Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C442 Favorite Marriage 374

C442 Favorite Marriage 374

No matter what, his attitude was always good, and Princess Ya Hui wouldn't hold onto such a small matter.    


"I want to stay in the East River for a while longer. There will be plenty of chances for us to appear together in romantic attire, so I won't force you to do anything today." Princess Ya Hui said.    


"Your Highness is right." Ye Zimo's attitude made Princess Ya Hui feel that as long as she insisted on dressing up with him, he would definitely agree.    


The two of them left Ye Zimo's house and followed the group all the way to the foot of the mountain. Princess Ya Hui told them to wait at the foot of the mountain and that she would contact them if there was an emergency.    


When it came to the safety of the princess' life, the followers naturally didn't dare to make any decisions, but unfortunately, the princess was ordered yet didn't dare to easily disobey.    


In the end, the security officer had no choice but to call the princess' father for her opinion. In the end, her father just said that he would do as the princess said.    


Just like this, Ye Zimo carried the tent and the water on her back. In addition, they also brought the lunch and dinner dishes from home and packed them in a thermal container. Ye Zimo carried a lot of weight.    


When there weren't any attendants on the mountain, Princess Ya Hui took the initiative to ask for Ye Zimo's things.    


"Thank you, Your Highness. I don't need it. This little thing is nothing."    


"What's the use of the two of us calling each other Your Highness? Others would find it weird." Princess Ya Hui said.    


"Others don't understand the language." Ye Zimo smiled.    


"True." Princess Ya Hui laughed as well.    


When she grew up, she had never even imagined that she would one day go out on a solo trip with a man without any bodyguards. They were just like an ordinary couple.    


Looking at Ye Zimo's tall back and how he helped her carry so many things, she suddenly felt as if her heart had been moved like never before.    


"Do you need any water?" After crawling for a while, Princess Ya Hui was already covered in sweat. Ye Zimo stopped and took out a kettle for her.    


Princess Ya Hui drank some water and continued to climb the mountain with him.    


The two walked and stopped, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way. When Princess Ya Hui saw that the couples they were travelling with were taking selfie pictures, she suddenly became excited and took a lot of photos with Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo had always taken care of her, and he had basically agreed to all of her requests.    


Even when she was tired, he would carry her on his back.    


"Put me down, I can't help but feel sorry for you." Ye Zimo put her down again, and the two of them rested for a while on a big rock by the mountain road.    


Ye Zimo took out a small towel from her bag for Princess Ya Hui to wipe off her sweat. Princess Ya Hui mischievously brought her face in front of him for him to wipe it off.    


He smiled calmly and didn't reject her request. The towel was placed on Princess Ya Hui's face, and she felt a sweetness in her heart that she had never felt before.    


She reached out and grabbed Ye Zimo's wrist. She looked at his face bravely, from his slanted brows to his thin lips.    


Her meaning was clear. She wanted to kiss him. This was the kiss she had been looking forward to the most.    


Ye Zimo put her arms around her neck and just as her lips were about to touch hers, she heard a girl scream, "Ah, there seems to be a snake!"    


"Hurry up!" Ye Zimo's expression was grim. She immediately bent down, picked up Princess Ya Hui and ran up the mountain.    


After walking for a while, he finally put her down. Princess Ya Hui was also frightened, and her face immediately turned pale.    


"Don't be afraid, that girl might have misjudged you." As soon as he finished his sentence, Ye Zimo saw the girl, who had just screamed, pulling a boy by the hand as she walked up. The boy dotingly said, "Look at yourself, scaring yourself, you can even take a rotten piece of wood as your tongue."    


The girl stuck out her tongue and said, "I was just trying to test your guts."    


The two of them bickered and quickly walked in front of Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan.    


Ye Zimo looked at Princess Ya Hui and silently smiled. Princess Ya Hui's face was a little red from embarrassment. She felt that it was better to let Ye Zimo see that she wasn't brave enough.    


At this moment, she made up her mind. Even if she saw the snake, she would pretend that she wasn't afraid. Even if something dangerous happened, she would face it calmly and not let him look down on her.    


It was indeed very tall. Ye Zimo had taken the wrong route with Princess Ya Hui, so it was almost dark by the time they got to the top of the mountain and set up their tent.    


Fortunately, there were lights in the tent, and Princess Ya Hui wasn't afraid of such a strong man.    


After the two of them had dinner in the tent, Princess Ya Hui felt a little tired.    


"Your Highness." "Ya Hui," said Ye Zimo, and Princess Ya Hui looked at her in the light, fascinated by his Ya Hui, and said, "Ya Hui."    


"Ya Hui …" Ye Zimo cried softly in agreement, and the look in his eyes made Princess Ya Hui feel even more enchanted.    


She just felt her entire body was sore. Otherwise, she would really want to have a firewood fight with him right now.    


"Is your leg sore? I brought essential oil and I'll massage it for you. "    




"Are you really going to massage me?" Princess Ya Hui was both surprised and touched. She knew that Ye Zimo wasn't the kind of man who would casually treat others well. He was very proud of her.    


She couldn't understand why he would suddenly treat her so well. Could it be that he was attracted by her charm?    


If so, why hadn't he been like this before? Was there something wrong with his essential oil? Did he have ill intentions towards her?    


If he was really interested in her body, he wouldn't need to use this method. She wouldn't refuse to have physical contact with him.    


If he wanted to poison her, it would be even more impossible. Her guards were at the foot of the mountain, and she had been on guard before leaving. Even her father knew that it was Ye Zimo who brought her up the mountain.    


Seeing that Princess Ya Hui has doubts, Ye Zimo immediately said seriously, "Your Highness, are you afraid that there is something unspeakable in my essential oil? "I'll rub it. If I'm fine, then so be it. If Your Highness wants to wipe it, then wipe it. If she doesn't want to wipe it, then forget it."    


Ye Zimo poured the essential oil into her hands, then rolled up her pants and rubbed them back and forth across his legs.    


He looked angry, and Princess Ya Hui felt a little guilty. Maybe he meant well. Or maybe he had other plans for taking care of her. After all, she was a princess, and he had asked her for help.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Wipe it for me, your legs are really sore."    


"Lie down." Princess Ya Hui took off her clothes and pants, lying on the inflatable mat in her underwear. Ye Zimo held her breath and helped massage her thighs and calves.    


He was very adept at it. Princess Ya Hui felt so comfortable that she wanted to fall asleep while pinching him.    


She forced herself to stay awake, thinking that she still had the most important thing to do. She didn't want to just fall asleep like this.    


"I'm not trying to get you to sleep. Ya Hui, I'm trying to help you recover your strength. We're fine …" At this point, Ye Zimo looked greedily at her delicate body. His hand reached beneath her and skillfully untied her undergarment.    


Very quickly, her underwear was also taken off by him.    


"Your body is so beautiful." He was not stingy with his praise.    


Princess Ya Hui's face turned red and her heartbeat quickened, as if all the fatigue on her body had been swept away. She reached out to hug Ye Zimo, just as the lights in the tent suddenly went out.    


"Your Highness, don't be afraid. Let me check." Ye Zimo stood up and twisted the light bulb. Then, Princess Ya Hui heard him softly curse in English.    


"Is it broken?" Princess Ya Hui asked.    


"Oh no, are you afraid?" Ye Zimo put her arms around her and whispered into her ear.    


She had originally been afraid, but because of his approach, her heart was beating wildly, so she didn't know how to be afraid anymore. Anyway, it didn't matter whether she had a light or not as long as she was in constant love with him.    


She hugged Ye Zimo's neck back, and just as her lips touched his, she heard him laugh embarrassedly, "Sorry, Ya Hui, I think …" "Take it easy."    


Conveniently, Ye Zimo used Chinese. Princess Ya Hui didn't really understand, but she understood as soon as he came out of the tent that he was suddenly in a hurry.    


Ye Zimo went out for a while. While she was waiting anxiously, the tent opened again. Ye Zimo went into the tent and passionately embraced her.    


This time, he was no longer evasive and evasive like usual. Instead, he was extremely passionate. It was as if he was a completely different person from before.    


As expected, Ye Zimo had good stamina. Princess Ya Hui climbed up the mountain again. Under his passionate attacks, she was able to unleash her full potential.    


In the end, perhaps because she was too tired, she unknowingly fell asleep during the time of love.    


When she woke up, it was already dawn. She saw Ye Zimo sleeping beside her.    


There were birds chirping in the forest, and Princess Ya Hui was in a very good mood.    


Ye Zimo was the first man that she was so enthralled by. She found that being with him, even if it meant not being in bed, was good.    


She suddenly had the thought of being alone with someone. Last night, she had forgotten to prepare a contraceptive method. Was this heaven's will?    


"Ye Zimo." She called out his name. Ye Zimo opened her eyes in a daze and mumbled, "Good morning. You've tired me to death."    


Princess Ya Hui thought about how they climbed the mountain all day yesterday while Ye Zimo was still carrying a lot of weight. She wanted it several times during the night, so it was normal for him to be tired.    


Looking at him, Princess Ya Hui thought he was really cute.    


"Say it again, I'm tired of you." Princess Ya Hui smiled.    


"Let me go, I'm going down the mountain today. I'm afraid my legs are going to go weak, and I can't carry you if you can't walk." Ye Zimo also laughed. Princess Ya Hui felt that the two of them had become a couple after last night's festivities.    


She leaned over to him, laid her head on his chest, and whispered, "Ye Zimo, do you think I'll be pregnant with your child? I've been looking for a good source of sperm for the last two years. It never occurred to me that your sperm was the best in the world. "    


She lay on his chest so that she could not see his expression. Ye Zimo's expression froze for a moment before returning to normal.    


"Are you joking, Your Highness?" he whispered.    


Princess Ya Hui propped up her arms again, looked at his face and said very seriously, "No, I'm very serious. I suddenly want to get married, I want to marry you. You know, if I wanted to, I could pass my father... "You have a system of marriage in ancient China. I believe that your leaders will not oppose it, right?"    


Ye Zimo's gentle smile disappeared, and her expression turned serious.    


"I object. I will not do anything that I don't like to do. Even if I die, I will not do it."    


Who would have thought that his attitude would be so unyielding. Was the princess of her nation not worthy of him, a mere little Ye Zimo?    


The smile on Princess Ya Hui's face froze, and she turned solemn.    


"What if it's for Xia Yihan?" she asked coldly.    


Ye Zimo's expression was stern as she immediately replied coldly, "That's even more ridiculous. I can't think of any reason to give in to my ex-girlfriend."    


He didn't seem to care at all, but Princess Ya Hui thought it was probably just a disguise.    


She looked at Ye Zimo with her sharp, angry eyes. With such an imposing manner, most men would consciously avoid her gaze, but Ye Zimo looked straight at her without the slightest intention to retreat.    


"Tell me, Ye Zimo, it's you who is secretly helping Xia Yihan in Australia!" Her words were an order, not a question at all.    


Ye Zimo's gaze was cold and her eyebrows creased slightly. "What are you talking about?" I don't understand. "    


"Don't you understand the Mandarin? Pretending to be confused? "    


Ye Zimo laughed coldly and said, "It looks like you mean that Xia Yihan is in Australia? Someone helped her. You think it was me, don't you? "    




"Sorry, that's not me. I've already broken up with her, I have no reason to help her."    


Princess Ya Hui also laughed coldly. Her eyes never left his for even a second as she looked at him aggressively with a cold gaze.    


"So even if I send someone to assassinate her, you won't have any objections?"    


Ye Zimo lightly smiled and said indifferently, "Of course I have no objections. I have said that she no longer has any relationship with me."    


"Is that so? "I'm not joking. Don't forget that you have a saying in China called 'Jun Wu Yi's Words'."    


"Do it at any time, I don't care." Ye Zimo's lips curved into a faint smile again. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that he probably really didn't care.    


If she had never come into contact with Ye Zimo, who really loved Xia Yihan, she would have believed that he had really forgotten.    


She recalled that when she had threatened Ye Zimo with Xia Yihan, he had immediately agreed nervously.    


Until now, not much time had passed. Was it really that easy to let go of the love that was once able to give birth to and die for the other party? Did he take her for a fool?    


"Ye Zimo, I remember that you cared a lot about her in the past. Tell me, how did you let her go so easily?" Princess Ya Hui continued to examine his expression, but it didn't change at all.    


Ye Zimo's expression didn't change at all. She seemed to be calm like still water.    


"As a person, one must be able to bear the consequences. If it is over, it is over. I'm a businessman, and I'm only thinking about the input and output ratio. In general, I am rational, do not believe in love, occasionally attracted by this kind of illusory things, can only indulge for a while. In the past, I would only feel that I was very foolish at that time. "    


The reason he said seemed to make sense, but after all, women still had an intuition. Princess Ya Hui felt that her intuition wouldn't lie to him.    


No matter how indifferent he was, she could not believe him.    


Princess Ya Hui smirked faintly and said softly, "No matter what, if you don't agree to marry me, I will think it's because of Xia Yihan. I won't think it's because of my own charm."    


Ye Zimo spread out her hands, as if the helpless actions that FannLai Country men often performed, and said: "Whatever you think, it has nothing to do with me."    


"Alright, since you're so indifferent, then I'll do it." Princess Ya Hui said as she sat up and went to find her jumpsuit. Her cell phone was in the pocket of her jumpsuit.    


"As far as I know, Xia Yihan is going to look at fireflies. That place is like the island of Goose, watching them in the dark. "My brother's man failed because he didn't hit hard enough. If he fired his machine gun in the dark …" Princess Ya Hui took the phone and looked at Ye Zimo, her slender fingers resting on the number button.    


She had never had the thought of marrying anyone before, and now that she had this thought, she would definitely not allow them to refuse.    


A single human life was nothing to some people, just like Princess Ya Hui. It was as if Xia Yihan's life was right under her fingers. As long as she pressed the button, the next order that awaited Xia Yihan would be the end of her life.    


She didn't believe that Ye Zimo would still be able to remain calm at this point.    


However, she was still unable to see the panic on his face, which surprised her a little.    


Princess Ya Hui couldn't explain anything until the last moment, so she opened the unlock key and pressed the numeric key.    


After pressing two numbers, Ye Zimo snatched her phone and threw it into a corner of the tent.    


How could an ordinary person dare to steal something from a princess with such a large movement?    


Princess Ya Hui's focus was not on this. She smiled contemptuously and said, "What? You can't stand it any longer, right? "    


Ye Zimo's face was dark and he said righteously, "Yes! He couldn't bear it any longer! But it's different from what you think, it's not because the other party is Xia Yihan, it's not because I care about a woman that I can't bear it. I just don't want to see you disregard human life. It's up to you and me to get married. "She's just an innocent person, it has nothing to do with her. Why did you let her take the blame?"    


"You speak so righteously, don't you feel that you're very excited?" Ye Zimo's expression immediately eased up.    


"You've agreed?" Ye Zimo? "    


Ye Zimo was silent for a while, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. After pondering for a while, he finally spoke in a serious tone, "Your Highness, you underestimate yourself too much. Do you think I'd give in and marry you if you threatened me with other women? "    


"What do you mean?" Princess Ya Hui frowned.    


"I mean, your personal charm is enough to make any man give in and be willing to spend the rest of his life with you."    


Princess Ya Hui was someone who loved to be flattered by others the most, especially the man she liked. However, wasn't Ye Zimo's transformation too quick? She had to doubt the authenticity of his words.    


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