Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C623 Married to a Rich Family 554

C623 Married to a Rich Family 554

The others also frowned after they got out of the car and looked at the desolate place in front of them. This place was too remote, they really needed help.    


Looking at the people in the village, they all stretched their necks in curiosity at the sight of the outsiders, wanting to see what kind of people they were.    


Compared to them, Xia Yihan was not the one who suffered the most. She decided to go back to help a foundation, called the Millie Foundation, specifically to help the out-of-school children in the poor areas. Xia Yihan had to fix up the school here, and when she returned, she would discuss the situation with her agent.    


Ye Zimo had been paying attention to Xia Yihan's situation. Seeing her expression, she knew that Xia Yihan felt sorry for these people. It seemed like he had to do something when he returned, not just for Xia Yihan, but also because the people here were in great pain.    


The charity had sent someone to bring them here, presumably to let them know that the money they had donated was really going to the place, to the knife.    


The one leading them was a man in his thirties, whom everyone called Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang had a smile on his face and chatted with others along the way. They were very talkative. Lin Jie was a scenery in the car, and Xiao Zhang was another landscape.    


There was also a twenty-something year old girl who introduced herself as Little Chu. In total, four of them were from a charity.    


"There's no other way. We can only use it." Xiao Zhang said with deep sympathy.    


This place was actually not a destination. There was no road, and there was no road at the moment. How poor was this place? After they heard what Xiao Zhang said, none of them said anything. There were a lot of people who came along, many of whom Xia Yihan didn't know.    


After hearing what Xiao Zhang said, everyone nodded their heads and agreed that no one said anything.    


He stood next to Xu Haosheng, looking at the people coming and going along the road from time to time. It was the harvest time, and many of them were busy harvesting crops. Si Si had been holding Lin Jie's hand all this time, and her brows were furrowed tightly. What was this place, it was so poor, she still had to walk when she didn't want to come next time.    


"I can't walk." Si Si pulled Lin Jie and said with a bit of grievance. She glanced at Xia Yihan. Why did she wear sneakers? Si Si always wore high heels. Looking at Xia Yihan's sneakers, Si Si really wanted those shoes to grow ten centimeters long.    


The voice wasn't loud. No one in the team said anything. Xiao Zhang heard Si Si's words. The other ladies in the team also nodded to indicate that they couldn't walk and wanted to rest.    


"How are you?" Ye Zimo turned her head to look at Xia Yihan. Those women couldn't leave, so Lil Thing was probably tired as well. Should she take this opportunity to find some benefits?    


"It's fine, I can still walk." Xia Yihan's heart suddenly felt warm. Ye Zimo still remembered her. Ever since she got off the car, Ye Zimo's face had always been smelly. Xia Yihan thought that he could not see her every move because his eyes were on the top of his head.    


"If not, I'll carry you?" Ye Zimo voiced out her thoughts.    


Xia Yihan glanced at Ye Zimo and shook her head. He was already very tired from walking so far. Xia Yihan could not bear to have Ye Zimo carry him.    


Xu Haosheng also paid attention to Xia Yihan. Since Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were talking, it wouldn't be good for him to interrupt.    


Due to the relationship between a man and a woman, many people wanted to hurry to the resting area to rest. Some people needed to rest for a while, so the team was divided. Xiao Zhang and Chu and the other two decided to lead them separately after discussing it.    


Xia Yihan wanted to leave, but Ye Zimo naturally followed along with her.    


She couldn't leave even if she wanted to, so she could only stay and wait for the next batch. Since Eldest Young Master Lin came with Si Si, it wasn't good to leave Si Si behind and leave her alone. Xu Haosheng was with Lin Jie, so they split up.    


Watching Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo leave, Xu Haosheng felt uncomfortable. Sofia had already agreed to marry her, and in his eyes, Xia Yihan was already his wife, and Ye Zimo was the third person to join them. Xu Haosheng knew that Xia Yihan still had an afterimage of Ye Zimo in her mind, and he understood even more clearly that he couldn't have Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo alone for now.    


He really had to thank Lin Jie for bringing this woman, Sofia, with him. If it hadn't been for her, how could Xu Haosheng have been separated from Yihan, how could he have had the chance to be alone with Yihan, and how important it was that he and Yihan were still in a tense relationship.    


Looking at Si Si, Ye Zimo had always felt very familiar. This time, he inadvertently turned his head and saw the unwillingness and hatred in Si Si's eyes.    


Hatred? Did she hate Yihan or him? Ye Zimo frowned and narrowed her eyes. It seemed like she needed to investigate this Si Si woman when she got back. Ye Zimo did not want her woman to be harmed.    


Si Si looked down at Ye Zimo's inquiring eyes and pretended to be obedient, but Ye Zimo was already suspicious of her. No matter how hard Si Si tried to pretend to be obedient, Ye Zimo couldn't see her.    


"Haosheng, you go first?" Lin Jie looked at Xu Haosheng's anxious, helpless gaze and thought that his friend must have followed him after seeing Xia Yihan, because Xu Haosheng was here.    


"It's okay, we'll get together eventually."    


Yes, no matter what, he and Xiao Ai would eventually get together. Xu Haosheng didn't know if this was comforting him or encouraging him, but he had a bad premonition.    


"Good luck." Lin Jie patted Xu Haosheng's shoulder to support his friend.    


Si Si never looked at Xu Haosheng. This man had forgotten about her after the Spring Festival Gala. Si Si was even more unbalanced when she kept thinking about Xia Yihan. She didn't know what was so good about Xia Yihan that she could attract so many gazes.    


Xu Haosheng didn't remember Si Si at all. Even though Si Si had complained to him, Xu Haosheng had automatically shielded himself. With Lin Jie beside her, Si Si didn't dare to make any moves. Xu Haosheng had never paid attention to Si Si.    


Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo bid their farewells and left the group. The two of them walked and stopped, paying attention to the simple and honest folk style.    


Perhaps the heavens were helping Ye Zimo, or perhaps the heavens were watching as Xia Yihan left without a hitch and wanted to give her a small punishment. Regardless of the reason, it showed that Xia Yihan had suffered a disaster.    


"How is it?" Ye Zimo frowned. This little thing could actually walk and twist its legs even while wearing sneakers. He didn't know what to say, but twisting his feet was a good thing. Ye Zimo could save the beauty like a hero.    


"I'm fine." Xia Yihan gritted her teeth as she said this. She hadn't checked the calendar when she went out today. She could even twist her legs when she walked. Xia Yihan decided to check the calendar when she went out in the future.    


Ye Zimo supported Xia Yihan as they walked two steps forward. Even he felt his heart ache when he looked at her. Ye Zimo squatted down in front of Xia Yihan, gesturing for Xia Yihan to come up and carry her on her back.    


Xia Yihan was dumbfounded after seeing Ye Zimo squat down. What kind of tempo was this? Was he going to carry her on his back?    


"Come up."    


It had been a long time since she heard anything, so she reminded Xia Yihan that this little thing was probably pleasantly surprised. Meanwhile, Xia Yihan was also pleasantly surprised.    


"Come on, I'll carry you. There's still a long way to go."    


Ye Zimo explained a few more words. Her voice was a bit stiff, but it was filled with worry and concern.    


Xia Yihan smiled as she climbed onto Ye Zimo's back. At this moment, Xia Yihan couldn't see anyone but Ye Zimo. She put her arms around Ye Zimo's neck and leaned against her warm and broad back. Xia Yihan felt really blessed.    


Xu Haosheng and Lin Jie had just rounded the corner with Sofia in tow, and the scene of Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo had come into their view without any suspense.    


Si Si had a ferocious expression on her face. She wanted nothing more than to drag Xia Yihan down. What right did she have to receive such good treatment? She could only walk on her own; this was unfair.    


Looking at the two of them, Lin Jie felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He automatically thought that they were crying out for injustice for Xu Haosheng.    


Xu Haosheng looked at the two people's broken hearts. He was the one who wanted to go up and separate them the most. Xia Yihan's smile stung him. Xu Haosheng quickened his pace. How could he go up now?    


Lin Jie felt bad in his heart, so he didn't notice Xu Haosheng's abnormality. Si Si wished she could cut Xia Yihan into pieces. How could she have the energy to pay attention to anything else?    


The three of them thought differently and didn't notice the strangeness of the other party. Later on, Xu Haosheng heard about Xia Yihan's narrow escape in the United States and blamed himself for it. If he was more careful, he wouldn't have let Si Si succeed.    


After walking for half an hour, Xia Yihan whispered, "Put me down, you take a rest."    


Xia Yihan still felt sorry for Ye Zimo. She had only walked for less than half an hour and was already worried. When Ye Zimo heard his concern, she would be happy to carry him for another two hours.    


"It's alright, I'm not tired. I'm almost there." Ye Zimo consoled Xia Yihan. He hoped she would arrive a little later.    


Xia Yihan looked at the scenery on the road and the route Xiao Zhang described. There seemed to be quite a bit of distance between them.    


"Just help me walk." Xia Yihan suggested that Ye Zimo carry her on her back and feel uneasy. Xia Yihan didn't think of anything else as the two of them were walking alone. Xia Yihan didn't expect Lin Jie and Xu Haosheng to be able to see them clearly from behind.    


"You've sprained your foot. It'll be bad if you walk."    


Ye Zimo said in a dignified manner.    


"It's okay, I can't let you carry me forever." Xia Yihan said shyly. This was the outside world. After walking for such a long distance, they should reach a place with people living. Xia Yihan did not want to become a panda.    


Ye Zimo really wanted to tell Xia Yihan that he could always carry her on his back so that other men wouldn't be able to touch his little things.    


Xia Yihan saw that Ye Zimo did not speak, so she did not know what was wrong with Crown Prince Ye.    


"I'm afraid you're tired."    


After all, Ye Zimo had carried her on her back for a very long time. She must be tired after not speaking. No matter how many changes there were, Xia Yihan would always be kind and always think for others.    


This sentence was without a doubt the sweetest words. Ye Zimo enjoyed it the most, and the smile on her face showed that her master was in a very good mood.    


"I'm not tired. Don't worry, I'll find someone to look for when I get there." Ye Zimo's voice was no longer hard.    


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