Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C408 Favorite Marriage 340

C408 Favorite Marriage 340

Marry? She also wanted to marry him when they were engaged, and she wanted to have children with him as a matter of course.    


Only recently she had discovered that there was something wrong with his child, and that the child's affairs occupied a large part of their lives.    


She had always felt that now was not the right time. Soong Wanting was still in this villa and it would be too awkward for her to get married.    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "If I get married now and beat her to it, won't Xiaonong hate me to death? I'm in no hurry. I still want to live alone for a few years. Wasn't there a saying? "You can't give up the whole forest for a single tree."    


"How dare you!" Ye Zimo gritted her teeth while Xia Yihan giggled.    


"You're not allowed to say that in the future, or else I'll take care of you." Ye Zimo's face remained unfazed. Xia Yihan thought about how her entire body was still sore and soft. She was truly afraid of his tidying up.    


"Alright, you don't have to say it like that. I'm afraid of you, so is that not enough?"    


He liked to see her act like a young wife the most. After giving her a good kiss, he let her go and let her rest.    


Xia Yihan didn't sleep for long. After she got up, she went upstairs to play with Ye Zhengheng.    


Ye Zimo was busy in the study room, so she didn't call for her.    


Even when she went alone, Soong Wanting didn't express any rejection of her. Even after feeding her, Soong Wanting had taken the initiative to ask her to carry the baby.    


"Yihan, do you still blame me?" Soong Wanting asked.    


Xia Yihan only looked Soong Wanting in the eye and did not answer her.    


Soong Wanting sighed and said, "I know you still blame me. I also know that no matter how I change, you and Zimo still think that I have bad intentions." Forget it, just think whatever you want to think about it. Right now, I just want my child to be fine and have a good body as soon as possible. "    


"It's Du Du Du's good fortune that you can think like this." Xia Yihan said lightly.    


Soong Wanting didn't say anything else. She knew that nothing could be done in a hurry, and it definitely wasn't something that could be accomplished in a day or two.    


However, in order to make the final battle so that Mo Xiaonong could successfully climb onto Ye Zimo's bed, she had to work every day, hoping that they would change their minds as soon as possible.    


Xia Yihan played with the child for a while. Since Ye Zimo was not around, she and Soong Wanting still felt a little uncomfortable being alone together.    


She handed the child to Soong Wanting and went to the kitchen to make two more dishes for Ye Zimo.    


Mo Xiaonong's parents were all very satisfied with her since they only ate dinner at Liao Family.    


Although she was born not to be a sensible person, she knew very well how Xia Yihan did things after following Xia Yihan for so long. She only followed Xia Yihan's example, how could the Liao Family elders not be satisfied with how obedient she was?    


Of course, Liao Family were also very pleased with Liao Weidong being able to climb onto Ye Zimo's sister-in-law.    


They all knew that Ye Zimo's woman wasn't only his woman, she was also Chief of staff, Lee's daughter.    


Although Mo Xiaonong wasn't Xia Yihan's sister, they grew up together, and it was Mo Xiaonong's parents who raised Xia Yihan. Everyone knew about this in the upper class of the East River.    


Xia Yihan could be bad to her own sister, but she couldn't be bad to the daughter of her adoptive parents. What would people say about her? They would definitely say that she was ungrateful and ungrateful.    


Just from this point, Liao Family's parents also wished for them to get together as soon as possible. All these years, if Liao Weidong could really get a promotion from Ye Zimo, regardless of whether it was government or business, his future would be bright.    




Recently, there were some small problems with Ye Zimo's Fu Group Group, and it was hard to tell who was directing them from behind the scenes.    


On the surface, it was hard to tell, but Ye Zimo knew it was Zhong Yuquan who did it.    


With the change of year coming, he wanted to make the father and son of Ye Family chaotic, so that he could take the opportunity to start a relationship.    


The problem with Fu Group was not that big of a deal. For financial reasons, Zhong Yuquan would not openly use Fu Group. After all, Fu Group's business in East River was too big.    


There were a lot of temporary problems that needed Ye Zimo's personal approval and resolution, so even on weekends he was very busy.    


Although he didn't say anything, Xia Yihan could guess what had happened to his business.    


She hated herself for not having the ability to help him.    


Having finished cooking, Xia Yihan went to the study room to call Ye Zimo. She found him leaning back with his eyes closed on the reclining chair, rubbing his temples with two fingers.    


Seeing him in such a state, Xia Yihan's heart ached for him.    


She stepped forward and silently placed her hand on his head, gently rubbing his scalp.    


Ye Zimo still had her eyes closed and a smile was on her face. He felt that he was very happy to have a woman as considerate as Xia Yihan to accompany him. No matter how difficult it was, he didn't care.    


"Are you very tired? Mo, what can I help you with? "    


Ye Zimo's big hand grabbed her little hand and pulled her into his lap. She looked at her little face and said, "You are always happy. You just have to help me."    


"If you say so, I feel very useless. "If only I could be as capable as Lin Ling, I would be able to do a lot of things for you when you're busy."    


"Actually, you are more capable than her. It's just that your experiences are different. I need a lover, not an assistant, Silly Girl. " Ye Zimo ruffled her hair.    


"I know, but when you're busy, all you need is an assistant."    


"I can solve all the problems myself, you know?" Ye Zimo stretched out her hand to smooth the space between Xia Yihan's brows.    


"Have you eaten?" he asked.    


"Yes, time to eat."    


After the meal, Ye Zimo went back into the study and was forcefully dragged outside by Xia Yihan.    


She said that working right after dinner was not good for her health, so Ye Zimo realized that her housewife really cared about a lot.    


When he returned from his walk, Xia Yihan did not stop him from continuing his work.    


She took some work home herself and turned on her computer in Ye Zimo's bedroom.    


Mo Xiaonong returned around 8 PM in the evening. She did not return to her room to see Xia Yihan.    


"Sofia, what's wrong? Seeing that their parents are not doing well? " Xia Yihan saw Mo Xiaonong's worried face and immediately put down her work.    


"No, Sis. It went smoothly. His parents both liked me."    


"Then why are you frowning? What do you want to talk to Big Sis about? "    


Mo Xiaonong sighed and said, "Sis, there is actually one thing that I don't know how to resolve. It's also because I'm not good and I love face so much that I lied. "    


"Speak, what's going on? You're going to die from talking like that."    


Mo Xiaonong sighed again and continued, "It's like this, they all know that I'm your sister. When we're eating, they just ask my parents where they are, and I say they work at Dongjiang River, so the benefits are pretty good. I said my brother-in-law arranged it, and they were happy to hear it. They also said they wanted to visit us soon. Asking where my family lives, I said that Brother-in-law bought a house for my parents in the city, right on New Source Road. "    


The more Mo Xiaonong spoke, the softer her voice became. Xia Yihan's eyebrows also gradually knitted together.    


She knew Mo Xiaonong's personality, and she should have known better.    


"Sis, are you angry? I knew you'd be angry. Actually, I didn't think about it at the time. They kept asking me if my brother-in-law was good to me and I didn't want to lose Liao Weidong. I knew they were treating me so warmly because I was your sister, so I was confused, and in order to show you and your brother-in-law were nice to me, I had to lie. Sis, I know it's not good to lie, so I should be honest with others. But how can outsiders know about us? Everyone thinks you're the richest woman in the East River, I'm sure I have a lot of money. Who would believe that the wealthiest of them all still lived in a small, run-down house that cost several hundred thousand yuan? They say that I am fine, but the main thing is that they will say that you have not been kind to your adoptive parents, and have not been filial to them? "    


Mo Xiaonong actually knew that Xia Yihan didn't have any money on her. She knew that Xia Yihan was too thin-skinned to ask Ye Zimo for money.    


Even if Ye Zimo gave her more, she wouldn't accept it.    


However, she had Ye Zimo and her Lee Family, so she could get them no matter how much she wanted.    


She couldn't say for sure what would happen in the future. It would be best if she could take Ye Zimo down. If she failed, then she would be broke, so she wanted to take advantage of the marriage to get some benefits.    


If her parents arranged to work at Dongjiang River, what they earned would all be hers in the future.    


How could Xia Yihan not understand what Mo Xiaonong was saying. Thinking about how she lived in such a good villa beside Ye Zimo every day, dressed in luxurious clothing, her adoptive parents did not eat well enough, and she was not without guilt.    


The last time the two of them said they were going to break up, Ye Zimo had transferred half of her property to her name, but she didn't take it.    


That money and the real estate were still in her name. She knew Ye Zimo had given them to her, so she wouldn't take them back. It's just that she and he aren't married after all. She doesn't want him. Even if she got married, she would still be ashamed of herself. She had never fought with him, so why should she enjoy what he had fought for?    


This time, Mo Xiaonong really gave her a problem. Even if it was the house, she could think of a way to solve it. The job of foster parents was actually even more difficult.    


"Sis, why aren't you saying anything? Are you angry? I know I was wrong. I'll tell Weidong now to tell his parents that I lied. I don't want to make things difficult for you either, Sis. "    


As Mo Xiaonong said that, she opened her handbag and took out her cellphone, as if she was going to call Liao Weidong.    


Xia Yihan really couldn't do anything about her and knew that she was only putting on an act. However, she just felt sorry for her little sister. Even if she was willful, it was impossible for her to not care about her.    


Furthermore, Mo Xiaonong was right in some aspects. In the end, her adoptive parents could also be considered Ye Zimo's father-in-law. If people knew that her mother-in-law still lived in such a terrible place, it would be a disgrace to Ye Zimo.    


How could Xia Yihan not know that if it weren't for the matter of her foster mother previously, Ye Zimo would have thought of this point a long time ago, and have done so much for the Mo Family.    


"Xiaonong, I will think of a way to help you solve the problem of your house. As for the job, I can't guarantee, so I can only do my best. Mom and Dad have raised me for so many years, so it's only right that I help them buy a house. However, don't mention this matter to your brother-in-law, I'll find someone else to think of. "    


Mo Xiaonong didn't care where she was thinking. Even if she was borrowing money, someone would pay for her. She just needed to live in a good house and wait for her parents to earn money.    


"Sis, I knew you were the best to me. You are the most filial person, and you are also the most filial to your parents. "    


Mo Xiaonong was overjoyed, while Xia Yihan merely smiled bitterly.    


Who was she going to borrow this money from? If Ye Zimo were to ask others to borrow money, wouldn't she be infuriated once she found out?    


Ye Zimo was a man with a strong sense of pride and manhood. If he found out that she had gone to another man for help, he would definitely be angry.    


Thus, even if she wanted to request someone, she could only beg a woman and not a man.    


Xia Yihan was still wondering who she could get from, when Mo Xiaonong said, "Sis, I still want to talk to you. The area of the house must not be too bad, the house must not be too small. "    


"Yeah, I know."    


The price of housing in the East River was now very high. If he wanted to meet Mo Xiaonong's demand to buy a set of three rooms and two rooms in the city center, it would at least cost two million yuan.    


The foster parents were also old. Since she wanted to honor them, she definitely couldn't mortgage their homes and let them take on the mortgage.    


Currently, Xia Yihan's own salary wasn't high, only a few thousand yuan. If she were to borrow two million, it would really be nothing for people like Ye Zimo. If she had to repay it herself, it wouldn't be something that could be paid off in a year or two.    


It didn't matter how long it took. The most important thing was that she needed to borrow money from someone who wasn't in a hurry to use it.    


"Sis, if there's nothing else, I'll head back to my room. Are you going upstairs to get the baby? If you want to go, I'll go with you. It's been a whole day since I've seen this little guy, and I'm still thinking about him. "    


"I'll go with Ye Zimo later. If you want to see the child, you can go alone." Xia Yihan did not have a single doubt that Mo Xiaonong was going to find Soong Wanting.    


Mo Xiaonong nodded and said, "Alright, I know that elder sister wants to think about the house. "Sis, you've worked hard, but you're surrounded by rich people. A house is just a small matter, I know you can finish it in a few minutes."    


Xia Yihan smiled bitterly again and nodded.    




Mo Xiaonong closed the door and left. Xia Yihan was still thinking about everyone she knew.    


She had always disliked begging people. Today's difficult problem was enough for her to think about.    


Mo Xiaonong went upstairs and knocked on Soong Wanting's door. Soong Wanting said, "Please come in." When she entered the door, she saw Soong Wanting playing with her child by herself.    


"I came to see the child." Mo Xiaonong said that when Soong Wanting saw that she had come alone, she immediately felt nervous.    


This room was monitored. She had never dared to speak carelessly in this room.    


"Little Heng is going to sleep. He needs to look after the child. I'll come back with your sister later." Soong Wanting said coldly.    


Mo Xiaonong was a little curious. Why would she do this to her?    


Could it be that after this incident, Soong Wanting became scared and didn't dare to deal with Xia Yihan anymore? Did she want to cancel her previous plan?    


If she didn't help her, how could she take Ye Zimo down herself? That would be impossible.    


No, she couldn't let Soong Wanting go back on her word. She wanted to stimulate her fighting spirit.    


Mo Xiaonong thought that her eloquence was quite impressive. She had to rely on her own eloquence to convince Soong Wanting.    


She took a few steps forward and Soong Wanting shook her head slightly. Mo Xiaonong didn't notice. Soong Wanting didn't dare to make any big movements, as she was afraid that Ye Zimo would notice her odd movements and guard against her when the time came.    


Actually, she was worried that Ye Zimo would investigate the surveillance the last time she faked an attack on her stomach. However, Ye Zimo didn't seem to have done anything about it.    


It could also be that after a long period of time, the monitoring content would automatically be overwritten, so he wouldn't be able to find anything even if he wanted to.    


Even if Ye Zimo didn't immediately know about it, she would still try her best to guard against his knowledge.    


"Song …" Mo Xiaonong had just said the word Song when Soong Wanting gently pinched the child without leaving a trace.    


Ye Zhengheng was in pain and immediately cried out.    


She acted very stealthily. Even Mo Xiaonong, who was standing not too far away from her, couldn't tell that she was the one who caused the child to cry. She only thought that the child was not used to crying from anger due to the change in posture.    


"Someone, come!" Soong Wanting called out, and the maid at the door immediately called for baby caregiver. The two baby caregiver hurriedly entered.    


The child was still crying when Soong Wanting sternly said to them, "Why are you so slow? Do you think that you can neglect Mr Ye just because he isn't here? "I'll tell you guys, there are camera monitoring people in this room. Mr Ye will know who did not do the right thing."    


baby caregiver apologized repeatedly with fear and trepidation. When Mo Xiaonong heard about the surveillance cameras, her face turned pale.    


That was close. Luckily, Soong Wanting was alert and used this method to warn her. Otherwise, she would have to call her Sister Soong and discuss when to move out with her.    


It looked like they had no way to discuss countermeasures during the period of Soong Wanting's confinement. It was no wonder that Soong Wanting seemed to have completely changed these past two days. It seemed that she just wanted to numb Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan so that she would have the freedom to move around.    


"I said I was holding him, and he cried. "I don't have the experience to coax her. It seems like I should come back later with my sister. Aiya, my luck is really bad."    


With that, Mo Xiaonong turned around and left. Soong Wanting also let out a sigh of relief.    


The child wasn't in much pain, so he was quickly coaxed. When Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan came up, the child stopped crying.    


The two of them played with the child for a while longer before Ye Zimo went back to the study room.    


When Ye Zimo returned to her room, Xia Yihan had already taken a shower and had already decided on a loan.    


She thought about a lot of people and decided it would be better to tell her mother.    


"Mo, are you tired? "Take an early bath and rest early." Xia Yihan stepped forward and said gently.    


"Alright." Ye Zimo only smiled warmly at Xia Yihan, ruffled her hair, then took the robe Xia Yihan gave him and went to the bathroom in their bedroom.    


After a while he came out. Xia Yihan had turned off her phone and was lying on the bed.    


"Ready to drive?" Ye Zimo sat down on the edge of the bed and teased her with a smile.    


"Chenqie will not be able to receive you today." Xia Yihan laughed as well.    


"Why not? Could it be that this concubine of mine has come to Big Aunt? "    


"Fuck you, not a single one of you are serious." Xia Yihan's face turned red again.    


After a busy day, seeing his woman smile so happily, his tiredness seemed to have vanished in an instant.    


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