Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C435 Favorite Marriage 367

C435 Favorite Marriage 367

"He hasn't arrived yet, but he'll definitely come." Xia Yihan blushed and whispered, "I don't want to see him."    


"Yunchang!" Hai Zhixuan said Zhong Yunchang's name in a warm voice, and they all looked forward. Zhong Yunchang's car had stopped a short distance away. She slowly got out of the car, and the driver parked it for her.    


"Zhixuan." Zhong Yunchang replied gently. Then, her gaze passed by everyone and stopped on Lee Heetai's face for a moment before she looked away.    


"Sister Yunchang, you're here? "Brother Heetai was talking to me about you today. He said that he hadn't seen you for a while and wanted to have a meal with you."    


"Is that so?" Zhong Yunchang smiled lightly and looked at Lee Heetai.    


Although Lee Heetai didn't say anything, he would never let a woman lose face. He walked up to Zhong Yunchang and extended his hand, saying, "Yes."    


Zhong Yunchang handed her hand to him and they shook politely. Zhong Yunchang's heart rippled a little when they made such light contact, and her face unconsciously blushed a little.    


At this moment, Hai Qingqing and Mo Xiaojun also arrived.    


"Yihan is there." After getting out of the car, she took Mo Xiaojun by the arm and walked him over to Xia Yihan.    


Mo Xiaojun frowned slightly. He couldn't tell that Xia Yihan had cried before, but since there were too many people, it wouldn't be good for him to ask her what had happened.    


"Qingqing, Xiaojun, you guys came too?" Xia Yihan greeted the two of them with a smile.    


"Everyone, please come in." Lin Ling was as businesslike as ever, neither warm nor cold. These people all knew that Ye Zimo's assistant was very cold and indifferent, and had already gotten used to it.    


A lot of customers came one after another and were let in by Lin Ling.    


Hai Zhixuan's riverside villa was also very big. Although it wasn't as big as Ye Zimo's villa, it was still more than enough to entertain the guests tonight.    


Since she didn't see Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan felt more and more disappointed.    


Seeing that Lee Heetai wanted to take care of her, Xia Yihan said to him: "Today, Sister Yunchang is also alone, can you take care of her for me? I just want to be quiet. "    


"Alright." Lee Heetai said.    


It was Ye Zimo's birthday, so he didn't want to come. It was precisely because he could see Xia Yihan and see how she was doing that he agreed to come with Hai Qingqing.    


She didn't expect to see Xia Yihan crying the moment she arrived, although she didn't want anyone to see it, there was a trace of melancholy in her eyes.    


"I broke up with him. Don't ask anything else, Xiaojun. I'll be fine." Xia Yihan knew that she could not hide it from Mo Xiaojun, so she simply told him the truth.    


Mo Xiaojun already didn't want her to wade in, so he thought it would be better for her to break up. Now that she looked like a wandering soul, how could he believe that she would get better?    


Damned Ye Zimo. She shouldn't have provoked such a stubborn woman. If she had provoked her, she must take responsibility. What was going on?    


This was Ye Zimo's birthday banquet, yet he himself did not come. Those people who were not particularly familiar with her would inevitably start a flurry of discussion, and those who were familiar with Lin Ling would ask her when Ye Zimo would arrive.    


Lin Ling could only ask Hai Zhixuan for help. When Hai Zhixuan called Ye Zimo's cell phone, it was already turned off. Both phones were turned off.    


To his surprise, he had gone missing after playing with him.    


It was already 6: 30 yet Ye Zimo had not come, so Hai Zhixuan could only say: "Tomorrow is Ye Zimo's birthday. He's not in a good mood recently, so I hid the fact that he called everyone to celebrate his birthday and I can't notify him personally. Everyone, I'm sorry, but I believe that everyone who came here tonight came to bless that kid. Even though he didn't come, I still suggest that everyone have a drink together and wish Ye Zimo a happy birthday! "    


"Dinner is ready, and everyone is having a good time. There's still entertainment after dinner, so let's just treat it as an ordinary gathering. Hai Zhixuan said.    


In this way, the birthday party became a carnival without the main character. The carnival was for the bystanders, and Xia Yihan's heart felt incredibly heavy and heavy.    


When she heard that Ye Zimo was coming, she rejected Hai Zhixuan.    


The reason Ye Zimo refused to come, she thought, was also because of her, right?    


She shouldn't be here. Would he be happy with so many people celebrating his birthday?    


Would he be happy?    


Xia Yihan laughed loudly when she thought of his happiness. That kind of smile made her heart ache even if she thought of it.    


Ye Zimo, can I still see you laughing like that?    


Not to mention seeing him smile, even if she saw him, she wouldn't be able to do it.    


"If he doesn't come, then let's go back." Lee Heetai walked to Xia Yihan's side and whispered.    


When Xia Yihan saw Zhong Yunchang's gaze drift over, she thought that she really didn't want Lee Heetai to leave. She was just too reserved and wouldn't take the initiative to take a step forward.    


She had already broken up, and now she only hoped that everyone around her would be in pairs. She didn't want to be like her and Ye Zimo, forgetting each other.    


She noticed that Lin Ling would also glance at Hai Zhixuan from time to time. The time she looked at Hai Zhixuan was always very short. It was obvious that she did not have any real thoughts about Hai Zhixuan.    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but sigh in her heart. There was clearly no barrier between these people, so why couldn't they be braver?    


"I still want to stay here for a while. This is his birthday party." Xia Yihan said softly.    


"Brother Heetai, continue accompanying Sister Yunchang. I want to take a walk."    


"It's not safe to walk alone. I'll go with you." Lee Heetai said. Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "Look how quiet it is here. They are all invited by Hai Zhixuan and Lin Ling. They are all familiar with each other. What's not safe about them?" "I just want to be by myself. You go and accompany Sister Yunchang."    


Lee Heetai was still a bit worried. However, he could tell that Xia Yihan did not want anyone to follow her, so he had no choice but to give up.    


"Take your cell phone and call if you need anything." Lee Heetai instructed her. Xia Yihan nodded and said, "Alright, I understand, Brother Heetai."    


Lee Heetai returned to Zhong Yunchang's side. Zhong Yunchang looked at his back from time to time.    


"Did they really break up? "Heetai, since you're interested in her, why don't you use this time to pursue her? Maybe she can accept you." Zhong Yunchang said softly.    


Lee Heetai smiled.    


"What else do you want to drink? I'll get it for you. " "No," he said.    


Zhong Yunchang didn't know what kind of mood she had in order to persuade Lee Heetai to chase after Xia Yihan. In the past, when she had a crush on Ye Zimo, she didn't insist on marrying her. Right now, she felt that her heart had wavered a little, and she would often think of Lee Heetai. Similarly, she just wanted to hold onto her blessings.    


Although she would still feel a little sour if they were to be together, she wanted to see Xia Yihan well and everyone she cared about happy.    


Xia Yihan left the banquet hall and walked alone to the spacious manor. The river breeze blew by slowly, causing her to slowly walk towards the wind.    


Ye Zimo, I don't want to see you, but you didn't come, so why do I feel so sad?    


Tell me how long it will take me to forget you.    


Can I see you again before I forget about you? Do I have to see it before I can forget about it?    


Her face was wet again, and now she was alone, and she didn't have to smile at anyone anymore. She wanted to cry. She felt as if her heart would break whenever she thought of that man.    


No wonder some people commit suicide after falling out of love, she used to especially be unable to understand those who do not treasure their lives and do not consider their families. At this moment, she suddenly understood. The pain of falling out of love was truly worse than death.    


Everyone knew that it would be sunny once they turned the corner. The problem was that the darkness was so endless that it made people despair, thinking that they would never be able to cross it.    


Since she had come out, a deep and pained gaze had been following her, not moving away from her for even a second.    


It was a room without any light. The window had already been pushed open by Ye Zimo. Dressed in black, he leaned against the window and silently looked at Xia Yihan.    


Yes, he did not show up on purpose, as he knew that Xia Yihan didn't want to see him.    


He knew that it was not that she did not want to see him, and of course she could not have said she had forgotten him.    


Ye Zhengheng's body did not know how long it would take before it would be safe. In a situation where he was unsure, he did not want to make her suffer for a long time.    


If he didn't see her, he would be able to let her out of this dark time.    


No matter how much pain he suffered, it didn't matter.    


Xia Yihan came out. It was not only Lee Heetai who was worried, Mo Xiaojun also noticed it. Just as he was about to say hi to Hai Qingqing and follow her out, he saw Wu Tie walking out the door.    


Hai Zhixuan didn't disturb Xia Yihan's meditation. She was too engrossed in it that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps behind her.    


He followed her from a distance, just to make sure she was safe.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were already blurry with tears. Furthermore, the lighting outside was dark, making it impossible for her to see the way clearly. She did not even lower her head to look as she stepped on a rock.    


Hai Zhixuan hurriedly ran towards Xia Yihan. At the same time, he heard the sound of the curtains breaking in his room.    


"Be careful, Yihan." He caught Xia Yihan's tottering body firmly before she hit the ground.    


Normally, if Xia Yihan almost fell, she would definitely cry out in fright. At this moment, she seemed to have lost her instinct to be scared. She didn't even show any sign of being surprised. She only said very softly, "Thank you."    


Hai Zhixuan supported Xia Yihan as they stood steadily and smiled, "Why are you still so polite to me? Didn't I already say it? I will like you for the rest of my life. If one day you leave Ye Zimo, I will definitely chase after you. Xia Yihan, since you've already broken up with him, you should forget about him a long time ago. If he doesn't come tonight, I think he doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Xia Yihan, ask me to take care of you. "    


In the dark guest room, Ye Zimo's hand clenched into a fist.    


Hai Zhixuan was thinking, "Damn Ye Zimo, you made me lose face in front of so many people. Let me have a good look. You're actually hiding in my house."    


If you have the ability, then don't come out. Let's see how long you can remain calm for …    


"Zhixuan, I …" Hai Zhixuan didn't wait for her to say no. He reached out and took her in his arms.    


"Promise me!" "No," he said.    


Xia Yihan was surprised by Hai Zhixuan's enthusiasm.    


"Hai Zhixuan, what are you doing? Let me go! " In order to protect Hai Zhixuan's face, Xia Yihan didn't shout loudly. She frowned and whispered to Hai Zhixuan.    


He had always respected her, and she believed that he would let her go as long as she clearly expressed her displeasure.    


Hidden in the guest room, Ye Zimo's face was dark as she grabbed the windowsill and jumped out.    


Damn Hai Zhixuan! He actually dared to make love to her. Wasn't he still alive? He came to steal his woman just because he was a good friend?    


And that woman, she couldn't wait to throw herself into his arms after only leaving him for a day?    


If she followed Lee Heetai, then not only would she not feel unhappy about him not coming to a banquet, she would also take the opportunity to hook up with Hai Zhixuan.    


Xia Yihan, didn't you dislike him? Why not push him away and slap him? Let's see if he dares to treat you with such contempt in the future.    


Ye Zimo walked in their direction step by step with a sullen face. Hai Zhixuan could see him from the angle he was standing. Seeing that he couldn't bear it any longer and jumped out of the room, Hai Zhixuan couldn't help but smile.    


Xia Yihan, of course, did not know what Hai Zhixuan was doing. She whispered sternly and sternly for Hai Zhixuan to let go of her, but he did not move. Yihan, promise me. I will take good care of you and cherish you for the rest of my life. "    


"Don't be like that, Hai Zhixuan, I told you before, I only like him." Even after we broke up, I still only like him. You're his friend, you shouldn't have done that. Let me go, and I'll be angry and never want to see you again. "    


Hai Zhixuan noticed from the corner of his eyes that Ye Zimo had stopped and even moved to the side, hiding in the shadows.    


Of course he knew that she wouldn't be happy to hug Xia Yihan like this, but he wasn't joking. If Xia Yihan really agreed, then his promise would really come true and he would cherish and cherish her for the rest of his life.    


Ye Zimo was really confusing. If he wasn't jealous, why would he jump out of the room? Since he was jealous, why didn't he reveal himself?    


He could only do this much. If he kissed Xia Yihan recklessly, it would be too disrespectful, and he wouldn't be able to do it.    


Not wanting Xia Yihan to think that he was just teasing her, Hai Zhixuan immediately let her go. However, the whole process was clearly seen by Lin Ling, who was watching from the window of the banquet hall.    


Lin Ling's cold face turned even colder. Thinking about how happy she was when she agreed to Hai Zhixuan's request last night, she thought that Hai Zhixuan was being too magnanimous and wanted to organize a party for Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan.    


He really didn't expect that he would use her to court Xia Yihan. It was a lie that he would give Ye Zimo Qing Sheng.    


I can't see how he could have been such a despicable man. He thought of how she had been kissed by someone like that, and how she had taken away her first time, and how she had hated him, and herself, for the second time.    


At the same time, her previous good impression of Xia Yihan was destroyed by the scene she witnessed with her own eyes.    


If she really loved Ye Zimo that much, how could she have hooked up with Hai Zhixuan like this after just breaking up with him.    


Xia Yihan didn't see Ye Zimo, nor did she know that Lin Ling had seen Hai Zhixuan confess to her.    


"I'm sorry, Yihan. I might have been too impulsive, too impatient." Lili just looked at him, still breathing heavily from the excitement of the struggle.    


"Forget it, everyone has their own irrational moments. I hope you don't act like this in the future. I'm leaving." With that, Xia Yihan turned and ran in the direction of the banquet hall.    


Hai Zhixuan stood where he was and didn't move. He knew that Ye Zimo would come to settle the score with him in a while.    


Perhaps because she had not rested well these few days, Xia Yihan only ran a few steps before losing all her strength. She slowed down her steps and walked back, but there was a familiar figure in the corner of her eyes.    


Her steps naturally stopped, then she took two deep breaths and continued walking as if she didn't see anything.    


It's you, isn't it, Ye Zimo? It must be you.    


So you've come.    


A hint of bitterness appeared on her lips. He had come, but he hadn't appeared. What did that mean?    


He clearly saw Hai Zhixuan hug her. He cared so much about her before, but now that he saw her hugging another man, he became indifferent?    


Xia Yihan, you saw me, why did you pretend not to see me? Don't want to see me, want to completely forget, right? A wry smile also appeared on Ye Zimo's lips. Since she pretended not to see him, he could just pretend that he didn't know that she had already discovered him.    


He slowed down his pace and walked towards the direction where Hai Zhixuan was standing.    


Even though his footsteps were light, Xia Yihan could still hear that there were a lot of big green pots in the yard of Hai Zhixuan's villa.    


She didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe she really wanted to hear that man's voice. She also wanted to know if he still cared about her, and if he would be jealous when he saw Hai Zhixuan hug him.    


Ye Zimo's brows slightly twitched when she heard the slight movement behind her. She didn't stop walking.    


He came, Hai Zhixuan was ready to fight. This brat's temper was so bad that he would definitely punch him in the face before talking to him. He would absolutely not allow anyone to treat Xia Yihan like this.    


Ye Zimo clenched her fists and walked in front of Hai Zhixuan. However, when she heard Xia Yihan's voice, she stood still and let go of his fist.    


He looked at Hai Zhixuan calmly and reached into his pocket.    


"What? You don't need to use your fists anymore? You want to use a spear instead?" Hai Zhixuan asked.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Zimo just took out a cigarette case from her pocket and snapped it open. Two cigarettes popped out and he threw one of them to Hai Zhixuan.    


"Why did I hit you? Your skin is itchy? " Ye Zimo snorted coldly. Then, as if he didn't see anything, she took out her lighter and lit up the cigarette. She slowly took two puffs.    


His appearance was so elegant, as if his mood was very calm at the moment.    


I'm hugging Xia Yihan, didn't you see? Or are you transgender and the testosterone is gone? " Hai Zhixuan took his cigarette and held it in his hand. When he gave him the lighter, Hai Zhixuan didn't take it.    


Ye Zimo smiled indifferently and said, "I saw it."    


"Not angry? You can't not be angry. "    


"I've already broken up, what else is there to be angry about. If you still like her, you have the right to go after her. "    


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