Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C472 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Class 404

C472 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Class 404

Seeing Ye Zimo's serious face, Xia Yihan was moved. She silently wiped her tears away and sat down at the table.    


Ye Zimo could tell that Xia Yihan had not slept well, but her time was limited, and she didn't want to waste it comforting her.    


"Do the police have a confession?" he asked matter-of-factly.    


Even though he knew that no one would dare to attack her, he still couldn't help but ask.    


Xia Yihan shook her head.    


After that, Ye Zimo asked Xia Yihan in detail about the last time she saw Sister Soong, what she had said and done, and whether anyone else was present.    


"The police said Sister Soong's niece reported the case and identified the person as the person I killed. She also said that Sister Soong had told me to let her go. I didn't say that, so Sister Soong's niece Da Feng lied. I think this should be an important clue, but I guess they said Da Feng said that to make sure I had a motive. For this, there are two other people who provided testimony. They are Sister Soong's and our company's people, one is called Little Lu and the other is called Ling Zi. As you've probably seen in the report, these two people are very angry with me, and I don't think they're acting. I think the most likely possibility is that Sister Soong was purposely coerced to speak to them like that. No wonder they looked a little strange when they saw me the other day. It's me who didn't think of all this. I'm so stupid. "    


As she spoke, Xia Yihan couldn't help but blame herself.    


Back then, she should have insisted on not taking Sister Soong's things. It was because she was too soft-hearted that she was used against her.    


Who would have thought that something as important as murder would be involved?    


"Don't blame yourself. I've said it before, if someone is planning something, no matter what you do, you will inevitably fall into a trap. Not to mention you, even the most powerful of people would not be able to escape. "    


This was what Ye Zimo was comforting her with, but in reality, he was blaming himself even more.    


He understood that he forced Zhong Yuquan to be a bit tighter. Recently, he had had children, plus he was injured, so he focused most of his attention on the company and paid less attention to Xia Yihan's matter.    


Of course, it was also because he thought that no matter how bad Zhong Yuquan was, he wouldn't act against his own daughter.    


He had still misjudged that old thing. He had already become a mad dog, biting anyone who saw him. There was simply no affection between them at all.    


"Anything else to add?" Ye Zimo asked again.    


"Yes." Xia Yihan didn't sleep last night. Other than worrying about her mother and Ye Zimo, she also thought about the details of the case. She didn't study law, so she didn't understand a lot of things. However, the facts clearly didn't match with the facts, and she understood that they had to be told to Ye Zimo.    


"Do you remember that I told you that Sister Soong wanted to repay me? She put ten thousand yuan in the vegetables, and the police told me that Sister Soong's niece told me that I took the initiative to give the ten thousand yuan to Sister Soong. They said my goal was to bribe Sister Soong, because Sister Soong wrote down my meeting with Mo Xiaojun in her diary. "    


At this point, Xia Yihan thought that Ye Zimo should have already seen the news. She really felt warmth from the bottom of her heart that he could trust her so much.    


"Have you met in private?" Ye Zimo asked.    


He believed in Xia Yihan, but he was still a bit concerned about her meeting with Mo Xiaojun in private.    


In this situation, he was afraid that Xia Yihan would feel uncomfortable in her heart. If this was a normal situation, he would surely show her some face.    


"Yes, but it's not an appointment. He just happened to pass by my place of work, so he came over to chat with me."    


Ye Zimo's face was still serious, even frowning slightly.    


"So that part of Sister Soong's diary is indeed true."    


"Right." This was also what Xia Yihan was worried about. Sister Soong's lies were partially true, and there was even a witness. That was why she was so passive in the matter of motive.    


"There's one more thing I need to tell you." Xia Yihan's face was also tense.    


"The dress I wore to Sister Soong's house yesterday was a strange piece of evidence. When the police brought it to me, I was surprised to see that it was covered with blood. After I left Sister Soong's house, I went back to my mother's and changed out of my clothes to eat. "    


"In other words, that piece of clothing could have been stolen by someone and placed at the scene?"    




"Got it." Ye Zimo bowed her head and wrote this down in her handwriting book.    


After the two of them exchanged a few more words about the case, Ye Zimo reached out her hand and took Xia Yihan's hand. She looked at her resolutely and said solemnly, "Wait, you'll be free soon. Believe me, you must be strong yourself!"    


"I will. Don't worry about me. They already know that I'm President Zhong's daughter, so no one will make things difficult for me." Xia Yihan said briefly that she really didn't want Ye Zimo to worry about her.    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan again. There was guilt, sadness, and heartache in her eyes.    


He could not look at her any longer, or he would have the thought of taking her away now.    


Ye Zimo left the meeting room first. He didn't look back, but he heard the sound of Xia Yihan being taken away by the police.    


Xia Yihan had always walked lightly, but this time, her steps sounded exceptionally heavy, as if they were going to break his heart.    


As he walked out of the jail, Ye Zimo's cell phone rang. He took it out of his coat pocket and saw that it was Mo Xiaojun.    


"Where?" Mo Xiaojun asked coldly.    


He must have come for Xia Yihan.    


The matter this time involved him, so he didn't take the initiative to look for him. Ye Zimo was also looking for Mo Xiaojun.    


He was also one of the witnesses, proving that the two people's secret recorded in Sister Soong's diary were fake.    


"Outside the jail."    


"I was just about to arrive as well. Wait for me at the same place. I have a few words to tell you." Mo Xiaojun ended the call.    


After many enquiries, he found out where Xia Yihan was being held, so he rushed over early in the morning.    


He wanted to make an appointment with Ye Zimo. He and Hai Qingqing would come to the detention center to see if they could see Xia Yihan, and after that, he would go see Ye Zimo.    


In just a few minutes, Mo Xiaojun arrived at the jail. Ye Zimo looked at her watch several times. He still had too many things to do and didn't have the time to waste.    


Hai Qingqing and Mo Xiaojun came over. Hai Qingqing went to the leaders of the detention center to think of a solution, while Mo Xiaojun came over to talk to Ye Zimo.    


"What is it? Tell me." Ye Zimo's expression was impatient.    


What Mo Xiaojun wanted to say the most was to make him believe Xia Yihan.    


Seeing him at the gate of the jail, he knew without saying that he believed Xia Yihan.    


"Seems like the trust she had in you the previous two times was not in vain. Ye Zimo and Yihan were wronged. Yihan and I were both innocent and never kissed. "    


"I know."    


Of course he knew how immature this woman was when he was with her. It wasn't as if he had never had a woman before, so how could he not know?    


"She is even more unjustly accused of killing someone. As a normal citizen, no one would frame her like that. So this must be related to you, and Ye Family. She has suffered too much for you, and her reputation has been wounded time and again. Now, someone is even starting to write about her reputation, and if you really love her, wash it off as soon as you can. "    


If this was before, how could Ye Zimo allow anyone to say such things to him? But now, he only hoped that Mo Xiaojun would put more emphasis on his words. He didn't make a single mistake; he had caused Xia Yihan to suffer too much.    


She was so weak, so helpless in the jail, so uncomfortable facing the cold walls.    


Mo Xiaojun was blaming Ye Zimo. However, looking at his heavy expression, he knew that Ye Wen cared about Xia Yihan too. Mo Xiaojun was blaming Ye Zimo as well.    


"I'll help you too. If you need my help, feel free to contact me." Mo Xiaojun no longer blamed Ye Zimo. He didn't want him to be too confused. At this time, he needed everyone's reason to solve the problem as soon as possible.    


Mo Xiaojun only saw the report this morning, he rushed over with Hai Qingqing as soon as he got the news.    


If he had seen Ye Zimo when he found out about the story, he might have grabbed him by the collar and beaten him. After thinking about it for a while, he had finally calmed down. He also understood that Ye Zimo also did not want this to happen.    


"I need you to testify." "Yes," Ye Zimo said, and Mo Xiaojun acknowledged her.    


"I have a meeting with the lawyers, so I'll be leaving first."    


Ye Zimo got into a car that was parked not too far away after she finished talking.    


When he got off the car at Fu Group, the reporters surrounded him and asked: "Mr Ye, your fiancee is being questioned about her innocence, what do you think about this matter?"    


"Mr Ye, your fiancée was accused of killing someone because she didn't want you to know her true appearance. Do you hate her deceit?"    


Ye Zimo clenched her fists. He wanted to make these bastards under his orders disappear. He also wanted to beat up these people who had caused trouble for Xia Yihan.    


"As for everyone's questions, I'll call a press conference right away." After he finished speaking, he instructed Lin Ling who had already come out of the office building with a team of security personnel, "Friends of the reporters, please come to Fu Group's meeting room. In ten minutes, there will be a press conference regarding my fiancée."    


"Yes, Mr Ye!" Lin Ling wanted to chase the reporters away, but she did not expect Ye Zimo to not only prevent them from leaving, but also hold a reception with great fanfare.    


After giving it some thought, she felt that Ye Zimo wanted to use this opportunity to restore some of Xia Yihan's reputation.    


He definitely wasn't willing to face the media. It seemed that he was willing to do anything for Xia Yihan.    


The reporters were naturally happy that Ye Zimo was willing to answer questions, but this was completely different from their original intentions.    


Their mission was to make things difficult for Ye Zimo and make him speechless. However, when they saw the determination on Ye Zimo's face, they immediately realized that they might not be Ye Zimo's match yet.    


After ten minutes, Ye Zimo arrived at the meeting room on time. He had already instructed Lin Ling's procedures, so Lin Ling declared to all reporters, "Mr Ye will give everyone ten minutes to ask their own questions. Before that, he will tell everyone what he wants to say."    


As Ye Zimo spoke, the meeting room was completely silent.    


"First of all, I want to make it clear that my fiancee, Xia Yihan, absolutely didn't kill anyone. Secondly, I would say that my fiancée is the purest woman in the world, and that it is a complete and utter lie that others should question her character. Third, the fake will always be fake. I will quickly find evidence to prove that my fiancée is innocent. I also hope that at that time, our friends in the media will be able to uphold the principle of truth and truth and restore her reputation. "    


At first, the reporters were quiet for a moment. Then, someone began to issue a challenge.    


"Mr Ye, it's said that she wanted to kill you because she was afraid that you would know about her love history. Why did you say that she is the purest woman in the world? You must have been deceived by her, right?"    


Ye Zimo looked very calm. He faced the camera and said softly, "Deception never existed, she entered Ye Family for her ex-boyfriend. She has never lied to me about this. She has long confessed to me."    


"So she had a deep relationship with her ex-boyfriend?" A female reporter seemed to have caught on and asked.    


"If there is a person who has been taking care of you since you are three and have been taking care of you for twenty years, as long as you are a person with a conscience, will you not have any deep feelings for him?" Ye Zimo asked.    


The female reporter immediately did not reply. Another reporter added, "Since our relationship is so deep, why did she abandon him and stay with you? Is it because she wants to rely on the Wealthy Class for fame and fortune? "    


"My fiancée thought her ex-boyfriend had passed away, so she was with me, and I was the one who pursued her passionately. As for fame and fortune, her father was Chief of staff, Lee, and everyone knows whose son I am. In terms of fame, I'm not as famous as she is. Regarding benefits, the Li Clan is only stronger than Fu Group. "    


After Ye Zimo answered, the reporters were silent for a while, trying to figure out how to continue the conversation with him.    


"Mr Ye, her relationship with her ex-boyfriend is really as deep as you said, so it's very likely that they will have intimate relationships. How do you know she's pure? "    


"Although their relationship is extremely good and they can be considered to be male and female friends on the surface, in reality, they are more like siblings."    


"Mr Ye, could it be that you've been deceived?" a reporter asked.    


Ye Zimo remained expressionless and said flatly, "Before, Ye Zimo's women didn't change every day, but the gossip never stopped. I believe everyone here knows what kind of person I am, right? After so many women, do you still doubt my taste in women? "    


"This …"    


No matter how many questions the reporters asked, Ye Zimo always answered them flawlessly.    


Right now, they were having a hard time getting down from the tiger's back. If they didn't write it down, it would be a wasted interview. However, when they did, it wouldn't be difficult for Ye Zimo to write it down, but it would be to help her correct her name.    


"This is where the press conference is held." Ye Zimo stood up and left the meeting room with pursed lips.    


After leaving the house, Lin Dahui whispered in his ear, "Mr Ye, we've found the niece of the deceased. We've secretly brought her to a residential district. You can see her now."    


"Alright, I'll be there right away." The reporters were all listening attentively, and hearing his words, they immediately understood what he meant.    


"Mr Ye, will you use special methods, such as threatening the safety of witnesses and using false evidence to reverse your fiancée's case?" Another reporter asked.    


"Nope." Ye Zimo finished her short answer. Lin Ling had already called the Security Officer over and told the reporters: "The interview with Mr Ye has ended. He wants to work. Please leave."    


The reporters wanted to catch up, but they had no way to stop them through the security guards.    


Ye Zimo and Lin Dahui got on the car and went straight to the residential complex that Lin Dahui had mentioned. Da Feng was in the same room and Lin Dahui had specially arranged for his lover to look after her.    


His lover was very gentle and was usually liked by children. Lin Dahui was afraid that he would not take good care of Da Feng and cause her to panic, which would then affect the communication.    


Ye Zimo's expression was still solemn from the beginning until the end. However, when he saw Da Feng, he still put on a gentle expression.    


It was wrong for a child to lie, but the child must have been misguided or threatened by an adult.    


"Who are you?" Da Feng asked cautiously, frightened.    


"I'm Xia Yihan's lawyer. I called you here to ask you some questions."    


"You are a murderer's accomplice! You're a bad guy! It was Xia Yihan who killed my aunt, but you still want to help her? Da Feng's emotions instantly collapsed. She was cursing and beating Ye Zimo. That hatred was definitely not an act.    


Ye Zimo already knew Da Feng's feelings for her aunt, no wonder her child was so excited. In her heart, Sister Soong was as intimate as her own mother.    


Besides, she might have witnessed her aunt's death, which was too much of a psychological trauma for a minor child.    


Ye Zimo felt sympathy for her child, but she still had to ask what was important, and what was important had to be said.    


"Uncle knows you are sad, so you should continue." Ye Zimo said gently.    


"Don't pretend, you are a bad guy, anyone who wants to help her is a bad guy! She's a murderer, and so are you! " Da Feng was still agitated.    


Ye Zimo let her scold him for a long time, but he listened to her scolding with a gentle expression all the time. Even when she hit him, he didn't show the slightest reaction of rejection.    


Da Feng was tired after her scolding and beating, so she gradually calmed down.    


"Da Feng, you lied." Ye Zimo looked Da Feng straight in the eye and suddenly said.    


"I... I'm not lying. " Da Feng stuttered a little. Her confident demeanor seemed to have shrunk a little.    


"You lied. Your aunt didn't tell Xia Yihan to let her go." Ye Zimo looked at Da Feng and said with certainty.    


Da Feng bit her lips. After all, she was still an inexperienced Little Girl. Being educated since she was young wasn't right. Since she had lied to Ye Zimo a few times, she naturally felt guilty.    


It was only a moment before she remembered what the man had told her. She felt like she couldn't fall into Ye Zimo's trap, so she looked up and said, "She did! She said, I heard it myself. She put the money on my coffee table and told my aunt that her secret had made her forget, and that she hoped the money would make her forget. My aunt begged her to let me go, saying that I dared not take your money. " Da Feng spoke very quickly. With a glance, it was as if she was reciting a lesson from memory. It was a lie.    


"Da Feng!" Ye Zimo suddenly turned serious and frowned at Da Feng. His sudden seriousness scared Da Feng so much that she couldn't help but shiver.    


"You lying like that will let the person who really killed your aunt escape, do you understand?"    


His words had a deafening effect. Da Feng seemed to suddenly understand something, but at the same time, she seemed to be shocked. She never thought that her aunt was not killed by Xia Yihan.    


All she knew was that when she got home yesterday and saw her aunt lying in a pool of blood, she was scared out of her wits and screamed that someone had killed someone. Then a neighbor told her to call the police and she remembered to call them.    


She was grateful to her neighbor aunt, who had often taken care of her.    


When her aunt asked her who her aunt had a grudge with, and if anyone had come to the house, she said that Xia Yihan had come.    


The woman next door said it must have been Xia Yihan who killed her and taught her what to say to help her aunt.    


"Da Feng, your aunt is such a good person, you can't let her die in vain, you have to avenge her!" Let me tell you, this Xia Yihan's family is really powerful. You must listen to my aunt, and my aunt will tell you what to say so that she won't be able to escape. "    


Ye Zimo had been looking at Da Feng's expression. Seeing her expression change drastically, he continued to chase after her, "Someone told you that you have to say that in order for you to avenge your aunt's death, right? Da Feng, think about it, have you ever seen Xia Yihan before? She's so thin, do you think she has the strength to kill someone? She was wronged. "    


Da Feng thought for a long time. Sometimes she felt that Ye Zimo was right, and sometimes she felt that her neighbors' aunts were right.    


The auntie next door was someone she knew. She had more confidence in the aunt, but Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were on the same side.    


"I don't know!" Da Feng shook her head. She was too confused and didn't know what to do. It was as if she had fallen into a huge whirlpool, and she felt as if she would be swept into the bottomless abyss whenever she moved.    


"Alright, let's not talk about it. Uncle doesn't need to say anything. I can still find other evidence." Ye Zimo stretched out her hand to caress Da Feng's hair. His concerned expression made Da Feng calm down suddenly. Of course, it also made her relax a little, even though she didn't need to say it.    


Ye Zimo thought it might take some time, but he had to work from another direction.    


"Uncle, can I go home now?" Da Feng asked Ye Zimo.    


"Your home isn't safe. Uncle will send someone to protect you. Uncle will personally protect you."    


The look in Ye Zimo's eyes and the tone of his voice made Da Feng feel reassured. She nodded and decided to stay.    


She was beginning to believe Ye Zimo, and she wanted to keep an eye on him. If he was trustworthy, she would tell him the truth.    


Apart from going to see other witnesses, Ye Zimo spent the rest of the time with Da Feng, not talking to her about the case, but talking to her about other things.    


Hai Zhixuan and Lee Heetai kept in touch with Ye Zimo on the phone at all times and were on standby to find new evidence for Xia Yihan.    


At dusk, Da Feng took the initiative to tell Ye Zimo, "Uncle, I believe you. I want to tell you what happened yesterday!"    


Ye Zimo's spirit was shaken, but she did not dare to show it too much, afraid that Da Feng would think that he was a swindler.    


"Uncle, I'm lying. Am I a bad child?"    


"No, uncle knows Da Feng only lied because she wanted to avenge her aunt."    


"Yes, Auntie told me that when Xia Yihan gave money to my aunt, she told me to keep it a secret for her." Ye Zimo immediately raised her guard and asked, "Which aunt?"    


"That's right …"    


Before Da Feng could finish her sentence, she heard the sound of a police car, followed by a policeman shouting into a megaphone, "Ye Zimo, you've been surrounded. Release the witnesses!"    


Ye Zimo frowned. She knew that Zhong Yuquan must have found out that he brought Da Feng here. He came here so quickly. This was going to be troublesome.    


"Which aunt?" "Quickly tell uncle!"    


"NO!" Bad people want to capture uncle, uncle is a bad person! " In her heart, Da Feng still believed in the police. This change made her decide to believe in the neighbors.    


"I'm not! Tell me quickly! " He asked again, but Da Feng refused to say anything.    


This was a crucial moment, and he couldn't let the police take him away for no reason. Since Da Feng didn't want to tell her, Ye Zimo had no choice but to stop asking.    


He opened the door and said gently to Da Feng, "Are you suddenly afraid of me? If you trust the police, go with them, but don't go home. It's dangerous. "    


"I …" While Da Feng was hesitating, the police had already rushed in. She was taken away.    


That night, the news appeared again, completely suppressing Ye Zimo's press conference report that morning. The new news was a picture of Da Feng crying.    


The news topic was: The witness of Xia Yihan case was threatened.    


Although no one dared to threaten her, everyone naturally guessed that it was Ye Zimo who did it.    


"Damn Zhong Yuquan!" Ye Zimo clenched her fists, her face ashen.    


If Zhong Yuquan kept this up, the case would drag on for a long time. Xia Yihan didn't know how long she would be locked up for.    


He felt that he should go and talk to him first.    


Ye Zimo's appointment with Zhong Yuquan was very smooth sailing. Zhong Yuquan had been waiting for Ye Zimo to take the initiative to look for him ever since he had done this.    


He smiled sinisterly in a secret villa, thinking to force Ye Zimo to take a step back with the witness, making him understand that this case would not be so easily reversed.    


Zhong Yuquan was very careful. When Ye Zimo came, she stopped the car a short distance away, saying that Mr Ye was only allowed to go alone.    


Lin Dahui was very worried. Ye Zimo just gave him a wink and got into Zhong Yuquan's car to go to Zhong Yuquan's villa.    


"Zimo, drink tea." When Ye Zimo came in, she saw Zhong Yuquan lounging back in his chair, politely offering him tea.    


To think that he had this kind of feeling. His daughter was suffering in the jail, and he actually didn't feel any guilt at all.    


Ye Zimo didn't even sit down. "I'm not here for tea," he said coldly.    


"Young man, don't be so impatient. Don't worry about what it is. Drink some tea first and suppress the fire before we can talk about anything."    


Ye Zimo smiled mockingly and retorted, "What do you think I came here to talk about? Talk about not helping my father deal with you? About helping you climb higher? "    


Isn't it? He cared so much about Xia Yihan, why didn't he give in just for her?    


He knew that there were almost no flaws in this case. Ye Zimo should also know that if she made him angry, he might really send her to jail. At the very least, he could let her go to jail for a while.    


Zhong Yuquan just picked up his tea and took a few sips. Then, he said slowly, "I'm fine. You can sit here and think about it. What do you want to talk about with me?"    


"There's no need to think about it. I've only come for one purpose. "You should now order that Xia Yihan be released from the prison and converted into a residential surveillance unit."    


This was the only request he had for this trip. He knew that Zhong Yuquan had put in so much effort, so he wouldn't let Xia Yihan get released without sufficient evidence.    


He could not bear to have her in the jail any longer. He hoped that she would be able to live in a comfortable environment for the time being.    


It was about to be the Spring Festival. When all families reunited, she could not share the Spring Festival with her family, nor could she spend the new year in a dark place like the jail.    


"What a joke!" "She did something against the law, how can I be selfish …"    


"Enough!" Ye Zimo shouted at him coldly.    


"Don't say any false words in front of me. It's disgusting! Release it or not, you just give me one sentence. Let me remind you, as a person, you have to leave a way out for yourself. " Ye Zimoli said stiffly.    


Zhong Yuquan originally thought that Ye Zimo came to beg him. He thought that he had forced him to lower his head. To think that he would have such an attitude.    


The furious Zhong Yuquan slammed the table and shouted, "See the guests out!"    


"I've already warned you that you brought calamity upon yourself." Ye Zimo threw down those words before turning around and walking towards the door of the living room.    


"Ye Zimo, looks like you don't really love Xia Yihan. It's not that you don't understand the law, you should know that turning the case against her is even harder than ascending to heaven. You also know that as long as you display your sincerity, I won't be willing to make things difficult for my daughter. However, I am a person with a strong sense of purpose, and have not achieved my goal. Even if I have to sacrifice the benefits of the people around me, I will not hesitate. "    


The meaning of his words was that he could watch as Xia Yihan went to jail.    


Ye Zimo's expression turned even more unsightly. He didn't say anything else as an idea had already formed in his mind.    


That night, Zhong Yuquan stayed outside the city in the mansion and didn't go back.    


He knew that the most crucial moment had arrived recently, and he also knew that he had to maintain his consciousness at all times in order to compete with Ye Zimo.    


Zhong Yunchang already knew what he had done and had caused quite a ruckus with him. Therefore, he wouldn't let Zhong Yunchang catch his shadow until this matter was over.    


When it was about ten o'clock in the evening, Zhong Yuquan came out of the study, took two breaths of fresh air, and then went back into the room.    


He took a small notebook from the drawer and read through his recent plans. After making sure that everything was in order, he leaned back in his chair and rested his eyes for a while.    


"Ye Zimo, let's see how long you can last. If Xia Yihan doesn't come out, I don't care at all. Are you really as anxious as an ant on a hot pan? " He had already received a call from his assistant. After learning that Ye Zimo had left, he went to look for other witnesses.    


As for the other witnesses, he had his men protect them in their proper names. It was useless for Ye Zimo to look for anyone.    


Zhong Yuquan closed his eyes again to rest for a while. Then, he got up and sat down in front of the sofa. He slowly brewed a pot of kung fu tea.    


Drinking kung fu tea was one of his hobbies. Sometimes, when he was meditating over something, he would make a pot for himself.    


He poured tea into a small cup. Before he could bring it to her mouth, Ye Zimo had already received a text message from the man in black: "Master, his tea set has been poisoned. He is making tea and will be drinking it soon."    


Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes and looked out the window.    


Zhong Yuquan only needed to drink that cup of tea and he would die.    


That fellow surnamed Zhong, in order to gain power, did you ever think that once you die, all of your plans will be completely useless?    


At this moment, Zhong Yuquan didn't expect that someone in his well-fortified villa would easily poison him. He lifted up his cup, placed it in front of him, closed his eyes and took a deep sniff …    


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