Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C475 Favorite Marriage 407

C475 Favorite Marriage 407

Zimo, it's Mo. He's here.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were a little red. She blinked her eyes with all her might and looked at the familiar figure that she would never forget. Mo, it's so good to see you again.    


It was just that one night, Xia Yihan ran over to Ye Zimo frantically and hugged her tightly. Once she let go, she would be far away. Xia Yihan didn't know why she had such a thought. She didn't care about anything else but to hug Ye Zimo tightly.    


"No …." "It's okay, it's okay." Ye Zimo was not used to such a fragile Xia Yihan. Yesterday, she was still strong. This weak girl had always had a strong heart.    


Ye Zimo, who always hit the nail on the head when responding to others like this, stroked her hair and comforted Xia Yihan in a clumsy and soft voice.    


A warm atmosphere surrounded the two of them.    


"I just arrived here yesterday, why did you come here today? And you …" You promised me … What are President Zhong's conditions? "    


No matter how bad Zhong Yuquan was, there was still blood flowing in Xia Yihan's veins. Xia Yihan called him Zhong Yuquan directly but she couldn't say it out. Finally, she called him President Zhong.    


Seeing that her face was flushed red from worry and her bright eyes were filled with uneasiness, Ye Zimo's worries disappeared.    


Suddenly wanting to see Yihan's flustered look, Ye Zimo frowned and looked at Xia Yihan in embarrassment. After a few minutes, she turned her head away and said nothing.    


"Mo, do you think we should agree to some harsh conditions?" Xia Yihan stretched out her slender white hands and turned Ye Zimo's head to look at her. Ye Zimo controlled the smile on her face and unnaturally tightened her lips.    


Xia Yihan honestly acted out the main character according to Ye Zimo's imagination.    


"It's not a condition, it's just …"    


Ye Zimo wanted to say something, but hesitated.    


When Xia Yihan saw the situation, she knew Ye Zimo was not an emotional person. He was domineering and would not act like he didn't want to say anything more. Could it be that he had agreed to some horrible condition and signed an inequality treaty? Xia Yihan began to use her imagination to guess wildly.    


His face didn't look too good, and he had lost a bit compared to before.    


Yihan, you've always had this kind of expression on your face. Ye Zimo tried not to smile and looked at Xia Yihan, who was staring at her with wide, worried eyes.    


In Ye Zimo's arms, Xia Yihan had been restless all this time, hating her father to death. No way, she had to go back and tell Mo not to agree to him.    


"Mo, we won't agree, okay? I like that small house from before. It's too big here, and I'm the only one there. I'm scared." Xia Yihan said in a low voice, her big eyes looking straight at Ye Zimo, afraid that she would shake her noble head or open her sexy lips and say no.    


Yihan, you've always been thinking about others. No matter what, you won't think about it for yourself.    


"Mo, let me go, we're going to find President Zhong now."    


Xia Yihan tried to struggle free from Ye Zimo's embrace with her hands and feet, but she couldn't care less about how she called President Zhong.    


Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan tightly. At first, his eyes were a light brown, but then they turned dark and deep. Gradually, he opened his eyes. Finally, they became deep and unfathomable.    


"Not letting go, not letting go for the rest of my life."    


Thinking of the few outstanding men by Xia Yihan's side, Ye Zimo said childishly, "Xia Yihan, I don't care about the next life. In the next life, in this life, you, Xia Yihan, will be my woman. You can only be mine."    


When she came into contact with Ye Zimo's dark eyes, nose, and sexy lips, Xia Yihan was deeply immersed within. Her mouth was a little dry and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.    


Xia Yihan swallowed her saliva in a daze, unaware that she had become Ye Zimo's plate. Her snow-white neck was exposed just like that before Ye Zimo's eyes, and her eyes were filled with monstrous waves.    


"Baby." Ye Zimo's voice was low as she said those two words. The pleasant male voice had magic in it, causing Xia Yihan to sink into depravity. He carried Xia Yihan, who had left the car, and ran straight to this unfamiliar house.    


The door closed in Lin Dahui's eyes.    


Xia Yihan swallowed her saliva with some difficulty. The simple word 'treasure' made her entire body go limp, unable to utter a single word.    


Ye Zimo lightly kissed the red lips that she had yearned for so many days. The familiar taste made him want a lot.    


"Baby, I miss you." Ye Zimo's low and lustful voice sounded.    


The word 'treasure' made Xia Yihan's heart beat rapidly. She also wanted Ye Zimo, but she didn't say anything. She just kissed back as much as she could. After so long, she still kissed the person branded in her heart.    


A huge drama was about to take place in the Ye Family.    


The second floor was a forbidden zone for Ye Family. There were only two maids who seemed to be simple but were actually bodyguards.    


Soong Wanting sat beside the cradle.    


Ye Zhengheng lay there quietly.    


For the past few days, everyone had been busy with Xia Yihan's matters, but Soong Wanting was kept in the dark. If she hadn't gone to the bathroom to eavesdrop on the conversation of the two servants, she wouldn't have known that Xia Yihan was in jail.    


Xia Yihan, don't tell me that even the heavens can't bear to see your happiness?    


Soong Wanting pondered how she could stop Ye Zimo from saving Xia Yihan. With the help of so many people around Xia Yihan, it was impossible for her to do that. She really didn't know what kind of luck Xia Yihan had. Soong Wanting's eyes were filled with unwillingness.    


Looking at the sleeping child in the cradle, Soong Wanting thought maliciously. In Ye Zimo's eyes, Xia Yihan and Soong Wanting's lives were a dead end, but Ye Zhengheng was not. No matter how much Ye Zimo disliked Ye Zhengheng, their relationship as father and son was unforgettable.    


Child, I'm sorry. Don't blame Mommy. Mommy can't help it.    


Soong Wanting stretched out her white magic claw and slowly approached Ye Zhengheng. Ye Zhengheng was still sleeping quietly with dimples on his face.    


Seeing such a cute child, Soong Wanting immediately retracted her hand. After all, it was just flesh and blood, so she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it.    


His gloomy eyes were filled with struggle.    


"Wa, wa!"    


The sudden cry in the quiet room was loud.    


Soong Wanting was still trying to figure out a way to deal with it, but Ye Zhengheng's cry came at the right time.    


"Child, what happened to you? Don't scare mother." Soong Wanting said in a tearful voice, sneaking a peek at the door.    


"Child, you can't." Soong Wanting suddenly screamed. Ye Zhengheng's face was twisted tightly, as if he was enduring a great deal of pain.    


The woman outside the door frowned slightly. Mr Ye didn't like Soong Wanting, but Ye Zhengheng was still surnamed Ye. Could it be that something had happened to Young Master from Soong Wanting's voice?    


Soong Wanting opened the door with a bang and said harshly, "I want to see Ye Zimo, I want to see him."    


"Miss Soong, I'm sorry. Mr Ye said that you can't leave the second floor."    


"Give me a call. I'll call him." Soong Wanting knew that it was impossible for her to go down to the second floor, so she could only take a step back.    


"But …"    


"His son is dying. Can you take on this responsibility? "    


Soong Wanting didn't give the maid guarding the store a chance to speak. She spoke in a high-pitched voice with anger in her eyes. Her anger was not fake, she thought about how she was alone here, how Ye Zimo would accompany Xia Yihan all day long, and all her love would be given to Xia Yihan.    


The maid thought that she was just a servant and Young Master was the flesh and blood of Mr. Ye, that was an indisputable fact. She stretched out her rough hand and took out her phone.    


Soong Wanting snatched the phone away and didn't even look at the maid. She lit up the screen without a password and entered the familiar number that she would never forget even if she wanted to.    


Ye Zimo kissed Xia Yihan. Both of them missed each other dearly.    


Ye Zimo didn't want to give up after the ringing of the bell, so she had no choice but to stand up.    


This bell is the call from the maid that was guarding Soong Wanting. Soong Wanting, you'd better behave.    


Ye Zimo asked with a cold expression, "What is it?"    


"Before Ye Zimo could finish her sentence, Soong Wanting's voice transmitted over the radio to Ye Zimo's eardrum." Zimo, kid, kid... " Soong Wanting burst into tears before she could finish, and Ye Zhengheng's sobs came at the right time.    


"Tell me, what happened to him?" Ye Zimo's cold face turned even darker.    


Xia Yihan tidied up her clothes in silence. She didn't blame Soong Wanting, nor did she resent Ye Zhengheng. She walked behind Ye Zimo with a smile. Hugging Ye Zimo from the back, he silently consoled her.    


The sound of Soong Wanting's crying on the phone was very mournful.    


"Zimo, hurry up and come over. Even if you don't like me, a child is innocent."    


Soong Wanting cried as her eyes began to collect frost. The maid beside her rubbed her hands together, wondering why it was getting colder and colder.    


"Got it." Soong Wanting was guilty, Ye Zhengheng was only a child, he shouldn't have to suffer this unnecessary punishment. As he himself had said, the child could not choose his mother.    


Ye Zimo hung up the phone and called the hospital. After giving a simple instructions, she hung up the phone. She looked at Xia Yihan apologetically. It seemed like they had to part again. Right now, he had to go over and see if it was really Soong Wanting who was up to no good. Soong Wanting, it's best if you didn't do anything at all.    




Mo, there's no need to say anything. Go ahead, the child needs you. Xia Yihan thought of Ye Zhengheng and a warm smile appeared on her face. She hoped that he would be fine.    


Lin Dahui thought that Mr Ye would only come out after one or two days. He didn't expect to see Mr Ye looking a little tired after a while.    


"Let's go back."    


It wasn't that he didn't want to look back, he just didn't dare to look back. As soon as they reunited, they separated. Ye Zimo believed that she had already started to get sick, an illness called lovesick, and there was no cure. The only cure was Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan watched Ye Zimo leave. Before Ye Zimo even left her sight, she started to miss her.    


The sound of the car had disappeared and so had the shadow of the car. Xia Yihan wasn't worried about her situation right now, but worried about whether Ye Zhengheng was in critical condition or not.    


Ye Zhengheng, you have to be good, mother Han has to watch you grow up.    


"Miss Xia, this is what Mr Ye brought to you."    


Lin Dahui hurriedly ran over and called out to the beauty who wanted to close the door.    


Once Xia Yihan heard that it was something Ye Zimo had brought for her, she quickly ran over and took the bag.    


"Thank you." She kept mumbling softly.    


"Miss Xia, Mr Ye has always cared about you. You must take care of yourself and not let him worry about you." The steel-like tough guy was afraid that Ye Zimo would be angry if she hurriedly left, so he didn't know that Xia Yihan was worried about Ye Zhengheng.    


"Mm, I know. I'll have to trouble you to take care of Mo from now on, please." Xia Yihan said sincerely. She hoped that he would be happy.    


When Lin Dahui's figure disappeared, Xia Yihan hugged her bag tightly. This time, she really left, right?    


Lin Dahui couldn't understand why Mr Ye didn't give the package to Miss Xia even though he missed her so much. Miss Xia missed Mr Ye so much, yet she didn't ask him to stay.    


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