Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1401 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1329

C1401 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1329

"Nianmo!" She pushed the door open and saw Ao Xue holding Ye Nianmo's hand, and he seemed to be in good spirits.    


She retreated in disbelief. "You lied to me?"    


Ao Xue turned around and said, "Sister, Nianmo is sick, how can you say such words? What lie? Don't tell me he is lying on the bed?"    


Fu Fengyi, who happened to enter the door, became a bit unhappy upon hearing that. "Yiyi, you're Nianmo's wife, why are you only here at this time?"    


"Grandma, it's not … I …" Ding Yiyi had no way to explain herself. She was afraid at first, and then she felt wronged, and even more so, unable to speak.    


Ye Nianmo, who was on the sickbed, suddenly opened his mouth and said to Ao Xue, "I'm tired."    


"Alright, you rest. I'll stay here to accompany you." Ao Xue said gently.    


Ding Yiyi walked to the bedside. "Are you alright? What did the doctor say?"    


"No problem." Ye Nianmo simply spat out two words.    


Ding Yiyi didn't expect his attitude to be so cold. She stood awkwardly on the spot, not knowing what to do. Ao Xue, who was beside her, said, "I will take good care of Nianmo, you should go rest too."    


She was suddenly very angry. She thought to herself, That is my husband, I am also the one taking care of him. What did you say? However, when she saw the frowning expressions of the people on the sickbed, she still held it in.    


In the afternoon, the people from Ye Family gathered at the office.    


The doctors were all old doctors who had specifically served Ye Family for several tens of years. They were all very familiar with each other, so they straightforwardly said: "There's no way to find out the reason, but what's certain is that there's an indescribable palpitation and lethargy. This is very dangerous, because it might cause one's life to be threatened due to the palpitation during deep sleep.    


"Would it be better if we transferred him to another country for treatment now?" Fu Fengyi wants to borrow advanced technology from abroad.    


The doctor thought for a moment, "I don't recommend Director Ye to move it now, it would increase the risk. This hospital and the most advanced hospitals in the United States have the same medical equipment, there is no difference, so we can guard it here."    


Ao Xue stood off to the side with a restless expression, her heart was already in turmoil. Ye Nianmo regularly checked every year, so there was no reason for him to suddenly feel palpitations and be addicted to sleep.    


She suddenly thought of the godly oil she had given him and the thought-provoking words from the seller. She suddenly became alarmed and could not sit still any longer as she hurried home.    


As soon as she got home, she went online and opened up a page. She sent a message to the gray picture asking, "Are there any side effects such as palpitations and lethargy? Why didn't you tell me about the side effects? "    


The gray avatar didn't move at all, just like the black and red layout of the page. After waiting for a while, she added, "Is there any way to cure it?"    


Still, no one responded. Her heart began to panic, and her hand that was tapping the keyboard trembled a little. "He won't die, right? Tell me, please tell me now."    


The dialog box was a long question, but there was no reply. The black penguin remained motionless, as if it were a pendant.    


She hurriedly called Yan Mingyao. His tone was very complicated, as soon as she picked up the phone, she said, "I've seen your news." He then stopped cooking and shouted out that etched name, "Ao Xue."    


Ao Xue couldn't care less as she asked, "Have you seen what that parent who sold the family looked like before?"    


Yan Mingyao was silent for a while, then said: "No, it's at the agreed meeting place. When I went there, the stuff was already there."    


"An agreement?" Then there must be a phone number. Give me a phone number? " A sense of hope arose in Ao Xue's heart.    


Yan Mingyao didn't answer and asked, "Don't you have anything you want to tell me?"    


"Phone number!" Ao Xue repeated herself. The person on the other end of the phone sighed deeply and then reported a long string of numbers.    


Ao Xue called according to the number he gave her, but it was an empty number. Everything was gone without a trace.    


"How could this be?" She slumped in her chair, flustered.    




Finally, Ao Xue wasn't around. Ding Yiyi sat on the bed and watched the man sleep. The man who was sleeping didn't have the sharp feeling of forcing someone into a corner. Instead, there was a sense of serenity.    


She reached out and took his hand. The warmth of his palm made her feel at ease. Ye Chuqing walked in and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for what happened this morning."    


"I'll stay with him until he gets better." Ding Yiyi's eyes were filled with tears. She quickly turned her head away to wipe them away.    


Ye Chuqing said doubtfully, "I think it's very strange. Why is brother so sick all of a sudden? Normally, he would check on her regularly. He's also very careful. If she's not feeling well, it's impossible for her to drag it out for so long."    


Ding Yiyi listened silently, but a chill gradually went down her spine. A thought suddenly popped into her mind, and she suddenly stood up and said, "I'll be back soon."    


She ran home and shouted the moment she entered the house, "Ao Xue, get out here!"    


No one answered her, so she ran upstairs just in time to meet Ao Xue, who was about to leave.    


Ao Xue looked a little guilty and unnatural as she yelled, "Why are you calling me?"    


"Is it because of your medicine, or is his sudden appearance a side effect of your medicine?" The more Ding Yiyi thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible.    


Ao Xue was so upset that she pulled her hands away and was about to rush downstairs. "You're crazy."    


"Give me the potion. Now, take it to the lab to see what ingredients are in it!" Ding Yiyi held her back.    


Ao Xue was upset. She was originally a bit fatter than Ding Yiyi, so she easily got rid of her restraints. She impatiently asked her: "What medicine? I never used any medicine, you crazy woman. "    


Seeing that she was unwilling to admit it, Ding Yiyi ran to her room to search for it. It was unknown if Ao Xue had hidden it or destroyed it, but she did not find a single bottle.    


She hurriedly registered an account on the internet and asked the shop owner, "Are you there?"    


"He's here." The shop owner replied very quickly.    


She typed hopefully, "What if there are side effects from drinking godly oil?"    


It took a long time for a short sentence to arrive, "There is always a price to be paid, and sometimes a price to be lost."    


"What does that mean? Can you explain it more clearly?" Ding Yiyi quickly hit the keyboard, but the other side did not reply. The avatar gradually dimmed and turned into a gray penguin.    


She was extremely saddened, blaming herself for not sending the bottle of medicine to be tested. She also didn't know how much poison was in Ye Nianmo's body, so would Ao Xue continue to poison him?    


"I won't let you hurt her again." She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms.    


In the company, Ye Bo was busy as he waited for Ye Nianmo to personally decide on the documents on the table.    


His phone suddenly rang. He saw that it was Ding Yiyi's cell phone number. He quickly picked it up. "Madam."    


"I remember Nianmo once told me that there is a tradition in Ye Family that was established by grandfather. There is a group of people who specially protected my mother."    


Ye Bo nodded, "Yes, it's because of this. At that time, Old Master Ye specifically hired a team of people to protect the Old Mistress, and Old Master even strengthened this team later on. During his heyday, the number of people to protect Lady Xia reached more than a dozen, in recent years, Old Master has gradually reduced his manpower.    


"I'm not really a mother." Ding Yiyi's voice was calm.    


Ye Bo immediately answered, "You have already married the young master, of course you can be considered as his mother. This team of protection personnel should have protected you, but the young master didn't start it."    


"Alright, I'll see them in half an hour." With that, Ding Yiyi hung up.    


Half an hour later, eight men stood before her.    


"Madam." The men looked at the woman before them with loyalty. Their mission was to protect the loved ones selected by the Ye Family man.    


Ding Yiyi looked at them and said calmly, "I don't need you to protect me, but I do need you to listen to my orders."    


She took out a photo, "This woman, I don't want her to be even a step closer to Nianmo, not even a step!"    


The men glanced at the photo and nodded in unison. "Got it!"    


After giving out instructions, Ding Yiyi returned to the hospital. Ye Nianmo woke up briefly and fell asleep again, but the doctor couldn't do anything about it.    


She pulled his hand and said gently, "Sleep well. You have protected me for so long. Now, it is my turn to protect you."    


Not long later, Ao Xue's voice came from outside the door. "Why didn't you let me in? Who asked you to do that!"    


"Me." The door opened and Ding Yiyi walked out.    


Ao Xue laughed. "You?" What qualifications do you have? Did you ask Nianmo? "    


Her words were extremely arrogant and confident, which made Ding Yiyi very angry. She said coldly, "I am her wife, and I have the right to protect my husband." She took a step toward her, "What qualifications do you have to tell me? Lovers? "    


Ao Xue took a step back and was left speechless. All she could do was stare at her.    


"Don't stare at me. Think about what you've done. I won't let you see him again." Ding Yiyi said confidently, waving her hand. "Take him away!"    


Ao Xue had no choice but to give her a fierce glare before leaving the hospital on her high heels.    


The next day, Nianmo woke up from his sleep. He looked at his head that was sleeping beside him.    


Half of her face was buried in the crook of her arm. Her delicate eyebrows were tightly knitted, and there were still wet tears at the corners of her eyes. She looked very pitiful.    


He reached out to brush her hair, but when he withdrew his hand, his eyes were already cold.    


When Ding Yiyi woke up, she found that the person who was supposed to be in the sickbed had disappeared. She immediately got up and went to look for him.    


Since he was not in the corridor, they ran into Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan, who had just arrived at the hospital. The three of them hurriedly went to various places to look for him.    


Ye Nianmo was living in the special VIP ward of the hospital. There were no ordinary patients around him, and he had opened a garden for people to rest in. The three of them quickly found Ye Nianmo, who was standing with his back to them.    


He turned around and the first thing he said was, "Where's Ao Xue?"    


Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ding Yiyi at the same time. Seeing her pale face, Ye Chuqing said, "Brother, sister-in-law is very worried about you."    


"Get her here." Ye Nianmo turned around and walked towards the Inpatient Department. There was no room for discussion in his tone.    


Hai Zhuoxuan gave Ye Chuqing a look and followed Ye Nianmo. Seeing the two of them walking further and further away, Ding Yiyi trembled slightly and bit her lower lip, not saying a word.    


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