Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C576 Favorite Marriage 507

C576 Favorite Marriage 507

"Hello, do you need more people here?"    


A woman in her sixties was standing in a hairdresser's shop, where she had asked for the low-priced job.    


"Yes." An enchantingly dressed woman said in a delicate voice. Her hair was all red, and she had wiped off who knows how much makeup on her face.    


Looking at Xia Yihan's expression, she said in a weird tone, "We are not in a shelter here. You should go!"    




This woman was Xia Yihan. She had come to Lin Jiang under the assumed name Wu Ai.    


Even after searching all morning, no one wanted her. She bitterly smiled. It couldn't be blamed on anyone else. Who told her to be pregnant? Others definitely wouldn't agree.    


Let's stop here for today and go back to eat.    


Xia Yihan dragged her tired body towards her own residence.    


When he opened the door, he saw Xu Haosheng in the living room.    


"Hah, Mr Xu." Xia Yihan greeted him politely. She was still very scared when she started living here, so she kept everything else by the door after she locked up for the night. She had to be on guard against any noise.    


Xu Haosheng was watching the news and knew it was his new neighbor the moment he heard the door open. He also nodded politely.    


Xia Yihan was already hungry. This place didn't have Ye Family, she even had to make a meal by herself. She put down her bag and walked towards the kitchen with a big belly.    


She thought Xu Haosheng probably hadn't eaten yet. Xia Yihan cooked two more dishes and also cooked one more person's appetite. She wasn't sure how much Xu Haosheng could eat.    


Half an hour later, Xia Yihan asked, "Mr Xu, have you eaten yet?"    


Under the same roof, Xia Yihan thought it was only right to help each other.    


Xu Haosheng raised his head and looked at Xia Yihan. He didn't know what Xia Yihan meant. After so many years had passed, only his mother would ask if he had eaten or not. He covered up the emotions in his eyes.    


Xia Yihan thought that Silence just hadn't eaten. She enthusiastically said, "I think you haven't eaten yet. I've already prepared your meal."    


Xia Yihan placed the dishes on the tea table.    


Xu Haosheng watched as Xia Yihan busied herself in and out of the restaurant. He remembered his dad telling him that if a girl was willing to wash her hands and make the soup for him, she would love him a lot. If a girl could cook for him, she would definitely be a good wife.    


Xu Haosheng thought about his former girlfriend. She always said that food wasn't good, but she never cooked, so Xu Haosheng could only cook for himself.    


"Mr Xu, stop daydreaming, let's eat together. I don't know how to cook, it's just a few casual dishes at home. You must be joking." Xia Yihan said shyly. She was too mature for her. Since she told Xu Haosheng to eat, she couldn't say anything.    


"Yes." Xu Haosheng nodded. He took the bowl from Xia Yihan and recently sketched out a nice curve.    


Xia Yihan stared at Xu Haosheng blankly, thinking that Ye Zimo would do the same thing every now and then. She wondered if he was doing well after she came here. Xia Yihan self-deprecatingly raised her bowl. Crown Prince Ye was not lacking in women, so how could he not live well?    


"Miss Wu, did you see who I thought of?"    


Xu Haosheng asked with a smile. That kind of gaze seemed to look through him towards the unknown distance. Xu Haosheng wouldn't be moved by the thought that Xia Yihan was really looking at him.    


"Call me Xiao Ai or Little Wu." Xia Yihan looked back. Her stomach growled. She looked at Xu Haosheng embarrassedly.    


"Fine, I'll call you Xiao Ai. Look at your young age. If you don't mind, just call me Big Brother Xu." Xu Haosheng's lips split open, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.    


"Big Brother Xu, let's eat." Xia Yihan extended her chopsticks in a gesture of invitation. She didn't have the time to be polite anymore. Right now, her stomach was more important.    


"Yes." Compared to the chef, the dishes tasted not very good. Xu Haosheng also ate two bowls of rice, which gave him a feeling of home, as did the dishes his mother cooked when he was young.    


Xu Haosheng saw that Xia Yihan was not moving well, so he helped her pack up.    


"Mr Xu, take a seat. Let me do it." Xia Yihan said politely. Seeing Xu Haosheng like this, how could he possibly be someone who does such a thing?    


"Xiao Ai call me Big Brother Xu, Mr Xu is too formal." Xu Haosheng's helper, Xia Yihan, did not stop talking.    


"Big Brother Xu, your girlfriend must be very happy." Xia Yihan said sincerely.    


Xu Haosheng looked out the window. Happiness? She shouldn't be happy, right? Otherwise, how could she yell at Xu Haosheng, "Go! I don't love you. You've always been thinking too much."    


Xu Haosheng later thought about it, other people didn't love her, so he walked with her because Xu Haosheng felt that she was the right person to marry. Later on, he realized that she wasn't very suitable, it was just that Xu Haosheng felt that Little Girl, who provoked other people's family, had to take responsibility even if she didn't like her.    


Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haosheng who was lost in his memories and blamed herself. Why did she say so much? Everyone had their own stories, why did she have to expose other people's scars?    


Looking at Xia Yihan's terrified expression, Xu Haosheng smiled. This girl was too kind. After staying with Xia Yihan for a few days, he had a general idea of her temper.    


"Xiao Ai, what are you going out for these few days?" Xu Haosheng had only seen Xia Yihan go out every day, but he had never asked about it. Now that he thought about it, Xia Yihan had asked him about it.    


"I want a job." Xia Yihan spoke out her thoughts. "I want to live on my own."    


Yes, Xia Yihan wanted to prove that she could live without Ye Zimo.    


"You've been looking for a job these past few days?" Xu Haosheng asked in disbelief. After clicking his tongue twice, he kept shaking his head.    




Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haosheng in confusion. Was there anything wrong with her looking for a job?    


"Xiao Ai, I really admire your courage. Say, if you go out to look for a job like this, no one will want you." This Silly Girl, how could she be so innocent? No one would want a job if she went like this. Xu Haosheng began to guess Xia Yihan's identity, the bag in her hands was not low either. The clothes she wore on the day she arrived was a world-famous brand, and the necklace around her neck was also not simple either.    


But why would Xia Yihan bring her child here? This was a problem that Xu Haosheng could not figure out. He started to let his imagination run wild. Could it be that Xia Yihan was someone who was being taken care of by someone else?    


Xu Haosheng had been observing Xia Yihan for the past few days, but he couldn't find any flirtatious place. He looked just like a child from a proper family. Xu Haosheng looked at Xia Yihan's relaxed face and felt a little awkward.    


When Xia Yihan heard that no one wanted her, she felt very upset. Ye Zimo didn't want her anymore, she didn't want her children anymore, she also didn't want her when she was looking for a job, and some of them even spoke sarcastically and sarcastically.    


Was there really nothing she could do?    


Xu Haosheng looked at the changing expression on Xia Yihan's face and shook his head. It didn't matter who this girl was, he just wanted to keep the warm person in front of him forever.    


"Laughing and loving, who do you think will get you to help if you do this? If you don't hurt the children, they will be condemned by the law and morality." Xu Haosheng tried to avoid talking as much as possible, and he also played it down.    


"I really just want a piece of work. Is that all? I used to do a lot of things, but everyone believed me. " Xia Yihan thought about the puzzled expressions of those people. She wanted to see if Xu Haosheng had any thoughts.    


"Xiao Ai, they have their reasons as well." The businessman didn't want to earn any more money and find a good employee.    


"Yes, I understand." Xia Yihan bit her lips and nodded, just in case Xu Haosheng didn't see it.    


"I have a suggestion. You can look it up on the internet now. My computer has no secrets, and my study is also unlocked. You can check it out there." Xu Haosheng said generously.    


Xia Yihan was overjoyed to hear the news.    


"Big Brother Xu, you're too great." Xia Yihan said sincerely, "There are still good people in this world."    


Xu Haosheng smiled but didn't say anything.    


How is he? This was the first time he heard the other girls bravely praise him in front of him.    


Xu Haosheng brought Xia Yihan to his study. There was nothing going on and he hadn't played any games for the past few days.    


Xia Yihan was touched when she saw Xu Haosheng looking for a job for her seriously on the internet. Her eyes were a little red. Looking at the side of Xu Haosheng's face, Xia Yihan wondered if Mo Xiaojun was doing well now.    


When Mo Xiaojun woke up the next day, a servant ran over and told him that the child was sick and that he had no choice but to take the child to the hospital. The hospital asked the child to stay and check, and Mo Xiaojun saw that Hai Qingqing was always with her and broke Mo Xiaojun's heart with her tears.    


Xia Yihan opened Mo Xiaojun's text message. She clenched her teeth and threw the card away. Since she was going to Dongjiang, she insisted on it. Xia Yihan sent an email to Mo Xiaojun, wondering if he had received it.    


Mo Xiaojun received an email from Xia Yihan. He was busy taking care of the child and had almost no time to care about Xia Yihan. He replied to Xia Yihan to tell her to take care of herself.    


Xia Yihan hadn't gone online for a few days, so she knew that Mo Xiaojun had already given her a reply.    


Xu Haosheng's study room was very large. As Xia Yihan looked at those dazzling books, her impression of him became much better. It was a man who often read books, and it was also many classics.    


Xia Yihan followed Xu Haosheng's footsteps and looked around. Even though they were some distance away, she could not see the books here.    


"Yihan, what kind of job do you want?" Xu Haosheng opened up the local talent recruitment website and asked.    


"With my current state, I'll just find a simple one. Don't run away too often." Xia Yihan thought about how she had run into a wall these past few days. She didn't dare to think of a good job anymore. All she wanted was to find a simple job.     


Xu Haosheng looked at the positions of the cashiers. Xia Yihan had consulted on the phone, and she was the first one to say that she was pregnant. She made dozens of calls, and everyone wanted her.    


Xia Yihan was already used to being rejected. Now that she was being treated in such a manner, she didn't think too much about it.    


"Xiao Ai, don't be so dejected. We're looking for it. If we can't do it today, we'll watch it tomorrow." Xu Haosheng comforted Xia Yihan with a smile.    


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