Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1132 Wealthy Marriage 1060

C1132 Wealthy Marriage 1060

Ye Nianmo only let go of her after he heard a sharp honk from behind him. He looked at her belly affectionately and started the car.    


Ding Yiyi didn't even know where he was going. There were still a few seconds before the red light would arrive, yet he didn't even go over. He would rather wait for the red light with all the speed he could muster.    


A sportscar drove by. A kid in his early twenties, his hair dyed, gestured at the two of them. "What's so fun driving a Maserati so slow, rookie?"    


Ye Nianmo did not even frown. There was still a trace of a smile on his face that went straight to the bottom of his eyes. He started to feel warm. Ding Yiyi did not know what he was thinking until he was pulled into the examination room.    


"Check if she's pregnant." Ding Yiyi had a hairstyle. When he smiled, there was a dimple at the corner of his mouth.    


"You think I'm pregnant?" Her month's holiday had indeed not come, and she had always felt nauseous these past few days. Furthermore, she had also fought with the Baby Cheng for snacks to eat, so her temper was also very bad.    


Seeing her suddenly enlightened look, he slightly lowered his head. The sunlight from the window shined on him, causing his back to be covered by Ding Yiyi. He looked at her and said in a gentle tone, "In the future, tell me everything."    


The waiting was anxious. Although Ye Nianmo's expression was normal, the waiting hope in his eyes was not a lie. He even took out a cigarette.    


"Sir, you can't smoke here." A passing nurse kindly reminded him.    


Ye Nianmo put away the lighter with a calm expression, "Sorry."    


The elevator door chimed. Ye Nianmo's back straightened. Under the nurse's instructions, he walked into the ward. The doctor looked at the two of them and then looked at the report.    


"Gastroenteritis. It's not serious. Just give it a shot."    


Ding Yiyi subconsciously looked at Ye Nianmo's face and did not miss the disappointment that flashed past his eyes. She turned her gaze away and covered her head with a gentle touch.    


She gently held her hand, while Ye Nianmo's voice was as gentle as it ever was, "Luckily, you came today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that you have gastroenteritis."    


In the infusion room, one of them cried loudly because he wanted to be injected with a needle. Everyone around him raised their eyebrows. The child waved his arm and somehow grabbed Ye Nianmo's sleeve.    


"Sir, I'm sorry, baby. Let go of uncle's clothes." The middle-aged woman who was holding the child, accompanied by a smile, moved to take the child's hand away.    


Ye Nianmo moved his arm closer to the child, making it easier for him to grab. "It's alright, just let him hold on."    


The middle-aged woman's voice of gratitude silenced the IV drip room. "You must be very disappointed." Ding Yiyi's indifferent voice sounded.    


"Yeah, I'm very disappointed." Ye Nianmo's tone was calm, but when Ding Yiyi heard this, her nose started to ache. She moved her stiff arms and was soon locked in place.    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "Don't move."    


He grabbed her hand and gently held her in his palm, not letting her move. Ding Yiyi muttered softly, "You have a son at home, so don't be disappointed. We'll be there in a few months."    


"Ding Yiyi," Ye Nianmo interrupted her, "Do you need me to explain more clearly? What I want is you and my child, our two children. Do you understand?"    


Ding Yiyi looked at him blankly, then she couldn't help blushing. Ye Nianmo also turned his head away unnaturally, but he didn't let go of her hand.    


That night, Fu Fengyi did not sleep at ten o'clock for the first time. She looked nervous as she saw Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo walk in.    


"Yiyi, your gastroenteritis is not well, go rest first." Ye Nianmo knew what his grandma wanted to ask, but he didn't want to embarrass Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi nodded and walked up the stairs to face Ao Xue, who was around the corner. She stopped. "Don't worry, I'm not pregnant."    


Ao Xue glanced at her stomach before slowly walking up the stairs. Her steps were slow, a sign of having collapsed after a long period of waiting.    


In the living room, Fu Fengyi brought up old matters once again, "It doesn't matter how much you play with Grandma outside, but you still have to give her a name after Ao Xue has given birth to her child. It's just a name, and this is also for the reputation of Ye Family."    


"Grandma, I gave her the title. Someone else could get hurt." Ye Nianmo refused without any hesitation, "I will give her a lot of money. I will let her live an exquisite life for the rest of her life, but I will not do anything to hurt another person."    


Fu Fengyi knew that there was no way to persuade Ye Nianmo, so she could only put down her words, "Ye Family never do things that go back on one's word, otherwise I wouldn't have the face to meet your grandfather. If you really want to do this, then give 10% of the shares to her."    


Ye Nianmo didn't care about this, and quickly said, "A part of the company's rights are owned by Zhuoxuan, if she wants it, I can give it to her too."    


A few days after having dinner with Yan Mingyao, Ao Xue finally knew why he agreed so quickly. In the garden, she fiercely shook off his hand and looked around nervously, "Are you crazy? Why are you grabbing onto me? What are you going to do if others find out?"    


Yan Mingyao said nonchalantly, "If you discover me, I can bring you away in broad daylight."    


"Don't even think about it. If anyone else discovers me, then I'll jump off the building and bring this child with me." Ao Xue enunciated each word through gritted teeth.    


"Even if you die, you don't want to be with me?" Wu Tie frowned. A storm was brewing in his eyes. Ao Xue turned her head but did not reply. Not far away, Liu Tie stood at the side, "Mr Yan, Young Master has reserved some time for you. You can go up now."    


"We just met to reminisce about old times. Mr Yan, hurry up and go." Ao Xue panicked as she searched Ye Bo's body for clues that the other party might have found out about her conversation with Yan Mingyao.    


Yan Mingyao saw her panicking expression, although he felt sorry for her, he still felt like forcing her. He saw clearly that day at the hotel, Ye Nianmo didn't like her at all and just wanted to use her as a fertility tool. He wouldn't let her insult him like that.    


"Ao Xue, I will come back to find Nianmo because of work in the future. We'll talk next time." Yan Mingyao left after pointing it out.    


Ao Xue panicked as she looked at his back. Her body seemed like it wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer as she kept retreating backwards. This man was serious. He wanted to destroy her!    


Suddenly, a barking sound came from the garden. Ao Xue let out a scream. She raised her head, and when she heard the sound coming from Ding Yiyi's room, she cursed softly. "Bastard, why don't you just die?"    


She carried her sinking belly into the living room. As soon as she entered, she caught a whiff of an unpleasant odor. "What's that smell?"    


"This is rat poison. The steward said that he would do one last rat removal before the Spring Festival." Dou Dou had originally wanted to leave right after she finished spraying the medicine, but she didn't expect to run into the person she didn't want to meet the most.    


"You people who want to harm me need to eat rat poison the most!" She still didn't want to let him go. She continued to walk forward two steps, "What's the matter? Are you waiting for me to say these words to Chang Hua? You must have been cursing me all this while!"    


"I didn't!" Dou Dou backed up a few steps. The butler hurried in from the corridor. Ao Xue then stopped her actions. Dou Dou bowed to her, then quickly retreated.    


"Miss Au Xue, the madame would like to invite you to buy the items for the child." If he did not come just now, Dou Dou would not have been bullied to such an extent. This girl's personality was too similar to that of the woman called Wanting from Ye Family. She looked gentle and harmless, but in reality, she had a strong desire for revenge.    


Speaking of which, Ao Xue looked a little like Miss Wanting. He raised his head to look at the person in front of him and muttered to himself, 'The more I look, the more similar I look to him.'    


"Bullsh * t." Breathing heavily, Chang Hua ran through the alleyway. One of her shoes was already missing, and her feet were already numb from the cold ground.    


She looked back as she ran, afraid that she would be overtaken by the crowd. The noise of the engine behind her sounded, and she wanted to run, but she found she had nowhere to run. Three locomotives stopped in front of her.    


The man got out of the car, "It's only right that you pay back the debt. Why are you running? If you don't have money, I'll have to sell you to Vietnam."    


Chang Hua panicked and said, "Isn't it all because of you, the immortals, that lied to me?" When she saw the man's eyebrows jump, she hurriedly softened her voice, "Furthermore, you guys are in debt to me for thirty thousand last week. Today, it's over a hundred thousand, I can't even pay it back."    


"If you can't pay me back, then use your body to pay me back!" The leading man said harshly, "I'll give you one more week. If you don't pay up, I'll sell you to Vietnam. There might be other Chinese men who will buy you back!"    


The hoodlum laughed as he left. Before he left, the man even gave Chang Hua a kick. She threw herself onto the concrete floor, her elbow scraped and bleeding.    


She was crying and lamenting her own miserable fate. She knew that a week ago, if she didn't have enough money, she would be finished. She didn't want to be sold.    


It seemed as if someone had walked past by the roadside. She hurriedly stopped her tears, got up from the ground in a sorry state, and limped out.    


Outside the alley was the international shopping mall. The man she loved the most was the God of the greatest power, he could easily pay tens of millions. She followed him, wearing a gorgeous dress and socializing with the upper class, leading a happy life without any work to do.    


She looked at the gorgeous and grand entrance of the mall and continued to daydream about meeting Ye Nianmo one day. If she was given a little more time, Ye Nianmo would definitely find her good and treat her wholeheartedly.    


The fantasy was beautiful. She stared at the door until she saw a familiar car parked at the entrance. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for the driver.    


Two women got out of the car, and then two nannies from another car. The nannies were holding the mink coats of two noblewomen, standing respectfully behind the two women.    


Four bodyguards dressed in black formed a square to protect the two of them. The security guards and doormen respectfully bowed towards the two of them. Chang Hua looked on with reddened eyes. All of this had been her imagination.    


She calmly looked at Ao Xue. The more she looked at her, the more beautiful she felt. If she had a rich father, then she would at least have a better chance.    


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