Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C725 Wealthy Marriage 654

C725 Wealthy Marriage 654

She disdainfully listened to Si Si's roars, "Ye Zimo is cunning. How do you know this isn't their scheme? Don't mess things up."    


"It's best if you don't forget that your son is still waiting for his most beloved woman." Si Si watched as the car disappeared into the distance and hung up the phone.    


A pair of hands grabbed Si Si's neck from behind and Lin Jie rushed over: "Let her go!"    


The man reeked of alcohol and replied drunkenly, "If you hadn't stolen my plan half a year ago, I wouldn't have been bankrupt."    


"That's business." The man tightened his grip on Si Si's neck, "I don't care. Today, I'll let you have a taste of losing your true love!"    


Si Si's face turned purple as she looked at Lin Jie with her eyes wide open. Lin Jie said, "You said that you will die for me?"    


Si Si looked at Lin Jie and shook her head with difficulty. Lin Jie said with a smile, "Then go to hell."    


The man looked at Lin Jie in confusion. Lin Jie quickly knocked the man down. "Are you alright?" Lin Jie walked up.    


Si Si suddenly threw herself into Lin Jie's arms and cried loudly. Lin Jie's body stiffened and he still didn't push Si Si away …    


The house was cold. Xu Haorann had escaped! Zhang Fengyi stood beside Ye Zimo and reported. Ye Zimo didn't say anything as she stared coldly at Zhang Fengyi.    


Zhang Fengyi wiped off the sweat from his forehead: "I'll go look."    


"Zimo, it's said that KU has a high status in Italy. It's the fifth generation of Mafia. I'll go to Italy tomorrow." Lin Jie opened the door and sat down next to Ye Zimo.    


"No need." Ye Zimo rejected Lin Jie concisely.    


Lin Jie stood up from the chair, looked at Ye Zimo and said, "Although I like Xia Yihan, but I'm also your friend."    


Ye Zimo changed the subject. "Maybe I shouldn't say that, but maybe Si Si doesn't suit you."    


Lin Jie sat back down on the sofa and said after a while, "Not everyone cares about themselves like you do, maybe you can choose to protect someone else who loves you deeply."    


"Don't regret it." Ye Zimo looked at Lin Jie.    


"Maybe I'll marry Si Si." Lin Jie stood up and smiled indifferently. Ye Zimo's voice came from his back, "Did you tell Yihan?" Lin Jie paused for a moment before he lifted his foot and left.    


After Lin Jie left, the internal line on the table was broken. The butler hurriedly said: "Madam is sick."    


Ye Zimo wasn't here, so no one dared to grab Xia Yihan. Ye Nianmo, who was holding a toy, stood to the side and watched as Xia Yihan smashed something in the room.    


"What's going on?" Lili stepped into the living room, her eyes scanning the mess, her gaze fixed on Ye Nianmo. "Who told you to bring Nianmo here?"    


As the butler hurried to carry Ye Nianmo away, Xia Yihan rushed forward with her head in her hands and snatched Ye Nianmo away. "No one can take Nianmo away."    


Ye Nianmo's arm hurt a little from the pulling, he yelled: "Mommy, what's wrong with you?"    


Xia Yihan carried Ye Nianmo and walked slowly towards the balcony. Ye Zimo followed quietly, but was quickly stopped by Xia Yihan. "Don't come over here. I'm going to find Xu Haorann. I'm going to find Xu Haorann!"    


No matter how heart-wrenching Xia Yihan's scream was, Ye Zimo still continued moving forward. She was just about to reach Xia Yihan's side.    


Xia Yihan's foot had already missed her kick. She casually picked up the broken glass beside her and swung it at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo did not dodge, and the sharp glass pierced into Ye Zimo's arm.    


Warm blood flowed onto Xia Yihan's hands, causing him to be stunned for a moment. Ye Zimo snatched Ye Nianmo, who was in Xia Yihan's arms, and gave it to the butler.    


"I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened to me." Xia Yihan stared at Ye Zimo's bleeding arm with empty eyes.    


"I know, Yihan, don't feel guilty." She put Xia Yihan's eyes gently on her shoulders, not letting her see the blood on her arm.    


On the table, the butler handed a piece of paper to Ye Zimo: "It's something Young Master Nianmo gave Madam. The words were printed out using a computer, so I can't find any suspicious characters appearing at Ye Family Hall."    


"Xu Haorann will come find you!" Ye Zimo crushed the note and ordered coldly, "Why haven't the hypnotism experts from the United States arrived yet?"    


The butler wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, "It's already being connected. They're trying their best to coordinate with each other. It's said that a high official is resting inside."    


When Xia Yihan woke up, she found her hands bound in silk. "Ye Zimo." She called out softly.    


Ye Zimo put the contract aside and turned her head to help Xia Yihan loosen the restraints. I think Xu Haorann is going to die soon. " Xia Yihan muttered.    


"Do you need to plant another rose?" Ye Zimo listened in silence, then used her pillow to rest on Xia Yihan's waist.    


Xia Yihan giggled. "I can't believe I fell in love with you before."    


"I can't believe it either, because you never said you loved me." Ye Zimo said silently.    


Xia Yihan turned her head in embarrassment and saw the contract on the bedside. "Ye Zimo, you want to buy a hospital?"    


"Yes." Ye Zimo nodded hastily and put the contract away. The two of them did not say anything else. I find our conversation pitifully few. " Xia Yihan joked.    


Ye Zimo turned her head to look at Xia Yihan. "So?"    


Xia Yihan stretched her wrist and felt Xia Yihan's urging gaze, so she continued, "Sometimes I wonder, have we really fallen in love before? I can't even remember your favorite color."    


"Black." Ye Zimo was silent for a moment.    


Xia Yihan was taken aback. She tried to sit up with her legs crossed and fell back onto the bed with her hands tied.    


Ye Zimo lowered her head and wanted to help Xia Yihan untie the rope. Xia Yihan looked at the man's frown and said, "Let me just tie her up like this." After speaking, she suddenly leaned forward and kissed Xia Yihan's thin lips.    


Ye Zimo's eyes widened as she lowered her head to look at the woman in front of her. Xia Yihan's eyelashes fluttered slightly, her ears were red, but she was stubborn and long-necked explorer. This was the most intimate thing in the world.    


The tight-fitting lip slightly drew an arc in the air. Ye Zimo let Xia Yihan do what she wanted. "How do you feel?"    


Xia Yihan retreated back to her original position and said with some embarrassment, "Some people say that the heartbeat is the standard to test love. I just want to try if we really loved each other before."    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows. "So."    


Xia Yihan shook her head and poked at her heart. "It's beating very fast, but I don't know if it's love."    


Ye Zimo took a deep breath and stretched out her hand to pull the man's hand to her chest. "Then you missed a standard. The jumping here is all because of you."    


Xia Yihan blushed slightly from the fiery hot confession. Her black and white eyes rolled around as she intentionally changed the topic. "What did we just say?"    


Ye Zimo wiped away the crystal from the corner of her lips and leaned back. "Color."    


The two of them asked and answered each other. The night was getting late. Xia Yihan poked Ye Zimo on the back and asked, "Are you asleep?"    


Ye Zimo turned around and looked at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan gathered up her courage and said, "Ye Zimo, let me go."    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan with a strange expression. Looking at the hand that was tightly holding onto the blanket, she suddenly smiled. "Go and find Xu Haorann."    


Xia Yihan licked her dry lips and said with some difficulty, "Sometimes I don't want what I want. For example, if I want to go to Italy today, I can't just go there tomorrow."    


Xia Yihan was a bit sleepy and flippantly gave an example. Before Ye Zimo could reply, her eyelids had already drooped down. She seemed to hear a light chuckle, "I'll give you whatever you want."    


There seemed to be a slight jolting sensation in her sleep. Xia Yihan grabbed the blanket on her body and turned around, relying on her memories. "Plop!" His entire body fell onto the soft wool blanket!    


The woolen blanket was very soft, it wouldn't hurt even if she fell down. Xia Yihan got up in a daze and looked out the window at the blue sky and the white clouds that were within reach.    


He looked around in a daze. He was actually on a plane. Xia Yihan ignored her shoes and opened the only door in the plane.    


Ye Zimo was wearing frameless glasses in front of the four computers in front of her. She was busy. When she heard the commotion, she raised her head and crooked her finger at Xia Yihan, "Come here."    


"Where are we?" Xia Yihan swallowed her saliva.    


"Ten minutes to Italy." Ye Zimo paused for a moment. Then, as if she remembered something, she said, "You said Italy."    


Xia Yihan gaped at this man. Because of a random analogy she made before she went to sleep, this man had taken her abroad overnight.    


The airflow caused some bumps in the plane, and Xia Yihan's inertia caused her to fall forward. "Pa!" Xia Yihan rubbed her butt that had fallen a second time.    


Ye Zimo retracted her hand, but didn't get enough time to support Xia Yihan's hand. She rubbed it gently on Xia Yihan's waist, commenting, "The elasticity is good."    


An unremarkable Bentley was parked outside the airport. The tall Italian was looking around, and when he saw Ye Zimo, he hesitated a little and asked her in Italian, as if unsure whether she understood Italian, and then said it again in English.    


Ye Zimo used her fluent Italian to communicate with the other party. The tall Italian brought Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan into the car with a face full of smiles. Soon, the car stopped in front of a villa.    


After the driver saw the two off, he turned to the side. There was already someone waiting for Ye Zimo at the door. He hurriedly led the way into the main hall.    


The elegant man in the huge English style living room looked at the two of them with a smile. The huge floor-to-ceiling window reflected the rose blooming outside the window.    


"My name is Ahn. You're the most beautiful Oriental girl I've ever met." Ahn took Xia Yihan's hand and gently kissed her arm.    


Ye Zimo promptly tore Xia Yihan's hand away and led her to sit on the sofa. "This is Italy. Even if you are an English aristocrat, you should keep your tricks."    


"NONONO, Zimo, the way you treat gentlemen is not right." Ahn sits back down on the sofa, slightly raising his golden hair, his big deep blue eyes continuing to stare at Xia Yihan, the corner of his mouth curving up into a smile.    


Xia Yihan subconsciously covered her face with the black tea on the table and chuckled loudly. "Zimo, your lover is really interesting. I'm beginning to like her."    


"This is the first time today that you've said you like women." Ye Zimo snappily handed over the photo to Ahn.    


"How can you expose a gentleman's most affectionate confession?"    


Taking the photo, Ahn was about to open his mouth to say something when he saw the disapproving look in Ye Zimo's eyes. He changed the subject and said to Xia Yihan in English, "Beautiful Yihan, it's a pity that beautiful girls don't wear English upper-class dresses."    


He nodded to the housekeeper who was standing by the side. The butler then walked to Xia Yihan's side. Xia Yihan thanked him fluently in English, stood up and left with the butler.    


"Why didn't you tell your lover?" After Xia Yihan left, Ahn looked at Xia Yihan's back, seemingly deep in thought.    


Ye Zimo lightly tapped the table with her fingers in a rhythmic rhythm and said in a low voice, "If you don't want me to send ten women to your bed at night, then turn your head back now."    


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