Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1386 Wealthy Marriage 1314

C1386 Wealthy Marriage 1314

"Have you seen a man pass here recently? He's very tall and very serious. Maybe you've even seen his shadow on TV. His name is Xu Weiren. I saw him disappear from here the other day."    


She spoke a lot before stopping apologetically. "I'm sorry, I might have caused you trouble."    


"It's okay, but I've never seen the person you're talking about. I can keep an eye out for them." The girl said with a smile.    


Ding Yiyi nodded in thanks. Just as she was about to leave, she seemed to have thought of something and fished out a piece of 100 yuan from her purse. "The boy who came here last time seems to be a frequent customer of yours. Please give him the money next time you see him."    


After explaining these things, Ding Yiyi walked out of the door. The Persian cat followed by her side, lazily looking at the people coming and going.    


She went out, but the Persian cat stopped. Its furry tail swept over Ding Yiyi's calves, and its blue and green eyes stared straight at the sushi on the other side.    


Ding Yiyi smiled and said, "You want to eat?"    


"Miaomiao." The Persian cat rubbed its body against her, acting like it was acting spoiled.    


She walked into the rotating sushi. Although she wasn't hungry, she still felt hungry when she saw the brightly colored sushi.    


There weren't many people eating sushi, so the Persian cat was consciously squatting under a chair in the corner, waiting for Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi ordered a large amount of sashimi in one breath and then took some sushi to eat. Ding Yiyi ordered a large amount of sashimi in one breath and then took some sushi to eat.    


When they paid the bill, the cashier said, "Little Girl, you're so thin. You don't even weigh a hundred pounds, yet you ate two hundred yuan. You're in great health."    


Ding Yiyi glanced at the Persian cat lying outside the door licking its fur, smiling at the clerk and nodded.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi left the house on time as usual in the evening. It was a light breeze, so she didn't feel too uncomfortable, so she decided to walk a little further.    


That day, she saw Xu Weiren holding a supermarket shopping bag in his hand, so she was sure that he was nearby, but why didn't he pick up her phone? What had happened?    


"Miss!" Someone called to her from the roadside. It was Little Girl from the coffee shop.    


She stood by the blue window and extended her hand. "Hello, please come over."    


After Ding Yiyi entered, she handed Ding Yiyi a hundred-dollar bill, but this one had a phone number written on it.    


"And this." The clerk handed her a plum candy, "This was given to you by that gentleman. He said that he would be in a good mood after eating it."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry as she took the candy. Walking out of the door, she felt the touch of the wrapping paper in her hand. Smiling, she tore the wrapper off the candy.    


A sweet feeling filled his taste buds, followed by a sour feeling. His mouth secreted a large amount of liquid to satisfy this acidity.    


She hummed as she went home. Just as she pushed open the door, her smiling face instantly collapsed.    


"Madam." Ye Bo's eyes revealed his worry, "Young Master asked me to come and see you."    


Cold sweat covered Ding Yiyi's palms, her heart pounding, fearing that the news that came out was bad news.    


Ye Bo waved his hand and the man sitting on the other side stood up. When he approached Ding Yiyi, he smelled faintly of western medicine.    


"Your body must be well treated." Ye Bo looked at her slightly sunken cheeks and said sincerely. If he could, he would be more interested in that cute and depressed girl from before.    


Ding Yiyi sat down on a chair. "How is he recently?"    


"Everything is fine." Ye Bo said.    


Ding Yiyi quickly added, "If he gets tired of it, I'll tell him not to make me wait here and waste my life."    


"Madam, you know that the Young Master will definitely not let go." Ye Bo hurriedly said, "You might be a bit extreme mentally right now, but there are some things that you will definitely understand once you calm down."    


The Persian cat just ran onto the table at this time. After yesterday's sashimi friendship, it became much more reliant on Ding Yiyi, so it took the initiative to rub the back of her hand.    


Ding Yiyi quietly looked at her, her voice clear. "When he chased me out of the house, my heart had already broken."    


Ye Bo still wanted to say something, but she already stood up and walked upstairs. The last bit of sugar on her tongue disappeared. She pursed her lips and said, "All of you can go back. Since you want me to recover here, I'll stay here."    


She walked back to her room and sat on a chair, gazing into the distance. In the distance, the stars were shining, and occasionally, one or two figures could be seen flashing past, disappearing behind the curtains. It was unknown what they were doing.    


She listened to the roar of the car downstairs until it was too close to her to be heard.    


At the airport, Ye Bo had a serious expression, "Madam has refused to treat him."    


The man on the phone sighed as if he had expected this. "Come back."    


After hanging up, Ye Nianmo continued to look at the large monitor with a hint of anxiety in his eyes. When will this battle end?    


Ye Family, Ao Xue looked at the cosmetics and clothes on the bed. These were all sent over by Ye Nianmo in the afternoon.    


While she was busy picking things out, a knock came from the door. "Miss Au Xue, can you come in and clean?"    


With her permission, the maid, Aunt Man, came in with a vacuum cleaner and fixed the floor with her head down.    


Ao Xue looked at her. This woman did the same thing every morning and night without leaving a trace. She must find a way to prove whether this woman was sent by Ye Nianmo to spy on her or else she would never be at ease.    


"Aunt Man, I want to go look for Nianmo tomorrow. I haven't been home all day." Ao Xue said with a smile.    


Aunt Man nodded. "Then I'll prepare your medicine so that you can carry it with you."    


The next day, Ao Xue went out early in the morning and returned home when Aunt Man was out shopping.    


She hid in the utility room, where she could clearly see everything on the first floor.    


When Aunt Man came back, she was carrying fewer dishes than usual. There was some noise coming from the kitchen, probably the sound of her putting away all the dishes.    


After a while, he came out with a vacuum cleaner and turned on the music on his cell phone while he listened to the music and cleaned the place.    


Ao Xue looked at everything doubtfully and continued to wait patiently. Finally, she saw Aunt Man putting down the things in her hands and going upstairs.    


"What's she doing upstairs?" Ao Xue carefully walked out of the storage room and followed him.    


In Aunt Mann's room, she was on the phone, occasionally uttering a word or two: "She's fine."    


She had her back to the door and did not think that there was a pair of eyes watching her from outside.    


Returning to her room, Ao Xue let out a long breath, thinking that her conclusion was right. Ye Nianmo had indeed left a hand in his direction for Aunt Man to monitor him.    


As long as Aunt Man left, this house would really be his, and he could do whatever he wanted then.    


She laughed complacently as she picked up the bear doll beside the bed and massaged it. She planned for the future to be beautiful, but that still wasn't enough. She took out her phone and dialed a number.    


"Hello, hello."    


Ding Yiyi's voice rang, but she hung up with a smile on her face. There were still a lot of days in the future, so she had to slowly play with her!    


Inside Shanghai's Apartments    


Ding Yiyi looked strangely at the unfamiliar number that hung up immediately. She got up and walked to the wardrobe and randomly picked a dress. The dresses that she wore once no longer appeared in the wardrobe.    


She continued to eat only a little of the food on the table, as if it were just to maintain the energy she needed.    


Closing the wardrobe door, she saw a series of numbers written in watercolor on the light colored door. She looked at those numbers and laughed self-deprecatingly, "Even if you won't come today, right?"    


She picked up the watercolor pen and added a line to the number, while writing, she said, "I'll wait for you for a month. If you still can't find me within a month, then no matter what reason you have, I won't forgive you."    


She changed her clothes and went downstairs. Aunt Xue had gotten used to her frequent excursions recently, so she only told her in Shanghai language to be careful on the road.    


After exiting the door, she habitually walked towards a place with a straight wutong tree. The thoughts that she had in her heart to find Xu Weiren had faded a bit, and now, she was more used to it.    


The cafe was full of Japanese girl music, and from the blue window you could see two students sitting with their heads down, doing their homework.    


She stood there and waited for a while. Seeing that the waiter, who gave her a candy every day, did not come out, she simply pushed open the door and entered.    


"Hello!" As soon as she walked in, she heard a clear voice that immediately reminded her of someone.    


Ding Yiyi looked at him. "Xiao Wen."    


"You actually know me." Xiao Wen said happily, "Is the candy delicious?"    


Ding Yiyi's face turned slightly red. After all, the fact that she came here every day to wait for the candy was probably already known.    


"I'll buy you coffee." She summoned the waiter, this time a young man in his early twenties.    


Ding Yiyi asked, "What do you want to drink?"    


"Black coffee." Xiao Wen smiled as he moved the Apple PC next to him to the other side.    


Ding Yiyi handed the list to the waiter, feeling a little surprised that a boy like him would have such a pure taste for black coffee.    


"You're really skinny, how about I treat you to something to eat?" Xiao Wen smiled as he looked at her.    


"Ding Yiyi sighed. I am already married."    


"Have my intentions become so obvious?" Xiao Qian lowered his chin and said again, "I'm fine."    


The coffee was served. Before Ding Yiyi could say anything, the other person took out his computer with a shriek. His expression immediately changed. "It's time to start working."    


"Work?" Ding Yiyi looked at the time and saw that he had opened up a web page which was filled with game interfaces.    


"I'm a game anchor, this is my job." Xiao Qian put on his headphones in a serious manner while the surrounding waiters didn't seem to be surprised at all.    


Ding Yiyi saw him earnestly explaining in the game and fell asleep unconsciously as she watched him lower his eyelids.    


In her dream, she returned to her house in Shanghai. The Persian cat was sunbathing in the small garden while Aunt Xue sat beside her with her reading glasses.    


She slowly walked up the stairs. The moment she opened the door, she saw a familiar figure.    


He did not change, his gaze still gentle as he gazed at her, his lips slightly parted against the reflection. "I'll come pick you up."    


"Nianmo." She murmured and woke up in a daze.    


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