Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C451 Favorite Marriage 383

C451 Favorite Marriage 383

The phone on her side rang. Ye Zimo's heart had been gripped tightly. She was so nervous that she almost stopped beating.    


If she didn't answer the phone, it meant that she was most likely in trouble.    


No, she wouldn't.    


This poor woman, she should have a happy future. She would be fine, she would definitely be fine.    


Ye Zimo prayed anxiously in her heart. Her phone rang for about two to three seconds before it was quickly connected. However, in this short span of two to three seconds, Ye Zimo almost died.    


Xia Yihan seemed to be waiting for him all the time, so her cell phone was always on, always in the nearest place to her hand.    


Especially during the past two days, she and Lee Heetai had come to his villa for no reason other than looking at the photos of her and Ye Zimo and reminiscing about their past.    


She thought it would be a long time before she could talk to Ye Zimo again. However, when she heard his voice, she didn't expect him to take the initiative to call her just two or three days after they met.    


Hearing the familiar melody, Xia Yihan was pleasantly surprised. She immediately picked it up and shouted in an excited voice, "Mo! It's you? "    


Thank God! She was alive! She's fine for now!    


Ye Zimo's eyes were slightly sore, almost tearing up.    


His taut nerves were now slightly relaxed, and when he spoke, his voice was almost choked with sobs.    


"It's me, Yihan darling." He tried his best to keep his tone calm, not wanting her to know that danger was approaching.    


He was afraid that she, as a woman, would be in a bad mental state. Knowing that she was in danger, he would panic and put her in an even more dangerous situation.    


Baby Yihan …" He called her Darling Yihan!    


The last time they had met, the last time they had met, he had always been so cold and indifferent, to the point that he even wanted to draw a clear line between them.    


Could it be that he had solved his problem with Princess Ya Hui and they were about to be together?    


Lili felt a surge of ecstasy, and tears began to flow. She sobbed in response, "It's me, it's your Yihan baby. "Tell me, are we going to be together soon?"    


"Yes, darling Yihan. We're going to be together soon. Tell me, where are you right now? I'll come and find you right away."    


Xia Yihan couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Thinking about the feelings she had for him these past few days, her heart was filled with neither joy nor discomfort. In any case, she felt some slight pain.    


Her voice became choked with sobs, and she was unable to utter a single word for a long time.    


Since she was so excited, it showed how bad she had been recently. She must have been thinking about him every minute and every second.    


It was still the same danger. If he knew that she would still experience such danger, he shouldn't have acted with such a hypocritical woman.    


He should always be there for his little woman, guarding her. Even if he died, he wanted to die with her as soon as possible.    


He understood her excitement, and though he was in a hurry, he coaxed her patiently: "Don't cry, Yihan darling. I'll see you right away. Tell me where you are."    


"Okay, I won't cry, I won't cry. Mo, Brother Heetai and I are in his villa by the lake. Do you know where this villa is? I didn't notice when I came here. I was just thinking that you had gone, so I had to ask him. "    


"I'll call him. Stay in your room and don't go out. I'll call him. You wait for me, I'll be there soon!" Ye Zimo said gently.    


"Just you wait!" Princess Ya Hui screamed, but unfortunately she could not speak Chinese. Xia Yihan could not understand her words.    


"You're still with Princess Ya Hui?" Xia Yihan didn't understand, but she could hear the excitement in Princess Ya Hui's tone.    


Ye Zimo smiled gently and comforted her, "Yes, she's going back to Fanley. She said she doesn't want me with you. Unfortunately, she can't stop us anymore. Yihan darling, let's do it like this first. Wait for me in the room, don't go out. I'm afraid that I'll be unable to see you as soon as I get there. "    


"I'll wait for you, don't worry about me on the way." Xia Yihan warned him in detail.    


Ye Zimo calmly kissed her before putting down the phone.    


Calm down was for his woman to see. The moment he ended the call, he immediately called Lee Heetai.    


Lee Heetai also quickly picked up the call. Ye Zimo quickly told him, "Listen, Ya Hui sent her killer over. Xia Yihan and you are both in danger. Now go to her room and watch over her. "Tell me where you are and I'll arrange for people to go there immediately."    


Lee Heetai's heart sank as he replied: "I'm at the Belgium Villa in the south of the city."    


Ye Zimo knew about the Belgian villa. Earlier, it was the residence of a famous person from the East River. He had also been invited to go there.    


He still didn't know that the Belgian villa was already Lee Heetai's. No matter what, he knew the location was the best.    


"Good!" I remember there was only one entrance there. It was easier to defend, so you sent both of us out. I'm trying my best to make it so that Xia Yihan doesn't know what's going on, please! "    


"Alright!" Lee Heetai agreed in a low voice and immediately made a call to follow Ye Zimo's instructions.    


His expression turned grim. After the call, he quietly stood up, opened the safe, took out a pocket-sized pistol from inside and put it in his clothes. Then, he opened the door and went to find Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan knew nothing about it. She was lost in a yearning for a better life, thinking about the Yihan that Ye Zimo had called her, and the sweetness had been spreading in her.    


Lee Heetai knocked on the door. She smiled and said, "Come in!"    


After entering the door, a relaxed smile hung on Lee Heetai's face.    


"Yihan." "No," he said.    


"Brother Heetai, did Ye Zimo call you?" Did you give him the address? He said he was coming to see me. He said he had solved Princess Ya Hui's problem. " Xia Yihan was like a little girl in high spirits as she spoke all the words in one breath.    


She couldn't hide the joy in her heart. She was about to get back together with Ye Zimo, and in the future, she wouldn't have to worry about her family and friends anymore.    


Even after experiencing so many hardships, she had still been anticipating the best ending. How could she not be excited?    


Lee Heetai sighed as he thought about Ye Zimo's protection for her. At this critical moment, not only was he not worried about his safety, he even made her happy. It was rare to see such a thing.    


"He called me and I told him the address. What, are you afraid he won't come?" Lee Heetai mocked her in a relaxed manner. Xia Yihan's face turned red unnaturally.    


"Brother Heetai, did he say when he would arrive? Oh, by the way, I told him not to worry. I'm fine, I can wait. " Xia Yihan said that she could wait slowly, but she did not stop her footsteps. She kept walking up and down on the ground.    


"I didn't know he was coming today either. Look at my clothes, aren't they a little ugly?" Xia Yihan walked in front of the mirror and looked at her casual attire. Compared to the last time she saw Ye Zimo, she was like an ugly duckling today.    


She hadn't thought that she would meet Ye Zimo so soon. She wasn't in the mood to dress up, and at this moment, she was regretting that she didn't bring two sets of beautiful clothes with her.    


"Silly Girl, in his eyes, you look good in anything. Come and sit over here. When he comes later to pick you up, it won't be that easy for Brother Heetai to see you again in the future. You talk to me, but don't you always talk to me about Zhong Yunchang? Tell me about her. "    


Lee Heetai had nothing to say, so he got up and sat at the place furthest away from the window.    


He didn't want Xia Yihan to see outside. Perhaps the scene would be very tragic later on. Even if nothing happened to her, if she saw those bloody scenes with her own eyes, it might have a negative impact on her mind.    


"Yes, yes." Xia Yihan nodded her head repeatedly. She also wanted to talk to someone. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to take it anymore if she didn't wish for Ye Zimo to come for too long.    


Meanwhile, Ye Zimo was still on the plane, trying to find her men through Princess Ya Hui's cell phone, forcing her to order them to stop.    


However, his efforts were in vain.    


Princess Ya Hui didn't use her cellphone to contact her bodyguard at all, but had her own communication system instead. It wasn't that the internal staff couldn't get in contact with her subordinates without her cooperation.    


When Ye Zimo heard that Xia Yihan was safe and sound, she didn't feel relieved for too long. Once again, his heart was in a state of tension.    


Princess Ya Hui was, after all, a member of the FannLai Country royal family.    


If it wasn't for his surprise attack, it wouldn't have been easy to deal with them.    


This time, Princess Ya Hui could even disregard her own life. From this, it could be seen how much she hated Xia Yihan. The more she hated her, the more she would give her subordinates a death order.    


There wasn't much point in continuing to hold her back at this point. After all, she was still a pregnant woman.    


After knowing that Xia Yihan was temporarily safe, Ye Zimo let go of Princess Ya Hui's neck.    


As soon as she got some fresh air, Princess Ya Hui took a few greedy gulps.    


She could really disregard her own life. That was what she thought when she was at her most furious.    


Now, she gradually began to think rationally. For a woman like Xia Yihan, she had really put her life on the line. Of course, it wasn't worth it.    


She had already changed her mind, but she wouldn't tell Ye Zimo. She looked calm, and there was even a hint of sarcasm on her lips.    


"Ye Zimo, aren't you begging me? Maybe if you beg me, I can get someone to let her go. " she said condescendingly.    


"You won't!" Ye Zimo said firmly.    


"Hehe, looks like you know a little about me. You know that I, Princess Ya Hui, have to do all that I want to do to the end. What? Do you feel alright after hearing that Xia Yihan is safe? She was safe now, but that didn't mean she was safe in the next second. I've already told my people, if they can't kill Xia Yihan, I'll let them die. "    


Ye Zimo frowned and looked at her fiercely. His eyes were cold and solemn, so cold that it seemed as if he was going to freeze her.    


"It doesn't matter even if she dies. At least she'll have a complete corpse. "If you let her die, I will push you off the plane. If you fall from such a high altitude, you will die without a trace." Ye Zimo said.    


However, Princess Ya Hui smiled without any care and said, "Only you people would care about what happens after death. After all, it's death, and the moment you die, you won't feel anything. I don't care."    


Silence fell upon the plane. Ye Zimo's hand was still holding her cell phone as the plane flew back at high speed.    


He didn't want to hear his phone ring. He didn't want to hear Lee Heetai call him to tell him that Xia Yihan had died.    


He wished that he had learned how to fly, so that he would know how far he had to go before he reached his destination. He could control his own flight speed.    


"Ye Zimo, have you really never felt anything for me?" Even though it was almost the same everywhere in the sky, Ye Zimo could not tell where the plane was going from above the clouds. She was still looking out the window anxiously but in vain, so he turned a deaf ear to Princess Ya Hui's words.    


"As long as you say you love me, I can let you go." Princess Ya Hui said seriously.    


If you could let her go, I could say I love you.    


But I know you won't let her go. If you were a man of your word, you wouldn't have what you are today.    


Ye Zimo remained cold. Princess Ya Hui smiled and asked, "Are you really not afraid of death?" If you stay with her, even if I am unable to succeed today, sooner or later, I will take your lives. "    


Ye Zimo glanced at her but didn't say a word.    


His hatred and hatred for her had already reached its peak. Now, it all depended on Xia Yihan's condition whether she lived or not.    


The captain began contacting the ground. He said the plane had a malfunction and requested an emergency landing.    


After receiving his request, Dongjiang Airport Ground Command Center made a decision and agreed to land.    


The plane finally descended!    


Ye Zimo looked out the window nervously. The plane flew through a misty cloud and he saw the East River.    


Besides calling Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai, he also called Lin Dahui and the leader in black.    


He ordered the four men in black and Lin Dahui to pick him up at the airport. The rest of the men in black all moved out to protect Xia Yihan at the Belgian Villa.    


The man in black also had guns. This time, Ye Zimo was no longer afraid of exposing his true strength.    


No matter how bad the consequences were, he didn't care. He only wanted to do his best to save his woman.    


Before getting off the plane, he grabbed Princess Ya Hui's neck again and dragged her off the plane.    


The captain of the plane also informed the people of Vanlees through a hidden method. As soon as the plane landed, someone rushed into the airport with a gun in hand, in an attempt to save Princess Ya Hui.    


In the end, just like the bodyguards on the plane, they were afraid that Princess Ya Hui would be in Ye Zimo's hands and would not dare to act rashly.    


Xia Yihan was still anxiously waiting for Ye Zimo at Lee Heetai's Belgian villa. She was going to take a look at the window later, but Lee Heetai pulled it open without leaving a trace.    


The room was very quiet, and it was much quieter outside.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan's heart was filled with anxious anticipation, but Lee Heetai was nervous. His gentle expression was a stark contrast to his state of mind.    


Time ticked by, and the quieter it was, the more he felt a sense of danger.    


Perhaps there would be a gunshot soon. He really hoped that Xia Yihan wouldn't be able to hear anything at this time. Otherwise, when she heard the gunshot, she would definitely panic.    


He only hoped that the weapons of FannLai Country would be better. They used silent pistols.    


Lee Heetai heard the sound of footsteps outside. His hearing was better than ordinary people, so his expression immediately became serious.    


He turned around and looked at Xia Yihan. After pondering for a moment, he said to Xia Yihan, "My coffee is cold. Help me heat it up. There's a microwave in the kitchen."    


"Alright." Xia Yihan stood up and went to get his coffee. Lee Heetai's hand pretended to shake, and the coffee splashed onto Xia Yihan's body.    


Most of the coffee was on her, and even in the winter, indoors, Xia Yihan didn't wear much.    


The white Rongrong's sweater was quickly soaked through by the coffee. Lili felt a little awkward, so Lee Heetai apologized in a deep voice, "Sorry, Yihan, I was too careless. You should go to the bathroom and change my clothes."    


As Lee Heetai said this, he put down his coffee cup and immediately bent down to take another sweater from the bag Xia Yihan was carrying and threw it to her.    


"Brother Heetai, I'll go and change my clothes. Help me look out. I'm afraid that Ye Zimo won't be able to find me when she comes." Xia Yihan said softly.    


"Alright, go ahead."    


The moment Xia Yihan left, Lee Heetai hurriedly looked out the window and saw his men being forced by another team of people from Fenlai City to walk towards the house.    


He felt for his gun and looked outside again to see Ye Zimo rushing in with her men.    


They started shooting outside, because they were all using silent pistols, and his soundproofing was good, so he couldn't hear much.    


Lee Heetai's hand had been holding the gun's handle the whole time, and he was ready to deal with everything.    


Ye Zimo was already disregarding everything else. When Lee Heetai saw him rushing over and wanted to lure those people away, he accidentally got shot by a bullet.    


When he saw that he had tenaciously struck two more people, he finally could not hold on and fell to the ground.    


Once again, Lee Heetai tightened his grip on the gun under his clothes. He really wanted to rush out and fight alongside Ye Zimo, and he also wanted to personally check on his situation.    


His face was solemn and cold. His hands were trembling intensely as he resisted the urge to rush out.    


Xia Yihan needed his protection. If Ye Zimo knew that he left her alone in his room, he wouldn't forgive her even if he died.    


Lee Heetai really couldn't stay calm as he watched Ye Zichen fall to the ground and lose his life.    


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