold war.    


Her heart was sad. On one hand, she couldn't find Ao Xue, and on the other hand, it was her relationship with Ye Nianmo that was in danger.    


Ye Family    


Ye Chuqing was currently accompanying Hai Ziyu in the garden to finish her homework. When she saw Ding Yiyi, she immediately welcomed her enthusiastically. "Sister-in-law."    


She pulled Ding Yiyi's hand and looked behind her. "Where's my brother? Haven't you always been holding onto him?"    


Ding Yiyi smiled with some difficulty. "He's busy with work."    


"Hug!" Hai Ziyu walked unsteadily towards Ding Yiyi with her drawing book in hand, hugging her leg without letting go.    


Ding Yiyi bent down, feeling that her heart that was riddled with holes had been healed. "Ziyu is really obedient."    


"Yiyi?" Hai Zhuoxuan happened to walk out of the living room and was surprised to see Ding Yiyi. "Nianmo didn't come?"    


Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Chuqing, whose ears were slightly red. She pulled her to the side and asked, "You and him?"    


"The homework teacher has instructed requires parents to do together." Ye Chuqing's face turned red as she finished her sentence. It seemed that she was in a good mood.    


Ding Yiyi didn't say anything. She looked at the family of three sitting around the table, doing their work. Ye Chuqing's hand accidentally touched Hai Zhuoxuan. Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, she was grabbed.    


She looked at the warm scenery in front of her, and slowly walked out of the Ye Family. If they were happy, then the sorrowful her would not be able to merge with it.    


Ding Yiyi got on the bus to return home just in time to get out of primary school. Ding Yiyi watched as the youthful and vigorous students filed in from the school gate. Her concern for Ao Xue grew stronger and stronger.    


psychiatric hospital    


Ao Xue looked at everything in horror. The man was in the process of getting her hospitalized. She knew that if she really went in, she wouldn't be able to get out. Yan Mingyao wasn't obedient to her here.    


Perhaps he thought that someone with a screw loose wouldn't run around. The man who was going through the procedure at the hospital didn't pay too much attention to Ao Xue.    


Coincidentally, there was a lunatic who was making a ruckus. Many people's attention was attracted to the scene, so Ao Xue took the opportunity to run out of the door.    


She didn't dare to stop for even a second. She ran to the door and stopped a truck. After getting on the truck, she hurriedly said, "Please take me to a place. I have money. I'll give you the money."    


She took a ring off her finger and handed it to the truck driver.    


The truck driver only glanced at the ring, his eyes never leaving Ao Xue before he stepped on the accelerator.    


Halfway there, they passed a repair shop. The truck driver stopped the car and reached for Ao Xue.    


"What are you doing!" Ao Xue was surprised and angry. She desperately tried to hide in a corner.    


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