Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C821 Married to a Rich Family 750

C821 Married to a Rich Family 750

Ye Nianmo's appearance gave Ao Xue courage. Ao Xue turned around and stretched out her hand towards Li Huasheng, "I said for the last time that you don't take my things again."    


Li Huasheng looked past Ao Xue to Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo stared coldly at Li Huasheng. Ye Zimo's undeveloped, delicate face already had three parts of it.    


"Tsk, if you don't want it, then don't want it. From now on, even if you beg me, I won't take it!" After throwing away the Magic Cube, Li Huasheng turned around and ran away.    


The Magic Cube rolled to Ye Nianmo's feet. Ye Nianmo picked it up and handed it to Ao Xue: "Never use your tears to defeat the enemy."    


"Tsk, you're only one year older than me." Ao Xue muttered, but her voice was getting softer and softer. Ye Nianmo started to look at the Magic Cube in Ao Xue's hands curiously. "Play it again."    


"What?" Ao Xue raised her head.    


"This Magic Cube is the same as before." Ye Nianmo had a straight face, but his tone already revealed his curiosity.    


Ao Xue proudly took out the Magic Cube. After a few minutes, a Magic Cube was displayed on Ye Nianmo's body. Ye Nianmo nodded: "Great!"    


Ao Xue's face was flushed from being praised, but she still pretended not to care and said, "Of course." The dark-skinned boy next to him suddenly said, "Young Master, it's time for Sister Xiaoxiao to play."    


Ye Nianmo nodded at Ao Xue and walked away cleanly. Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo's leaving figure and thought enviously, "Is it that girl with the child in her arms again?"    


"Today, the shares in the Ye Group fell greatly, resulting in the outflow of large amounts of funds. Many institutions have predicted that the Ye Group has reached a bottleneck in its development, and we will continue to pay attention to it from now on." Ye Nianmo turned off the TV expressionlessly.    


Xia Yihan walked out in her nightgown and asked Ye Zimo, "Did I disturb you?" Ye Zimo stood up and firmly pulled the fragrant Xia Yihan into her arms.    


Xia Yihan pushed Ye Zimo and said with a slightly flushed face, "Chu Qing is here!"    


Ye Zimo carefully sniffed the woman in front of her. Xia Yihan's skin was much better after giving birth, but Xia Yihan said worriedly, "What do we do? I don't know why there's so little milk for Chu Qing. I'm so afraid that the child will get hungry at night."    


Ye Zimo also stopped what she was doing. Tomorrow, she would call the doctor at her house to check on him. Xia Yihan nodded and was lifted up by Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo gently placed Xia Yihan on the bed.    


The fiery heat that she hadn't felt for a long time quickly ignited their reasoning. Xia Yihan was so shy that she didn't even dare to look in Ye Chuqing's direction. Ye Zimo smiled and stood up while stroking Xia Yihan's hot cheeks.    


Wearing the bathrobe, Ye Zimo pulled the curtain between Ye Chuqing and the bedroom over her head, turned around and raised her eyebrows. "You feel a little better?"    


Xia Yihan nodded with a reddened face, and the excitement that she had never experienced in a long time came back to her. Xia Yihan felt that everything was so unfamiliar.    


The heat of the moment of entry, the whispers by his ear, and the blurry image of the heavy bed curtain made his extravagant night appear all the more vividly.    


On a night of silence in the welfare institution, a woman whose simple and unassuming environment was incompatible stood at the side and said: "You're saying that Xia Yihan carried a girl back."    


Ao Xue nodded, the rabbit and the Magic Cube in her hands were extremely tight, "Yes, they called her Chu Qing."    


Si Si sneered, "Chu Qing, looks like you've lived a good life." Glancing at the Magic Cube in Ao Xue's hands, Si Si disdainfully took out a stack of bills from her bag. "Take it up and buy it. If you want to buy anything else, buy it. Don't embarrass yourself with these random things."    


"This is not shameful at all." Ao Xue muttered under her breath and glanced at it. "45,000." Si Si gave a rare smile, "Your IQ is pretty good."    


"Remember, your goal in this life is Ye Nianmo. All your enemies are Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo." Si Si explained in detail to Ao Xue before she left, her expression as vicious as ever.    


"My child, my child, where are you?" A woman was wandering on the street, shouting in a daze as a Mercedes-Benz pulled up to the side of the road.    


Si Si, who was wearing high heels and exquisite makeup, looked at the woman and suddenly smiled, "Are you looking for your daughter? I can help you get your daughter back, but that way you'll have to carry her far away. "    


"Ao Xue got first place again this time." Ao Xue turned her head to the window. The boy was sitting under the tree, engrossed in his book.    


"Ao Xue, where are you going?" The teacher hurriedly called out to Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue twitched her mouth and ran out of the house towards the boy. "What are you looking at?" Ao Xue asked.    


Ye Nianmo closed his book and squinted at the sunlight. "Is there something you need?"    


Ao Xue stretched out her hand. "I want to see."    


Ye Nianmo smiled and passed the study to Ao Xue. "Remember to return it to Hai Zhuoxuan."    


Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo, who was getting further and further away from her, and secretly remembered his smile.    


On the wide lawn, Ye Chuqing looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and giggled. "Sister Zhuoxuan really likes you."    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing, who was looking at him with blinking eyes, and asked, "She's so young."    


"Madam, Young Master Ye is calling." Xia Yihan put Ye Chuqing in the cradle and said to Hai Zhuoxuan, "Can Zhuoxuan see his sister?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded obediently and put his hand into Ye Chuqing's. Ye Chuqing held Hai Zhuoxuan's hand sweetly and fell asleep.    


When Xia Yihan left, Ye Chuqing woke up with her big eyes dripping with tears, wanting to find Xia Yihan. Seeing that Xia Yihan wasn't around, she pouted and was about to cry.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked around for the storybook that he often read to Ye Chuqing. "Are you looking for this?" Ao Xue's voice came from beside him.    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded and reached out to take it. Ao Xue shrank the book behind her back and said, "But what do I want to do too?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan thought for a while. "Next time, I'll bring you a new one. Chu Qing likes listening to the stories here."    


Ao Xue pouted. Ever since this girl called Chuqing, her friends no longer focused on her. "Baby, baby!"    


"A woman walked over from a short distance away. Her eyes shone brightly when she saw Ye Chuqing." May I see the child? "    


The woman said to Hai Zhuoxuan with a smile. Hai Zhuoxuan was hesitant. He nodded at Ye Chuqing and stressed, "You can only watch for a while."    


The woman smiled as she picked up Ye Chuqing and gently swayed. Then, she suddenly ran to the side. Hai Zhuoxuan was stunned on the spot. Ao Xue hurriedly put the book away and said, "Chase it!"    


Ao Xue was the first to run behind the woman. After a while, she disappeared. Hai Zhuoxuan gritted his teeth and ran behind the two of them. Xia Yihan put down the phone.    


"Where is he?" The sound of footsteps on the ground startled Xia Yihan as she ran towards the footprints. When Hai Zhuoxuan was crying at the intersection, Xia Yihan quickly soothed him: "Zhuoxuan, don't cry, what's wrong? Where's my sister? "    


"My sister and Lili are both gone. A woman carried Chuqing and ran away. Lili also disappeared in pursuit of them."    


Xia Yihan was in a daze. She took out her cell phone and saw that Ye Zimo's voice had given her courage. "Chu Qing has disappeared!"    


When Ye Zimo arrived, Hai Zhixuan and Lin Ling were already at her side. Hai Zhixuan lowered his head and comforted her.    


"What's going on?" Ye Zimo frowned.    


"We've already activated surveillance. It's weird that this place is just a blind spot in the entire welfare institution. We can't find any traces of it." Hai Zhixuan frowned and said: "Is this related to the entire Ye Group?"    


With a frown, Ye Zimo walked over to Xia Yihan and gently hugged the woman in front of her. "What should we do? I shouldn't have left."    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo with misty eyes. Ye Zimo patted Xia Yihan on the cheek. "Be good and go to your room for a nap."    


Xia Yihan stood up, shaking her head. She fainted and fell into Ye Zimo's arms. Hai Zhixuan said in a low voice, "Should we find some people to look for it together?"    


"Search everything within a five hundred mile radius." Ye Zimo carried Xia Yihan and left.    


Xia Yihan woke up almost at the same time and immediately got up. "Did you find Chu Qing?"    


Ye Zimo shook her head and took out a printed photo. The woman in the photo held a child in her arms. "Chu Qing, this is the clothes that Chu Qing is wearing today!"    


"Do you know this person?" Ye Zimo asked in a low voice. Xia Yihan shook her head and said dejectedly, "I don't know him."    


Ye Zimo looked away from the woman in the photo and placed the milk beside Xia Yihan. "Eat."    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Right now, she couldn't eat anything, but she suddenly thought of something and said to Ye Zimo: "Is he an enemy of Ye Group, just like that time Yan Qingyan."    


Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's hand and said in a deep voice, "Don't think too much before the results are out."    


"Result?" What result? Nianmo was the same back then? "Nianmo!" Xia Yihan suddenly shouted nervously.    


Ye Zimo took the milk and passed it to Xia Yihan, coaxing her with a soft voice, "Drink the milk first."    


Xia Yihan frowned and closed her mouth, but she did not open it. Ye Zimo released her hand and pressed her lips against Xia Yihan's jaw. She was forced to open her mouth and drink the milk.    


Xia Yihan's eyes softened as she looked pleadingly at Ye Zimo. "I'm scared." Ye Zimo gently caught Xia Yihan and kissed her forehead. "Sleep. It's better than staying awake and accepting reality."    


Ao Xue followed this crazy woman and the phone on her neck rang. Ao Xue picked up the phone happily and called out, "Mom."    


"How many times have I told you not to call me Mama?" Si Si bluntly cut off Ao Xue's words. "Follow that crazy woman and don't let her starve your child to death. If you starve to death, that wouldn't be fun."    


Ao Xue didn't understand the meaning behind Si Si's words, so she could only nod. After putting down the phone, there was no trace of the woman.    


Xu Haorann walked out of the shopping mall in a hurry. He had been busy all night before he suddenly remembered that there was still a meeting to be held in Moscow. He hurriedly changed his clothes in the shopping mall.    


A woman was on the phone, speaking to him. "Don't call me Mama," she said. The two of them walked away from each other. The woman accidentally twisted her leg, causing Xu Haorann to gently wrap his arm around her waist.    


"Are you alright?" Xue Wenjun held the woman's hand and immediately let go of her waist.    


"Xu Haorann?" Si Si's voice sounded.    


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